Political correctness: a force for good?

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whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 20, 2018 12:19 pm

By definition Political Correctness is Censorship. So how can it be good a force for good?

Me Again
Me Again
May 20, 2018 12:50 pm

“Political correctness: a force for good?”


R Daneel
R Daneel
May 20, 2018 1:46 pm

Dyson is not worth listening to.

May 20, 2018 6:39 pm

Political Correctness is not only censorship but a form of totalitarianism which is totally incompatible with a free people and an open society where all ideas can be discussed and debated. And without the free exchange ideas, without open dialogue, there can be no freedom or a functioning democracy of the people. Political Correctness is not organic or bottom driven but a top-down and self-serving form of tyranny created by powerful entities with the objective of preventing the exchange of ideas and enslaving people who can be controlled and plundered by these entities. Political Correctness = Cultural Marxism = unspeakable evil.

May 20, 2018 8:24 pm

And BTW why are Jews so over-represented in this debate? Talk about group identify which is paramount for Jews but God help us if the European people identify as a group. Now that is fascism or neo-Nazism which must be prevented at all cost. Stephen Fry referred to nativists or identitarians in Europe but no mention of the Jewish State of Israel which is a homeland for the Chosen People. They are a bunch of hypocrites that are trying to prevent the European people from having their own homeland with their own culture, traditions, history and religion.

May 20, 2018 9:22 pm

It was a bit ugly at times. I like Jordan’s point that if white privilege were made specific, say 10 or 20, or 25%, WHAT would be the leftmost correction to this (in terms of a tax maybe on white people? )
after which all the nonsense of white privilege could be dispensed with as nonsense. What is the line where we stop and say equality has been achieved? It’s a really good question. It should have an answer. It clearly can’t be endless ranting of privilege and oppression of people vs other people long dead a long time ago who no one ever knew. Tyson was rude. Hopefully the end “equality” isn’t like South Africa where bands of armed blacks hi-jack and rob whites in retribution.

May 20, 2018 9:24 pm

The Founding Fathers made Freedom of Speech the FIRST Amendment.

May 20, 2018 10:21 pm

Political correctness is the elevation of moral posturing about sensitivity over truth. So sayeth Jordan Peterson.. It’s as good a definition of political correctness as any. I think.

May 21, 2018 1:06 am

That was not a debate. It was a waste of time.

May 21, 2018 9:27 am

Jordan maybe was a little flustered by the rude remarks because I think he let the left off easy
when asking how far is too far (for political correctness and the social behavioral modification adgenda
of same) when the feminist answered that violence was “too far”. Of course it is too far (violence is only state sanctioned in self defense) , but what.. anything else goes or any goals or lines that maybe should not be crossed are OK? The finger pointing and condemning can just continue in any direction forever
and as long as it isn’t violent anything goes? Only the left can say what their goals are , and specifics are needed. Then we can and should talk about what is too far.