US ‘Greatest Threat To World Peace’? With Lew Rockwell

A recent poll of people in 30 countries showed that most respondents find the United States to be the greatest threat to world peace. The results are similar to those of another poll four years ago. Is it true? In today’s Liberty Report we are joined by Mises Institute founder Lew Rockwell to take a look at all the places where the US military empire operates and how that contributes to the negative perception of the US overseas. Do citizens of any country anywhere look at the arrival of US troops and say to themselves, “thank goodness, now we’re safe,” asks Lew Rockwell. Plus don’t miss Lew Rockwell’s excellent explanation of why you should join us in Washington, DC next month for our annual peace and prosperity conference!

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August 11, 2017 9:18 am

We should just pull out of the world and let them fend for themselves against each other.

Let the UN do its own thing without us as well.

Then the world would love us.

August 11, 2017 10:02 am

There are no other 2 people in the world that I’d rather hear discuss issues of the day than Ron and Lew. It gives me hope that the dolts and suckers aren’t winning.

Daniel mades a very important point to keep separate the u.s. gov’t from the American people. Keep that in mind when you hear some flunky using the words ‘us’ and ‘we’ when speaking about some gov’t action or position. It’s ‘us’ the American people against them the federal gov’t and those idiots who can’t see the difference.

August 11, 2017 10:21 am

But the American government was created to be, as Lincoln pointed out, to be of by and for the people.

You cannot separate them since the people elect, appoint and support them and that is reflected in its actions.

August 11, 2017 11:15 am

I thought you’d take the bait, like any other fish.

August 11, 2017 11:30 am

I rather think you actually believe what you posted, I doubt you were just trolling.

August 11, 2017 12:19 pm

Oh, I believe it heart and soul. And I believe your statements are worthy of my description. That you fuse your identity with the state is akin to a Nazi party member belonging to the 3rd Reich as chattel or a mule-like proletariat in some communist regime. This country is suppose to be about the Sovereign Individual. The independent mind and soul that broke loose eons of slavery by the state (for some).

So you’re one who wishes to travel with the pack or school. A fish.

August 11, 2017 10:54 am


“We” don’t elect anybody…the pols elect themselves.
If an actual viable candidate tries a turn at it, he-she
gets crushed…one way or another. Maybe a few
exceptions. Honest stands up…oops he-she gets
shot by a crazed crazy. Family gets threatened.
Gov is just a graft machine/a mining expedition,
all over the world. Gov will retire when there is
no $$ left to loot in the USA.

August 11, 2017 11:31 am

Trump is in office.

i forget
i forget
August 11, 2017 7:01 pm

The loot is galoots, galootesses. People. Always has been. Slavery, blunt force to sophisticated.

August 11, 2017 1:49 pm

So stupid China outs itself.

North Korea is Chinas proxy.

Have the US pull out and let the Chinese take Japan and Australia for starters.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 11, 2017 2:50 pm

What happened to Walk Softly but carry a big stick? ISIS is a Hole in the Wall Gang that deserves a Hanging Posse; Ukraine, Libya, Iraq and Syria didn’t (NeoCon crimes). Bullies and endless occupations always create bitter enemies; apply Swift Justice and go home or create a lot of Blow-back. Fatboy Hitler is asking for an permanent attitude adjustment if he commits a crime but be very careful about sending in the US MIC Swat Team before that event; China is itching for trouble and has his back if we jump the gun. Hold a gun at Fatboy Hitler’s head and be patient; he will hang himself.

August 11, 2017 3:06 pm

Only a complete fucking moron or neocon traitor would deny that the US is the greatest threat to world peace. It is so obvious that even to debate the subject is ridiculous.

August 11, 2017 9:37 pm

define peace