Take The Red Pill – The History Of Syrian False Flags Exposed

All the world is a stage… Hat Tip Admin

Via Zerohedge.com

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“You take the red pill… and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

The infamous line from the movie ‘The Matrix’  – where Morpheus offers Neo a glimpse of the ‘real’ reality that is occurring, not the ‘manufactured’ reality that those whose rule want him to see – could not be a better analogy for what one brave (and clearly a treasonous Russian troll who should be banned from any and all social media forever) Twitter user exposes below.

“Jad” – @Jadinho123 – shows how the world has been lied to many times to create the current Syrian theater of war…

Remember this photo of a kid laying next to her ‘dead’ parents who were ‘killed’ by Assad and this photo went viral and got thousands of retweets and had people crying all over Twitter?


Oh and remember this photo of this child who was in the back of an ambulance after supposedly being attacked by Assad and his regime???


It gets worse…

And worser…

And worsest…

And a little make-up for good measure…

And a rehearsal for a false flag chemical attack…

Remember the girl “running to survive and All her family have been killed…”

Well, it was a clip from a music video!!…

Oh, and remember that video of the Syrian boy ‘saving’ his sister from Assad forces?

Well, it was a lie too…

And here is the cast…

And one has to wonder if this is a ‘coincidence’ or is this girl just shit out of luck?

And CNN didn’t care…

Remember this harrowing scene from Syria?

Well it was Gaza…

Remember Bana? The young Syrian girl living in Syria who would post videos blaming Assad and the regime for her friends and families deaths.

Well, this is her dad…

Here’s Bana meeting Turkish president Erdogan. Because a man who funds ISIS is so innocent right???

h/t @Jadinho123

Finally here are two truth-bombs that actually made it to the mainstream media…

Before being cut off...

Now, go back to your dinner and your ignorantly uninformed, cognitively dissonant, unquestioning ‘patriotism’ to support whatever you’re told… no matter how much evidence of previous lies and manipulation you are confronted with.

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Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
April 16, 2018 7:28 pm

I’d show this to my deep blue wife, but she would say she doesn’t believe anything that isn’t in The NY Times.

And I would then go back to pounding my head against the wall.

Cognitive dissonance is a hard disease to cure.

  Trapped in Portlandia
April 16, 2018 7:44 pm

I’d say maybe you should pound HER head against the wall but guys tend to get arrested for that kind of thing.

April 16, 2018 8:07 pm

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

I don’t know how such a woman could remain a part of your life. If my wife was not also a libertarian anarcho-capitalist, there is no possible way I could stand being around her or having a discussion with her about anything.

April 16, 2018 9:18 pm

Syria is a CIA/deep state playground. They are trying to use it to launch WWIII but Trumplestiltskin is wise to their BS. Deep state ability to launch WWIII in Syria just took a major hit. I predict increasing peace in Syria moving forward.

April 16, 2018 10:35 pm


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April 16, 2018 10:36 pm

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Won’t it be funny as fuck if Russia/Syria attack Israel and Trump lets them twist in the wind?

  Francis Marion
April 17, 2018 12:28 am

I don’t know what’s going on and neither does anyone else. I think that’s the point. It is a great show so far though.

April 16, 2018 11:00 pm

I think POTUS and Putsey are pals.

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April 16, 2018 11:36 pm

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  Francis Marion
April 17, 2018 12:22 am

Assymetric/Irregular warfare baby.

April 17, 2018 12:29 am

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April 17, 2018 12:30 am

Welcome to Planet Hollywood where everything is staged.

April 17, 2018 5:52 am

WTF! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I have had it!!!! Everybody around me lives with their eyes wide shut. I’ve had enough of trying to open their eyes as to the “real” truth. I get loud at them because I am, no, have been so passionate about exposing them to this and get treated like a kook. NOT anymore! My last comment to them is “good luck”.
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Proverbs 27:12
To bad Trapped isn’t my neighbor, we could console each other over a cold one. I understand.
And to Kad….only if they find the body.

April 17, 2018 3:34 pm

My son, a senior in high school, took a history test today. One of the questions was, “Who was responsible for 9/11?” There were four answers to choose from:

A. Hamas
B. Osama bin Laden
C. Taliban
D. Hezbollah

His question to me: “How did they find the passports of the attackers?”

My first reaction was wtf is this question doing on a “history” exam as a multiple choice question when the answer is not one of the choices? My next reaction was to give my son a pat on the back.

The propaganda machine is on the soak cycle…God help us!

April 17, 2018 8:11 pm

Haha. Teaching is dead. Thanks TACOTACO. Comic relief is a good thing. Soak cycle indeed-Made my day with that one!