Ms Freud, Gestapo, and Stucky Going All Cuckoo’s Nest In The Hospital

On Tuesday I spent four hours at my parent’s place doing housework and running errands. While I was gone, shit hit the fan.

Ms Freud, a breast cancer survivor, has issues with high blood pressure. It comes, and it goes. On Tuesday, her nose just started bleeding spontaneously.  A while later she got dizzy.  Then she could hardly stand.

So, she called 9-1-1. No one came … or they didn’t come quick enough … or the dispatch operator determined Ms Freud’s issue wasn’t serious enough.  I don’t know the actual story. But Ms Freud started to panic. She couldn’t get a hold of me, or her worthless son. So, she made several 9-1-1 calls.

I arrived to the house only to see two ambulances and three cop cars out front. Panicking, I run into the house as fast as I can. There’s Ms Freud, standing. That’s a relief. I ask, to no one in particular, “What the hell is going on??”

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Ms Freud tells me about the nosebleed, the panic, …. and that she feels PERFECTLY FINE now.

One of the cops says “The EMT is going to take her to the hospital.”

“What the heck for?”, I ask.

“Anyone who makes excessive 9-1-1 calls is deemed unstable. She’s going in for her own protection.”

I remain calm, but firm. “She doesn’t need some damned hospital for protection. She has me, she feels fine, and I don’t want you to take her anywhere.”

Another cop says with equal firmness, and with his hand on his gun (not bullshitting, folks); “It’s out of your hands. She is going in. You can go along, or sit down and keep your mouth shut!”.  Aggressive fucken nigger probably didn’t like white people.  Fine, I don’t like nigger copfuks.  I said nothing further to the nigkop, and told Ms Freud I’ll meet her at the hospital.

SIDEBAR DIGRESSION:  You regulars know I rent a good sized apartment in a 15,000 square foot, 135 year old mansion. Well, the landlord is here this week.  They come up every three weeks from Virginia. She has rules, many rules.  One hard and fast rule, which could get me evicted on the first violation, is; no shoes in the house!  She’s also very very German, her accent every bit as thick as my mom’s.  So, she knocks on our apartment door.  First think she sees, of course, are five EMT people and four cops. Within two seconds she tells them, loudly “I don’t allow shoes in my house. TAKE THEM OFF, NOW!”. Two minutes of arguments followed. Pissed and shocked as I was, I had to almost literally had to bite my tongues to keep from laughing out loud.  She grew up in Commie East Germany. She hates cops. Anyway, the copfuks told her to leave the apartment. But, she got in one last zinger.  As she’s walking out the door, she turns around and says in her thick German accent; “Why are there four cops here? This is a job for just one person. Oh, I know, because you are all stupid people.”  Folks, I’m not making this shit up.

At the hospital emergency room.

It’s almost one hour until a doctor comes. Black man, Caribbean accent.  Ms Freud (and I) explain the nose bleed, the blood pressure issue, and that she suffered a mere temporary panic attack. We’re thinking she’ll get a quick BP check, take her temperature, etc. and we’ll be out of there. Oh, nooooo, that ain’t happening.

He says that “in order to release you” the following needs to happen; blood work, EKG, and an X-ray. And if all those check out, she’ll be free to go.  WTF???

I ask him about this “release” thingy.  I said nobody needs to be “released”, that we’re not dogs, and that I have a good mind to just walk out right then and there. He just gave me a smile .. the kind that’s not really a smile at all, but a warning. Calmly he informs me that since she here by police order, that if we walk out without his approval/release, that the nurse will call the Plainfield Police, and that the police will now arrest Ms Freud, charge her with some crime, throw her in jail for at least the night, but before doing so they’ll bring her back to the hospital anyway, except this time she’ll be handcuffed to a bed.

A recognize a good argument when I hear one. So, we stayed.

Eventually the blood guy came.  Much later the X-ray guy. And then the EKG nurse.  All their machines are small and portable which they haul right to the bed. The blood analysis is done on site, and in under an hour.  Well, all of this took about 6 hours.  Ms Freud and I were patient the entire time, and very cooperative. The main nurse was actually nice and friendly, as were the technicians.

We were there so long, we went through a shift change.  New nurse in “charge” of us. A Nurse Ratchet Cunt (NRC). She says they’d also like to do a Urine Test.  Huh?  That wasn’t part of the deal the doc told us.  “No thanks.”, I say.  NRC says, “I wasn’t asking permission.”.  Well, I already know about the whole jail/arrest thingy so, I just mutter, “whatever”.  It takes about another hour for the piss test to be done.

All this time Ms Freud is in the ER area (not the reception area) hallway, along with dozens of other patients.  All of a sudden an orderly comes along, and wheels Ms Freud into a room further down the hallway.  He doesn’t know how we lucked out getting a private room. I would have to ask the nurse, Frau NRC.  This is roughly the conversation that followed. It lasted between 5-8 minutes.  Condensed obviously, but key phrases, thoughts, and even wording are accurate.


Stucky:  “Just curious.  Why did Ms Freud get her own room?”

NRC: “We’re keeping her overnight for observation.”

S:  “Are you SERIOUS?  On what basis??!”  (from here on out I’m kinda talking loudly.  By the end, I’m kinda shouting.)

NRC: “Your wife is unstable.”

S: “A panic attack means a person is unstable?  You can keep a person here against their will because of a panic attack??!”

NRC:  “No. It’s the phone calls.  Anyone who makes multiple 9-1-1 calls is obviously ill. She needs to be watched.”

S:  “Well, Ok, but she’s with me now. All your tests show that she is fine. I’ll make sure she doesn’t make any more phone calls.  I’ll take full responsibility.”

NRC:  “You have no say in the matter. When dealing with a mentally unstable person we have the final say as to when she leaves or stays.  Not the spouses. Not even parents.”

S: “Has she broken any laws??!!!  IS SHE UNDER ARREST!!!”

NRC:  “As far as I know, she’s not under arrest.  But, she was brought here … “

Before she could finish her sentence I interrupted her.  At this point, I’m kinda shouting, hence the caps.




In less than five minutes, Doctor Caribbean is in the room.  He hands us the test results. Has Ms Freud sign the release form. He signs it. Says “Good Luck”. And walks out the door. As we are leaving, I pass by NRCs desk. She doesn’t look up right away. I wait until she does look up. And then I give her a smile … a smile that really isn’t a smile … and mouth the words “Fuck You!”.

America. What a country!

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 10, 2018 3:16 pm

Good luck with the problem with the wife. You did well, sir, but y’all can keep the country in which y’all now live. Man, am I glad I left! Y’all understand what it’s become, ¿no? You can’t imagine how sad it makes me to ask such a question.

January 10, 2018 4:36 pm

Another day. Another reminder that I need to move to South America. This country will only grow worse until the collapse happens. Not really sure that I want to go through the collapse or face the system that will replace what we have now.

I already had enough reminders that I should never call the police for anything. They only make the situation worse. This story is just another reminder to not deal with modern medicine.

I have heard and read stories of guys who underwent a multiple bypass without their permission. Surgeon says you have some artery blockage; you need bypass surgery very soon. Guy says I want to get a second opinion. Surgeon sees $50,000 fee flying out the window, so he goes in the next room and tells the wife a scare story and gets her to sign the authorization papers. Nurse makes an excuse to give the guy a shot; he wakes 4 hours later with a really wild set of stitches down the middle of his chest.

Almost happened to me. Fortunately I was not married and had no relatives within 300 miles.

January 11, 2018 2:49 pm

Husband should shoot the wife dead for not consulting him on the matter.

Trash cunts have no value these days. Nothing but a liability.

No way will I ever get married.

January 10, 2018 5:15 pm

Especially in places like New York/New Jersey…

January 10, 2018 3:19 pm

weather that was fact or fiction, that is an epic story….I have similar one when my boy got injured in my garage one Saturday morning….holy sheet, the state owned my little boy for several hours, and threatened to take him away when I questioned the process

January 10, 2018 5:27 pm

I found that out last spring, Stucky. And, horrifyingly, my own Nick (out of worry because I did get a bit, um, feral when the cops were excessively forceful in my opinion (and those freaking handcuffs were shocking or pinching me while I was doing NOTHING)… my own Nick made me stay at the hospital for the full 12 hours of monitoring. I forgive him… it was better than ending up in a cell with a meth whore or something worse. (Believe me, there are one or two in the “worse” category around here.)

I just returned from post-op exam (cataract) followed by the dentist for a filling. I’m all hepped up on the novacaine.

January 10, 2018 10:40 pm

We are living in a police state. Sorry that this happened to you
and Mrs. Stuck. I may have freaked and started to run, but then
I’d have been tackled to the ground…next = strapped to a bed.

Good luck Mrs. Stuck, next time try not to panic…Stuck…keep your
phone handier. Stuck…you are a good person.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
January 11, 2018 8:49 am

“To Protect And Serve”

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Robert (QSLV)

Former GM lurking )))))))
Former GM lurking )))))))
January 11, 2018 6:10 pm

Hope everything is ok sir .

January 11, 2018 2:51 pm

The state owns your boy wholesale, and you, and everything you think you own.

January 10, 2018 3:24 pm

Instant TBP classic

January 10, 2018 4:58 pm

I just got home from having my left hip replaced (authroplasty). Hospital was more like a hotel – really nice, good food. However, I had a preop physical 10 days before – including all blood work. At the hospital they did all the blood work again. Every time a new nurse showed up, she wanted to ask me all my meds – I said: I’ve given you all this info before – where does it go? No answer. Then there are Somali nurses aids that don’t know WTF they are doing. I was released yesterday. Today, an Indian woman called and is asking me when I want to schedule PT appointments. I say: I had 3 pt’s in the hospital, and they gave me instructions to do them twice a day. Then she asks me if I can come in today. WTF – this is one day after my surgery. They don’t know WTF they are doing.

Basically, they want to maximize their billing.

January 10, 2018 5:16 pm

Dutch – Hope you heal up ok and soon. (I have not forgotten that Indian crap though. We will get back to that once you are feeling better and can handle an old fashioned TBP asswhuppin.)

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
January 10, 2018 6:08 pm

Maybe Indian with a dot and not Indian with a feather?

January 10, 2018 8:56 pm

Lloph – thanks – hope no grudge – either way.

January 11, 2018 2:38 am

Dutch – none at all!

January 10, 2018 8:21 pm

My sister is a registered nurse and was trained and worked for 12 years in California. She’s Canadian and came back home, passed her provincial exam here. Her view of Canadian medical care is that it is atrocious. She was genuinely scared for any of our family to be in a life or death situation in a Canadian hospital. There are no repercussions for doctors or nurses if they kill or maim you. They are ignorant assholes. I get really tired of hearing people praise our public health system- it is complete garbage.

January 10, 2018 9:01 pm

I have to add something – I take a Breo inhaler. It’s about $400 a month – but my SS and SS supplement cover almost all the cost. They tell you not to bring any of your meds to the hospital. But I brought the Breo. They wouldn’t let me use my own Breo. They gave me a brand new Breo with 12 inhalations (12 days worth). I used it once. When I was leaving I asked could I have it – they told me it had to be destroyed. You wonder where the health care dollars go.

January 12, 2018 6:07 pm

They gave me four days between surgery and pt. I feel fortunate.

January 10, 2018 3:25 pm

I think I would spend some time on the internet researching the laws that govern this type of stuff. I’m not an expert on New Jersey Law, but I don’t think everything and everyone that you’re describing here is totally on the up-and-up. You can do an awful lot these days on the internet figuring things out and whether it’s worth your time trying to find the appropriate type of attorney, in case you want to attack some of the people and institutions involved here. Somebody’s got to do it, and that person might get paid well, and that person might be you. I would try to get the names of everyone involved as rapidly as possible, while it’s still fresh. Those details can be much harder to figure out later and they are critical. All you need to find somebody who was inferring that this was the law and it’s not, and you may have a hell of a case. Everyone involved here seem like they felt they had a right to stick their hand in your pocket and detain you against your wishes. I think the laws are very specific on this kind of thing, at least they are down here.

January 10, 2018 3:41 pm

Star – my quick scan seems to indicate that the cops probably could have arrested her, and forced the screening over an extended period. That would have sucked big time. They would have needed a court order to run tests I imagine, but they could have observed for quite a while – perhaps 48 hours. And then they could have asked for a court order to hold her.

Edit: and if THAT court order came through, it would really have sucked. Mamma mia, would it ever have sucked.

January 10, 2018 4:10 pm

Read what Gator has to say below about the Baker Act, which is our 72 hour commitment law down here. What happened to Mrs. Freud would not have passed scrutiny in that,the standatd os very clear, danger to themselves or others. Calling 911 with a medical issue certainly does not fit that standard. Again I don’t know the laws in NJ, but I certainly would check them out.

January 10, 2018 4:22 pm

Star – please see the link below. It has a lot of NJ info in it.

January 10, 2018 5:28 pm


January 10, 2018 10:45 pm

up to a 72h “hold”….$25k bill

January 11, 2018 4:52 am

Stuck – yup, that is my point. You took the best route, in my opinion. From what I found, the cops had you by the short and curlies.

You could voluntarily permit this, or risk arrest. If arrested, they have 48 hrs to observe. Being arrested would suck, and might even impact Mrs. Freud’s licensing, assuming she has such. Being observed for 48 hrs would really suck, too. And then the chance of court order comes into play, where they get blood, etc., anyway, and maybe even an oder to commit.

Bad situation. You made best of it.

all but me
all but me
January 11, 2018 12:59 pm

what you should have said was yes please do get authorization to forcibly do the tests, that way we will have a documentary trail to follow for the lawsuits later, and whoever signed the papers can lose their license, you have to play the game using their set of rules. OR-If you have insurance you probably also unknowingly agreed to binding legal arbitration which is always favorable to the medical profession. Next time take your blood pressure meds!

January 10, 2018 3:25 pm

Want blood? Court order.
Want urine? Court order. Etc.

They cannot just take blood without a court order. No way. No how.

But maybe they could holder her if she did not consent. Her behavior was or could seem a bit erratic, for whatever reason, and they might indeed have probable cause to hold her for observation.

But the blood, tests, etc., are bullshit.

A quick scan indicates that the cops probably can arrest and get a court order to test. By voluntarily allowing the screening, that is avoided, it appears. If arrested, then the screening takes place, to see if a court order is needed to commit the person. That would not be a very good outcome. But blood drawing, etc. would require a court order.

By the look of it, not getting arrested and then screened was probably the best alternative.

January 10, 2018 3:33 pm

The cops nailed it!
You and Ms are obviously crazy!

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 10, 2018 3:43 pm

I don’t understand what Stucky is bitching about. He is lucky the cops didn’t send a SWAT team to “help” his wife. Although if the German landlady faced off against the SWAT team, it would give her even odds.

The morale of the story is: never, ever, ever call the cops for help.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 10, 2018 5:19 pm

Yes, indeed, unless you are seeking to get choked, beaten , tazed, or shot.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 10, 2018 5:20 pm

Yup, sounds right.,

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 10, 2018 10:50 pm

you are correct. Too much can “go wrong.” Mrs. Stuck panicked,
may have thought a “stoke” was occurring. The whole thing is
Stuck’s fault! He must keep a phone close to be available for his
wife. SO she doesn’t have to call the cops.

Pablo C.
Pablo C.
  Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2018 11:19 am

up vote to infinity and then add 1 more.

January 10, 2018 3:51 pm

The only way they can force someone to stay somewhere like that, or even go to the hospital, that I’m aware of is called the Baker Act. Most LEOs have the authority to Baker act someone, which is detaining them, even against their will, if the LEO believes they are a threat to themselves of others. The Baker act is from FL, but many areas have similar laws. There has to be CREDIBLE evidence that the person is a threat to themselves or others, and the involuntary detention is only allowed to be done for as long as it takes for a person to be examined by some kind of mental health doctor. And to my knowledge they do, indeed, require a court order to force a urine or blood sample out of someone.

As far as the rest of it goes, you are 100% right. They were just piling on bullshit to bill you for and squeeze every dime out of you they can.

January 10, 2018 3:56 pm

I had lunch with a friend today and he called the mainstream media the “sunshine media” because they are shedding light on all of Trump’s dark deeds. No shit.

As I gently tried to red-pill him regarding Mueller, Rosenstein, the DNC/Clinton/Fusion GPS fake Russian dossier, Obama’s weaponization of the DoJ and FBI against a presidential candidate, FISA warrants and Susan Rice’s felonious unmasking of American citizens illicitly surveilled – I saw a look of pity enter his eyes. He thinks I am crazy.

On the way home I began to wonder: “How can one convince someone else that they are NOT crazy?”

Then I read this and it made me think of the 25th Amendment positioning by Trump’s political opponents.

In a wacked-out world, the sane ones are labeled insane. Ken Kesey’s novel was more than a fictional story; more than an allegory. It was prophesy.

Now, just imagine if Nurse Ratched was elected president:

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Most of us here would be locked up. Nice work, Stuck. You are Chief in my book.

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January 10, 2018 6:09 pm

+100. So many memorable scenes.
“Don’t yas wanna watch the ball game? It’s the World Series!! All ya gotta do is just raise your hand. For chrissakes. Chief! Come on, you crazy bastards.”

DeVito as Martini: “I’ll bet a dime.”

“Mmmm. Juicyfruit.”

In my top 10 of all time.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
January 11, 2018 3:22 pm

Nurse Ratshit looks a lot like Hillary, but not as ugly.

Robert (QSLV)

January 10, 2018 4:02 pm

Do what you have to do, to get through the moment, shitty as it might be. Use wisdom and discernment, pick the time and place for the battle. Definitely at least investigate if it would be worth your while to pursue legal redress. But don’t forget, and prepare for the next time as best you can.
I get so pissed and so sad at the same time every time I see this kind of shit.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 10, 2018 4:08 pm

Didn’t read the other comments yet cuz I just had to say this was a riveting article. Much amusement (of course) and it was eminently pleasing to read Stucky stick it to NRC.

January 10, 2018 4:09 pm

That is an epic story, but seriously, talk to a lawyer. This doesn’t seem legit at all, and until folks start calling them on it, they’re gonna keep doing to others. And consider also, God-forbid you have to call 911 for some emergency in the near future….. you’re gonna be “patient-non-grata” if they take you to the same hospital!

January 10, 2018 4:10 pm

It seems that more and more often I read or hear stories that make me think of what I imagined it would have been like to live in the USSR when I was younger.

This fact disturbs me immensely. One thing was a primary driver of me joining the military right out of high-school, we were the “good guys”, nowadays I’m quite sure we’re not.

January 10, 2018 5:02 pm

They must really need the revenue to cover the indigent types that straggle in……

January 10, 2018 7:11 pm

Maybe your wife would like to look into treating her high blood pressure naturally. Go to to read Dr. Schulze’s blogs and get his products. I’ve been taking his herbs for
over 10 years and they have saved me from the ER a few times. Good luck!

January 10, 2018 8:07 pm

Any herbal tea with hibiscus flower will lower blood pressure 20 points or more. Any Celestial Seasonings tea with “Zinger” in the name.

January 10, 2018 7:27 pm

My weekend gig involves 911 services; normally, the first thing they want to know is medical or police? So they can efficiently dispatch the right bunch. However, I think if the police want to tag along (slow night, for example) they can.
From the sound of it, the nightmare is well underway – if the police want to they can kill you, basically, and straightening out the evil doesn’t help a corpse. That the judge in the Bundy ranch case dismissed it WITH PREJUDICE (they can’t be arrested again for that incident) is a ray of hope in an otherwise dark republic.
Hang in there, and be ready for the Crunch – it’s likely to be sooner than later.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 10, 2018 8:38 pm

Stucky, you can use cayenne pepper to stop a heart attack.
Here’s one short article on it, but there are more on the Internet.

One thing your wife should consider is taking garlic powder capsules daily. It helps regulate blood pressure, both high and low. In other words, it keeps it stable.

Everybody needs to learn to take care of their own medical needs when possible. And I know some people won’t be able to do that, depending on their ailment. But any time you call 911, the cops show up with the ambulance. I have no idea why they do this now, but they do. I have no plans to call for assistance from any government agency, whether EMS or police (although if there’s a fire, I’m sure someone else would call if I didn’t.)

October Sky
October Sky
January 10, 2018 10:15 pm

“Ms Freud called 9-1-1 for MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, not for copfuks. Krist, now it’s even dangerous to do that.”

They owe the 2 of you a f2f apology.

Ms Freud has the option of calling her physican’s triage nurse if a medical issue occurs in the future.

January 10, 2018 11:00 pm

Litigation efforts against “hospital policy” and cops’ procedure
wouldn’t get you anywhere. After all, Mrs. Stuck called for help.
The “checkup” was valid…and the tests; it was the smug and
threatening attitude that was humiliating. Step one is to calm and
reassure the patient. The ER folks failed at that.

January 10, 2018 5:42 pm

If you can’t afford to move out of the country, then move to a place where people are still slightly more sane. Fly-over country, where house prices and rent are still reasonable. Also called Ag country. Middle earth Merika where you don’t feel the need to be armed when you leave home. Make less, spend less.

January 10, 2018 8:02 pm

I bought a house in a small Nebraska village for less than $60K. Other houses available for way less money-I wanted brick. One up the street for $5K, but it needs complete renovation.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 10, 2018 5:48 pm

I sure hope that your wife doesn’t develop PTSD induced by the harsh treatment handed out to her by the Livingston Police Department, the Hospital staff and administration, specifically Doctor Barbados, Nurse Ratched, the phlebotomist, etc., etc. That kind of thing could be really disabling and lead to extremely high costs for treatment and suffering. Someone would obviously have to be held responsible, financially speaking, if you catch my drift.

January 10, 2018 5:53 pm

If possible next time, call the ambulance themselves. Do not call the cops or 911. I think its also cheaper.

Not surprising that they are using the cops to gin up medical sèrvices. The public schools have been doing this for awhile. “Well child checkup”

Chatham Police
Chatham Police
January 10, 2018 5:54 pm

There you go again making terroristic threats against the true heroes of our society. We continue to monitor your every move. Don’t make any wrong moves on your way to Long Island. We’ll pounce on you like an obese copfuk on a box of donuts. I think a little SWAT raid in the middle of the night with our shoes on might be what you and your woman need to learn a lesson. Be alert. We’re watching. And we know what you did to that racoon.

  Chatham Police
January 10, 2018 6:21 pm

That’s a crazzy story Stucky. It says so much about what is wrong with the world today..

Police don’t keep the peace
They enforce the laws
Medicine doesn’t find a cure
instead would rather bill us more

Nowadays phoning for help is a life threatening proposition in and of itself.
As Donald Trump often says. SAD!

  Chatham Police
January 10, 2018 10:02 pm

Get a raccoon and bait Stucky…he’ll bite..guaranteed..

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
January 10, 2018 6:17 pm

What Penforce said. Leave the country if possible or at least get to a relatively saner area of the U.S., maybe the middle of Alaska???

January 10, 2018 6:19 pm

whats unfortunate is that this example (not only of a police state) is exactly why everyone should have a “family practice” lawyer just as one would have a family practice doctor. In these days no one respects the rights of the individual and all rights are deemed void if a brain dead cop or nurse or/and some”official” (none of whom need much more education than high school and we all know that value) says so and they can enforce it at the point of a firearms. The only thing that prevents this is a call or threat of a call to the lawyer.
This here is also an example, however, of why I wouldnt care if the entire system crashed on itself and the freedom from this bureaucracy would be gained.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
January 10, 2018 6:21 pm

Some really good info here. Think about it. What about those poor bastards stuck on cold, dark, out-of-fuel airplanes with overflowing toilets at JFK last week. Some resorted to calling 911. If they’d only kept calling the copfuks and maybe even SWAT would have to respond, get into the plane and get the “unstable” person (s) off.
Problem solved. A night in a nice warm hospital room with “food” and a place to pee. Might be a good alternative. Just spitballin’.

January 10, 2018 6:30 pm

I assume because “the state” ordered all these procedures that they are paying, not you? Ha Ha. Fat Chance.

Ragnar Deneskjold
Ragnar Deneskjold
January 10, 2018 6:38 pm

When to go to a hospital ER? Gunshot wound, arterial bleeding, stroke or heart attack. That is all. When to call 911? To request police so that they can take a report, and to summon the coroner. There are no exceptions. All else results in FUBAR situations too weird to believe. Like yours. Ambulance rides? See above.

January 10, 2018 7:06 pm

Lesson: Don’t call 911 unless you absolutely have to.

FWIW, it’s probably good they didn’t know about that raccoon massacre incident, it might count on the instability side of things.

January 10, 2018 7:06 pm

Get the “anxiety attacks” under control. That’s where you two lost control of the situation, someone called TPTB and said “I am not in control”. So they “helped”.

Part II is reading your thoughts on all the ER charges you will be asked to pay. I assume you are native born, otherwise there would be none.

January 10, 2018 7:23 pm

Stucky, I’m glad that Ms Freud is doing better but hopefully she’s learned her lesson about calling 9-1-1. Ms Freud may have panicked because she thought she was dying, but it might help to remind her: 1) the hospital is more likely to kill you than to cure you and 2) there are worse things than dying.

January 10, 2018 7:34 pm

To Serve (doughnuts) and Protect (their jobs)

“The mission of the Livingston, New Jersey Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in our Township by working in partnership with the community and in accordance with constitutional rights to enforce laws, preserve peace, reduce fear, and provide for a safe environment.”

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January 10, 2018 7:57 pm

Kafkaesque comes to mind to describe your plight. Your terrific reportage confirms your courage and wisdom.

January 10, 2018 8:02 pm

Ha ha …nice read
Stucky darlin’, what happened the word “Knee ga” mmh?
Obama left office and the spelling changed?


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 10, 2018 8:05 pm

I work in South America. This tale could never happen there. Never. Cops threatening you and forcing you to go to a hospital? A rude nurse giving you backtalk? A nigger doctor ordering you around? Incredible.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 10, 2018 8:24 pm

They just gave up on physical standards for the Livingston PD, huh? Looks like they’re prepping for a famine.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
January 10, 2018 8:32 pm

Sometimes at night I go ter diggin around in mah ring uh fire and then give mah fingers a whiff just because, and good gawd uh mighty if this story don’t smell just like that. There’s the faint smell uh truthful febreeze in there somewheres, but mostly it just reeks uh made up shit. Either yer wife was actin crazier er the story is embellished but good gawd oh what Cap’n Noodledick won’t do for a high commentary count.

  Billah's wife
January 10, 2018 8:55 pm


  Billah's wife
January 10, 2018 11:38 pm

Mistress Billah, Boondock Bard of Banshee Boulevard, otherwise known as STM Alley, I almost hesitate to confront you directly with my queries, but since you’ve left most of the readership dumbfounded with your reference to the Man in Black’s Ring of Fire (which I may NEVER be able to listen to again), I figure a little repartee here might do the trick to point out there are a lot more horrible things you can say and do beyond admitting to diddling yourself when Billah has to work overtime down at the sand pit, especially with the big ice storm coming and the road crews hauling sand all night tonight. So, you and Stucky have that in common. Hmmmm.

No, seriously, I have a bone to pick with you, since the Coyote hombre of mine had about three weeks to spare last fall and claimed he tracked down the exact post where my son was truly insulted by someone “Anonymous” back in the day when Anonymous really meant Anonymous and rarely meant an identifiable regular you could usually guess at or at least surmise after a direct comment exchange. Of course, now that we have Anon 1 and Anon 2 and a Horton with Whosie Q-ville and Snitches in Ditches with Sand in their Britches and nobody really knows who did what to who on what post half the time, it is getting harder to tell a good Anonymous from a dopplebanger or whatever it is you call it.

So, back WHEN people around here who were playing jokes on one another, someone pretended to be one or another HOTHEAD via a technique called Doppling or Doppleganging after the German word for double. Not sure who came up with it, but there is at least one or two people with German ancestry around here. Not pointing any fingers at anyone, but if I Stuck one anywhere, it wouldn’t be toward the southern hemisphere, but more in a Nordic direction, as if toward a big lumberjack-ooking dude, if there are any of that type Stuck around here.

Since I suspect your IQ is at least larger than my chest size, I think you realize I am talking about the time someone made very hateful remarks about my son, whose childhood stories I no longer tell (without changing names, dates and enough information to deny it is a story about him). I accused EC and he implied ’twas you. Now, I honestly do not really care about that at all, it was just kind of fun to keep needling EC about it off and on until he actually went and FOUND the exchange. I figure it makes my hound-dogging the X00th comment to beat others to the pointer seem less pathetic.

No, what I wanted to ask you about was whether it was you or someone else who declared I was lying about getting pulled over by a cop on the way home from Oklahoma, close to my son’s college town. The county sheriff’s deputy in podunk, Missouri up north of Springfield, shy of Sedalia seemed sure that a middle-aged woman driving a bit fast on secondary roads with a cooler in the back of her Hyundai Tucson (transmission FINE back then) seemed suspicious. Well, I was annoyed by the stop, since 75 in a 65 after nine p.m. on a four-lane isn’t really speeding; he just saw my Oklahoma plates and figured me for an easy ticket. Since I had my Missouri driver’s license and all the paperwork to show the car in transit, I was ready to argue the speed, but he offered to drop it for a warning of some sort. Then, his radio bleeped and he listened and asked me what was in my cooler in the back of my car, visible through the back window his “partner” had walked up to and was obviously looking into.

I had laughed at his question because I was actually carrying a couple jars of canned apples (contraband) and some empty jars I’d picked up at my son’s for “refill.” Yes, I still make Apijy. (Apple Pie in Jar Yum).

So, if I’ve managed to hold your attention or you took one of little Billah’s Ritlin tabs and managed to focus, I just wondered why you thought the idea of me hauling some home-canned food to my engineering student son was a bald-faced lie. I guess I can see it being a bit hokey and perhaps seems doting (but, seriously… good health starts with good food which requires you know something about that food) and I’ll accept “doting” as a less than flattering label. But, with your obvious, um, upbringing in modest surroundings, seemingly even countrified to some extent, I can’t believe that someone in your family did not raise a garden and pressure can food!

Or, was it that you didn’t believe the cop asked to see inside my cooler. (Which he did and which I did allow since I had a loaded 38 under my purse on the passenger floorboard and decided to give discretion a chance and be charmingly cooperative. After the rude one accepted my offer of a pint of Apple Pie in a Jar to snack on and I got back on the road to here, I called Nick and told him I managed to NOT get a ticket for once. And all it cost me was a pint jar of Apijy, probably a $5 treat at a craft fair. Unlike this past spring, when I had my own little introduction to police excess, back then I wasn’t quite so willing to stand on principle and get all mouthy with the cops. Since I did fall down hard that day, I learned my lesson and am trying to use situational awareness more and more and interact with any cops less and less.)

So, having bored you to tears with another Maggie story, Billah’s Paramour, what will it be? Will you let me know if it was really YOU and not EC who insulted my boy? And, if the cooperative mood strikes you with the same force as you wholloped the last barbitch you caught Billah flirting with (and she probably will not flirt with anyone anytime soon, will she?) well, perhaps you will tell me what was so unbelievable about the cop wanting to look in my cooler? While I will agree it was a strange thing for the pair of county/state troopers to do, I always wondered why you thought I made up a boring ass story like that? Hell, if I wanted to tell a whopper of a story, surely I could come up with a better one than having a country hick cop search and seize my canned apples and cinnamon. Gimme credit for that, even if you do think I look like a dwarf. I have included this picture from a long time ago which may or may not prove I did not always resemble dwarves.

Now, this image which I have darkened and cropped severely is one from longagofaraway and was not anyone I know now. However, since I did toss back a cold one a time or two with this 20-something’s friends and even rode the back of that bike for many hundreds of miles, taking over controls rarely but when need be, doing so unafraid, with a stoic look, as taught. Life was different for all of us then and draping across a bike like that (was that the Yamaha?) was a silly joke not intended to be what my husband seems to believe it must have been. Which is why the picture is not one with which I am familiar… perhaps my old friend Julio could tell you who that is and where she’s gone?

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 11, 2018 12:12 am

Billah’s wife is EC. You can sure ramble for a good long while with your prose, yet you still can’t diagnose such an easy matter. I’m disappointed.

January 11, 2018 12:23 am

Well, Anonymous 2 and not 1, I have to say that there are diagnoses and then there are prescriptions for those ailments which are most easily identifiable. I suppose your symptoms are difficult to pin down, but mine are not.

Some of us understand that a good long ramble is sometimes the best place to tuck away a tidbit of information. Others just don’t play that kind of word game.

January 11, 2018 12:32 am

You sure like to ramble. You could have said all that in one succinct sentence.

January 11, 2018 8:37 am

Billah’s wife is not EC

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 11, 2018 9:44 pm

Anon, your momma is BW.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
January 11, 2018 12:27 am

Maggie, I never insulted yer son. I pointed out he was gay and werd likely be livin in yer basement ferever due to lack of ambition and general retardation, but that’s just shootin straight cuz we’re friends. Whooee you was smokin hot back then.

An gawd dammed someone finally figgered out I also post here as uh beaner just fer the comical relief uh havin turd colored people represented on TBP. Well, it was fun while it lasted but now El Coyote will now be laid ter rest ferever

  Billah's wife
January 11, 2018 12:53 am


  Billah's wife
January 11, 2018 1:11 am

If that doesn’t bring a tear to your eye or a smile to your lips, you can’t grasp how very touched I am to be claimed as a friend by this very familiar voice. However, the loss of EC seems a high price for poor Maggita to pay and Anonymous 2 and not 1 will be on my shitlist forever.

January 11, 2018 9:28 am

I don’t think EC and BW are one and the same, although I suspect EC has “done” BW a time or two, if you know what I mean.

Stucky, BW has threatened to kill El Coyote! ” Well, it was fun while it lasted but now El Coyote will now be laid ter rest forever”

Now, you may or may not remember that I disliked EC intensely for a short time, until he realized I was really not as annoying as he thought I was. Now, that BW has threatened to lay him to rest forever, I’m a bit concerned.

January 11, 2018 10:21 am

I studied this mystery up and down and set everybody under the loop, giving no breaks or special exceptions for favors or intellectual abilities. If he breathed, if she wrote, everybody was a suspect. I overlooked my own self because I know I don’t have that kind of discipline to write consistent humor. I don’t have the chops for it. So I excluded myself. Now, come to find out, some nameless moran figured it out just like that. And the surprising thing is that folks believe the little turd. Anonymous Clouseau is about as reliable as Cletus the slack-jawed yokel. I shall have to frame Admin’s absolution, I’m clean as a whistle.

Administrator says:
January 11, 2018 at 8:37 am
Billah’s wife is not EC

January 11, 2018 10:36 am

Shouldn’t that say “Admenstruator says…”?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
January 11, 2018 10:58 am

Gawd dammed people. I’m 110% Aryan, and I don’t even like tacos, except fer them ice cream tacos make mah gums feel cool after the intense heat uh you know what. What the hell is Admenstruater doin verifyin who’s dopplebangin who? Thought I was in gawd dammed America but guess not. All my DMs on Twitter is fair game and now this?

January 11, 2018 1:49 pm

BW? Why do you dog me so? Is it because you are in luv with EC?

January 11, 2018 2:36 pm

Laugh it up, I’ll figure this BW out if anonymous would just butt out.

Ash: Well, as I said, I’m still…collating, actually. But I have confirmed that he’s got an outer layer of protein polysaccharides. Has a funny habit of shedding his cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, which gives him a prolonged resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Is that enough?
Ripley: That’s plenty. What does it mean? [bends down to look through the micro-scanner]
Ash: Please don’t do that. Thank you.
Ripley: I’m sorry.
Ash: Well, it’s an interesting combination of elements, making him a … tough little son-of-a-bitch.

D. Ny Abilitee
D. Ny Abilitee
January 11, 2018 10:35 pm

Administrator says: “Billah’s wife is not EC”

Just before the bombs hit, we should all come back here quick and admit our aliases. That would comical. What if out of the 20,000+ visitors here daily only 10 of us were actually commenting all these years. If a 7 foot Austrian from NJ had an opposite it would be short hispanic dude from CA. If a rich native american dude from down under had an opposite it would be a southern white trailer trash hag stirring the pot. You never know.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  D. Ny Abilitee
January 11, 2018 10:54 pm

Sorry to burst your bubble, D Nye, El Coyote is not a figment of Stuck’s imagination, he is a figment of Chen’s imagination based on the real life Mexican artist . Chen is a product of AnotherJuan’s creative mind. AnotherJuan was conjured up by El Shaka after the artist known as El Shaka was killed in Mexico.

  EL Coyote
January 11, 2018 11:36 pm

I remember when you went all Prince-like and your moniker was only symbols. It was your grandkid who renamed you by punching your keyboard, if I recall correctly.

EC can’t be Stucky. His swear words are different and he would never use a two-by-four to kill a raccoon. EC would use his sword; or the pistolero on his hip.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 12:11 pm

a pistolero is a gunman. I think if you are looking for a slang word for gun, ‘fusca’ will do.

Urban Dictionary: fusca
chicano (calo) slang for “gun”.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 11, 2018 10:37 pm

The headless (iron) horse woman.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
January 10, 2018 9:24 pm

Lawyers assholes who can get things done without being there.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
  Hollow Man
January 10, 2018 9:36 pm

PC-protective custody is decided by whom and under what circumstances?

It’s good to know your state’s laws on involuntary confinement, PC, and so forth!

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 10, 2018 9:27 pm


It must be true.

That’s what any frau would say and do, and I AGREE don’t you?

January 10, 2018 9:27 pm

Oh Stuck, what a horrible experience! I am so glad you and the missus are okay.

I can only cringe in shame for your treatment at the hands of my fellow medical colleagues.

All I can say is that the majority of community hospitals are on financial life support and are looking for any way to increase revenue. Historically, ERs have been ginormous black holes of costs. The new idea is to make them profit centers.

When my son had his bad accident in 12/2015 (hence my absence from blogging), he was in a local ER for 1.5 hours, had a non contrast cat scan of his face/neck/brain, some labs and some pain meds. The bill was $14, 500. Which my car insurance paid $12,500 without batting an eye. He had to be transferred downtown to the Texas Medical Center and again my car insurance paid $2,500 for 1.5 hour basic ambulance ride.

Anyway, I have seen a steady deterioration of hospital directed care over the last 7 years as ObamalamadingdongCare has careened through our healthcare system like Frankenstein’s monster through the village.

If you do not fit in their “protocols” you are treated as a dangerous (and expensive) PITA.

(Of course we doctors are treated as highly trained and credentialed TECHNICIANS. But I digress.)

Hang in Stuck. Don’t beard the lion in its den. Sadly, the patients needs have been sacrificed to the almighty dollar and treatment protocols and “quality measures”.

I weep or rage daily at the sorry state of American medicine.

And so goes The 4th Turning.


January 10, 2018 10:40 pm

So great to see you again, Superwoman!

I’m in the Dallas area now, but if you ever come up here, I would love to have another beer summit.

All my love.

January 10, 2018 10:03 pm

A sincere prayer for Ms. Freud.

Always try to avoid getting lawyers involved. They think of a four-figure retainer as a mere per diem. It can drain your bank account all too quickly.

Rocky racoon
Rocky racoon
January 10, 2018 10:04 pm

We know what you did.?

January 10, 2018 10:17 pm

Stuck,Mrs Freud and Dutch best wishes to you all. We need to keep in mind that the police and medical people are all scrambling to cover their asses while at the same time delivering protection or medical aid. Our screwed up lawyers and legal system have created a no win situation. Immoral lawyers, clients and legal system are at fault. To much legality and to little justice.

January 10, 2018 10:24 pm

So about 5 years ago, I got the wrong blood pressure medication ( it was 200 mg – and I’m supposed to have 50 mg) . I didn’t know what was wrong, but I laid down – well my wife couldn’t wake me up. She called 911 – never ever call 911 unless you’re dying. Anyway, they came and told her I was drunk. I didn’t have anything to drink that day, nor a couple of weeks before that. They took me to the county hospital, and handcuffed me to a gurney. I finally came around (must have metabolized the BP medicine). When they told me why I was there, I demanded a blood test. I got nothing. Finally they released me at 2:00 am – literally thru me out. I have a good lawyer friend. I got $10k – but what an embarrassment.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 10, 2018 11:29 pm


Was this in backwater Africa… or?

22winmag - Queer men don't need to sexually subjugate women. Queer women don't need men to fulfil their erotic and emotional needs. This failure to meet traditional gender expectations is profoundly threatening to straight male supremacism: "The
22winmag - Queer men don't need to sexually subjugate women. Queer women don't need men to fulfil their erotic and emotional needs. This failure to meet traditional gender expectations is profoundly threatening to straight male supremacism: "The
January 10, 2018 10:26 pm

I do hope Mrs. F is ok now.

January 10, 2018 10:31 pm

Tags: 2×4, victim, copfuk, nigfuk, raccoon, grieving female raccoon, Koi pond, German language, NRC, Negro Carribbean doctor, …nigger?..Really? You can’t say nigger in New Jersey,… lawyers, blood tests, more cop and nigfuks… Mrs. Freud gets a psychiatric test?. Yes, Admin nailed it…classic shit..

January 10, 2018 11:24 pm

And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

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[imgcomment image[/img]

January 10, 2018 11:36 pm

Great read, Stucky, and quite the cautionary tale. The German landlady provided some much-needed levity, though. It has never occurred to me that calling 911 could potentially harm or end my life, but now I see.

I sure miss the good old days.

January 11, 2018 12:08 am

Unfortunately, I am feeling a heavy feeling in my gut today especially. A sense that something is just about to burst upon the scene.

And your talk of the good old days makes the heaviness poignant.

Yesterday, I had cataract surgery… it really is a simple procedure and while I was not comfortable last night, by this morning the eye was clear and I am profoundly thankful that I was able to get this taken care of so quickly. I saw that in India, eye doctors hold massive cataract operation events because it is such a problem with children in India. So, when I saw that, I figured if a couple guys could operate on hundreds of people in India in a big warehouse with vendors selling weird things in the street outside, I could get the fuzziness removed from my own eyes, one by one. (Worse was left…that was first, this week. We’ll see how noticeable the right is now… I can get it taken care of now, but just because I can, does that mean I SHOULD?)

So, it may be the after effect of the strange anesthesia I had… I could SEE the light of the microscope they used and I was aware of people doing stuff, but I felt NOTHING except when someone put a warm blanket (toasted blankets is what I call them) on me. I told my nice nurse Cyndi the toasted blankets were my favorite part of operations of any kind.

Then, today, I had to go back for the eye doctor to make sure the lens was in place. It was. My sight is significantly improved tonight. Now that the scratchiness is fading. It didn’t really hurt last night… just felt like I’d scratched my eye.

But, then, I had a dentist appointment today and for the first time in 15 years, I had a filling put in. I got a shot prior to drilling that numbed me halfway down my shoulder. It is over ten hours later and my jaw is still feeling a bit numb.

So, I’m a bit worse for wear today. Have high hopes of being lots better soon.

January 11, 2018 7:50 am

Maglita, your 10:30 eye appointment coincided with my 10:30 to check my cataract. It is not bad enough to replace yet. The other eye’s new lens is/was A wonder of medical miracles.
Another miracle is the local anesthetic your dentist used. Today’s wonderful effects of numbing solutions can be made to last for extended periods – 12 hours is not uncommon. This is especially true if you have had no or little exposure to local anesthesia in recent history.
Should you retain lack of sensory feeling there is a chance your mandibular main nerve could have been damaged from the injection. That story is 500 words at least and involves legal recourse. I hope your mouth and tooth is better.

January 11, 2018 12:13 am

Stucky,glad it turned out ok for you and Mrs Freud.
I was in the VA emer room last night w/my dad.Late Dec he had a stent replacement and was released too soon and has been getting progressively weaker. Three nurses and a doc said the only way to get him into rehab was to get him readmitted so I took him in yesterday at 4pm and left the hospital at 12:30am.
I told him next time we go in he should check the boxes for chest pain,unexplained bleeding and recent overseas travel when he fills out the initial evaluation form.

A funny story about a guy who was temporarily committed(Baker Acted)here in Fl.
Four or five years ago I was evicting a gal and her boyfriend from one of my trailers.She was an extremely attractive,smooth talking pillhead.
They were befriended by a guy who was an African immigrant.He was a hardcore drinker but not a drug user.He let them move in for a “few days.”
One night he was blasted out of his mind and they called the sheriff’s dept on him and said he was suicidal.He was belligerent and was telling the deputies that he was just drunk but they committed him because of what the roomies said.
At the hospital the er doc realized that he was correct,he was just drunk and not a danger to himself and others.
Too late-by the time he got a ride home the couple had cleaned him out-everything in his house that was worth anything had been cleaned out and they even stole his car and sold it.
He never got any of it back and they were never caught.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 12:15 am

Holy shit Stucky! I’m so sorry that Ms. Freud and you were put through that Orwellian clusterf[]<×! Assholes! As I've said before, with so many assholes in this country, it isn't surprising that there is so much bullshit!

Was it Plainfield NJ? I used to drive into Plainfield in high school to buy liquor from a black liquor store owner, because they wouldn’t card. Used to go to a Chinese restaurant there and drink in high school beause they didn’t card, well they did actually, we would hand them our drivers licenses, but they couldn’t read English so they would pretend to read them, and give them back to us.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 1:51 pm

Oh. Honestly, I don’t remember the names of the streets or establishments. It was in the 80’s so too long ago to recall. NJ has always had a heavy police state. There were police checkpoints every weekend that we would be forced to go through on the way home from Warren and Watchung into Millington( where I lived), they were actually near the Pathmark in Sterling. The funny thing is, that the cops were pretty cool, because we always had alcohol on our breath and we were underage. They would just make everyone pull over, show ID, and talk to them and poke a flashlight in the car, and ask our destination, and I guess if you lived there, they had no problem with it. I suspect that it was to keep the ” riff-raff ” out more than anything, it was at the height of Reagan’s war on drugs. There was no better place to buy drugs than Watchung Hills high school. You could buy anything and everything, ( except heroin, because I knew people that actually drove to NYC to buy it, which I thank my lucky stars that I never tried!) Kids would trip in class. We used to smoke joints on the way from one class to another. One of the bathrooms was a party room, with excuses and late slips in the paper towel dispenser.
I threw what I thought was an extinguished roach in my purse, and it wasn’t out, my purse started smoking in English class, everyone just laughed.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
January 11, 2018 4:36 am

Sorry to hear your story, must’ve been another Nurse Ratched because that doesn’t sound like me at all. I have signed many people out with a set of vitals and quick orientation check if they don’t want to be there, I barely have rooms for people who want them. We don’t even hold our heroin overdoses anymore, we will monitor if they stay willingly, but if they leave, it’s bye Felisha.

I don’t really get what was going on with your cop and doctor there, mostly all my healthcare horror stories are people who WANT to be in hospital but can’t quite meet admission criteria… Saw a girl who was discharged from another ER with TWO dislocated shoulders. No joke. When she told me, I thought she was lying, looked in her previous visit, sure enough, two dislocated shoulders. How is she supposed to wipe her own a$$ or get a meal, much less drive to a follow up appointment at the orthopedist?
I myself have had to unceremoniously turn out some very pitiful no-longer-patients. Not part of the job I enjoy, but if the hospital won’t take them, what to do?

It’s certainly not what it used to be. I’ve tried to find out more about this deal of admission criteria… basically what I’m seeing is that part of Obamacare created a big $$ incentive for contractors to investigate billing of Medicare, even from years prior. If anything is determined to be “unnecessary”, Medicare will reverse that payment. So, for example, if your elderly mother falls and breaks her arm, but it does not require surgery, then it does not require hospitalization. Therefore, to admit her to the hospital will result in a hospital bill that Medicare will not pay, and that might even get you investigated for Medicare fraud. This first presented as the dreaded “Observation” status, big in the news a few years back because of the huge bills patients would end up with. Nothing has changed on that front as far as I know, except that since people couldn’t pay those huge observation bills, the hospitals now refuse to admit more people who can’t meet inpatient status. Anybody out there in the insurance biz who has more insight into this? I’ve wondered how it is legal to make admission decisions based on what kind of bill will be generated…

January 11, 2018 5:27 am

Your wife needs a little patriarchal discipline – panicking is generally a bad move.
Not to mention: don’t engage with the system if you don’t have to – another bad move.
I’m sure Mrs. Stucky is a nice lady, but you need to teach her how not to be a liability.

January 11, 2018 6:08 am

Stuck – you had to know that this post would draw out some personal, not very nice comments. When personal stuff like this is posted, it will inevitably draw out comments like that above. It is the nature of the beast.

A lot of folks have said do not dial 911. I seconded that opinion. I suspect karalan is more or less saying the same thing, but impolitely.

Thanks for putting this up. You are braver than me.

January 11, 2018 6:39 am

el coyote disciplined me last week for being polite. So this time I tried not to be. Just want to fit in with the STM.
No disrespect intended, but anyone who panicks and thinks the system will be there for them needs to be disabused of their faith.

January 11, 2018 8:15 am

In a sentence with the word “but” everything that comes before is bullshit.

January 11, 2018 9:36 am

That’s just Dr Phil baloney.

January 11, 2018 9:36 am

here is a another good example…

[imgcomment image[/img]

I try my best to like politicians but sometimes the only thing they should be allowed to do is suck in a bucket of dicks…

January 11, 2018 9:38 am

Well, EC better get his ass in gear and show up for work… he’s been threatened by the BW and if he doesn’t show up by the eventide, I shall have to call 911.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 11, 2018 10:33 pm

I’m also responsible in part for Rdawg. Sooner or later, I will have to admit I’m a bad influence. That goes totally against my positive self-image.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
  EL Coyote
January 11, 2018 11:16 pm

Don’t be so hard on yerself beaner. Due ter yer inferior genetics and retard iq yer not culpabilioso fer yer negative influence on those nearest ter yer and indeed society at large. Thats why brown people got ter be returned ter sender. Murica has been inundated with goat molesters, paleteros and illegal lawn care perviders, washin over this great land like uh greasy burrito fart in uh pair uh brand new hanes. DT is goner scrub out that gawd dammed skid mark til it’s ALL WHITE agin, so sorry but yer SOL. And by that way Admen, it ain’t cool ter be snoopin and shit on our IPs. Maybe yer uh fan uh the deep state but gawd dammet here on TBP we pride ourselves on total freedom ter say crazy shit totally anonymously, so you need ter stop worshippin Mark Zuckerberg and try ter stand up fer what’s right. I ain’t sendin yer as no more money that’s fer dammed sure.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 9:05 am

Well, good thing you managed to haul yourself on here and reply. I was calling in a SWAT team.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 9:38 am

To the contrary, EC, on being a bad influence. Here’s one that believes you’ve been a good one, if recipients are open minded enough to recognize it. To M’s approval, it was tough love and unsolicited but welcome feedback, with a touch of criticism, for how to engage in debate without taking offense, w/o revealing weakness, and without ass kissing too obviously, when showing respect and gratitude.

January 12, 2018 10:13 am

without ass kissing too obviously… LOL.

Am sure that is in the Art of War, perhaps not quite so bluntly stated.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 6:46 pm

“I’m also responsible in part for Rdawg.”

Pfft. You wish.

January 12, 2018 7:15 pm

I wouldn’t doubt it… you did make that saggy tits remark that sounded rather El Coyotish.

Does RDawg have a coyote up his ass telling him what to say? LOL… that made me laugh.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 1:58 am

Raydog, I felt like I created a monster after I told you to stop being a pussy. Well, I shall stop feeling guilty.

However, karalan did throw me under the bus in this article. I owe Stucky an apology.

Oh, and the Bethsheba is back, so I can stop feeling guilty about her. Still no apology, though. Does anybody know where YoBo is?

January 11, 2018 10:45 am

“But, thanks for your advice. Next time I’ll just go all Arkansas on her and stab her to death. That’ll teach her.”
Lay off Arkansas,I still have lots of kinfolk there.
Also,rumor has it that BB is from there also and North Carolina is his adopted home.BB is short for Beebe,the nearest town to my folks.
I’m waiting for your apology Stucky.While you’re deciding whether or not to do so,keep in mind that rumors are circulating that the old white dude who moved into the mansion is giving candy to kids-it’d be a shame for someone to call the Plainfield police dept w/that info.
Your Impatient Friend

January 12, 2018 7:18 pm

Don’t forget about the harm he’s done to God’s adorable creatures.

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 12, 2018 8:33 am

By the way Stucky, we teach kids, adults, dogs, lions (but not cats, generally).
If your wife were a dog who needed teaching, we’d have to call you a dogfucker. And that you certainly ain’t.
On the other hand, “And if anyone in the relationship is a liability, it’s me.” sounds a bit cuckish.
Cucky Stucky?

January 12, 2018 8:37 am

Karalan – that is bullshit right there. Why would you post such a thing?

What say you go fuck yourself, you ignorant douchebag.

January 12, 2018 8:58 am

Fair enough, but which part exactly is bullshit?

January 12, 2018 9:16 am

The bullshit where you mention his wife in such terms, you fucking imbecile.

January 12, 2018 9:22 am

A woman who engages in foolish activity is a woman who engages in foolish activity. Why do you insist on pedestalizing people based on what they have between their legs?
Stucky’s wife fucked up, and Stucky needs to recognize that. So do you.
Btw, I love women too, but don’t accept that they are free from the consequences of their own behavior.
We all fuck up now and then. Totally forgiveable, but recognition and acknowledgement are required.

January 12, 2018 9:32 am

Karalan, your idiocy knows no limits. To fuck up is to be stupid. Mrs Freud had a panic attack, owing to a physical ailment and previous health issues. But you are entitled to be an idiot. It suits you.

But the douchebag comment about “dogfucker” was out of line. Grow up.

January 12, 2018 9:45 am

I notice your latest comment doesn’t give me a ‘reply’ option. Not sure why.
But… to fuck up is human, not stupid. The smartest people in the world do it.

January 12, 2018 12:18 pm

This Karalan character is a real piece of work, but a complete waste of time and effort.
It’s obvious a village somewhere is depraved of another idiot, and we don’t have enough crayons to explain what is so wrong with you.
Suffice to say your parents never loved you, were no doubt cousins, your mom should have swallowed or maybe became pregnant when she rolled into a wet dream by her father, no one has ever truly loved you except your inbred sister who can always tell when mom is on the rag because your dick tastes different.
I’m jealous of all the people you have never met, and hope the worst day you’ve ever had is going to be the best day in your future.
May a thousand stable flies infest your armpits and you stink forever.

Fuck you. Asshole

January 12, 2018 1:38 pm

Card – why karalan would come around and piss on Stuck is beyond me. Good work supporting our Austrian yeti.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 12:58 pm

Stuck’s purpose is to relate an unfortunate incident. He knows how to make the story entertaining even though nobody in the story was in any mood to be entertaining. Not the cops, not the landlady, not the nurses and doc, the orderlies, Stuck and least of all Mrs F.

It is a bit unfair to offer advice when none is required. I hate telling any story to a woman because even if I point out the thing happened 40 years ago, they still want to give you advice.

I don’t know if you are off your meds, karalan. You not only offer advice, you offer criticism. Your bedside manner sucks. You abuse a middle-age lady who has done nothing to you and simply reacted to a health issue. You abuse a man who has done nothing to you and simply reacted to help a lady in distress. He felt he’d been caught with his pants down and lamented that he could have been better prepared.

I would not refer to such a man, one who has dealt with more problems and issues; cops, realtors, aged parents, doctors, bureaucrats, random weasels, etc. as a “cuck”. You are out of line; way out of line. You owe Stuck and Mrs. F an apology. I’m afraid you may not be half the man Stuck is to offer one.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 1:11 pm

You tell ’em Me Hoe. By the way, I looked up information about El Salvador. It looks a bit shitholish to me. I also looked up Spanish words for Friend. You are right about that one… Mijo/mejo is not on the list!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 5:02 pm


1. All countries are going to appear shitholey. The western formula is to dominate and suppress all other countries. Dominance allows the west to plunder at will. It’s easy, just install your puppet in charge of the country and fuck the people. You abuse their environment and withhold modern products or medicine (unless you want to try out an experimental drug or test a disease). When you are caught doing this, you point your finger at the Joos or some nefarious secret society like the Bilderberg Group.

2. Mexican nationals have a disquieting habit of calling their sweetheart “mija” which means daughter. They think it’s cute, we think it’s abusing a term of endearment best suited for your kid.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 7:23 pm

Eeewwwweeee… Hmmm… If I could only ask my old friend what the hell he meant by that.

Oh, well… just between you and me, some of the poor ghettos of El Salvador look very similar to the mobile home park complete with freaking pigsty located about a mile outside the nearest “town.” I know whacha mean Me Hoe… you can find the Turd World wherever you want to.

  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 1:36 pm

EC – karalape probably shares more dna with a slug than with Stuck.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 1:48 pm

Karalan, Wow!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 3:38 pm

Easy for you to say. The poor women is a cancer survivor. The system is obviously the problem, and those in the system, the police and the AMA are horrendously abusing their authority. I think that I will write a letter of outrage demanding a written apology in the Star Ledger, along with financial compensation and $2,000 for emotional trauma, if Stucky is agreeable to that of course. If people are afraid to call 911 in an emergency, or what they perceive to be a potential emergency, lives will be lost, and the whole reason for 911 has been completely thrown out the window, it was designed to save lives, if people fear to use it, it will result in loss of life.

January 11, 2018 6:25 am


100 bitchez!

January 11, 2018 9:39 am

I had dental work done and was not able to keep up.

January 11, 2018 8:22 am

We would all do well to remember a few facts. Very few of us are important enough to be targets for extra judicial killings by the police or subjected to institutionalization by medics. That being said we must realize that they don’t really consider us important enough to serve either. They are not our friends. In our dealings with them, we would be wise to be out of sight and out of mind.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 3:57 pm

That is where you are wrong. If you are a credible citizen that has witnessed government corruption, or happened to discover it and talk about it, you will ne targeted.
Omerta has destroyed America:
Omerta Has Destroyed America – Andrea Iravani

Omerta Has Destroyed America