Nader Explains the Ongoing Collapse of the Democratic Party

Guest Post by Jesse

The last presidential election was obviously, and by choice of the parties, a contest between the lesser of two evils. The Democratic candidate was the choice of the party insiders, and the Republican of people who had just had enough, and were willing to believe the unabashed nonsense of a conman in their desperation.

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I think both choices were very unpalatable for slightly different reasons and on different timelines. It was almost a tossup of ugliness, and it was most cynically played by the Democrats. And thereby lost.

Probably my biggest concern is that with a few wins over candidates from the other side who are utterly hopeless and largely unelectable, the Democratic establishment is gong to try and bank on their timeworn losing strategy of going negative and fear-mongering again, without putting forward any solid policy proposals.

Why is this? Because they are caught in a credibility trap— if they wish to continue their top down strategy of tight, imperious, DNC insider control of nearly everything that the party does. And so they can keep their focus, to the exclusion of winning elections, on big donor money and the power which it brings.

They would therefore continue to neglect the grass roots, leaving it to boot-strapping progressives, and going out of their way not to alienate any of their corporate and uber-wealthy donors by taking any economically populist stands. And so it may very well be identity politics and Russia, all over again.

But given their obvious inability to govern above the level of a self-obsessed and habitually intoxicated college fraternity, I am therefore not optimistic for the Republicans either.

And so where does that leave us?

It tends to imply the increasing alienation of the electorate. And that scenario possesses several less likely but potentially very ugly outcomes. You can’t fool everyone all the time. And when they finally have had enough, well, there you have it.

Change can come. But there are a lot of powerful people who are set upon the status quo who will do everything in their power to stop it by any means and for as long as they can.

And this is what leads societies to historically significant moments.

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December 16, 2017 9:22 am

The guy in the video is a perfect example of the cultural Marxist— might as well have had “Feel the Bern” tattooed on his forehead.

The author’s tone comes across as an ardent Demoncrat supporter– while some of her points are valid, she fails to understand that most americans really do want the end of the insanity of transgenderism ( transvestites) and masturbation taught to kindergartners, unlimited Islamists being imported to form isolated toe-holds and conclaves for allah, open borders with tens of thousands of illegals flooding in annually and being supported by our sweat, labour and blood and often at the cost of American lives. Our culture is under assault, our heritage and our history ( good and bad).

I get that the author REALLY hates Trump and Republicans- fine, I’m not the biggest fan either– but this was far more than campaign strategy, these are REAL issues to millions of Americans who see their very national foundation under assault.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 16, 2017 9:36 am

javelin…. your comment belongs to a different Post. Amazes may that someone actually gave you an upvote – a very sharp individual.

December 16, 2017 9:22 am

“Jesse” just doesn’t ‘get it’. We have reached the point where there just may be no solutions. Political or economic but one thing is certain there will be none from the Democrats. They don’t even debate the issues. The only ‘debate’ that occurs is within the Republican Party. The Democrats do not need anyone but Chuck Schumer in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House to offer their party line bloc vote. They have no mavericks, no policy wonks, nothing but the pointless utterances of semi sentient black representatives and feminist drivel from their hag brigade. All the 190 odd Democrat Congressman and 48 Senators are for is show and to provide talking heads to parrot the party line in pretend interviews with the MSM.

Everything that can be tried to raise the Democrats negro core to a quasi human state has been tried and it has failed and we can’t afford to continue the vast subsidy to 40 million negroes that allows them to exist even at their substandard level. Besides the growing Latino population ( growing because the Democrats allowed it) has replaced the negro in the private sector and will soon demand their share of the public sector sinecures long reserved for negroes. How the Democrats are going to resolve that conumdrum they don’t say and aren’t even asked by MSM.

Beyond that we are facing the twin ( insurmountable?) problems of peak debt and finite resources that limit our ability to sustain economic growth. The GOP seems dimly aware of this and Trump is trying to extract the last few dollops of growth by throwing open land for energy exploration and production and repatriating production back to the US but this is not a long term solution. There maybe none.

December 16, 2017 9:39 am

Well put Unit. It is forth and long,and down by 30.But they will still pedal that the game is winnable.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 16, 2017 11:23 am

Bilco………….if you recall. it was fourth and long, down by 25.

December 16, 2017 10:42 am

We are in the middle of a crisis in human affairs. The majority of people of this nation have lost their way because they do not have the vision of our forefathers that established this great country. In addition western civilization is failing because people have rejected the values this civilization was built on. And what are those values? Those values are none other than the Christian values contained in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And what is the leading factors in the destruction of Christian Values in our now humanistic forms of value? It is corporate policies and government administrators.

The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us not only to wake up and look at what is going on around us but also to love our neighbor as our self. In other words treat others as we would want to be treated.

Corporate policies and administrative laws, rules and regulations are anti-Christ because they are administered without love or consideration of unintended consequences to our fellow citizens or the environment. This is how the gospel of Jesus Christ is being undermined and leading to the coming collapse of western civilization.

Don’t know where this is going or what will come out of this. But one thing is for sure… the trend will continue because all our institutions are corrupted and cannot be repaired. No matter how smart the human mind thinks it is it is only human and will not be able to solve our ever growing problems. The fact that our social, economic, and political problems are growing is the sign that human thinking cannot solve these problems. Only the higher mind of God can solve these problems. The will of man is far inferior to the will of God. But we of this nation that don’t believe this will have to find out the hard way by experiencing this collapse of our society and civilization.

For those who see the coming of this collapse take heart because it has been foretold that this will happen before the second coming of the Christ Consciousness.

God be with you

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 16, 2017 10:42 am

Unit……… one would expect, I disagree with some of your comments, but your comment above is spectacular on a macro level.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 16, 2017 12:46 pm

I think Jesse’s point (and Nader’s) is “wouldn’t it be great if everything was free?”

December 16, 2017 12:55 pm

I’ve read Jesse for better than a decade. He aleays seemed smart, and like an independant thinker. Trump’s election has outed him as just another doctrinaire liberal. He can’t imagine Trump fixing anything because he doesn’t see Trump as a fellow traveler liberal. And his goals are the usual liberal dogma. There’s no independence in his thinking at all. I haven’t read Jessie in the last year or two.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2017 1:11 pm

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james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 16, 2017 7:14 pm

It’s a weird mindset, those Democrats. Start with possibly decent goals – equality, women deserve the same treatment as men in employment and education, a living wage for employees and support for those who cannot support themselves.
Then it goes to hell on the rocks of reality – men are physically stronger than women, so dumb down / weaken the standards for firefighters and police. Women demand considerations beyond men and control admission to universities and HR departments in companies – so fewer men seek higher education (perceiving a system that hates them and works against them), fewer men put forth the effort to attain management positions (and responsibilities) when one accusation can kill a career (with or without proof, and it might have happened twenty years ago so we assume you did it), and fewer men (and women) seek marriage. Support for the helpless turns into welfare, EBT cards and Section VIII housing, destroying families and neighborhoods.
And then the Democrats refuse to LEARN from decades of failure and loss that these goals, beautiful and worthy as they are, cannot be implemented successfully on a limited planet using people who seek to game the system for all they can get. No mention (from either side) of reducing the size, scope, cost of government last election – no mention of accountability for those who accept aid. No mention of dealing with the cancerous cities and voter fraud – no mention of staying home and limiting immigration completely until every citizen is employed.
It will fail because it has to – math and limited resources require it. Some will learn from this, many will die from it and the rebuilding will be epic, because the crash will be epic. Perhaps it can be rebuilt better, but – intelligent designers and builders will be required to do this.
Not unlettered, ignorant immigrants and not rigid, ideological bureaucrats. A long session of starvation will clarify things immensely, – for the survivors.

December 17, 2017 2:38 am

Democratic women won’t give up until they have a dick and men don’t .