Question of the Day, Oct 24

Will anyone be arrested in the whole Uranium to the Russians scandal?
P.S. Some humorous story links for your reading pleasure…Hat Tip to all these left wing morons who wrote them.–falsely–that-clinton-gave-russia-20-of-us-uranium.html

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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October 24, 2017 12:39 pm

Of course not! The Clintons were involved. Silly rabbit, laws are for serfs.

Dance Macabre Group,

October 24, 2017 12:45 pm

Hell pecker no there won’t be any arrests.

A short list of the political scandals we know about, the guilty resign, get a new position, sign a book deal and enjoy celebrity status while becoming richer. Whatchagoingtodo?

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 24, 2017 1:18 pm

I believe that when the USSR collapsed, their Oligarchs flew to Europe, the USA & Canada and joined the ZOG; we are now under those Communist Type rulers/rules. We are all equal except the Chosen Pigs are more equal

October 24, 2017 1:19 pm

I’d lay odds that the average guy on the street knows little or nothing about the Uranium One deal, but can probably tell you a great deal about Trump and his collusion with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary.

Anyone arrested will, IMO, more likely be someone exposing it than anyone who committed or aided it.

If anyone is arrested at all.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
October 24, 2017 1:48 pm

Business goes on as usual.

October 24, 2017 2:54 pm

*****Admin- The EAGLE has flown with a M.O.

I remember posting here in detail about all of this business a long time ago, and nobody cared one whit. All of a sudden years later it’s a big deal.
My answer is still the same as years ago, the Club/Criminal Cabal has a nasty habit of not sending fellow criminals to jail…… no.

October 24, 2017 3:41 pm

“Will anyone be arrested in the whole Uranium to the Russians scandal?”. Yes, but only if/when the US Attorney’s Office receives evidence rising to the level of probable cause. So far, what’s been circulating is: A-not evidence, and B-a far cry from probable cause.

Fat Guy
Fat Guy
October 24, 2017 9:28 pm

Yeah, 150 million in kickbacks. Signatures. Nothing to see here. Moron!

October 24, 2017 4:02 pm

Nope. No one arrested. Perhaps a few suicides from gunshots to the back of the head….

October 24, 2017 8:11 pm

“Will anyone be arrested….?”

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !

October 24, 2017 10:49 pm

Perhaps instead of arrests, we’ll see assassinations.
As Karl Denninger’s article points out, their security ain’t worth shit.
And I mean seriously, how much can a koala bear?

October 25, 2017 2:01 am

Hillary has been running around spreading the narrative of why she lost promoting sales of her book (cause she be needing money) was due to Russian interference. She has been healthy as a horse until last week…..showed up to speak at a college using polio crutches, she must have been forewarned her ass is gonna be locked up when it blows up like it did today that Podesta was front-running her pay to play Russian Uranium One scam and her foundation got $145 fucking million in pay to play deposits. Paul manafort worked for Podesta. Shit is breaking news today on hannity and it leads right up to her and the former Muslim in charge shower boy that was selling our nation out for 8 years. Chickens about to come home to roost. Trump is draining the swamp with jackass Flake dropping out, Bob Corker and McCain (both treasonous bastards) to name a few. The 30+ fake assed republicans are being brought out one by one and careers are imploding. People are running like rats on sinking shit. Good job Trump! I am loving it! Bet Hillary gonna all of a sudden be all sick and shit again whining she can’t go to prison cause she’s too sick….that c**t left a body count and trail of suspicious death for 30 years and over 79 people..(Prediction: before Thanksgiving if not sooner breaking news will be Hillary is in hospital, she needs a final out. Will fake a sickness so once convicted she gets an ankle bracelet not the fed pen…. Mark my word)!