“History’s howling storms can bring out the worst and best in people. The next Fourth Turning can literally destroy us as a nation and people, leaving us cursed in the histories of those who endure and remember. Alternatively, it can ennoble our lives, elevate us as a community, and inspire acts of consummate heroism–deeds that will grow into mythlike legends recited by our heirs far into the future.”

Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

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April 16, 2018 10:39 am

NAH. ”When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” Or, John Ford’s interpretation in ”The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”: ”When the truth becomes legend, print the legend.”
Historical ash-heap dead ahead for the current [comparatively short-lived] “Merkaan Empire”?
R U inland, rural, gathered-gunned-gardened yet?
Time is RELATIVE – the “Quickening” is NOT a linear “process/progression”.
VERY exciting times, fellow Men/wo[mb]Men, created in the image of the almighty “Author”. The greatest “joy”: FELLOWSHIP derived/shared as a CHOOSING – very spl/unique/individual – “One” of the COUNTED in the GATHERING RemnantS, manifested on to this “Rock” for the purpose of providing assistance to other REpentants in greater/est need. Ready to “check out”/return “Home”? NO FEAR. Hoo-wah.

April 16, 2018 12:01 pm

I wonder if every fourth turning throughout history has had as many stupid, self hating, worthless people as we do today.

I say that because of all the pics on the internet of people with their self mutilation, the corruption, the virtue signalling, the crime, mental deviancy, pedophilia, crimes against nature.