Three-Hundred-Million Fell from the Eagle’s Aerie

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By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

I had lunch with a friend the other day and he called the mainstream media the “sunshine media” because they are shedding light on all of Trump’s dark deeds with Russia. Not kidding. As I persuasively tried to red-pill him regarding Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Uranium One, the DNC/Clinton/Fusion GPS fake Russian dossier, Obama’s weaponization of the DoJ and FBI against a presidential candidate, FISA warrants and Susan Rice’s felonious unmasking of American citizens illicitly surveilled – I saw a look of confused pity enter his eyes. He thought I was crazy.

In retrospect, I was acting, perhaps, a little… shall we say… passionate on these topics. I also realize one of the reasons people get upset when discussing politics and the reporting by the mainstream media, is because no one wants their friends to get fooled.  But on the way home I started to wonder:

“How can one convince someone else they are NOT crazy?” 

After lunch, I read a humorous story on a blog with the word “cuckoo’s nest” in the title and it made me think of the 25th Amendment positioning by Trump’s political opponents; both kind of funny and kind of tragic.  Kind of like Ken Kesey’s 1962 novel, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, which was later made into a 1975 film of the same name. The book remains one of my personal favorites and the Academy Award winning movie is widely considered to be one of the best motion pictures ever made; ranking #33 in the American Film Institute’s top 100 films.

When I read Cuckoo’s Nest in high school I was so impressed that I wanted to learn more about the author. I was fascinated by Kesey, a one-time champion wrestler who later became an icon of the 1960s counterculture. I identified with Kesey as a wrestler although, at the time, I arrogantly considered his home state of Oregon to represent more of a civil war reenactor or national-guard-type level of wrestling; compared to my own Midwestern state, which ranked nothing less than the Green Beret, Navy Seal, or recon-Marine standard of matsmanship.

Then, in college, I also read “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test”.

But I digress.

In the story of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Kesey narrates the account through the mind of Chief Bromden, a 6 foot, 7-8 inch tall native American who is locked up in a mental health sanatorium for schizophrenia. Chief Bromden tells of the mischievous shenanigans and legendary downfall of a footloose rogue by the name of Randle Patrick McMurphy, another inmate in the asylum who was later immortalized in the film version by actor Jack Nicholson.

McMurphy’s female antagonist in the tragic tale is a matriarchal, ball-busting, control-freak named Nurse Ratched, and the combative conflict between these two characters play out, allegorically, as masculine virility wilts before a maternally mechanized systemization of power. Chief Bromden identified the system as the Combine.

Like a school bus dropping off a load of uniformed children, the Combine reaps from fields of orthodoxies while dispatching the unruly chaff into insane asylums where the weeds are then threshed by the likes of Nurse Ratchet via methods including electroshock therapy and even lobotomies.

In many ways One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is more than a fictional story; more than an allegory. It has proven prophetic. It is the story of the Divided States of America; an asylum imprisoning subjects suffering under the final stages of Cultural Marxist Dementia and secured by a police state enforcing a twisted type of morality designed to make the inmates increasingly loony.  In a deranged world turned inside-out, the sane ones are labeled insane.



Kesey’s novel delineates the epic contest between individual autonomy versus the Feminine Authoritarianism of Matriarchal Tyranny. Stated another way, the story describes the warlike enmity between independent, masculine autonomy and mother knows best. McMurphy sees how Nurse Ratched’s institutionalized control is designed to consolidate her power more than help her patients. She encouraged the inmates to snoop and snitch on one-another in ways like what forced Edward Snowden to escape to Russia.

In a world where jocularity and machismo is not only discouraged, but forcibly renounced, McMurphy helps the formerly mute Chief Bromden to conquer his fearful, emotional paralysis by first cultivating his courage to speak. Furthermore, McMurphy challenges the condescending, intractable, and forced civility of others by goading them on with wild antics and crazy non-sequitors to confound them.  At one point he dominates a game of Monopoly by his unpredictable, iconoclastic heterodoxy. McMurphy wins. The others lose.  He teaches the patients that trying is better than not trying.  Is he rebellious? Is he an emancipator?

How can someone convince others they are not crazy?  How can anyone inform the herd they are moving toward the slaughterhouse without appearing insane in the process?

When talking to my “sunshine-media” cheerleading friend the other day I was reminded of the way I have felt for many years now.  One way I can describe it is to reference Ken’s Kesey’s, and Jack Nicholson’s, portrayal of Randle McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. 

Another cinematic example would include Sarah Connor in the “Terminator” series.

In “Terminator II”, Connor (who is portrayed by actress Linda Hamilton), envisioned the inevitable future.  It was a world overtaken by machines. The future was inescapable because it had already happened; although her vision took place in the past. You just have to see the movie(s). But it looked like this:



Seeing that would make anyone kind of passionate when warning others, would it not?  But, when she tried to explain this to those who did not believe her, she came across the way I did with my friend at lunch. He appeared as if he was watching a screen version of me not unlike this:



Whether Trump is controlled opposition, like a Lady Liberty -style judas goat who is drawing out the Deplorables for the globalists to one day lobotomize by the heel of Nurse Ratchet’s jackboot; or whether Trump is the real McMurphy taking on the institution, the demographic sanity, or rationality, of the incarcerated is already gone.  War cometh and economic collapse is certain. How do you suppose the orderlies will keep the peace if not by weaponized technology and surveillance? How can the inmates resist that kind of superior force with spit-wads, pea-shooters, and tin-foil adorned bicycle helmets?

When it all goes really crazy, what will bind us together?

In a police state it is either submission, or death, by storm-trooper, drone, bomb, or robot. When staring into oblivion, what difference does it make?

These are just a few of the questions I wonder about sometimes, as I lay in my bed and stare at my ceiling; seeing the shimmering, silent shadows in the still of the night.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
January 13, 2018 8:00 am


  Martin brundlefly
January 15, 2018 4:13 pm

“How can one convince someone else they are NOT crazy?”

as far as trying against a liberal…the simple answer is : you can’t.

google “yuri bezmenov idealogical subversion” …watch the video….it was recorded in 1985. if you have never seen it, it will blow your mind.

“Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

January 13, 2018 8:17 am

“Randle Patrick McMurphy”, even his name denotes energy & action, “RPM”

“Whether Trump is controlled opposition…or whether Trump is the real McMurphy”
That’s an easy one! the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so whatever happens, Trump will do what benefits Trump, regardless of who gets hurt.

January 13, 2018 9:04 am


Your ego has gotten you in a bad position and your pride is keeping you there.

Quit trying to fit the world to your preconceived view of it, step out of the box, and take a look at reality as it is unfolding before you.

Trump is doing what he said he would do to the extent he is able to, and that is what he was elected to do.

January 13, 2018 2:37 pm

The sad fact is that he is hog-tied by Conress, stabbed in the back by many of his appointees and even family, undermined constantly by a dishonest media and sabotaged by the civil service. It is amazing that he is still alive and in office. Likely tk remain breathing but driven out maybe even before mid-tem election.

January 13, 2018 10:23 pm

“Trump is doing what he said he would do to the extent he is able to,
and that is what he was elected to do.”

Bullshit he is ! Based on his words & promises I too would have voted for Trump.
BUT – – he has stooped to the lowest of levels by Not implementing his major promises.
Like not interfering in other Countries – Like reducing NOT INCREASING the Military budget.
Deliberately continuing with War Gaming right on N. Korea’s border – deliberately stirring up.
– – – – and allowing the War Hawkes to continue to blame Russia for everything !

TRUMP -unfortunately is a lying Toad – like all other former Presidents. A$$holes All .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 10:36 am

I don’t think that you fully grasp what you’ve just written.

If the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and Trump will do what benefits Trump, the only possible outcome is success.

Cogitate on that for a while.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 9:05 pm

Or bankruptcy. Let’s be real, HSF. Still enjoying your syrup btw.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 14, 2018 8:45 pm

great point young man

January 13, 2018 11:02 am

MarshRabbit is the perfect example that Batshit Crazy Loonies will forever remain Batshit Crazy Loonies.

Mr. Anon
Mr. Anon
January 13, 2018 11:03 am

Two comments:
While the talent was impeccable, my hat-tip goes to the genius that assembled all the pieces into such an enduring masterpiece.

Is there a person on the planet that doesn’t look out for their own ass first in every decision they make? Nope. But, that doesn’t negate the help they provide to others.

  Mr. Anon
January 13, 2018 9:00 pm

Well said. I think of that when contemplating the heroics of a man such as Captain Chesley Sullenberger. Sure, he saved a bunch of folks on that airplane. But that was incidental. He was trying to save his own ass; the rest were just gravy.

Janet Wilkie
Janet Wilkie
January 16, 2018 1:08 pm

And then he walked all the way into the back of the sinking plane, which was mostly underwater, to make certain that everyone was out. Great way to stay alive, that was.

  Mr. Anon
January 13, 2018 9:44 pm

So every marine (or whomever self-sacrificed in some way) that ever jumped on a grenade to save his buddies was pantin’ to get his ass to heaven? That kind of looking out for his own ass? Hmm. Interesting.

January 13, 2018 10:26 pm

Mainly ONLY ever happened in Hollywood Productions – -get real !

January 13, 2018 10:48 pm

Notice I said ANY self-sacrifice, but here’s a couple;
Kyle Carpenter, Canadian John Osborn, Doc Ballard, Brit Matt Croucher, Jason Dunham, Rich Bogan.

If anybody read what I’ve just edited out, my apologies. Hit a nerve.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 16, 2018 9:46 pm
January 13, 2018 12:03 pm

Rabbit, you are sounding like Nurse Ratched…..

January 13, 2018 8:23 am

I have learned- although I still am the apparent, passionate, nuttter- looking, purveyor of truth on occasion- that those who have undergone 12 years of Marxist ideology ( or more) in our school systems or who watch hours of state-run programming daily cannot be red-pilled with a simple fact-laden conversation.
They either glaze over and shut off, or they give one that pitiable look of “my friend is a kook.”

I had a 28 year-old male whom I work with come right out and say this week, “I think TRUE communism is the perfect form of government. One where everybody shares everything and everyone is equal.”

The best I could do was plant seeds explaining to him that it has been tried over and over and always fails or leads to a bourgouis/proletariat society. The ultimate flaw is that they fail to see that there will always be someone in charge and that anyone with that kind of power loses any benevolence that may have existed. We ultimately end up with a serf/overlord tyranny. Plus human motivation is destroyed as largess is compensated equally with those who are inspired.

Planting seeds, that is the best we can do, and hope that one day they will run the conflicting programming they have received with the reality of human nature and take the red pill someday.

January 13, 2018 9:22 am

Give that man a copy of Animal Farm.

January 13, 2018 10:31 am

I had a communist friend back in college, a real communist, not a pretender that didn’t really understand communism.

One of his favorite phrases was “no one should have two pairs of boots till everyone has one” (I don’t know if that is a common communist phrase or something uniquely his own).

I once asked him why I would keep working to make shoes for someone else to have after I had mine since that was all I would be allowed to have no matter how many I made.

He had no answer.

The point I was making is that why would someone work if they didn’t gain anything from it and why would someone produce for himself if he was promised someone else would provide for him if he doesn’t?

January 13, 2018 10:59 pm

Unfortunately that is a lesson many people seem intent on learning the hard way. Too many Americans think that communism has failed is because ‘that country/group/whatever didn’t do it right’. Some combination of them thinking themselves smarter, more pure of heart, plus a healthy dose of good ole ‘Merikan exceptionalism’ leads them to believe that they will be able to pull it off.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 14, 2018 12:46 pm

Favorite workers’ saying in Soviet Union: “The pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.”

January 13, 2018 8:29 am

The truth is just to painful for many to contemplate and the MSM Globalist propaganda machine too effective. I recently had a wealthy 80 year old hotly assert that “Russia has no business meddling in Syria, they are sticking their nose where it doesnt belong” When I mentioned a shared border and a longstanding relationship including a Russian navy port leased since 1971 and an invitation from the Syrian government unlike the illegal invasion by USA, I thought his head would explode. He then asserted that all guns should be registered as it would have prevented the Vegas shooting, ” They never would have let him buy that many guns in the first place” he yelled at the thanksgiving dinner table in MY house.
“How can someone convince others they are not crazy?”-You cant.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2018 2:58 pm

I believe the Vegas shootings were planned by our Uniparty/Deep State overlords to create popular demand for universal registration (as would be accomplished through universal background checks). Your house guest is wrong that universal registration would prevent such a mass shooting, since even if universal registration had been in place, the overlords would stage more mass shootings to justify nationwide confiscation. Registration is intended as a prelude to confiscation, as I’m sure you’re already aware.

January 13, 2018 11:07 pm

Thats one way I’m very fortunate. I have ZERO family members like that. In my family and my wife’s family. About the closest I’ve come is being lectured by a long time friend of my father-in-law that ‘i might as well vote for charlie crist’ when I said I thought Rick Scott was a scumbag and was voting for the LP instead. Not one libtard to be found.

January 13, 2018 8:33 am

We are going to find out in the next couple of months just who controls the American Empire. The “Deep State’ is in deep doo doo over the fraudulent FBI/DoJ ‘investigation’ of Secretary Clinton and her entourage abuse and misuse of classified information and the illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.

The scale and importance of the revelations now coming out dwarf anything in US history. This isn’t a rogue operation like Watergate conducted by a few people in the Nixon re-election campaign or the espionage by a cabal of scientists with access to American atomic secrets in the 1940’s. This now appears to be a concerted effort by the top officials in the US government to misuse our intelligence agencies, law enforcement and judicial system to overturn the 2016 election.

Make no mistake this is not about ‘rogue’ elements within the US government this is about a conspiracy organized out of the White House and DNC using the most powerful agencies of the US government to topple a president. That the MSM has been a willing accomplice in this coup cannot forgiven or overlooked either.

As I said, the next couple of months are going to determine if the conspirators will be brought to justice or if they will, despite their treason being publicly revealed, prevail and destroy what little is left of our republic.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 13, 2018 11:30 am

Unit….while I will disagree with you at times, this comment by you is a Top Ten (on TBP).

January 13, 2018 11:05 pm

An astonishingly succinct statement.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 14, 2018 7:33 am

I heard the Anwan brothers IT investigation was dropped from a Congressional panel inquiry that was scheduled for next week (or was it this past week?). But a quick internet search doesn’t reveal much.

Until the public knows it was Seth Rich who leaked the DNC e-mails to Wikileaks and the Russians were not involved, nothing will change.

MSM is already talking up Russian hacking on the NEXT election.

The BS never sleeps.

ethics thorn
ethics thorn
  Rise Up
January 14, 2018 4:30 pm

“Until the public knows it was Seth Rich who leaked the DNC e-mails to Wikileaks and the Russians were not involved, nothing will change.”

Actually it was kimdotcom what did that.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
January 13, 2018 8:52 am

The only way a lot of these people will wake up is when the tsunami hits and a wall of water comes crashing into their living rooms. Reality is a dear school, but it’s a fool’s only one. There are times when the sane will wonder if they’re crazy…or if it’s everbody else. Mass insanity always ends up wiping out many of its own excesses.

Good article, I’ll post it. I forgot to post your last one for a few days, but I did post it.

  Robert Gore
January 13, 2018 9:14 am

Okay, Robert, either you forgot or you didn’t… can’t have it both ways.
You reminded me of a discussion I had with my husband about where my car keys were.

Me: I brought them into the house, opened the boot and coat closet inside the front door and hung them on the hook. I know I did.

(I just took a picture of it to show you what I’m talking about… those are MINE on the end. Quad keys on top of the yard hat. (When I say “yard hat” I mean the hat Nick wears when working in the yard. Is a thinning hair issue we don’t discuss because it implies bald spot.)

[imgcomment image[/img]

Nick, standing at the open closet door, where he has put a strip of hooks for all our vehicle keys, smug look on his face: Yet, they are not there.

Me, glaring at the line of hooks where his set of keys, the quad keys, the lawn tractor keys, the freaking keys to the treehouse and even the the Tucson are hanging with one hook empty, screaming out to the world that I lost my damn keys again: They must be in the Jeep again.

Nick, reaching into his pocket and producing missing keys: Not any more.

And he doesn’t do it in a mean way… just in that flabbergasted way that someone who has been finding my keys for me for twenty-five years can do.

Now, I am sure you posted Unassuming’s post on SLL, which I look at once in a while and appreciate your commentary, but your writing reminds me of my own father’s style of editorial for better or worse. Since my father and I did NOT agree on writing style (and editing!), it sometimes causes me to be sad when you turn a phrase a certain direction.

But, all in all, just want to say it is I think the collectorate (I like that better than collection and refuse to not use the exact WORD I want to use to describe the herd of STMs here at TBP) of thinking minds assembling here are growing both myriad and madding. The potential is great. So is the risk.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
January 13, 2018 8:29 pm

Only going to deal with your first paragraph. Is it not possible to forget to do something for a period of time and then remember to do it? That’s what happened to me with Uncola’s last article. It did get posted…eventually.

  Robert Gore
January 14, 2018 9:02 am

Was only punning the wording. I forget to do just about everything these days until I finally get it done.

Nathan Bedford Quantrell
Nathan Bedford Quantrell
  Robert Gore
January 13, 2018 10:11 am

Mister Gore,

They will never awaken. They will be babbling, “What is happening? Why is this happening to me?” as they kneel, awaiting the shot to the back of the head.

People whose lives are wrapped up in their delusions will never yield their delusions. I read that people in the Soviet “work to death” camps would often say, “If Stalin only knew what is happening here, he would make this situation right.”

Stalin knew and approved. Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Of course, gotta be someone else’s eggs, not mine.

  Robert Gore
January 13, 2018 1:13 pm

They won’t wake up. I can’t say it any better than the quote supposedly written by Mark Twain, that it’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled.

I used to believe that surely when liberals personally were faced with the consequences of lunatic do-goodism, they would be instantly red-pilled. But this has turned out not to be the case: look at France and Germany and Sweden, still voting for those leaders who would destroy them with the murderous, raping, welfare-sucking hordes they call asylum seekers. Look at our own sanctuary cities where our citizens are killed and raped with impunity, and the voters in those cities double-down on their desire to protect the criminals. I’ve read about the websites, mostly in Germany, where people turned on by cannibalism can hook up with people who want to be cannibalized. Insane, right? Here in Portland, like in California, our streets are turning into third world garbage heaps by the ever-increasing numbers of homeless. Still we vote for the same liberal elites that use taxpayer dollars to give more and more benefits to these mostly shiftless men and women looking for their next high.

There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. I confess to feeling overwhelmed with despair, and I am tired of talking to stony-faced, blue-pilled Eloi who insist on embracing their Morlock captors.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 13, 2018 8:59 am

The fellow you were talking to is simply a brain-washed twit. You should have grabbed him by the shirt collar and pointed out – sternly – that only an idiot could listen to a Jake Tapper, a Don Lemon or a Wolf Blitzer and not see that they are morons, butt puppets for the handful of evil bastards who control America’s mainstream media. We no longer have the luxury of allowing these pitiful fools to live in their dream world. Wake them up and let them know what clueless fucks they are.

  Southern Sage
January 14, 2018 10:49 am

Sage, I agree it’s good to try to point out the obvious but it still doesn’t work. I have a friend I’ve known for 50 years. He would vote for Hillary tomorrow even though I’ve sent him reams of material showing her corruption. He dismisses obvious facts as fake news. Some/many can’t be reached no matter how strongly you tug at their lapels. Still, we try.

January 13, 2018 9:16 am

There you go – submission or death. There’s almost an infinite detail about either choice, but it finally comes down to that one question.That’s the choice almost everybody who has ever lived has had to make. What are you willing to do to stay alive, and where do you draw the line? Where do you think you will spend eternity, or do you even believe there is one? And how does that influence your decision?
I’ve made my choice, figured out years ago the line/s I would not cross, and why. That choice has lead me in paths that young man may not have taken if he had ignored that issue, or chosen differently.
I sleep very well at night, but I see the world around me all too clear.
I am living my choice, and I am OK with that.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 13, 2018 9:39 am

Talk about red pills!

Lengthy, but oh so worth it!

January 13, 2018 9:42 am

Another good post Uncola. Keep ’em coming.

With the ‘great divide’ we are part of, I have stopped trying to make the ‘other side’ see the light with verbal discussion.
Especially seasoned adults, normally viewed as intelligent, productive, and successful.
It is futile.
They’ll never sway me in their argument, and I’ve found there’s not a chance in hell they can even stop and think about my positions, look at facts, and consider they’ve been duped.

So the key questions become: 1. Who is possibly able to be ‘converted’ to see Truth?
(Veritas? What is Truth, Claudia?) ~ Pontius Pilate

2. How can the enlightened convincingly get the willfully blind to reconsider their mistaken judgments?
For me, I really see very few ways, in the face of the onslaught of biased media, in the battle for what people tune in to, and observe, to form their stance and opinions.
The ignorant ones are still absorbing from CNN, MSNBC, FB, the Chirpers, WaPO, NYT.
My suggestion:
1. Use copy and paste, to pull and print out the ‘meat’ of a given topic, being sure to include any weblinks or other resources that support a claim.
Gather and give the best evidences for formulating a position, with facts, and with supporting proofs that back up a held position on a given topic.
Accumulate some of the Best of the Best printouts of such.
2. Find a young adult with ‘skin in the game’, and appeal to the benefits of righting the ship, if that still is possible and there is enough time to do so.
i.e., if we’re not too far down the path to destruction by the cultural Marxist trend, and economic disaster. It very well may be too late, but we must ‘go down swinging’ if we are doomed to lose the fight. Give them the material anyways, and tell them to read and research.
“Don’t bite my finger off. Just look to where it’s pointing. Reach out to me for more, if interested.”
-Good targets that have skin in the game would be young parents, to try and convey the horrific world their kids will inherit, if the madness isn’t reversed, with an urgent attempt, by as many sane patriots as can possibly be recruited.
That is, appeal to the sense of a brighter future being possible for the next few generations.
Because if we fail in the attempt, the reality is a bleak one indeed.

If no such ‘targets’ are available to us, we can always leave a printout in high traffic areas where someone’s curiosity bug will bite, they will grab and read it. You never know who might absorb some truth, when you just ‘send it out’ there, casting your line into the fishing pond.

Hell, one can even potentially sway some of the more seasoned adults who have grandchildren they love. Appealing to the welfare of the grand kids future might, MIGHT be effective.

We have to keep trying, and it’s going to be a long, tough job, but if enough people can get behind a large vehicle stuck in the mud and snow, the rig just might start to gain some traction, and with a concentrated push, be freed from the swamp it’s bogged down in.
Put your boots on. It’s gonna be messy.

January 13, 2018 9:45 am

Uncommitted, I wrote you a very nice little paragraph and then lost it into the machine again. There’s this bizarre thing my laptop does sometimes… it just seems to blink and all my tabs just go away. I tend to keep several tabs open, a habit grown accustomed to while editing documents, corresponding with co-workers and Instant Messaging with my husband who worked on a different area of the base, but was connected to me via the LAN. So, it isn’t closing just the tab I’m working through (I consider them windows… creepy what the computer age does to our lingo, eh?), it is the entire link to the outer world that simply disconnects with no explanation as to why.

So, when all the tabs just disappear in that strange sudden manner, all the Control Zeeing (thanks Stucky… that does work most times) in the world doesn’t bring the crap back.

Since I probably can’t recreate the masterpiece I wrote applauding your comments from the ‘tweenlight hours, I will just tease you a bit and suggest you take a look at a few other Jack Nicholson movies’ titles and tell me if the man’s body of work is interesting to you.

Also, I was going to make an offhand comment about how Marshal McCluhan and Ed Bernays were simply massaging the same message, both in a very new sort of medium. Imagine what either could have conceived with the capabilities of the World Wide Web.

This part (3 of 3) begins with McCluhan’s discussion of the comic as being able to make people laugh by being hurtful. I’d never really thought about it in that way. Is it true? I don’t see you as a comical sort and I am betting, I’m closer to right than not. Now, others around this place tend to the snarky pun, but you seem constrained to the literary imagery.

I’m listening to McLuhan in the background. Now he is discussing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and how they interpret, perhaps analyze, information. OMG… I just heard him use the term “Oriental mind.” Racist. Now, I must reassess his opinion as completely and totally worthless.

LOL… because, that is the Medium of our Message.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 13, 2018 9:51 am

You have witnessed the fruit of years of progressive training in turning reason on its head, by teaching the blue pilled how to end every debate when lost, by jumping into another argument and repeating the process until reason throws up its hands and says “I give up.” The only way to counter is to dig in and stick with the original point. I said counter and not win, because if you are successful, you will see panic in their eyes right before they call you a Nazi or racist and storm off in a huff.
Education will not help, reason will not help, just keep your mind clear and focused and wait for the reset.

  Not Sure
January 13, 2018 10:43 am


You are absolutely right in everything but one. Not even the reset will change them. Unless they have someone to lookout for them they will die. There is a certain stupidity that pervades their thought. Not in an IQ sort of way but in a common sense, what is going to happen if the future sense. I have tried for 50 years to convince my sisters in law of how the world really works and they simply refuse to consider the possibility. You can see it in the way they play poker, they always lose because they can’t understand the odds of drawing to inside straights or broken flushes. Doesn’t matter how many times they lose, they can’t seem to “get it” and the losing goes on. Political/economic life is no different, you either see where it is going or you see what you want to believe is going to happen.

January 13, 2018 3:09 pm

I agree, Wolverine. I no longer point out the incontrovertible proof of chemtrails to neighbors and family because it’s clear they’ll never believe their lyin’ eyes. So do we “look out for them during the reset”, letting them repopulate and repeat the idiocy, or do we let them fend for themselves? I used to believe that we should help the helpless, but do we owe anything to those who refuse to help themselves?

January 13, 2018 3:26 pm


I struggled with that moral dilemma for a very long time. I was raised and believe that our fundamental strength is in our families, including our extended families, but after a number of incidents arising out of the recent election it became clear that they were not truly a part of my family because there was no reciprocity of commitment. So, while I would never do anything to worsen their coming plight neither would I go out of my way to save them. This problem doesn’t extend to our friends as those that favor the dark side have long since stopped being our “friends”. Those that are remain are part of the team.

January 13, 2018 6:05 pm

Speaking of Chemtrails.

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January 13, 2018 9:07 pm

Yes, I have two questions.
1) What is being sprayed?
2) What concentration, measured in parts per million/billion is the target amount to achieve efficacy?


Janet Wilkie
Janet Wilkie
  Not Sure
January 16, 2018 1:18 pm

I agree. Whenever they know they have lost the argument, they change the subject. Bringing them back to the original one immediately, and pointing out to them what they just did, has some hope of helping them make it conscious.

There are some people who love truth for its own sake. It’s always worth a try.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Janet Wilkie
January 16, 2018 9:48 pm
Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 10:05 am

Only hindsight is 20/20. Until the future is past we’re all kooks in a land of dreamers. Be patient with your friends and family. Be kind. Be gracious. And be careful. Trying to awaken someone who is sleep walking can be dangerous. Or so I’m told.

January 13, 2018 10:10 am

The only way to turn the tide and convince those who think otherwise is the truth being revealed from the mouths of those who have been concealing it.

Republicans did not turn on Richard Nixon because of any argument advanced by Democrats but because of the testimony before the nation of Nixon’s own people. So it will ( hopefully) be now. When James Comey, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton et al are put under oath and made to testify before the nation and the people see before their eyes that these people lied and committed felonies to advance their agenda then, just maybe, the partisan fools who regurgitate the MSM talking points will realize they have been had.

January 13, 2018 3:30 pm

Today’s criminal elite are so depraved that they will NEVER stand up, like a Perry Mason killer in the courtroom, and exclaim, ” Okay! Yes, I did it! All right?”. They will lie and claim political persecution (or misogeny, racism, homophobia if they fit) until their dying breath.

January 16, 2018 5:43 pm


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 10:24 am

Uncola, hopefully you weren’t as passionate as Sarah Connor was as she was chained to the table.

I have found that you need to open the door for them just a crack. Ask questions ala Q. If they are they are the curious type, they can find these things out for themselves. Most people aren’t very curious. They seem to just accept things as they are and go about their lives. People don’t like change, especially the kind of change that might rock their world.

Sometimes I wonder if curiosity is genetic. I suppose it could be taught but I think that it’s personality driven. Some people just can’t sleep when they have the type of questions we are asking. You have to have an open mind, but in a controlled type of way. Ya know what I mean? Like this Q thing for instance, don’t set your heart on it but consider it carefully.

What’s the endgame? If these people are truly Satan worshipers or some other anti-god, they have to tell us what they are going to do. Then they can say that we were warned beforehand. Indeed, they really don’t try very hard to hide things anymore.

The Georgia guidestones tell us the endgame. #1 is their top priority. Maintain humanity under 500 million.

They seek immortality without having to answer to God or any higher power.

Can you imagine living in a world where these people live forever?

You can’t have billions of people living forever, now can you? The earth just can’t support that.

It’s the oldest trick in the book. Did God really say you will surely die?

  Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 10:59 am

“Like this Q thing”—what exactly is the Q thing? I must have skipped class the day they taught that

January 13, 2018 3:47 pm

Are you being sarcastic or sincerely asking? I can’t really tell.

  Mary Christine
January 14, 2018 9:14 am

Mary C– this is an excellent tact I use for planting seeds in blue-pilled minds.

I recently had a discussion with a “pro-refugee/immigrant” associate. Instead of hammering away with facts I simply kept asking questions……….

“You are aware that there are hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of people who would love to immigrate here from Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Nepal, China, Vietnam, the Middle East, Africa, South and Central America, Right?”

After a begrudging ” yes” I follow with.. ” you do recognize that we cannot let all of these people flood into our country from every corner of the globe and still have the resources to care for them and maintain our current govt assistance to the tens of millions on welfare, food stamps, medicare, social security etc–it would collapse our system for everyone?’

A begrudging ” yes, but we could take more than we do”

“Well how many should it be? I know, how about the govt establishes a legal immigration system with smart people who determine how many immigrants we can take-in every year and still have housing, schools, jobs, social services, food and other services that they ( and our current citizens) will need….?”

She responds with, “that would be a wonderful idea ”

My response, ” well good news! We already have that system in place where resources, facilities and employment are already factored and we set an appropriate level of legal immigrants annually that can be cared for and allow them to acclimate as new citizens without reducing the quality of life for existing citizens. Unfortunately, the tens of millions of ILLEGAL immigrants has skewed the process and it hurts everyone else–from the poor in the inner cities, to the everyday middle class to those who have waited and fought to legally come here– all are lessened by those who break our laws, come here illegaly, drive down labor costs, and siphon off billions in assistance that could be going toward helping the poor and minorities who are struggling.”

( wording it so that your concern appears to be for minorities or the impoverished is also a great way to plant a seed and appeal to the leftist mind– it is a backhand, veiled way of showing them that their support of unlimited immigration is hypocritical and in contrast with their support of minorities as blacks are the group most adversely affected by burgeoning immigration)

The key is to lead them in the discussion, stay on topic (ignore those stupid and simplistic side comments they throw in) and be content with just making them think for a change.

January 13, 2018 10:32 am

Changing someone’s political/social views is a major change in Weltanschauung — world view.

Think back on all the people you’ve known in your life. How many of them made a major change in how they view the world? Sure, it’s not impossible. But, what is the percentage? Ten percent? Five percent? I know that the number is quite small.

I believe TBP’s demographic is mostly people over 30, and quite a few in the 50+ range. The older one gets the less likely they will ever change their minds.

So, I’m just repeating what others here have already said — people generally just don’t change there minds on Big Stuff. I suspect changing people’s minds over the internet must be downright miniscule (although I have no data to back it up.)

So, why write (on the internet),or argue (in person)? Because the number is NOT zero!!! I was a hardcore neocon when I first came here. Look at me now!!

You just never know if that one person whose mind you helped change … well, maybe that person will the one who makes a huge impact for the better, or maybe that person’s offspring will be the change agent, or even just another friend becomes the one. It’s all interconnected, and worth while. Butterfly Wings Effect.

I never expect to change anyone anymore. That alone has saved my sanity. And if I do? Well, that’s just s Big Fat Bonus that makes my day?

What will bring us together when TSHTF? Needs! For example, you’d be amazed at how well you can get along with anyone when you’re starving.

I like that you stay awake at night thinking about this shit. Guess what? I do so also.

January 13, 2018 11:32 am

I will repeat to you what I said to Mary… the link 22winmag (+++++++) posted above is worth at least a perusal. I listened in the background for a while and stopped it almost an hour in. I may return later. The problem for all of us trying to make some sense of what we need to do going forward is that we are truly in a world of Information Overload and one has to be very cautious about allowing the wrong sort of information in.

I had just that exact experience over the past year, Stuckenheimer. A tree fell in the forest, calling my name. I still hear its echo.

I really don’t understand why or how certain people came to be in positions where they felt they have the right or the ability to control the world in which they have no direct contact. It is exactly the sort of tyrannical control which many of us were taught our Founding Fathers rebelled against. The Legends of the American Revolution, fighting the tyranny of King George, who dared impose a three-cent tax on the Colonies Tea, when he had nothing to do with either the labor to raise the Tea (in India) nor the financing of the voyage that brought it to the Colonies. (Probably the East India Shipping of Boston). However, since Lloyd’s of London (has anyone looked at the insurance industry moguls closely?) was probably involved, I imagine the King felt he had a nexus interest in taxing the tea. (I admit this is probably my first use of the word “nexus” but after seeing it used in relation to Amazon and internet taxes, I decided to see if it “fits.” What do you think EC?)

Stucky, I think we are all on the edge of either a real move toward figuring out a way to get all the red-pillers on the same sheet of music or at least in the same fucking KEY. (Have you ever heard someone play a piano piece perfectly except out of KEY? I have. It is an amazing thing to see… an almost deaf pianist misplace her hands and play away. I actually cheered her on… a dear old woman at Poppa’s nursing home.

So, I hope Admin gets some satisfaction in seeing that he has inspired a few to speak up and speak out without being annoying. I hope some of the other wannabe bloggers around here read the fucking memo and stop shoving links to their shit in their comments. Perhaps, learn to put a single link at the signature line and leave it at that to get the STMs to stop the chatter. Otherwise, get yourself a facemask Andrea. The shit is fixing to fling at your propaganda combatting mug. It ain’t OUR blog, but it is OUR ShitFest when we decide to have it. Right, KingShitFlinger?

By the way, the sun is finally out here today. It is time for me to figure out how to take care of some bunnies. I need to sex them, which involves an intimacy with my rabbits I normally do not bother with, but since two of these does are going to be breeders, I need to separate them from the bucks. They aren’t three months old yet, but that urge to breed is really strong in these big fat meat rabbits. I imagine that is the trait which causes our ghettos to overflow and our production to diminish.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 4:20 pm

I too am a recovered neocon, Stucky. And I hear others say the same thing, so it’s progress.

The people who make money off of endless war are afraid that too many people will recover from neoconism. What is the Democrat version? They exist, too.

Maybe we need to start Neocons Anonymous?

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 12:24 pm

Stucky, I have changed party loyalty 4 times, in 3 parties. Although, this last time, I wouldn’t say that I commited to loyalty, i just voted for Trump. I haven’t changed nearly as much as the parties have. I just wouldn’t change along with the parties. My question is why anyone remains loyal to any party or politician that is not loyal to their voters?

The parties become more radical and extreme every year. They are literally militant and fascist in every sense of the terms.

Being a Neocon or Neoliberal today is entirely different than it was 20 years ago.

January 13, 2018 10:35 am

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” –Charles Mackay

I am not sure this Ship of Doom can be turned around. Mad and twisted minds from decades of indoctrination and 24/7 MSM subversive propaganda can only be made sane after Western Civilization crashes and burns to the ground. The scary part is what comes after this crash: total tyranny where most people writing for sites such as TBP are either liquidated or sent to gulags, or a new period of individual and economic freedom and peace. History is not on the side of freedom. My strategy has always been to state clearly and unequivocally that although none of us has a franchise on truth, we all have a sacred duty to seek the truth. And the only way that truth can be tested and validated is in the crucible of open, unrestricted and uncensored debate and discussion. That is why free speech is absolutely essential to a free society. The term “hate speech” should be repugnant to a free people.

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

January 13, 2018 10:35 am

You’re already 25% to one hundred … on a Saturday morning no less!!

I predict this will get to 200 easily.

Nice job!

January 13, 2018 10:55 am

I found out my niece has been brainwashed living in San Fransico.She hates Trump and is now a Democrat. I asked if she believed in income inequality? if so she could send me some of her paycheck. I figure this might click a light on.
Anyone who has been in the military or worked for the gov. has seen that having gov. fix things just don’t work. I prefer my freedom.
Strange how liberals refuse to see all the illegal activities that went on during the Obama regime.

January 13, 2018 11:12 am

Mary, the link posted by 22winman (and all the verbiage that accompanies the monikers around this joint pretty soon we will all be putting our message with our names and simply posting an emoji to show whether we really mean it or not.)

See? Medium IS the Message.

If that isn’t the right one? This link…

Three-Hundred-Million Fell from the Eagle’s Aerie

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 4:27 pm

Uhg, I’m with Stucky, I hate videos. If I can get the message and just listen while doing something else, then it works for me. Can’t sit still that long and just be passive. It’s why school sucked for me.

  Mary Christine
January 14, 2018 9:09 am

I’ll be honest… I never got back to it and only listened in the background

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 11:22 am

Love the analysis of OFOTCN, long time favorite of mine. I think that I understood the undercurrent of Free Masculine Versus Restrained Feminine, but that was the first time I ever heard anyone articulate it the way you did and I can see it clearly now. So much for old dogs not being able to learn new tricks.

Couple of points.

You can only change yourself, period. You can influence others, but to do that you must first be living the kind of life that others would emulate or respect. Your best bet is to keep your nose to the grindstone and do whatever it is that you do best to the utmost of your ability and whenever a conversation arises try to make the connection between whatever your forte’ is and the issue at hand. The reasons that fables and folktales had such an impact and were as effective as they were in teaching important values and precepts was that people lived agrarian lifestyles, or in close proximity to one. The stories weren’t personal but they were easy to understand because people lived a version of that life. Parables are often closer to the truth than modern journalism. A modern news story, like the shithole headline of Friday may include living people and real events, but it is a fiction. The Fox and the Grapes didn’t really happen, but it’s underlying message is the truth.

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These are the stories we tell ourselves now, these are the lessons that have replaced the tales we once told. It has the appearance of reality, but it doesn’t understand the function and so it is simply a pantomime of life made to render an illusion.

Mass movements- and we are living in the midst of one- are not things that can be reasoned through. They are not rational- at least not on the individual level- although they may very well have a logical underpinning that we simply cannot apprehend; reduce the population to sustainable levels, improve the species that is out of whack, refine specific heritable traits on a race/sub race level to fit an altered environment, etc. We are currently, myself included, trying to think our way through something visceral. We’d love to understand why so many people have capitulated to emotional responses to things that are intellectual when there may be a compelling force on the species that we couldn’t possibly grasp from the vantage point of self.

Part of what makes this place attractive to the regulars is the fact that there is a commonality of perception. It doesn’t require any of us to agree on all things, it doesn’t need us to profess a specific belief system or inclusion in some order, organization, cult or party. It is, rather a confirmation that yes, what you see is indeed real, I can see it as well and it is worthy of further discussion and research in order that we may come to some kind of understanding. What course we choose to take, that becomes the personal and I have a very strong feeling that most of the people who comment are not dangerous, not seeking power or dominion over others, but simply an affirmation of their own existence in some form of ordered chaos and that we are not alone.

Perhaps the most memorable scene in OFOTCN was the fishing trip, where men could, if only for a brief moment, be free to be themselves, to laugh at a joke, to admire beauty, to be unrestrained from the imposition of a society bent on conformity and the reaction of the staff when the boat docked. They needed as much if not more to extinguish that freedom from existence, to reassert their dominance over the only flaw in their ordered world- another way to live.

So here we are, at this critical juncture in human history where the opposing forces of liberty and tyranny battle it out, again, for the umpteenth time in a never ending cycle of escape and restraint, license and compulsion in order to form a newer version of what we were.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:29 pm

” What course we choose to take, that becomes the personal and I have a very strong feeling that most of the people who comment are not dangerous, not seeking power or dominion over others, but simply an affirmation of their own existence in some form of ordered chaos and that we are not alone.”

That is exactly why I come here.

My sister’s family refers to me as Crazy Uncle Mike. Never gonna change that. They believe diversity is our strength (oh how that phrase makes me cringe) and that the stock market is going to go up forever. Sister’s husband is a VP for a financial company, making tons of money right now. My wife and I refer to him as Pollyanna. Maybe when some refugee from some third world shithole rapes someone close to them, or when the stock market loses 75% of its value, they will think I am sane. Nah.

Great topic to ponder, thanks.

January 13, 2018 11:45 am

Stucky and Llpoh here? 😉

January 13, 2018 1:35 pm

Will Sampson was also excellent as Chief Ten Bears in the movie The Outlaw Josie Wales. The first time I hired an attorney was for my first divorce. He had me quit saying ‘I recon so’ as Josie does in this clip. He made me switch to ‘in my opinion’. None the less, long live the anti hero!

January 13, 2018 3:00 pm

another good one with many memorable scenes.

“The way I see it, he’s got the sun at his back. He’s gonna spit, then get ready Granny.
Hell is coming to breakfast”

January 15, 2018 10:59 am

Watched this scene again, even though I could just about quote it from memory.

One of the great, under-rated, mostly unknown scenes in movie history. If only nation states had men like these as their leaders.

January 13, 2018 11:49 am

Are you an Eddie Izzard fan of the old days when he was an executive transvestite?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 12:09 pm

Okay, I watched it.

I don’t get it. The quality of the jokes were what you’d expect from someone with a year or two of experience- not a lot of punch lines, way too long on the set-ups and a lot of hack bits (the Southern guy and his kids, e.g.). But the makeup and clothing part just left me wondering WTF? How does it fit in, what’s he trying to do with it and how does it make the act any better? I couldn’t come up with anything. It’s an early nineties version of ear gauges I guess. Doing something so people remember you, to stand out based on how you looked instead of the performance.

Struck me as a British Spalding Gray minus the vocabulary and wit.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 2:59 pm

That is what I suspected. Eddie Izzard did the executive transvestite thing in the 1990s as an attention getter. His jokes are “so-so” and I suspect if he had NOT worn all the makeup and wild clothing, he would never have been as popular as he is/was.

I probably would NEVER have watched this particular video if it hadn’t been loaned to me by a friend. A lesbian friend who handed it to me and said “I know you are kind of religious but you might like this.” With a teaser like that , who wouldn’t watch it?

Haha… some of it is funny, but I just wondered if you had experience with really flamboyant comics like Izzard. He makes me think of Frankenfurter in Rocky Horror.

However, I was surprised at how many millenniels seem familiar with Izzards early stuff, pushing the line on cross dressing jokes and commentary. Perhaps Stephanie might comment? Steph? ARe you familiar with Izzard?

By the way… LOL. My friends LOVED the syrup but want to know how and when they can order the amber syrup I would NOT let them take.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 4:33 pm

Tell your friends to email me, I’ll send some their way.

I saw him in a series with Minnie Driver called The Riches a while back and thought he was a far better actor than a comic. It was actually a great series, not sure why they never carried it out to the end.

Sam I Am
Sam I Am
  hardscrabble farmer
January 14, 2018 7:21 am

“I saw him in a series with Minnie Driver called The Riches a while back and thought he was a far better actor than a comic. It was actually a great series, not sure why they never carried it out to the end.”

Writers strike killed it.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 4:26 pm

HSF; a question about years ago. Did you ever do any shows in Ridgecrest in the late ’80s, early ’90s? I can’t shake the feeling that I might have watched your routine back then. Would have been in a place I can’t remember the name of, south side of town on a little rise below that hill.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 4:34 pm

Which state?

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 4:56 pm

California, north of LA about 160 miles, desert. Big Naval base, weapons center. Where 395 and 14 intersect, pretty close anyway.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 5:15 pm

There was a place called Tommy T’s I worked a couple of times that was in that area. Maybe ’92 or ’93.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 5:33 pm

Tommy T’s, that was it. I’m thinking ’92, I left there in late Oct for Hawaii. Moved to Hilo.
Thanks. After all these years I still remember that I really liked the show. Just wasn’t sure it was you.

January 13, 2018 11:54 am

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January 13, 2018 12:06 pm

A profound statement by Joseph Campbell…

January 13, 2018 1:04 pm

exactly what I thought when I created the Kaiser Söze myth. It took a while before I found his book The Power of Myth. When I did I was mesmerized without even reading it. I had two kids in diapers and a junkie wife and little time for niceties so I put it up in a closet and immersed myself in it years later. Powerful is an understatement.

Sun Yes Check
Sun Yes Check
January 13, 2018 12:01 pm

To believe the truth, or Red Pill them as you write, they’d have to disbelieve everything they’ve held dear their entire lives.

Very few can make that leap.

Think 9/11 and it’s aftermath.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Sun Yes Check
January 13, 2018 12:16 pm

I’ve always thought of 9/11 as a traumatic event on a societal level that infantilized an entire nation. Most people simply do not have what it takes to recover from that kind of shock to the system while the ones that did were forever divorced from the rest of the population.

There are only two truths to that one, too. Either our elites were responsible for it through a conspiracy and used the event to consolidate their power or the elites were completely incompetent to protect us from the very situation they created and used it to consolidate their power. How could that realization lead to anything but a form of Stockholm Syndrome?

Sun Yes Check
Sun Yes Check
  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:04 pm


Traumatic as it was the thing is what 9/11 enabled, not 9/11 itself.

Perhaps fewer were Stockholm Syndromed than expected?

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 9:10 pm

Why didn’t Pearl Harbor have the same effect?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 14, 2018 9:21 am

Pearl Harbor wasn’t part of the USA, it was military in nature, not civilian. The media wasn’t a shadow of it’s present state, you didn’t have every network showing the same images over and over for weeks and months at a time and hyping the fear/obey paradigm. Pearl Harbor didn’t shut the USA down for a week. Pearl Harbor afforded a chance to strike back as a unified Nation filled with a connected people against a very specific and identifiable target that clearly claimed responsibility, etc, etc.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 14, 2018 6:21 pm

Interesting point on how 911 infantilized the nation; even to the point of the collective curling into fetal positions and sucking of thumbs, between cries for our heroes to save us.

I remember reading how the car company, Nissan, utilized psychology in response to that reaction.

They began to run TV spots recalling the childhood of boomers; showing soap box races, catching fireflies, playing in tree forts, and the like.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 15, 2018 11:04 am

“Either our elites were responsible for it through a conspiracy and used the event to consolidate their power or the elites were completely incompetent to protect us from the very situation they created and used it to consolidate their power. How could that realization lead to anything but a form of Stockholm Syndrome?”

This is the type of truth we really need. The nuts and bolts don’t matter much–we’ve been through many shitfests here on the topic and nothing has been solved and never will be–but to understand that our elites are all at once incompetent, immensely powerful and utterly corrupt and self-serving is all the lesson that we need learn. A shame that most never will…Stockholm Syndrome is powerful and very difficult to break.

  Sun Yes Check
January 13, 2018 1:40 pm

Once upon a time I sat with dear old friends, a married couple I was visiting with great pleasure. During a rambling conversation I tentatively broached the problems with the official 911 story. The husband, an extremely likable and well-mannered soul, immediately got up and left the room. I got the message. There could be no allowance for such blasphemy in his house.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:42 pm

Been there, done that.

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January 13, 2018 12:05 pm

Excellent post, Uncola! The red pilling, and probably the black pilling of America will come, but the cost will be staggering.

January 13, 2018 12:58 pm

I saw the Cuckoo Nest in 1973 (?) as a play in Atlanta. Of course I had read the book. The stage presentation was powerful as is the movie. Having spent a bit of time in re education and containment centers the plot resonates more strongly today than ever.

As to being branded for red pill thinking I too have felt the looney tune response from those whose opinions I value. I had my annual visit with psychologist whom I have seen off and on for 30 plus years last Wednesday. I still use him as I do not have to explain the unimaginable truth about my ex wife to him and he knows when I am lying better than anyone. He approves my inability to practice clinical dentistry so I can continue to collect a meager disability payment. It is odd type of disability. I can teach dentistry at a learning institution and work at any other job in the world but it pays because my mental aberrations preclude me from ministering to oral pathologies on live victims. I has to do with a certain fundamentalist vigilante prosecutor having the power to claw me back to court and send me away for 30 years if I J-walk or blow my nose in public. I call it PTSD from rape by cop fuks. Or, I fought the law and the law won. But hey, at least I am not breaking rocks in the hot sun. I pound sand a bit but so what?

I learned he is delivering a series of lectures at the Methodist Church I once attended, ushered at and sat on their deacon council. I may share some his topics on tomorrow’s Sunday Stucky Sermon. But I digress.

I tell him I hope he uses a diagnosis of delusional paranoia as a legitimate reason and ICD-10-CM code number as basis for my disability. He knows nothing about alt lite nor Jordan Peterson. And so what if 9-11 was an inside job. “It is just more of the same thing that has been going on for centuries.”
A good man in his blue pilled world. He specializes in shrinking clery at his Center for Clergy Care & Education. His center is next door to my former dental office and he sold me the property I built my taj mahal office with no rival.

“The Center for Clergy Care and Education is an ecumenical program designed to address the spiritual, educational, psychological, and emotional needs of pastors and their families. Consistently, pastors are called upon to address a variety of parishioners’ life concerns. Theological seminaries cannot prepare pastors to meet every need, yet research has consistently shown that 42% of people in crisis first turn to a pastor.”

i am trying to figure out how to engage him with the SSSermons but doubt he will take the bait from one as delusional as I am.

9/11 was the day I decided to built the dental office with no rival as I listened to the fiendishly inspired news on the office music speakers. It is said the best commercial locations are also the best military locations. The spot I picked doubled as both though very few recognize the military significance of the location. But DOD did when I requested my architect consult with DOD. They gave the project the services of a DOD architect gratis.

It was in 2004 when I read Dana Priest’s
The Mission: Waging War and Keeping Peace with America’s Military

It was a big red pill. I could not believe she was allowed to publish the book. Most compelling was the 4 star saying on 9/10 something to the effect “we need a pearl harbor event” in a very chilling context.

My default state is something akin to Marvin Boggs in the movie RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous)
Marvin Boggs : Do you know what’s wrong with this country?
Sarah Ross : They’re all trying to kill us?
Marvin Boggs : Exactly!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:39 pm

The quote was from the policy paper entitled: Project For A New American Century. It was written between ’96-’97 by Kristol and Kagan (original Neo-Cons) and signed by most of the Bush insiders- Cheney, Wolfowitz, et al.

“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Kind of all you really need to know about it. The rest was the blueprint for taking down the regimes we eventually took down and implementing draconian domestic intelligence programs and the framework for the Patriot Act.

Boom, there it is.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:46 pm

What will it take to get millions of deplorables in the streets creating chaos? I see disgruntled citizens from other countries (Egypt, Iran, Germany) doing it, I see the pussy hat crowd doing it, I see BLM doing it, but the red-pilled sit resolutely at home, furiously typing.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 4:28 pm


You don’t understand the psychology of the male deplorable mind.

We don’t riot or protest. Those sorts of activities are for the intellectually disenfranchised and emotionally stunted. We speak reasonably and we discuss. We work and we produce. And in the end when that is no longer enough, we go to war.

Thankfully, we’re not at the end yet.

  Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 4:34 pm

Francis Marion,

Thank you. Very well said and not at all understood by many. They believe that because we don’t respond the way they do that we don’t care or are weak. They are in for a very big surprise when the time comes.

Flora Lens
Flora Lens
January 13, 2018 6:08 pm


I say things to others similar to your above response.

Some ask, “They who”?

I no longer say things to some.

January 14, 2018 9:20 am


I know you have something to say. I ramble because I forget what I meant to say. What is the unbelievable truth about your ex-wife. Is she one of the lizard people David Ickes talks about?

January 14, 2018 4:25 pm

No I do not think so nor give her that kind of credit. However your description of the creatures you describe in the woods and hollows near you, who are below meth head crack whores, sounds a bit like the last woman I shacked up with; provided they are bisexual and given to treasonous perdition and calumny. But at least her corrupt and calculating makuahine was a good cook despite her poisonous fifth column clandestine conspiracies. If I were the subject of Winston Groom, medals would fill the room.

Dr. S.
Dr. S.
January 13, 2018 1:12 pm

On “being insane” or convincing others that you are not insane…

First 3 minutes gets the point across.

  Dr. S.
January 13, 2018 3:32 pm

Rorschach blots as wall art.

January 13, 2018 1:24 pm

Just in. Hawaii is in emergency due to incoming ballistic missile threat from North Korea. People told it is not a drill and to seek cover.

Can anyone supply more information?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 1:41 pm

FEMA drill.

Nothing to see here folks.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 3:42 pm

Except that the drills have an uncanny knack for predicting or accompanying the real thing.

January 13, 2018 1:36 pm

Untrustworthy ,nice post ! Not much else I can add .The other comments say it very well.

January 13, 2018 1:43 pm

Uncola-your friend undoubtedly had the same face as when I’ve tried to talk to my hopelessly REgressive sister. Like I’m speaking jibberish. Her world view is framed by The NYT. I get the Morning Draft every day from The NYT and the bias is amazing both in the fake news and the lies of omission.

To give you an indication of the pointlessness of trying to debate with her, she and her unbelievably condescending ex-academia husband live in Chicago. For many years the violence, home invasions, graffiti, murders were pretty much south of I-55 which bisects Chicago. The past few years have seen the homies coming north, testing the battlefield so to speak. I ask her what kind of weapons she has for self defense and am told, that’s what the police are for.

It’s hopeless and for years I counseled her to move. Now, I feel it’s only right they marinate in the results of their thinking.

As for Kesey, Cuckoos Nest is a good read but the first time I read Sometimes a Great Notion in 1970 I was floored-I’ve read it several times since and to this day it’s my favorite novel. It’s deep and meaty, like a Greek tragedy. Cuckoos Nest had the great fortune to be made into a wonderful movie. Sometimes a Great Notion totally missed the mark.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 2:02 pm

Stuck has got more on the ball than we suspect. His short story about the hospital trip aptly compares itself to Kesey’s novel. In the book, a sane man who likes to fight and fuck (how can that be cray-cray?) is taken to the hospital by the cops. In real life, a sane woman who treats the mentally ill is taken to the hospital by cops who claim she is cray-cray. In Kesey’s book, we see an army nurse, a weak willed Doc Spivey and a couple of black lackeys who enjoy abusing the white patients. In Stuck’s short story, we meet a martinet nurse, a spineless Indian doc and some sassy orderlies. All their victims are there voluntarily except our heroes. The hospital crew are willing to abuse the authority they have got based on the cops. While Randall lands in the hospital in the mistaken belief he would find relief there, the heroine of the short story lands in the hospital in the mistaken belief she would find help there. At the end of the novel, RPM nearly chokes the big nurse to death because she harmed Billy Bibbit. In the short story, Stucky would like to choke her but in the end merely mouths a FU to the cunt nurse as he is leaving.

  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 9:44 pm


That was a very nice and accurate summary. You done good. Also …. thank you much for helping me out with that karalan dude. That too was nicely done and appreciated, my good and loyal friend.

Llpoh did a nice job with karalan also, and RiNS and others. Good to know y’all got my back!

KS … there won’t be a Stucky Sunday Sermon tomorrow. The SSS is not a weekly event. For that to occur, I would need 52 good ideas annually …. and I do NOT have 52 good ideas,trust me on that.

I’m kinda burned out right now from a very busy and hectic past 7 days. I need a small break.

Some may remember that we decided to forego Christmas presents for the fat stockbroker and even fatter lawyer. The repercussions were felt just today. Her son called to whine and moan for 10 minutes that Fatty & Fatty didn’t get any presents … and ended the call by hanging up on his mother (Ms Freud) and yelling — “HAVE A NICE LIFE!!”.

I hope that means we won’t see him again.

Oh, yeah, they are millionaires and have never liked any presents we gave them. What do they give us, these millionaires? Coffee mugs with a family picture … 650 pounds of fat squeezed on a 3 inch diameter ceramic mug is quite an engineering feat. A tie. Socks. Caramel popcorn in a fancy container and movie tickets. Shit I don’t fuckin need or want.

I need a break from my dysfunctional family, both sides are nuts.

January 13, 2018 2:37 pm

Whoa. I just checked back in and am blown away by the depth of commentary thus far. Just made a quick scan and I am going to re-read everything (very slow and repeat, if necessary) this weekend.

Just a few thoughts for now:

Hardscrabble – There are so many ways one could write about OFOTCN. In brushing up for this piece I read an interesting review that dubbed Randle McMurphy a “comic book Jesus” with comparisons including fishing with the twelve apostles, a last supper, a friend of prostitutes, ultimate sacrifice, et al; although I decided not include that angle for this one.

Robert Gore – you know I always check. Sometimes your introductory comments make me mumble to myself : “yeah! What Robert said. That’s what I meant to say”. 🙂

Stucky – I thought your comments above were way cool and your take on “starving” is something to consider. Also – thanks for always making us monkey’s think by way of your take-no-prisoners curiosity, sense of humor, and in-your-face honesty.

Maggita – regarding Herbert Marshall McLuhan – I like his focus on language and the medium itself in the “electronic” age. He predicted the Internet and, in 1962, even coined the word surfing to refer to “rapid, irregular and multidirectional movement through a heterogeneous body of documents or knowledge” using computers.

And speaking of right vs. left brains caught in the worldwide web:

There is one who, not long ago, threw some rocks that made quite a splash here in the TBP pond. Like a well-dressed woman walking down the street in broad daylight, or the way streams of sunlight shower down upon distant hills and horizons, the moment did not last as long as most would have preferred. However, this is what I wrote to that person recently:

The ‘know thy audience’ aspect can be challenging. …. I’m just an average noone-in-particular who writes with the TBP readers in mind; and during such a time as this. Quite the unique blend of left vs. right brain folks there.

I will check out all of the videos and read the comments on this thread more in depth this weekend. Fortunately, I’ve not much else to do. In the meantime, thanks for the perspectives. As mentioned before, I consider this place to be a process, and I really appreciate everyone’s input.

January 13, 2018 6:29 pm

Hoping she is well and unmolested by local nosybodies.

January 13, 2018 2:44 pm

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Three-Hundred-Million Fell from the Eagle’s Aerie

I see what you did there.

Norman Ball
Norman Ball
January 13, 2018 3:16 pm

We all have Sunshiners in our social circles.

What started as a market-carving MSNBC/Fox media strategy has devolved into a dangerous cognitive chasm. Today in America, there are two dominant narratives that seem to agree on nothing although, presumably, they partake of the same course of events, right? I mean, we all drink the same water and frequent the same malls.

I would characterize it as:

Operation Mockingbird vs. Alt-Right Media

But I guess I’ve already betrayed my bias. Maybe I’m the cuckoo.

The architects of managed democracy (Bernays, Lippmann, Strauss) knew that for manufactured consent to work, there has to be a monomyth. You can’t have two influential factories spewing diametric truths for long. That lays the groundwork for unmanageable dialectical collisions. Then where would the Controllers be? A robust Battle of Ideas might burst forth. Gads!

The Second Civil War has already broken out on a conceptual battlefield. Whether or when the bullets join in, still remains to be seen. However I would argue that resolution of this conflict will be very ugly no matter how it happens. What we CAN say is that one side is conceptually way out to lunch. How (or better, if) they get back to the American table won’t be easy as it will entail vomiting up decades of false consciousness.

There are a lot of people who will, for all practical purposes, go insane before cognitively reconciling the likes of Inmate Obama in Guatanamo or videos of Hillary with young children (I state these as theoreticals only). That’s some killer dissonance. Let me hasten to add that I will ECSTATIC to learn there are no such Hillary videos after all.

The road back for some large faction in our midst will be one strange trip. That’s if they even attempt to make the journey.

There is the supernatural/magical element too. Who (or what) propels these narratives? Burroughs is becoming my dystopian of choice as the weird gets ever weirder.

“In making themselves real, entities (must) also manufacture realities for themselves: realities whose potency often depends upon the stupefaction, subjugation and enslavement of populations, and whose existence is in conflict with other ‘reality programs’. Burroughs’s fiction deliberately renounces the status of plausible representation in order to operate directly upon this plane of magical war.” –Cybernetic culture research unit

January 13, 2018 6:00 pm

Good article Uncola. Talk show host Michael Savage has described Liberalism as a mental disorder. I describe Liberals as mentally ill and emotionally disturbed. One thing that disturbs me greatly is you can present facts, logic, reason, and common sense to a Liberal to show them their policies don’t work and they refuse to believe any of it as you found out with your friend. A few have seen the error of their ways (David Horowitz is one that comes to mind) but the vast majority refuse to come to the light. I think one of the reasons for that is for Liberals/Leftists their ideology is their religion because most of them are atheists/secular humanists/irreligious/ haters of religion, especially Christianity and for them to admit their ideology and policies are wrong, harmful, and don’t work would mean that their deeply held religion that they have believed in and held close to their heart and have worked tirelessly for all these years is deeply wrong, misguided, and harmful to society and that they would have to give it up and find something else to substitute it with and that if frightening to a Liberal. Not for sure what the answer is. I know I am thankful that I live in a state that is run by Conservatives most of the time. I couldn’t stand living in a Blue State like California, Oregon, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts etc.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 13, 2018 10:56 pm

I don’t think this is unique to a single political side. I remember the same thing happening with GWB and Reagan: to the Right, they could do no Wrong. Who cares about fake WMDs? Who care about illegal gun-running to terrorists, drug-running, weapons to Iran, October surprises, right-wing death squads raping and killing nuns, treason? Those who objected to these affairs were portrayed as insane at the time.

People choose a ‘tribe’ and stick with the tribal myth because, as is clearly referenced above in a number of citations, it’s too painful and socially-costly for them not to.

The iconoclasts, the myth-busters, are never looked upon kindly.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 6:18 pm

Does anybody know what happened to YoBo? He came out of the closet not too long ago and promptly disappeared. All is forgiven, YoBe, come on back!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 6:22 pm

“Came out of the closet”?

Been busy lately so not reading/posting like I usually do. Please fill me in.

  Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 6:27 pm

Yo is/was and always has been female, though she preferred to remain gender neutral to most of you STM imbeciles. Now that she’s been “outed” by EC aka El Anon and Bea Lever, who had to change HIS moniker to STOP being called a woman, perhaps Yo will return under a simpler name or will come back as In Cognito or something suggestive but not definitive.

Spices up the TBP storyline, eh?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 6:40 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 6:44 pm

I guess it’s my calling in life to exact revenge on women.
Maggie reprises her AF role as enabler of cads. What a team!

  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 7:03 pm

I did not enable any cads. What cad has been talking to you?

Did you see my great idea for turning Scrapper and Shirley’s last 4 available kits into Bunnecoyn? You can own a Bunnecoyn and have it shipped to you in pint jars for a private donation quoted and sent to Admin. No bunnies will be slaughtered until the money is deposited.

It’s rough and it’s a bit gruesome, but I cleaned the bunny cages today and I’d kind of forgotten how much bunny poo a litter of kits produces in a freezing storm. I moved the two “special” does into the chicken coop again. LOL.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 8:00 pm

No wonder BW called you out on the canned cake escapade. You said you had helped many male friends get laid. I won’t go into the dirty details.

And yes, YoBo hinted he was married or shacked up with a woman of color. I made light of that but got no response. So, if YoBo has a chick and he is a female, that would make it a gay marriage or something. I was revolted enough without going into it again. I simply wondered if YoBo would be back to posting again.

  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 11:44 am

I admit the comment about being a woman was a one time deal and I can’t tell you if it is so.

However, if what you say is accurate and Yo is not practicing what he/she preaches regarding racial purity OR heterosexual behavior, then that makes Yo a shit-stirrer instead of a zealot.

Same. Same. Fifty Fifty.

January 13, 2018 7:03 pm

I had nothing to do with it Maggie, and for the record, I think we are being hoodwinked. Yoebbels has spoken of a wife in the past, or am I confused? How many dedicated Nazi females are on the platform, tell the truth. Women have too many activities to spend time on Nazi shite.

If Yoebbels point blank said it , it does make one wonder but how can you trust a Nazi to tell the truth? There is the possibility that one of the women known to post here for money could be the character YoBo……but I doubt it.

Edit: And also for the record, I find it easy to use BL, just as I was the one who started calling El Coyote (EC) as it is just easier.

January 13, 2018 7:05 pm

Posts here for money? Are you talking about some boob ad bimbo?

January 13, 2018 7:29 pm

Maggie- Recently a commenter advised that she was writing Bitcoin articles online for money, I presumed that would include some she had posted here. I could see her posting as YoBo but to spend 18 hours a day/ 7 days a week with the alt right /Nazi/ Hitler non-stop blather……I don’t think she is that dedicated even for money. NOBODY is that dedicated, you have to give Yoebbels credit.

January 14, 2018 11:46 am

So, you think Yo really is a Sheila?

January 13, 2018 7:16 pm

Yoebbels – Please come back (sorry I had not noticed you were missing) I have a wrenched shoulder and have not been posting on TBP much in the past week.

Truth is ,I agree with a lot of what you write, it’s the Hitler/Nazi crap I don’t care for. Change can be done without that worn out dog and pony show. Anyway, you are a fantastic poster and you need to reconsider leaving as you would surely be missed.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 7:38 pm

That’s simply not true.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 13, 2018 8:11 pm

OK Hardscrabble, what is not true?

Rolf Gruber
Rolf Gruber
January 13, 2018 10:08 pm

I took it that yobo is not a fantastic poster and would not be missed.

rocky raccoon
rocky raccoon
January 13, 2018 6:30 pm

Great people talk about ideas.
Average people talk about things.
Small people talk about other people.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  rocky raccoon
January 13, 2018 6:46 pm

Are you talking about us, Thumbelina?

Rolf Gruber
Rolf Gruber
  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 7:04 pm

Forgetting about these other things I have an idea that Rocky is Yobo. He can’t be female, can she?

  Rolf Gruber
January 13, 2018 7:43 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 8:33 pm

Hey it’s Pat!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Rolf Gruber
January 13, 2018 8:04 pm

Yeah, YoBo may have transitioned to Rocky the Flying Squirrel, I just missed the marks.

  Rolf Gruber
January 13, 2018 10:06 pm

“The idea of Liebensraum, ” —— Maggie

I hate to be a spelling Nazi, but it’s Lebensraum.

(“Lieben” = love ….”raum” = room. )

So, Liebensraum, is kinda like a Love Shack. Which is also worth fighting for.

January 14, 2018 1:39 am
January 14, 2018 12:11 pm

I think I tried to spell it that way, but my speller didn’t like it. I actually “grasp” that the living space the term tries to define has more to do with the Volk’s ancestral connection to the land.

However, after reading a bit in Gulag Archipelago (I’m trying to grasp what the guy is saying about evil and it ain’t easy), I have to wonder about the Kulak’s expulsion from their farms in the Soviet Union. Many of those sent into the frigid regions actually LIVED and formed small villages where they probably survive to this day. In the book, The Long Walk, the men who escaped from Siberia, mentioned seeing various people living in the mountains, perhaps in caves. They also thought they saw a Yeti family and they took the long way around that plateau.

I dunno, Stuck. I think liebensraum is simply human sentimental attachment to what one considers to be “home.” But, my WWII history professor didn’t think so… he told me I didn’t really understand Liebensraum and gave me almost NO CREDIT for my dance with words to cover that fact up.

I try to imagine what I would do if we were notified that the government now owns all the land and will “redistribute” the housing to each according to need. Nick and I think we might be willing to die defending our home, taking as many of the fuckers with us as possible. Because, if they are coming to take us from everything we worked and saved for all our lives, why not?

Is that liebensraum?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 7:28 pm

100 – Sorry Mags but it’s

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Francis Marion
January 13, 2018 7:44 pm
January 13, 2018 8:19 pm

Good show Francis!!

Sorry Maggie, but the boy has what it takes lately. 🙂

January 14, 2018 12:14 pm

I’m trying to sneak it up to 200 and reclaim the glory. Damn you FM.

January 13, 2018 7:48 pm

Great article, and I can relate to your lunch with a friend.
I mentioned once here that I frequently have coffee with a friend and neighbor who is a dyed-in-the-wool libtard, and many of the comments were on the order of, “why waste time with those type idiots?” Which, I think, misses the point. We’re talking about half of the total population, more or less.
From your wrestling comments, I think I may have been frequenting the same areas of the Midwest as yourself long ago. As for the Oregonian wrestlers being sub-par, remember when even the mighty Dan Gable (one of my heroes) was extraordinarily upset as an undefeated senior?!
And then you briefly mentioned Vonnegut. Were you around when he was quite the item on campus?

January 13, 2018 9:07 pm

@ NtRo – some minor things:

Larry Owings was from the University of Washington, not Oregon. But you make a good point. Still the Pacific Northwest, right?

Your hero has said that loss benefited him greatly; even more than had he won.

I’m less arrogant than I was.

I first met your hero at age 14 and, for purposes of anonymity, that’s all I will say about that.

The “Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” was written by Tom Wolfe, not Vonnegut. It was about Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters.

I know what you are saying about the libtards. They’re hard to avoid and some of them even have moderately redeeming qualities beyond the realm of politics.

And finally, I’m glad you enjoyed the article and I thank you for your comment.

January 14, 2018 4:37 pm

Thanks for your corrections, I was responding off-the-cuff and now feel like a real dumb-ass.
Though now retired, I lost some brain cells in the late 60’s – early 70’s; I considered it pruning at the time.

January 13, 2018 8:05 pm

I have a story about getting my eyes opened to the intransience of the lib mind-set, clear back in ’96. It was an epiphany.

I went to the ’96 H.O.R.D.E festival in Portland, Or. with two very good friends, brother and sister. He had been a room-mate at one time and his sister and I had been close for awhile. I hadn’t seen her in about a yr or so. She had been a soccer player at PSU and went pro, moving to Germany.
Bro and I were going from place to place, show to show and finally found Sis. She was partying it up with some friends. They were part of the PSU team she had been on, and three I think had been members of the ’96 Olympic Women’s Gold Medal Team. The only reason Sis missed was because of Germany. Party on!
So, Bro and I come up to them and I stepped right in to their little circle, right next to Sis, waiting for her to see me. Bro is right next to me.
I had been shaving my head for quite a while, before it ever really caught on. So one of the friends across this little circle looks at me, frowns and says, “What the fuck do you want, Nazi?”
Another one throws her hands up ,and says, “Get outta here, asshole.”
I was stunned. Bro takes a step forward and starts reaming these bitches, Sis looks at me, her mouth a big O, ands then SHE starts ripping her friends a new asshole.
The point of all this is that no one ever EVER thought it was wrong, Bro and Sis included, only that they had said it to a friend’s friend. No remorse for assuming, no give a shit about being wrong, only that they had said to a friend’s friend. That was it. They would do again, on a moment’s notice.
All I can think is that these people breed, and have made their spawn 10X the spawns of Hell that they are.
Change them, except for an occasional low-hanging fruit…not a chance in Hell.
I haven’t seen Bro and Sis for years. I am saddened by knowing that I’m sure they went even deeper into the Dark Side.

January 13, 2018 9:14 pm

YoBo is not a chick. I am quite sure he once mentioned a wife and kids.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 10:30 pm

Maggie has a habit of mistaking dudes for chicks. However, when Maggie said YoBo was a chick, “Yohimbo” said, ‘How could you not know that?’

So now the questions left unanswered are; Does YoBo have a black female lover? Is YoBo the father of these kids? Is YoBo’s significant other a single mom? Is this a full-blown lesbian affair? Are we chasing after unicorns?

  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 10:39 pm

Stop it… I am NOT the one who posted the revelation. And, I never asked YoYo about it, thinking perhaps that the comment was one of those “we are ALL in this together” moments.

And, Mary… Yoyo knows I got offended by his placement of the image of Christ in a comparison I didn’t like. I took my swats from the monkeys about free speech and I don’t know that I would get quite so offended now, having learned a LOT about the propaganda business that surrounded the Third Reich.

  EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 10:45 pm


I still think Zara is a chick … pretending to be a man cuz I was hitting on her.

If I ever become a switch-hitter he/she is in big trouble.

January 13, 2018 11:02 pm

I did a search in the archives and realized poor Yoyo has been dopplebanged by most of you assholes here. Who knows if it was really YO who said Yo was a woman…
Um, Admin? Any clues?

January 13, 2018 10:24 pm

Your first mistake was trying to use logic to convince a crazy person.


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 10:32 pm

I would not be here to comment if it were not for Yo. So if you find me annoying, you can blame that on her/him, oh I’m so confused. I will forever have a soft spot for him/her. I was greatly amused and entertained while I was in the hospital.

She did several essays about birth control and hormones and such. Men don’t usually care about such things unless they are affiliated with healthcare in some way. So that leads me to believe feminine.

On the other hand, some posts were very much masculine sounding so that makes me think masculine.

I think Maggie is right. Pat is a good solid name and she/he should come back under that one. Taylor works just as well, or Leslie. How about Lynn or….I know…how about Charlie. Nah, those are all too conventional. Someone come up with an exotic unisex name.

I’m going to try to listen to that video Maggie was urging me to watch.

Oh and btw, I really hope some pedos are going down. I came across this a few minutes ago.

  Mary Christine
January 13, 2018 10:40 pm

I like Yo… I just avoided some of the stuff for a while. YoPat works.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 14, 2018 11:53 am

The Nazi stuff is too much for me but the cultural posts are mostly spot on.

January 13, 2018 10:40 pm

Admin in a dress and high heels is a horrible vision Stucky. Let’s just hope that YoBo comes back.

January 13, 2018 10:48 pm

He will be back. Just out of visual range..


January 13, 2018 11:09 pm

Oh, hell YO… blast into the conversation as if you don’t give a flying fuck what anyone here thinks of you. And NEVER tell.

YoPat it is.

January 13, 2018 10:43 pm

This week proves that the only thing that survives an earthquake is a shit hole.

Yours in Odin

January 13, 2018 10:55 pm

RiNS- Your name is missing, when did you lose the frog?

January 13, 2018 11:22 pm

I was bored and changed it. Will likely change it back as it doesnt really suit this leopard that has assumed his spot…

As fer the … instead of RiNS that was just a fade away…

from typing too many ….

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 1:15 am

RiNnie, Just don’t come out as a woman, I would really lose my mind then.

  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 1:28 am

This is no time for recriminations EC, at this point Yoebbels is on the winning side with votes as to his male status.

  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 12:22 pm
  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 12:54 pm

Don’t worry, everyone. Canadians like Rob and Francis are like Chuck Norris. When they shave, they just use the backs of their hands. When they do push-ups, they don’t move. The earth does.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 14, 2018 1:46 pm

Whoa, buddy, whoaaa…. let’s not create rumors and images that we can’t live up to now…

How Uncola sees us:

[imgcomment image[/img]

A little closer to the truth:

[imgcomment image[/img]

That’s me on the left btw…

  Francis Marion
January 14, 2018 2:29 pm

Caught me on a bad day. I usually have a banjo..

January 14, 2018 2:42 pm

If the women don’t find you handsome, they will find you handy. So…keep your stick on the ice.

I know a guy in Indiana that is Red Green’s double, voice and everything. Great guy.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 3:55 pm

Who cares what women think? Fuck them!

January 14, 2018 7:26 pm

Talk about Dreamers.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 1:06 am

Uncola- I can assist you quite easily, if that is the reason the your friend thinks that you are crazy, because I have proof that not only did Hillary Clinton personally sign the Uranium One Deal, but it was publicized on April 13th of 2010, and there is also a document with her signature on it. This was not a secret, in fact, Congress approved it! The crazies are in office, pretending that it never happened!

The US Signed an Agreement With Russia in 2000 for Reprocessing of Nuclear Weapons Fuel – Andrea Iravani

The US Signed an Agreement With Russia in 2000 for Reprocessing of Nuclear Weapons Fuel

Hillary Clinton Personally Signed Uranium One Deal – Andrea Iravani

Hillary Clinton Personally Signed Uranium One Deal

  Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 9:28 am

Regarding Uranium One and Fusion GPS, my friend said all of that was vetted and if there was anything to it, it would have been reported in the New York Times and prosecuted by now.

They believe what they want to believe and that makes it “true”.

Perhaps we do too?

Who’s crazy?

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 12:43 pm

Right. I have experienced that for my entire adult life. It is cognative dissonance. What is the alternative of you not being crazy to your friend? – Him being crazy. Which option do you think that he will choose? Show him the links in my articles. Then take him to the ER if he refuses to believe it. Lol, that was a joke.

The US Signed an Agreement With Russia in 2000 for Reprocessing of Nuclear Weapons Fuel

 Andrea Iravani  Uncategorized December 27, 2017 6 Minutes


Something very strange is taking place with this entire Clinton/FBI/Russian/ Uranium One Deal that the media is not acknowledging. The U.S. and Russia agreed that Russia would reprocess nuclear fuel from U.S. nuclear weapons in 2000.

Hillary Clinton signed an agreement with Lavrov on April 13, 2010 for Russia to Reprocess the fuel and this was publicly acknowledged at the time.

Starting in April of 2016, the Russian government had decided to withdraw from the agreement for multiple reasons,  including NATO buildup of defense systems targeted at Russia over the Crimean and Magnitsky Act disputes between the US government and Russia,  finacial disputes over agreements between the two countries for the cost of construction of the reprocessing plant, and for the costs of operating the plant, disputes over the way that the US compromised the nuclear material by adding other elements to the nuclear material, the US Congress decided ex post facto that they insisted on Russia using a burner reactor which would burn nuclear fuel at a faster rate than nuclear material is produced, as opposed to a breeder reactors which produces more fuel than it consumes, even though there are no burner reactors in existence, and they are not even possible, it is a physical impossibility.

The Clintons were without question, completely guilty of using the State Department for personally capitalizing over their efforts to not only lobby the federal government to have Russia reprocess the nuclear material, but the Clinton Foundation also lobbied for all of Europe to have Russia reprocess their nuclear material.

The Clintons benefitted to the tune of $145.5 million dollars. Using any public office for personal enrichment whether it compromises national security or not, is a truly disgusting and despicable abuse of power that gives the US government a banana republic image. It is a national security threat to use public office for taking bribes, which they did, without question!

So now, we have been under going melt downs frequently at the Hanford Nuclear Site, because of a neocon/ Obama, Crimea/ Magnitsky Act dispute.

RT reported:

“President Vladimir Putin has signed an act suspending a 2000 agreement between the US and Russia on reprocessing weapons-grade plutonium extracted from decommissioned warheads.

The bill has already been published on Russia’s official legal information website, meaning it’s now in force.

The deal between Moscow and Washington was ratified in 2000. As a means to safely utilize weapons-grade plutonium, it suggested a specific procedure to turn it into nuclear plant fuel. Starting from 2018, it was planned to reprocess 34 tons (68,000 pounds) of plutonium, which would have been enough to produce thousands of nuclear weapons, RIA Novosti reported.

Yet, while Russia has prepared the infrastructure necessary for the process, the US said it found the procedure too costly and instead opted for mixing plutonium with special dilutants to store it indefinitely.

Russia suspended the deal “due to drastic changes of circumstances, the rise of threat to strategic stability as a result of hostile actions of the US towards the Russian Federation and the inability of the US to provide for the accepted obligations to utilize the excess weapons-grade plutonium in accordance with the agreement,” the new bill read.

For the agreement to be resumed, Washington should reduce the US military presence on the territory of NATO members that joined the bloc after 2000, cancel its Magnitsky Act which bans entry to the US to a list of Russian citizens, as well as lift other anti-Russian sanctions and compensate the loss Moscow suffered as a result of such policy.”

Plutonium Disposition Working Group…14…

“[PMDA 2000] In 2002, the Bush Administration directed a review of nonproliferation programs that included the plutonium disposition program. … During the April 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov signed a… :

“Sputnik News Reported:

Earlier, US media reported that the White House plans to terminate the US program to manufacture mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel for “incinerating” weapon-grade plutonium because of alleged technological problems and the project’s exorbitant costs. Instead, the United States plans to mix weapon-grade plutonium with other, non-radioactive, materials and to store the mixture inside special facilities. Experts stress that this option makes it possible to remove the mixture and to obtain plutonium from it using relatively simple methods. The plutonium thus obtained would be enough to make several thousand nuclear warheads.”

Gerry Images reported:

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov smile after signing an agreement on eliminating excess weapon-grade plutonium from their defense programs during the Nuclear Safety Summit at the Washington Convention Center April 13, 2010 in Washington, DC. Clinton said the irreversable process of desposing of each countries excess weapon-grade plutonium, enough material for several thousand nuclear weapons, will prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists.”

“Arms Control .org reported:

U.S. officials and others have long said that Russia never fully supported the plan for LWR disposition, preferring instead to use fast-neutron reactors. Russia and the United States eventually began renegotiating that aspect of the agreement and in November 2007 issued a joint statement outlining a plan for use of fast-neutron reactors by Russia. They said they planned to negotiate a protocol to change the PMDA accordingly. (See ACT, December 2007.)

The switch to fast-neutron reactors has drawn criticism from some nonproliferation specialists because such reactors, unlike LWRs, can produce more plutonium than they consume. The protocol includes “certain nonproliferation conditions,” as the State Department described them, that are designed to minimize the potential nonproliferation drawbacks of using fast-neutron reactors.

Another significant change from the original PMDA is that the protocol caps total U.S. funding for the effort at the $400million amount that the United States previously pledged. As the protocol notes, the funding is subject to U.S. congressional appropriations decisions.”

I previously reorted, in The Fossil Fuel Industry is Living in the Ice Ages:

There is no safe form of nuclear energy and there never will be. Safe nuclear energy is a physical impossibility. Once the process of nuclear fission begins, it cannot be stopped, unless there is an explosion or nuclear meltdown in a nuclear chain reaction that occurs. The nuclear waste must be fed like a monster. It is done so in the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. New metals are added in attempt to weaken the radioactive levels, and to cool It with moltent metals!  It is the equivaent of trying to walk up the down escalator going at 75 miles per hour. It is my belief that the 50’s sci-fi movie,  The Blob was actually about nuclear waste.

The Hanford nuclear plant is undergoing heat decay in the process of a nuclear meltdown in a nuclear chain reaction which will eventually result in a nuclear explosion. Using nuclear waste for nuclear energy production also creates more nuclear waste.

Cold fusion is not safe either. It is an outright lie that it is. The nuclear reactors are called breeder reactors because they breed radioactive material in the process of nuclear fission. The waste is not burned in the process. Large quantities of radio active tritium are released into the atmosphere.…

New Parliamentary Group Formed to Consider Thorium

Watch “David Gilmour – “There’s No Way Out Of Here”” on YouTube

Watch “The Doors – The End (original)” on YouTube

Watch “Trailer – The Blob (1958)” on YouTube

The Fossil Fuel Industry is Living in the Ice Ages! – Andrea Iravani

The Fossil Fuel Industry is Living in the Ice Ages!

So, we will see how it is that the entire Congress, Clintons,  and Obama, who knew of this all along attempts to explain this bribery fest away.

The larger scandal at issue, is the way that the MIC has jeopardized national security for profit and personal gain over defense buildup at Russian borders over Crimea and the Magnitsky Act, as Hanford nuclear plant undergoes heat decay.

The US currently has 70,000 metric tons of Nuclear waste.


Andrea Iravani

Published by Andrea Iravani

  Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 6:25 pm

There are so many falsehoods and incorrect assertions in the above paragraphs regarding nuclear energy, it’s hard to know where to begin.

My folks come from the Hanford area, and many of my relatives worked there including my grandfather: a scientist with a Master’s Degree in Chemistry, and my uncle: an engineer with a PhD in Nuclear Engineering.

I think I will trust their opinions rather than the failed artist/”blogger for humanity”.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 8:35 pm

Rdawg- Bullshit. I would just love to hear why we have 70,000 metric tons of nuclear waste from your grandfather, if I am not 100% correct. Maybe we make nuclear waste just for the hell of it. As usaual, you are full of shit. Either your grandfather didn’t tell you because he didn’t want to scare the living shit out of you, or it was classified, or he was like one of the many economists with PhDs that get mired in the minutia, and spend their entire careers oblivious to the big picture. Can’t see the forest for the trees mentality abounds and is the hallmark of the Establishment and the universities spewing out the bullshit!

  Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 8:53 pm

First of all, he’s dead. Second of all, you wouldn’t be qualified to clean his toilets were he still alive.

I did not dispute that there is nuclear waste. The issue is whether or not it can be used as fuel and eliminate the transuranics.

Everything you said about Hanford is utter nonsense. I know at least a dozen engineers and technicians who currently work there, or spent their careers there. How many do you know? What’s your engineering background? Do you have any first hand knowledge of the Hanford facility? Have you ever even been there?

You should really avoid writing about topics of which you have no understanding. Based on what I have seen, that encompasses most everything.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 9:30 pm

I have no reason to believe anything that you say. None! I have every reason not to believe anything that you say!

January 14, 2018 10:46 pm

You have no reasons.

But I think my work is done here. You are exposed, again.

You have done the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling.


January 15, 2018 10:23 am

Ms. Iranaqui

Fucken’ hilarious! You might be able to pull that shit on ZH but it ain’t gonna work here. You say bullshit.. based on what? Just because you wrote it down doesn’t make it a fact.

And yer links.. well they remind me of the ugly girls in high school pleading for attention with offers of free blowjobs behind the bus shed. Those transactions as with the links all end up the same way.

They suck and still I leave disappointed even if it cost a fella nothing..

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 1:40 pm

Since your friend considers the NYT to be the paper of record, it appears that he missed this, in addition with an inability to read between the lines, and delve deeper into the issue. This article does not mention Hillary Clinton or the Clinton Foundation, it does mention the state department and the Obama administration:

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 14, 2018 4:32 pm

Cognitive Dissonance Caused by the Establishment Propagandists Over Russia and the Debilitating Effects on America and the World:

Cognitive Dissonance Caused by the Establishment Propagandists Over Russia and the Debilitating Effects on America and the World

January 14, 2018 4:44 pm

Dumbo continues posting its ads. How surprising. Fuck off, dumbo.

January 14, 2018 6:08 pm

I almost complimented her earlier today when she made a comment related to the post without ONE link. Almost. Am so glad I restrained my normally overly kind to people trait. My son told me I really have to stop being nice because it makes people think I like them. He told me I need to be more like him and his dad.

So, I’m working on it. I didn’t say hello to this one and I try to stay neutral.

January 14, 2018 7:31 pm

OkieDokey and watch it closely;

I have got to go check bunnies because the snow started up again and there was no thaw. Taking a tub of chopped carrots for them some quick energy in a pile of fresh straw (earlier).

This is post 161. Big Cheesy Smile. Please do not run this up to 200 in the next 15 minutes before I can get back from saving poor thirsty bunnies licking an ice block for hydration.

Francis Marion and El Coyote? I beg of you?????

It is for the BUNNIES!