“Why do we love the idea that people might be secretly working together to control and organise the world? Because we don’t like to face the fact that our world runs on a combination of chaos, incompetence and confusion.”

Jonathan Cainer

“Never join a conspiracy that you could possibly betray, because if you could, someone else will.”

Peter J. Carroll

“I believe conspiracy theorists are creating a conspiracy to distract us from the real conspiracy that is going on”

Chuck Bridges

“I can’t shake the feeling that all these conspiracy theorists are in on it.”

Wynne McLaughlin

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I See
June 4, 2017 11:36 am

Do you want to be in on “It”? The conspiracy is not a theory. Read the book of Revelation, in the Bible, and see where this is all going. The Beast is the NWO. That’s a one-world government.
The leaders of the world are working toward the NWO so they can get a high ranking job in that government. They want to be part of the Elite. They may not be the top, but they won’t be at the bottom like you and me. They will keep eating while we starve.
The NWO will have the military on their side because they will feed the military people. The military will do as they are told, just to keep eating.
If you want to eat, you will do as you are told.
Ignorant people are more easily controlled. That’s why the Elites want to fill the western countries with illegals, and Muslims. The whole conspiracy is to have enough people to run the worlds production, and take care of the Elites. The rest of us can be eliminated.
Not to worry; Jesus Christ will stop them, though many of us may die before then.

June 4, 2017 7:34 pm

Two people acting together in pursuit of a common goal is a CONSPIRACY. When the Bilderberg group gets together to discuss their plans for the world and its future, it is a conspiracy of action towards their common goal. TRUTH is all that is needed to avoid any speculation about conspiracies when crimes (especially government ones) are committed. Sadly TRUTH is never what is allowed, because the truth would require the guilty to be held accountable, and that is NOT how government or our world works anymore.

When anything happens, ASSUME the worst, ASSUME a conspiracy, and ASSUME the government is behind whatever happened. You are FAR MORE LIKELY to be correct than to assume the innocence of anyone who inherently loathes your freedom and liberty.