Muck’s Minute #42

Climate Change, Nasty Tropical Weather and Unbelievers

I’m sorry to have to say this but all those – from President Trump and EPA Chief Scott Pruitt need to listen hard, hear a giant sucking sound as they pull their heads out of their respective asses and give up denying that a more CO2 in the atmosphere leading to warmer climates, hence warmer ocean water, leads to bigger and better tropical storms, shifts in weather patterns and generally raises hell with human comforts and constructive efforts.

That’s not all a warmer climate does, by any means.  It makes geographical locations of fields of green with plentiful rainfall into arid grasslands and places with lots of dry rock and dirt into not so beautiful places of wet rock and mudslides.

It also contributes to more powerful localized storms such as tornadoes and in the generalized temperature rise, makes air conditioning needed where none was required before.

Then we have the lovely problem of sea level rise – WHICH IS HAPPENING – albeit slowly so the average non-thinking American (much less the less-thinking rest of the world) doesn’t notice it.

The country who will fell rising tides and storm surge first and with most effect is Bangladesh.  This benighted country is wholly confined to the delta of the mighty Ganges River which stretches from the Himalayas to the Sea of Bengal.

It has been said that any and all evaporation of water from the Ganges River is more than made up from the urine output of the millions and millions of people who pee in it every day.

At any rate, the places the normal hight about sea level of Bangladesh at a mere 33 feet (rising to 300 feet or so in the far North of the country as the foothills of the Himalayas start).

Now many other places (Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, New York City, London, much of the Netherlands), and a hell of a lot of near sea level cities will go first due to storm surges (a la Fukushima) where the sea simply rises up (be it from Hurricane or earthquake) and flows inland – and keeps flowing – and keeps flowing until it covers the maximum amount of dry land it can before running out of “rise power”.

None the less, a rise of a single foot (1 ft.) in sea level tacked onto a storm surge will guarantee catastrophic coastline destruction during a storm.

What it boils down to is that a small rise in sea level will guarantee large damage to those low areas right along the shore.  A large rise in sea level (coming later) will guarantee a massive relocation of millions of people, along with all their institutions, inland, to escape what will be a map changing catastrophe on all our shores.

That comes later – which is why stupid politicians hand it off to future generations knowing they themselves will be gone or dead before it happens.  Much like the Fed’s printing and borrowing now for your grandchildren to be forced to pay back.  Same principle, different subject. One effects our USA and the other effects the world.

This, in turn, brings up the subject of Muck’s Minute #43 which will be forthcoming in a few days.  The subject of this one is the absolutely insane Federal Policy of Flood Insurance which encourages Americans to build in flood zones, on beaches guaranteed to be washed away and so on.  Why not? The taxpayer will pay to have your lovely beach-side home rebuilt.  PUKE..  But that’s for a later day..


Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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September 21, 2017 10:19 pm

crowd mania comes to the burning platform

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 21, 2017 10:26 pm

Been snowing in the high country here for the past few days. Mountains are turning white around us. Fall starts tomorrow. That’s all I have to say about that…

  Francis Marion
September 21, 2017 11:00 pm

It’s been snowing in MT and my brothers elk camp got six inches near Cascade, ID. It’s like somebody flipped off the globull warming switch here in eastern WA. No snow yet but unseasonably cold. I saw 38 last night when I got home. I’m hoping 9-30 is warm or at least not windy as I’ll be on the Columbia river fishing for Kings.

Spoke to the guide this afternoon and he has been using his 150 horse motor to troll into the wind as he only floats backward using his nine horse motor trying to troll into the wind. The fishing is good though.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 21, 2017 10:38 pm

One last thing:

Going a little ways back:
[imgcomment image[/img]

Going further back:
[imgcomment image[/img]

We know less about our own ‘climate’ than we’d like to admit….

September 21, 2017 11:00 pm

Muck the moran believes the propaganda. No hope for him.

September 21, 2017 11:12 pm

If the government put up $500 billion dollars for scientist to find global cooling there would be a fucking cooling consensus in a heartbeat. And caused by too much CO2 if asked for.

September 21, 2017 11:15 pm

Hey Muck, you took a beating today but you can’t win if you’re not in the game. Wish I could give you this in person but the image and thought will have to do:

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 22, 2017 12:17 am

Shocker there are so many comments 😉 At first upon reading this I was waiting for the punchline to greet me before its end. Alas, it did not come and having concluded the author was up to no good – intellectually speaking, I came upon his bio: “He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it.”

The first truth he’s uttered on this page. At least smarter souls won’t be confused by the convergence of interest and competence. The author lacking as much of the latter with respect to the field of climate “science”. As if there is such thing knowable to man.

Your friendly local weatherman with toupee on lockdown or weatherbabe with her freshly minted D-cups and all of their computer models, satellites and data cannot reliably predict the weather 3 days from hence. Yet…

For all of you climate buffoons out there who insist that we mere hominids are substantially affecting long term weather and climate patterns I give you this basic science learned long ago in a college class far, far away…

1. What is the most significant greenhouse gas? For that is what we should be most concerned with, no? For the climo-phytes among us the answer is H2O. It’s responsible for about 50% of the “greenhouse effect” which Al Gore says is cooking… err cooling… err cooking us to death. Ok, let’s move on. By the way, Co2 accounts for about 20% of this effect in case anyone is asking.

2. Now, common sense and basic chemistry demand to know what happens in a “warmer” atmosphere. For starters, more H2O is evaporated into the atmosphere. Heat and all. What happens next, apart from (obviously) Magnahurricanes?

3. More water in the atmosphere has another peculiar property. They mingle into these sometimes perverse gangs called “clouds”. And these strange suckers do more than offer passing imagery of Christ or unicorns dancing across the sky. They have this bitch of a quality called albedo. For those of you west of Rio Linda (gross Rush Limbaugh reference), this means “solar reflectivity”.

4. So let’s do some common sensical math paying no attention to any order of operation malfunctions. (More heat = more water vapor)(More water vapor = more clouds)(More clouds = more albedo) Thus, more of that evil global heating = Less solar radiation (heat) reaching the Earth’s surface. That would be X.

5. X is otherwise known as fucking equilibrium. The Earth and nature in general, seeks it like Lindsay Lohan seeks weekend bondage with a Greek tycoon off the coast of Santorini. Granted there are other factors which may affect the normal long term climate patterns including solar min/max, money shots from the Earth’s mantle and other such cosmic anomalies.

6. The conclusion that climate-mongers are most terrified of is the realization that humans (themselves included especially) just don’t really matter that much in the scheme of things. Instead they (and the author) would be better served planting a garden or a few trees to suck up that precious bonus CO2 floating around in the ether. But stay off my fucking lawn 🙂

September 22, 2017 4:47 pm

My own Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow said:

“Climate change is very real. Global warming creates volatility and I feel it when I’m flying. The storms are more volatile.”

And the sea is rising as well, Debbie, the sea is rising as well……