Via Branco

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August 7, 2017 8:40 am

YoBo, Maybe you can explain this:

Darn- the page is moved but you can see the shirts on Drudge (right side of page)this morning. Rainbow swastika shirts with the word PEACE under the swastika.

August 7, 2017 9:31 am

The new fascists -Antifa and such- are going to win unless we start fighting back.

And I mean really fighting back, not posting to each other on dark and obscure corners of the internet.

When they become afraid to attack us we, along with everyone else, will become safe again.

norman franklin
norman franklin
August 7, 2017 10:15 am

Antifa is not going to win jack. Also like Yoji has so often pointed out they are not facists they are marxist’s. Big difference at least in the level of competence. Marxist’s can’t feed people or make the trains run on time.

They are bullies of the first order and when taken out of a group are a bunch of fearful incompetents whose only real skill is making coffee or operating a smart phone. All bullies eventually get smacked down where they belong, sniveling in a pool of their own blood and tears.

The only thing they might win is a trip to the fema camp or a visit to the bone orchard.

Another Anon
Another Anon
  norman franklin
August 7, 2017 10:20 am

Anti-fa are the Stalinists and the Alt-Right are the Nazis of today. Both want their own brand of “free” speech accepted at the expense of all others. Neither one has a problem claiming the “other side” deserves to die if they don’t succumb to the other’s ideology.

Welcome to the 4T.

  Another Anon
August 7, 2017 10:27 am

But what we see on the streets is what we see in that cartoon.

August 7, 2017 10:44 am

No, that is made for tv, bought and paid for, same old same.

August 7, 2017 11:36 am

I take it you don’t watch much TV or read news outside of the MSM, those aren’t actors faking something those are real people attacking Trump and right side of the aisle demonstrators.

And they are present both here and in Europe, a worldwide movement as such.

Further, there are threats, violence, hostile demonstrations, riots, and even legal action is being taken by the Leftists to keep any right side speakers and demonstrations in public and particularly on College and University campuses suppressed.

Can you show me anything -ANYTHING- equivalent coming from the right side?

Sophism doesn’t suit you well, you are not very good at it.

  norman franklin
August 7, 2017 12:59 pm

Norman wrote–
” All bullies eventually get smacked down where they belong, sniveling in a pool of their own blood and tears.”
The longer it takes to stand up to them the more damage they can cause.Nazis,Communists,radical Muslims,etc.
And don’t kid yourself,many of these lefties are not people whom we would consider wimps,even in our prime,which not too many guys on this list are.

norman franklin
norman franklin
August 7, 2017 1:35 pm

Tampa, you are correct about the longer it takes to put them down the more damage they do. Thing is they seem to mostly be breaking their own shit. Like dindus. Their colleges, parks, neighborhoods. All it will take is one 70 year old bad ass getting ganged up on because he wore a MAGA hat. Losing the fight he pulls his piece and puts a couple of little fags in the ground. the rest will scatter like roaches and assuming he lives in a sane red state a jury of his peers finds him innocent of any crime. Notice how this drama never occurs in the hinter boonies? And it never will because these grown children would be quickly dispatched.

Annie mouse, you say ‘these are real people attacking Trump and people on the right.’ Real people? Most don’t know the issues they trumpet. It is cool, a fad, for some it is the only chance they have of getting laid. Plus without the soros 10$ an hour subsidy this whole movement withers and dies.

Again we on the right don’t have to confront them on their turf. What do I care what happens in PHX, LA, New York, or Boston. It is a pebble in my shoe. All we need to do is continue to educate the uninformed, spread ((truth)) and show them for the ignorant gib me dats they are. That and be prepared to meet them on ‘our’ village green with overwhelming force when they finally get up the nerve to venture far from the supply lines of their moms well stocked basements.

August 7, 2017 1:36 pm

Speaking of Antifa,here is a bit of good news and a bunch of bad news.
I was at my mom’s the other day and found a paper from early July that had not been thrown out.
A headline caught my eye so I read the story.It was in the 7/8/17 issue of the Tampa Bay Times,but it was a story that was picked up from the Washington Post and added to by the locals.
The story was fairly long because the guy was from Tampa but I will just give a few facts.
On 7/7,the 1st of about 200 protesters to have their cases resolved after being arrested & charged w/rioting during Trump’s inauguration was sentenced.
The good news-he pled to 2 felonies-assault on a police officer and inciting a riot.
The bad-the prosecutor only asked for 6 months & Judge Lynn Leibovitz(I’m not taking the time to look it up but if she was appointed by a Republican & not Clinton or Obama,I’ll send $10 to the TBP donation fund) gave him 4 months,even though he was on tape carrying gear such as gas masks and hammers,and was on tape throwing rocks and Bricks at cops and windows. The tape was played in court.
One of the reasons the judge went easy on him was because it couldn’t be proven that the rocks he threw hurt any of the cops who were injured during the riot.
The guy spent 9 years in the army.He is 31 now.
Now for the funny but sick part-his atty told the judge that he has spent his life protesting and demonstrating for peace in an effort “to create a world where everyone is treated w/humanity.”

norman franklin
norman franklin
August 7, 2017 1:45 pm

He was probably a REMF.

August 7, 2017 10:43 am

More Nazi bullshit. Rebrand swastikas, and surprised Jews do not want it?
What a joke.

August 7, 2017 10:47 am

Llpoh, last time I looked the rainbow crowd was a little fruity. Does the new peace and love swastika crowd lean to the LBGTQ side?

August 7, 2017 1:24 pm

But you say the Russians are our friends and yet they are still killing their own. Putin leveled 4 blocks of high rise apartments to start the Chechen war.