Anti-Trump Media is A Cult

Via Branco

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June 19, 2018 1:07 pm

This progressive liberal anti-Trump message by major media is getting worse than it ever was. TV news is unwatchable. It morphed from actual news with at least a nod to different points of view, to ratings grabbing one sided sensationalism, to outright propaganda and unannounced editorializing. Late night “comedy” is unwatchable. It morphed from actual comedy entertainment where varying guests/hosts brought some funny/edgy material to share , to corporate sponsored self promotion minus the funny, to all out political vetting of guests obliged to share “the message” of leftist progressive PCness/ inclusiveness and above all anti-Trump bashing to brainwash and provide the fix to an addicted ideologically possessed targeted segment of the population. Essentially pure propaganda minus the entertainment. Lester Holt did 12 minutes of lead on the migrant detention of children, did a bit of other “news”, then came back for an editorial on the same subject at the end minus any pretense of news or really identifying opinion. I can only really watch local news which is actually current and local (mostly, they are even getting to them a bit) , and if there is any editorializing to do , it’s the station manger who clearly identifies and presents it himself and as such.
It’s clearly a war of ideologies, and that side uses the shameless propaganda of fake compassion, resentment, WHATEVER IT TAKES, to mold public opinion. The scary part is something like 10% of the population has an IQ under 85, and yeah approximately 50% under 100 and hardly reads or writes.
They can certainly be mind controlled by a media machine that is as pervasive and experienced as it is.
Your looking at a rare source of honest media right now. The written word of what someone actually thinks.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
June 19, 2018 3:15 pm

Thetruthonly, Bravo Sir; you have a huge lot of Spiritual Twins in America. The 4th Estate Boob (Pravda TV) is driving a Wooden Stake through it’s own Black Heart (Pinko Heart?); Alt-media gets more time than the Fellow Traveler MSM. Throw the treasonous Commie Bums out of America!