Laughing on the Way to Armageddon

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us.

The latest spin on “Russia stole the election” is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.

We have been subjected to ten months of propaganda about Trump/Putin election interference and still not a scrap of evidence. It is past time to ask an unasked question: If there were evidence, what is the big deal? All sorts of interest groups try to influence election outcomes including foreign governments. Why is it OK for Israel to influence US elections but not for Russia to do so? Why do you think the armament industry, the energy industry, agribusiness, Wall Street and the banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc., etc., supply the huge sum of money to finance election campaigns if their intent is not to influence the election? Why do editorial boards write editorials endorsing one candidate and damning another if they are not influencing the election?

What is the difference between influencing the election and influencing the government? Washington is full of lobbyists of all descriptions, including lobbyists for foreign governments, working round the clock to influence the US government. It is safe to say that the least represented in the government are the citizens themselves who don’t have any lobbyists working for them.

The orchestrated hysteria over “Russian influence” is even more absurd considering the reason Russia allegedly interfered in the election. Russia favored Trump because he was the peace candidate who promised to reduce the high tensions with Russia created by the Obama regime and its neocon nazis—Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power. What’s wrong with Russia preferring a peace candidate over a war candidate? The American people themselves preferred the peace candidate. So Russia agreed with the electorate.

Those who don’t agree with the electorate are the warmongers—the military/security complex and the neocon nazis. These are democracy’s enemies who are trying to overturn the choice of the American people. It is not Russia that disrespects the choice of the American people; it is the utterly corrupt Democratic National Committee and its divisive Identity Politics, the military/security complex, and the presstitute media who are undermining democracy.

I believe it is time to change the subject. The important question is who is it that is trying so hard to convince Americans that Russian influence prevails over us?

Do the idiots pushing this line realize how impotent this makes an alleged “superpower” look. How can we be the hegemonic power that the Zionist neocons say we are when Russia can decide who is the president of the United States?

The US has a massive spy state that even intercepts the private cell phone conversations of the Chancellor of Germany, but his massive spy organization is unable to produce one scrap of evidence that the Russians conspired with Trump to steal the presidential election from Hillary. When will the imbeciles realize that when they make charges for which no evidence can be produced they make the United States look silly, foolish, incompetent, stupid beyond all belief?

Countries are supposed to be scared of America’s threat that “we will bomb you into the stone age,” but the President of Russia laughs at us. Putin recently described the complete absence of any competence in Washington:

“It is difficult to talk to people who confuse Austria and Australia. But there is nothing we can do about this; this is the level of political culture among the American establishment. As for the American people, America is truly a great nation if the Americans can put up with so many politically uncivilized people in their government.”

These words from Putin were devastating, because the world understands that they are accurate.

Consider the idiot Nikki Haley, appointed by Trump in a fit of mindlessness as US Ambassador to the United Nations. This stupid person is forever shaking her fist at the Russians while mouthing yet another improbable accusation. She might want to read Mario Puzo’s book, The Godfather. Everyone knows the movie, but if memory serves somewhere in the book Puzo reflects on the practice of the irate American motorist who shakes a fist and gives the bird to other drivers. What if the driver receiving the insult is a Mafia capo? Does the idiot shaking his fist know who he is accosting? No. Does the moron know that the result might be a brutal beating or death? No.

Does the imbecile Nikki Haley understand what can be the result of her inability to control herself? No. Every knowledgeable person I know wonders if Trump appointed the imbecile Nikki Haley US ambassador to the world for the purpose of infuriating the Russians.

Ask Napoleon and the German Wehrmacht the consequence of infuriating the Russians.

After 16 years the US “superpower” has been unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban, who have no air force, no Panzer divisions, no worldwide intelligence service, and the crazed US government in Washington is courting war with Russia and China and North Korea and Iran.

The American people are clearly out to lunch in their insouciance. Americans are fighting among themselves over “civil war” statues, while “their’ government invites nuclear armageddon.

The United States has an ambassador to the world who shows no signs of intelligence, who behaves as if she is Mike Tyson or Bruce Lee to the 5th power, and who is the total antithesis of a diplomat. What does this tell about the United States?

It reveals that the US is in the Roman collapse stage when the emperor appoints horses to the Senate.

The United States has a horse, an uncivilized horse, as its diplomat to the world. The Congress and executive branch are also full of horses and horse excrement. The US government is completely devoid of intelligence. There is no sign of intelligence anywhere in the U.S. government. Of or morality. As Hugo Chavez said: Satan is there; you can smell the sulphur.

America is a joke with nuclear weapons, the prime danger to life on earth.

How can this danger be corralled?

The American people would have to realize that they are being led to their deaths by the Zionist neocon nazis who, together with the military/security complex and Wall Street, control US foreign policy, by the complicity of Europe and Great Britain desperate to retain their CIA subsidies, and by the harlots that comprise the Western media.

Are Americans capable of comprehending this? Only a few have escaped The Matrix.

The consequence is that America is being locked into conflict with Russia and China. There is no possibility whatsoever of Washington invading either country, much less both, so war would be nuclear.

Do the American people want Washington to bring us this result? If not, why are the American people sitting there sucking their thumbs, doing nothing? Why are Europe and Great Britain sitting there permitting the unfolding of nuclear armageddon? Who murdered the peace movement?

The World and the American people need desperately to rein in the warmonger United States, or the world will cease to exist.

An International Court To Preserve Life On Earth needs to be assembled. The US government and the war interests it serves need to be indicted and prosecuted and disarmed before their evil destroys life on earth.

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September 9, 2017 9:44 am

At one time, I wondered why TPTB did not whack PC Roberts. In most societies of which I know, telling the truth about the ruling class has always been a capital offense. I finally realized that TPTB don’t care, they just laugh at him, while enjoying the fruits of their decadence.

Roberts, and other commentators like him, have been pushed out to the fringe. No newspaper will publish him; no mainstream website will allow him opportunity to speak. Doesn’t matter, most people in this country will think he is a nutcase. Only a small fraction of one percent, like the people who read this website, choose to see what is to be seen. Most people in this country are willfully deaf and blind. They love the propaganda they are fed.

I suspect that this site and others like it are allowed to exist so the oversight organizations can collect the names of the first groups of people to be collected into the detention camps.

I no longer bother to tell the people around me what my vision of the future is. They don’t want to hear it; I see no reason to annoy them further. Those with eyes to see will see; the others will never see. They will experience what is to happen soon enough, but will never have any idea why it is happening. Hopefully, I will be out of here and in South America, or some other refuge, before the tribulation starts.

On a happy note, I was pleased to see that PCR is back to using his favorite word.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
September 9, 2017 10:09 am

“Insouciance”. Yeah he loves that word. But it really fits, unfortunately. I spend about two months a year in the States, now, and that’s only for family reasons. I’ve given up trying to wake the insouciant ones.

September 9, 2017 10:29 am

America is evil.

It’s got to go.

Along with all its people, except the migrants who will make it an acceptable nation again.

September 9, 2017 10:53 am

The reason it’s got to continue is the Media and Marxist are all in. All the chips are on the table.

If they lose and all their lies are exposed, they lose everything as well including their Religion of Progressiveness.

By the same token if they win. Poof goes alternative media and free speech. Poof goes anything other then rigged elections. It’s a replay of Venezuela.

September 9, 2017 11:11 am

PCR hits a massive home run today. +10000000

That CUNT (!!!!!!!) Nikki Haley, because of her position, is probably the most evil and destructive woman in Amerika today …. 100 times worse than even Pelosi.

Trump really really fucked up with that appointment. After firing most of his staff, why keep her?? Obviously, he must believe she’s making Amerika great again. Trump ain’t draining no swamp, he’s filling it with fresh meat. “Oh, but look at all his accomplishments!”. Whatever …..

September 9, 2017 11:18 am

At least he is not Hillary…………….Just think where we would be now if he were not playing 432D chess.

September 9, 2017 11:22 am

My husband and I keep saying that “at least he isn’t Hillary” but now that I know about the lizard shapeshifters David Ickes believes are in charge, I’m thinking they are ALL lizard shapeshifters.

And, Bea… you are way more fun than you were last week.

September 9, 2017 11:38 am

Thanks Maggie! 🙂

Yoebbels brings out my dark side.

September 9, 2017 10:58 pm

Maggie, you and others should check out a 2017 documentary currently on Netflix called Unacknowledged.

Throughout my doom porn odyssey I’ve constantly been steered toward the Alien conspiracy theory. This documentary claims that aliens will likely be used as the ultimate black swan event by our owner/controllers.

September 9, 2017 11:14 am


Before you down vote me, keep in mind Nikki is a YUGE Joo loving twat.

September 9, 2017 1:05 pm

Why would I do that? I agree with you. She is a fucking idiot.

Not Sure
Not Sure
September 9, 2017 11:17 am

I wonder if any have considered what life would be like when the reapers scythe cuts across the alt media? I believe we are in our own for of cognitive dissonance that we take for granted what we can access on the internet on any given day. Have you given any thought as to how you will access what’s really going down when all we will have is CNN and whatever Google allows us to see?

  Not Sure
September 9, 2017 11:25 am

Samizdat, hand carried.

September 9, 2017 11:21 am

“It is difficult to talk to people who confuse Austria and Australia. But there is nothing we can do about this; this is the level of political culture among part of the American establishment. As for the American people, America is truly a great nation if the Americans can put up with so many politically uncivilised people.”

Wow. Even though I have just written a commentary on the level of frustration and, frankly, contempt, the Russians are feeling towards their American counterparts, these words by Vladimir Putin are truly a slap in the face that will resonate around the world for a long time to come even if the imperial corporate media makes another herculean effort at not noticing them. I can only repeated what I said in my previous article, I have never ever heard anything even remotely resembling the kind of language coming out of Russia today.

By the way, Putin confirmed what I wrote yesterday when he said: “The Americans had the right to reduce the number of our diplomatic offices. It is another matter altogether that they have done this in way that was absolutely uncivil“.

Had the Americans just expelled any number of diplomats or closed some Russian diplomatic facilities the Russians would have accepted that as “played by the rules”. But Trump and the intellectual midgets surrounding him decided to publicly humiliate Russia and instead ended up ridiculing themselves. Yesterday, another well-know Russian politician, Sergei Markov, referred to the American leadership as “amoral pygmies”!

To say that the Russians are unimpressed by Trump’s thuggery is an understatement.

Putin also set a trap for the Trump Administration when he said: “I will ask our Foreign Ministry to file a lawsuit. We will see how effectively the much-lauded American judicial system works.” This is a very devious move as it places the USA in a lose-lose situation: if the courts decide for the Russians, then Trump looks like an uncivilized thug, if the courts decide for the USA, it is the world-wide reputation of a putatively independent judicial system which turns into roadkill.

Finally, Putin set yet another trap for Trump: he said that he would present a UNSC Resolution authorizing the deployment of a UN contingent to protect the OSCE peacekeepers along the demarcation line in the Donbass but only after “disengaging the parties and removing the heavy equipment. This cannot be resolved without direct contact with representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic“. If the Americans say no, they now look like hypocrites, but if they say yes, then they are condoning a process which can turn the current demarcation line into something similar to the de-factor border between the Turkish-occupied zone and the rest of Cyprus, something totally unacceptable to the Neocons and their Ukronazi allies in Kiev.

But the real story is the change in Russian rhetoric. It will be mostly lost on westerners who have long given up on taking what politicians say seriously and who are used to all sorts of antics from their leaders. But in a culture in which words count (and that includes all of Asia for starters) this change of tone will be immediately understood for what it is: the equivalent of a medieval slap in the face, a deliberate sign of disrespect and even a sign of total contempt and disgust.

Trump might well go down in history of the President who screwed-up a historical opportunity to really change our entire planet for the better and who, instead, by his abject lack of courage and honor, his total lack of political and diplomatic education and by his groveling subservience to the “swamp” he had promised to drain ended up being as pathetically clueless as Obama was.

Source: The Vineyard of the Saker

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
September 9, 2017 11:57 am

Very, very sad.

How did Trump get turned on Russia? IMO, China and Russia are leaders of BRICS and they are insistent on getting out of the PetroDollar shackles and they have taken action to do so. If you review Libya and Iraq, they were going to trade oil, etc. in something other than the dollar.

To the real people in charge, explain to Trump the devastation of losing the Dollar as the Reserve Currency; also, going after China was not an option.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant

Tell us about the azek deck. Building my front porch soon. I’d like to know your issue, as I had planned using azek over pressure treated.

September 9, 2017 11:25 am

“The US government is completely devoid of intelligence. There is no sign of intelligence anywhere in the U.S. government. Or of morality. ” Well, he got the last part nearly right (I fixed it), there is no morality in government at all. As far as intelligence goes, yes there are some real dumb dodos (Mad Max Waters) but many of them are following a script that they hope will not only keep them in power but elevate them to royalty status.

They rake in money by the wheel barrel, talk out of both sides of their mouth and sometimes out of their ass, all the while disparaging half the population. There are not many Rhodes Scholars in the group, but they always get re-elected to continue on the path of the same destruction all the while gaining unheard of wealth.

The best fix for this is one term limits which will never happen. It is the insouciant voters that keep putting them back, often because they are hoping for some promised benefit in return; more free shit.

September 9, 2017 11:27 am

“After 16 years the US “superpower” has been unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban, who have no air force, no Panzer divisions, no worldwide intelligence service, and the crazed US government in Washington is courting war with Russia and China and North Korea and Iran.”

You’ll never defeat an enemy that doesn’t wear a uniform.

September 9, 2017 11:33 am

How long was Russia in Afghanistan? I don’t believe that they departed with a victory either.

September 9, 2017 12:13 pm

Absolutely right, look at history, sooner or later the invader always looses

September 9, 2017 11:33 am

“It is of course embarrassing at the very least to place us on par with North Korea and then ask our help in exercising sanctions against North Korea.” —- Vlad

“As far as being disappointed or not disappointed is concerned, your question seems very naive,” Putin told one reporter, according to Russia’s Interfax news agency. “He is not my bride, and I am not his bride nor groom. We deal with the business of governing.”

September 9, 2017 12:32 pm

insouciance…I was hoping to see that word. But let’s face it. If PCR is right, and I blieve that he is, then the stupid corrupt asshats in washington can be replaced with any every day Tom Dick or Harry without any loss in effectiveness. One stupid american senator is no more effective than Stucky would be. So send Stucky. Then send me. Then send some other idiot because after all, “at this point what does it matter?” Well what is actually different if you send Stucky in that he isn’t beholding to some corrupting power. Oh be sure, after a few years in that shithole he would be corrupt but he would only get one term so the harm is minimized.

Never return a single person to any government position. Never vote for anyone who to represents a party. All parties are corrupt. Just vote for your friends. People whom you know personally.

September 9, 2017 1:07 pm

“The World and the American people need desperately to rein in the warmonger United States, or the world will cease to exist.”

The way to rein in the United States is to destroy Israel. The entire “war on terror” has been nothing but a campaign against Israel’s enemies. Save the world…destroy the satanic zionist regime.

September 9, 2017 4:34 pm

Would love to audit a talk/vid between Jim Kunstler and PCR.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
September 9, 2017 10:16 pm

The United States Of Ponzi, 20 trillion in the hole. Everything’s rigged. Skim and scam the serfs down to their last fucking nickel. Point the finger at Russians, Koreans , anybody…., create deception so the rape and pillage can continue, till there ain’t nothin left.

September 9, 2017 10:35 pm

I was convinced “Southern Mentality” was the most contradictory term in the world, until you started calling Americans, people. “American People”, that phrase is indescribably stupid. thanks