Fadi Abu Saleh had both legs amputated after being injured in Israel’s 2014 war on . Today Israel finished the job and killed him. There are no people braver than the Palestinian people.  This is why ultimately the Palestinians will prevail over the satanic zionist regime.

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May 15, 2018 7:16 am

Whew! For a minute I thought my mom was trying to get in touch with me via TBP.

Maggie Redux
Maggie Redux
May 15, 2018 7:25 am

Thought it might have been aimed at me.

Edit: Okay, blame Mary, EC with secondary blame assigned to the minnow. Having discovered a TBP Soul Sister that lives in the same freaking state as I now live, albeit a long haul from here, gasp for air, I am more than a little thrilled to have been notified by Unnamed of Mary’s debut during my, um, let’s call it a sabbatical. Since I apparently offended Left a Comment somehow with my banter (and I still am not sure you are correct in accusing me, but I was a little snarky at times in the early days. I’ve mellowed, as most of us do.), I certainly did NOT want her post left in the hands of some of the sniveling little hounds around here. I had privately encouraged her to write her post and when I was storyboarding with you and a couple others about my latest musings, it hit me in the forehead like that baseball bat thrown by the catcher after his pitcher threw another home run. The bat gave me two black eyes (yes, photo available) but this “it” made me realize the only way any of us can possibly look at any single issue from another’s point of view is to see it through their eyes. No one can see through another’s eyes without reading the words and filtering the concepts and experiences described through the mind, using comprehension to grasp the impact. Words matter and so does their meaning, context and tone. You can’t grasp true viewpoint viewing a screen. You can only see the perspective you are intended to see.

I don’t believe virtual reality can give true perspective, but it can certainly train up a whole generation with a skewed point of view.

A skewed point of view. That has some real alliterative potential, doesn’t it?

Askewed view. So, there’s all that to chew up and spit out. Unexpected rain shower and am stuck near the computer doing my son’s laundry for his departure. Some mothering never stops.

IS, my mother’s day carries some real conflict for me at times. My son is here and we chatted briefly about the family issues which have caused great rifts in my own extended family. Yes, I doted on him and spoiled him a bit. And he admitted that he intentionally does NOT do things like I want them to be done just to watch me go do it again. Brat. But, he’s a clever young man who knows a thing or two about the struggles underlying our bliss here.

Joking about it helps, but getting to that final point of “acceptance” is tough. I have/had (I’ve lost contact) a friend whose family disowned her to the point of them airbrushing her out of family photos. I don’t know about you, IS, but I have a feeling you are probably just about as easy to airbrush out of a photo as I am.

Yee Haw. Watch. Me. Go. Sun is out and my son is off to his own world. Which is as it should be.

  Maggie Redux
May 15, 2018 12:35 pm

Stop holding out on us, Maggita. I’m paying $5 for a bag of plain Jane granola snacks with pecans only because it says it’s free of HFCS.

May 15, 2018 1:17 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]
[imgcomment image[/img]

The rare glimpse at the young man and my husband and I… because the lack of focus kind of makes it perfect. And, yes, I am wearing a Marvel Comics T-shirt, which made my husband laugh and my son smile when he turned around and saw I was wearing it. Until then, you can tell he was just annoyed.

As far as the Israel/Palestine issue? You can’t delve into reading of history as I have these last weeks/months without coming face to face with the conflicting nature of Historical Facts and what is passed off as Truth on the GeoPolitical Scene. I can put together a list of facts a mile long and throw in a few hops, skips and jumps to conclusions that mean absolutely nothing. And, someone would accept it as truth. And then they would re-tell it.

The truth about the Balfour Declaration is a lot to digest. I sure hope Stucky can pull a bulleted list out of that enormous lumberjack-looking head of his and summarize the main long term effects from that single short note that needed Jacob Rothschild’s approval to make Israel its own nation in 1947.

How about it, Stucky? You wrote a really nice one on Yemen for FM and he didn’t even ask and he’s a freaking foreigner, sort of. I’ll name a goat after you.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 1:26 pm

We really are soul sisters. I’m working my way through a 13 part series “Why an Obsession with Eschatology is a Waste of Time.”

One of the main questions being is a literal Israel really part of the end times.

  Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 2:18 pm

I know. Hard to accept.

May 15, 2018 6:28 pm

FM is a no-goodnik illegal varmint? Who else is a wall-jumping weasel?

May 16, 2018 2:20 pm

Hey Mags

Hope you see this. Didn’t see your request until just now.

I appreciate that you thought of me, Herr Bullet, and am even more humbled that you would name a goat after me. However, what happens when it comes time to slaughter that goat? There you are, talking softly to one of your girlie friends, and you say to her — “I think I’m going to kill Nick tonight.” Meanwhile your Nick (the human) overhears this, and thinking his own life is on the line, he decides to stab you in the head that evening. Now, people would accuse me of accessory to murder in the Death Of Maggie. What a crock of shit. And don’t name the goat Stucky either … the goat might kill you.

What’s my point? Oh yeah, the bullet list about Israel. I can’t do it. Well, I can. But, I don’t wanna. For the foreseeable future I don’t see myself doing any more Joo stuff. I’m kinda burned out on that topic.


  Maggie Redux
May 15, 2018 9:45 pm

Yeah, I’m easy to airbrush out especially when the one with the airbrush tells you are dead to her but your still expected (by her) to cater to her every need. Kinda like me shootin you in the ass with a load of rock salt and expecting you to help me paint my house next weekend.

I sincerely hope the woman found so peace in death. She was a fantastic mom during my entire childhood. I gotta give her that. Maybe it was a struggle for her to hold it together that long?

I’ve used that same technique as your son before. In my mind if you want to be that picky about how things are done… it yourself then EVERYBODY gets to be happy.

May 15, 2018 8:09 am
May 15, 2018 10:16 am

Sorry to see that Goliath won this time.

May 15, 2018 10:47 am

Looks like the kind of person the US would attack with a drone and a hellfire missile….but then those are US drones and missiles they are using.

May 15, 2018 11:01 am

Uhhhh, no they won’t. Btw they are ALL satanic regimes at this point ALL of them. India, China, Sweden all moving to the mark of the beast system. It’ll only take one black swan event and 5days for it get rolled out worldwide.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
May 15, 2018 11:09 am

Aww, reminds me of the knight in Monty Python.
Brave to the end.

May 15, 2018 11:58 am

“Fadi Abu Saleh had both legs amputated after being injured in Israel’s 2014 war on #Gaza. Today Israel finished the job and killed him. ” ———- Zara

Fadi Abu Saleh should have ducked.

May 15, 2018 12:06 pm

I wonder how many current TBPers will get that reference. Ah, the good old days.

May 15, 2018 12:28 pm

Not many, I suspect.

In my humble opinion … that was THE BEST SHITFEST EVER on TBP.

May 15, 2018 12:44 pm


We all hated each other and left TBP for a week. Me, you and Davos against Smokey and Llpoh. My blood pressure was off the charts during the OWS shitfests.

May 15, 2018 12:55 pm

May 15, 2018 1:26 pm


I no longer have tits. Honestly. No tits Nick!!!

May 15, 2018 1:47 pm

I’ll make you feel better. Check out that gut.


May 15, 2018 2:49 pm

why don’t you repost the thread you’re referencing so we can get it going again–

stucky was an occupy wall streeter?an obama toadie?tell me it ain’t so

whoops-i should have refreshed b4 posting–

May 15, 2018 3:38 pm

OWS was hijacked by lefties just as the Tea Party was hijacked by the neo-cons. They both started out with the right targets. The pictures from my article show many Ron Paul supporters and Anti-Fed members at Zuccotti Park.

May 15, 2018 12:56 pm

I wasn’t around here then, but when I started reading the archives to better understand the whole TBP attitude, I came across some references to it and thought WTF?

Then, I got involved in my first shitflinger and realized what a marvelous little blog this is to follow. BTW? It has been a long long long time since I’ve seen the “for bro’s not hoes” line around here. I like to think I had something to do with that being discarded, but then again, I still suspect you have a secret chat room TMWNN has tucked away in the coding here somewhere and all you big dogs still meet in private and do He Man Woman Hater things, probably in front of a giant owl.

My son has left the building. I did manage to make the young man laugh.

As far as Goliath and defiant Fadi? [img][/img]

May 15, 2018 1:07 pm

We had other girls on the site back then. Most have left. We even had a black guy named Howard in NYC. He grew tired of the racist attitude of some of the TBP regulars.

May 15, 2018 3:29 pm

I was gonna say something about the raycissness around here, but decided to stfu.

May 15, 2018 1:43 pm

shoulda ducked

Fucken awesome!

May 15, 2018 12:19 pm
No blood in all these pictures. No blood-no wounded or dead. All fake news.
These numbers are coming from the hospital in Gaza. The press reports them as if true with no confirmation. The same tactics used for the so called Sandy Hook killings. And the records show no one died at sandy Hook.
More than likely the protester without legs blew them off with his own bomb meant for Israelis. And more than likely he is still alive as ever.
It’s awful what both sides do to each other. But, the truth is the first casualty. So don’t believe everything you see or hear. Deception is the rule of the day just as the Bible said it would be.

May 15, 2018 12:32 pm

Mr. See No Evil should change his name to Edwitless.

May 15, 2018 1:14 pm
May 15, 2018 1:46 pm

but but Israel has a right to defend itself…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 1:30 pm

Neither would ours, right?

May 15, 2018 11:21 pm

Why not? Your scummy little PLO heroes do all the time.

May 15, 2018 1:31 pm

He really should have ducked.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 2:32 pm

What’s with all the Jew hate? I see it all the time on here and Twitter etc. Look in the mirror if your life sucks blame yourself not some cabal of Hebrews pulling levers in a dark conspiracy. Israel is a tiny country and last time I checked had not attacked anybody in its 70 years of existence. They have initiated hostilities first as part of strategic surprise but they have not started a fight ever. Instead we have them attacked from 1948 on by every Arab country and Iran and the Shia. These fuckwit Palestinians are unwanted by any Arab country and they are low IQ child murdering savages. I have been to Israel 4 times including during the second Intifada.

Why Israel leaves any Arab alive within 250 miles of their border is the miracle. Why they didn’t use airstrikes, napalm and artillery yesterday is beyond me. Numbers wise, this would be like 1.2M Hisapanics attacking the border at Juarez. What do you think we would do?

Defeat in war happens and the Palestinians were crushed. Israel’s mistake was to be soft and attempt to live and let live. They have been rewarded with 70 years of terror attacks and spending $B’s on defense.

Despite this, they have made the desert bloom and created a great hi tech industry and generally have a Western European standard of living for their citizens. They even have a function representative democracy something none of the Arab countries can say.

So maybe one of the Jew haters will step up and cogently lay out the support for the conspiracy theories with the Rothschilds on down.

Alternatively, I think its all just jealousy. A tiny minority, universally hated still manages to excel and dominate in so many industries. A conspiracy? No, just brutal selection over thousands of years for survival…..producing an insular tribal very high IQ group.

I have personally been discriminated against by jews, holocaust survivors would not meet me when I was dating their grand daughter. Eye opening. I have seen lots of Jew tribalism in business over the years, overtly preferring to deal with, promote, agree with a fellow jew…..But, if I was a minority with their history I would be doing the same thing.

When you are bashing Jews you are supporting Muslims and all the savagery, historically and ongoing in the ME and Europe. Be careful what you wish for.

Remember Israel turned over all of Gaza and the very profitable flower and greenhouse businesses and of course the Palestinian destroyed them all because they don’t really want to live and let live, they want to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth.

That of course is the logical end state of the Jew hate… look in the mirror and see if that’s really who you are.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Not an argument. That is just not accurate and you know it. So why do you like head cutting, genital mutilating cousin marrying low IQ Muslims more than a successful tribe of high IQ folks? Make an argument if you can, which it does not seem like you are able to.

  Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 3:49 pm

Don’t wait for an answer. When the questions get tough for Zara, Zara gets going.

I’m still waiting to find out why not even IRAN is claiming that the money paid out in Muh Iran Deal was their money to begin with as Zara puts forth.

May 15, 2018 3:22 pm

Even as a Zoroastrian I would think you would see that it is islam that creates the fighting. Iran is run by islamics. They create the tension that exists between them and Israel. And they will lose because God fights for Israel. It’s the reason they continue to thrive while surrounded by people that want them pushed into the sea.

May 15, 2018 11:30 pm

Mr. Thustra, Trita Parsi is on line one. I think he’s looking for your donation.. What should I tell him?

  Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 3:18 pm

Very well said Martel’s. Israel has been attacked and defeated it’s enemies in 1948, 1967, 1973, and others. That anyone would support islam while it makes war everywhere it lives is incredible to me. Thanks for shedding some light on this.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 3:53 pm

Wikipedia is occasionally useful. This is a damned long list of murder misery and death for men, women and children from the tender loving Palestinians.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 4:22 pm

By your logic we should all still be English and then we should be shipped back to wherever we came from, the Europeans should then all go back the Steppes of Russia or wherever they came from. Historical claims on a piece of ground are interesting but irrelevant….I spent a lot of time in the Balkans and each group can only remember they held the greatest amount of territory!

Same thing here. Obviously Jews have lived in the area for thousands of years as a cohesive tribe and their primary city/capital being Jerusalem and surrounding villages. After getting their asses kicked several thousand years ago we had the diaspora, slavery in Egypt, pogroms in Russia, Spain etc….and more recently that really shitty decade with Adolf.

So they went home and kicked out the locals and managed to fight off the entire Arab and Muslim world for the last 70 years.

So no its not meaningful to say it started with the formation of Israel….so what. Its only your land if you can hold it. Ask the native Americans, South Americans, etc…..the world is not fair.

Don’t even pretend that “history has stopped” cannard, of course is hasn’t.

So the war is just continuing though quite unsuccessfully on the part of the so called Palestinians.

  Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 4:42 pm

Please have Hasbara send a better class of troll. You simply aren’t cutting it.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
May 15, 2018 6:14 pm

When you can’t make an argument accuse somebody of being a troll. The uneducated and ill-informed…..

Scott halloween
Scott halloween
May 15, 2018 6:34 pm

Lol ,Directly beneath the picture of legless David is the notice “emigrate while you still can!”

May 16, 2018 8:38 am

“This Land is Mine” revised, and with annotation

“…if you look carefully you can see US flags on the tanks rolling up behind the Israeli soldiers. …”

The inbred hatred within Palestinians also means that no other muslim country wants them either, except as a bludgeon against Israel.

“Let’s You and Him Fight”
– Popeye the Sailor Man