The only time Maxine Waters isn’t the dumbest person in the room. Or vice versa.

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May 13, 2018 8:59 am

Perhaps Dumb, Dumber, & Dumbest?

Don’t forget that Shelia Jackson Lee should be in this picture, too!

May 13, 2018 1:42 pm

Throw in Jackson Lee and it’s the Three Stooges. Which one would be Moe?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
May 13, 2018 9:18 am

There is a huge difference between being dumb and dumb like a fox . Of course there is also a huge difference in playing the entire country for a band of villige idiots and getting away with it . Once these evil vile bat shit crazy people carve out a nich for them selves they become like cancer . They will continue to align themselves by rigging every play and a complacent media never holds them to account . The two vile individuals featured her have enriched themselves beyond most people’s wildest dreams and they did it on the backs of the very people they continue to claim they are here to end the abuse and are here to help . The most pathetic issue is there are just enough villige idiots that are allowed to cast a vote that allows this insulting political side show to continue .
The people of this pairs ilk out number any group attempting to correct the damage incurred by the people of the lie to our nation over the last 40 plus years . We as a nation should have economically crashed totally several times and each time the evil party and the stupid party find away for the ruination of our republic to continue the slow death spiral . As any thing circling the drain the spin becomes faster and more violent as I reaches the event horizon !

May 13, 2018 9:24 am

I know the feeling. I saw Frederica Wilson at lunch last week, and I knew I wasn’t the dumbest person in the room

Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
May 13, 2018 9:54 am

So well written. The scariest part is the people of CA who support her.

May 13, 2018 11:54 am

The whole herd of them together generate a IQ Low Pressure Area that causes a Giant Sucking Sound: Jesse, MLK, Rev Al, Lewis, Cummings, McKenney, Ellison, Wilson, Johnson, Lawson, etc.

  RHS Jr
May 13, 2018 1:49 pm

Just a couple of weeks ago when Trump said Waters was low IQ, she said she would pass that vision test with flying colors and show him!