What Are The DOJ & FBI Trying to Hide?

By VachelLindsay Via Twitter

I think I may have discovered what the DOJ & FBI are desperately trying to hide.

It was POTUS Obama himself who authorized the use of surveillance on Team Trump.


Donald J. Trump


Clapper has now admitted that there was Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were paid to the Spy, far beyond normal. Starting to look like one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE – a terrible thing!

2. The surveillance may have been conducted by UK intelligence – and then fed back to Obama’s IC thugs, for unmasking in the US.

Let me explain.

3. Here’s the thing.

An American POTUS can LEGALLY authorize electronic surveillance ‘without a court order…to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year’.

Yes, it’s true. Obama had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process.

5. ‘Foreign intelligence information’ in relation to a ‘US person’ (eg Team Trump) is information that’s necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, terrorism, as well as ‘clandestine intel activities’ /…

6. /…by a foreign power, or agent of a foreign power (Russia), OR

information relevant to the national defense/ security of the US, or the conduct of the foreign affairs of the US.

7. Now, this authorization by POTUS (eg Obama) requires certification by the AG (eg Lynch – DOJ) that MUST be lodged with ‘the court’ (eg FISC):

‘The (AG)+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court …(FISC).. a copy of his certification.’

8. So if my analysis is correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal AT LEAST with the FISC & DOJ.

THAT’S what they’re trying to desperately hide.

9. But that’s just the start.

The Act says that the AG has to
keep the Select Committee on Intelligence AND the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations AND unmaskings under them.

see 1802 (a) (1) (C), above.

10. If this is what’s happened, my bet is that Lynch didn’t bother reporting, or selectively reported to the Committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies.

NOW can you see why Schiff, Feinstein, Warner & Co are frightened?

11. Connect dots :

#1 – Obama authorized electronic surveillance on Team Trump, by-passing normal judicial oversight.

12. #2- to create ‘foreign intelligence’, Brennan and others organized for UK intelligence, to conduct surveillance on Team Trump (either from UK, or from a UK govt asset within the US).

Thats why the Brits were brought in.

13. #3 – Obama’s authorization was certified by AG Lynch and is now held under seal by the DOJ (and FISC).

The DOJ are terrified of making this known.

14. #4 – From Obama’s authorization, ALL the unmasking followed, as well as the FBI fraudulent counter-intel investigation AND perhaps the FISA warrant, too.

That reels in all the Obama THUGS.


15. Now, why is this a CRIME?

Obama’s authorization was based on MANUFACTURED EVIDENCE (the Fusion GPS Dossier, secretly funded by the Clinton, DNC & Obama).

16. You can be certain – Obama KNEW it was FAKE, when he made the authorization. As did Lynch, when she certified it.

Obama’s entire ‘inner circle’, the ‘Secret Society’, ALL KNEW.

That’s what will come out.

17. They were trying to frame an innocent citizen and destroy a political rival using ‘trumped up’ evidence (lol).

These were genuine police state tactics. This is the sort of thing that happens in Putin’s Russia. Or Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.l

18. If true, it takes the US into totally uncharted territory.

It also has grave ramifications for any UK politician or official, who was involved in any way.

19. A POTUS himself, hatching a plan to destroy an American using fake evidence?

I really hope it ISN’T true.

But I suspect it may well be.

And that what’s coming is far, FAR worse than any of us may have thought.


The end.


ADDENDUM : in this interview, @SaraCarterDC points out that the applications to the FISC for the original & subsequent warrants may reveal ‘the smoking gun’.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwCf-gwOZ8U]

21. Importantly, @SaraCarterDC notes that each new application must include the earlier supporting intel. IOW, an ‘evidence’ trail of compounded ‘intel’.

Now the law says that Obama’s authorization & Lynch’s certification – if made – had to be issued to the FISC under seal.

22. However, given that the crooks had failed to get a FISA the first time, earlier in 2016, it’s reasonable to conclude that Obama’s authorization/Lynch’s certification (again, if made) was included as part of the October FISA application.

We’re getting close, folks.

The end.

23. ADDENDUM #2: OK it seems that this theory is getting a lot of interest.

I’m going to add this, which would be consistent with the UK government discovering illegal use of UK intelligence power as part of the illegal framing of Trump.

24. Note the date of Hannigan’s ‘resignation’ – 23 January, 2017. Just after the inauguration.

You know what that means, if it’s related?

Trump has known EVERYTHING since then.

Will keep you updated.

The end.

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May 26, 2018 8:29 am

Perhaps now we (who suspected this all along) can tell all the doubters,liberal relatives,and the everyday idiots. “We knew it all along,and tried to tell you” They still won’t care though.

Bob P
Bob P
May 26, 2018 8:58 am

Problem is, die-hard Democrats will never believe that Obama is dirty, regardless of how compelling the evidence is, and their mouthpieces (New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc) will scream the evidence was faked.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Bob P
May 26, 2018 9:42 am

Liberals are Dirty and don’t care what it takes for them to keep their foot on White Conservative’s throats and their hand in their pocket. They won’t change so when they start the Chaos, we’re going to have to have a Great Thinning.

Me Again
Me Again
  Bob P
May 26, 2018 11:43 am

Will they believe it if he ends up in prison?

  Bob P
May 26, 2018 1:17 pm

Indeed They may well know Obama is dirty ,and be grateful for it. We may have to hang him ourselves.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
May 26, 2018 10:00 am

Vachel Lindsay may be on to something.

Me Again
Me Again
  Francis Marion
May 26, 2018 11:44 am

“Heads are going to roll.”

If we’re lucky!

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 26, 2018 11:09 am

Obama’s DOJ is in thrall to English and Swiss-based central bankers. Obama’s DOJ takes orders from the English “Financial Stability Board- FSB”, because English and Swiss bankers own and operate the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve” system that is ensconced, although a criminal parasite and foreign imposter in the US (IMF and World Bank included in this system).

Their presence violates the Constitution: 1 8 6.

The criminals planned a “Hard Brexit” and relocation to the Pacific Rim, with Australia as the new Manhattan, in the wake of America’s ruin, in the aftermath of the planned “soft coup”. Some Americans have figured out the “stock market” is a fraud. Some Americans have figured out the banking system is a fraud. Some Americans have figured out any contract may be repudiated in the presence of fraud.

(Treaty of Paris 1783- creates English Monarch as “Arch-Treasurer”; “Organic Act of 1871”- claims to create the US as a “Corporate-Indenture” to the City of London).

The enemy is English and Swiss bankers- always was, always will be.

Obama’s restructure of GM created the fraudulent “clearinghouse”, “RESCAP-Residential Capital”. Holder’s Law Firm, Covington-Burling, created the original counterfeiting mechanism: the MERS-Mortgage Electronic Registration System. The balance of RMBS in the system was added through the “Conservatorship” of F&F- a blatant shareholder rip-off; never a “Conservatorship” in the first place, see the “Fairholme Action”.

The Counterfeiting of American “securities (RBMS)” and current “Quoin” are the mechanisms employed to destroy the US as a “Constitutional Republic”.

In the midst of implementing the coup, Obama’s DOJ, James Comey, George Osborne and Mark Carney conspired in continuation to fund the murder of American and British Soldiers, see: “All the Plenary’s Men”, by John Titus.

The presence of Iranian “Quds Forces” in places like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and the direction of IEDs and EFPs, as employed by the indigenous peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, under the tutelage of “Iranian “Quds Forces”, are a direct consequence of the Iraq LIE, engineered by Cowboy George and prostitute Tony “Charles Lynton” Blair. The Iraq Lie (see: the Chilcot Report) was implemented to destroy the “Euro”. The engineered “Villainy” of Iran is the direct fabrication (Operation Ajax) of English oilmen and American CIA in new proxy-war platform: “Shia V Sunni”; whereas before it was east v west.

May 26, 2018 11:24 am

Here it is summer and daily now we are hearing the extent of the crookedness of the DNC and the Government agencies. We haven’t heard much about the Magic Negro yet, but when we do there will be constant revelations about his involvement and Crooked Hillary’s as well. This article by Mr. Marion IS the introduction to this novel development and its concepts will soon bud and spread like poison ivy.

I believe that rather soon other very different, very dark, evil, and nasty revelations about these people will “suddenly be discovered”. Once this becomes accepted as undeniable, lots of people will mercilessly be dragged off to the unknowns, and members of the press and other establishments who bemoan this will be dragged out and beaten in streets by awakened citizens.
This could eventually be called America’s Great Purge. Who all will be touched by this phage?

Me Again
Me Again
May 26, 2018 11:50 am

” We haven’t heard much about the Magic Negro yet, but when we do there will be constant revelations about his involvement and Crooked Hillary’s as well. ”

Will it kill his Netflix deal? (LOL)

Me Again
Me Again
May 26, 2018 11:51 am

” We haven’t heard much about the Magic Negro yet, but when we do there will be constant revelations about his involvement and Crooked Hillary’s as well. ”

Will it kill his Netflix deal? (LOL)

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 26, 2018 12:13 pm

Oh, come on. Of course Obama was ultimately behind this and it will come out. As for the British, they are some cold, cynical bastards. They realized at the last minute that Trump was going to win – against all of their hopes and expectations – and they began to trim their sails immediately. The UK is toast without our economic, financial, political and military partnership and they are acutely aware of that. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important to the British government. Re the European Union, they may sneer at us Yanks but the more relevant point is the old saying, “BLack men start at Calais”. They understood Trump would find out about all of this, if he didn’t already know. GCHQ was the main British player after the hapless Steele. They all headed for the tall grass and I don’t blame them.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 26, 2018 12:21 pm

Who Owns America? CEDE & DTCC

  Michael Keane
May 26, 2018 1:22 pm

Thank you.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 26, 2018 4:31 pm

You’re welcome.

May 26, 2018 12:24 pm

That was a grade school level adobe hack job on his long form… the deceit and criminality is wanton, for any who would care to even glance.
Most do not want to see.
Great work FM!

May 26, 2018 9:49 pm

Once in the crown colony of Hong Kong a chief petty officer awoke on a park bench with his boots stolen. The joke in the mess was that in addition to no boots his pants were down and he had a spent condom protruding from his backside. That is the present position of the American people and people worldwide under tyrannical, oops, all governments . Nothing will change. No charges, trials or jail. All trumpers think it will be the shoe on the other foot from when the dems took down Nixon. But this time the dems go down. NEBBA GONNA HAPPEN.