When Collapse Goes Kinetic

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

I suppose many who think about the prospect of economic collapse imagine something like a Death Star implosion that simply obliterates the normal doings of daily life overnight, leaving everybody in a short, nasty, brutish, Hobbesian free-for-all that dumps the survivors in a replay of the Stone Age — without the consolation of golden ages yet to come that we had the first time around.

The collapse of our techno-industrial set-up has actually been going on for some time, insidiously and corrosively, without shattering the scaffolds of seeming normality, just stealthily undermining them. I’d date the onset of it to about 2005 when the world unknowingly crossed an invisible border into the terra incognito of peak oil, by which, of course, I mean oil that societies could no longer afford to pull out of the ground. It’s one thing to have an abundance of really cheap energy, like oil was in 1955. But when the supply starts to get sketchy, and what’s left can only be obtained at an economic loss, the system goes quietly insane.

In the event, popular beliefs and behavior have turned really strange. We do things that are patently self-destructive, rationalize them with doctrines and policies that don’t add up, and then garnish them with wishful fantasies that offer hypothetical happy endings to plot lines that do not really tend in a rosy direction. The techno-narcissistic nonsense reverberating through the echo-chambers of business, media, and government aims to furnish that nostrum called “hope” to a nation that simply won’t admit darker outcomes to the terrible limits facing humanity.

Thus, we have the Tesla saga of electric motoring to save the day for our vaunted way of life (i.e. the landscape as demolition derby), the absurd proposals to colonize distant, arid, frigid, and airless Mars as a cure for ruining this watery blue planet ideally suited for our life-form, and the inane “singularity” narratives that propose to replace grubby material human life with a crypto-gnostic data cloud of never-ending cosmic orgasm. The psychological desperation is obvious. Apparently, there are moments in history when flying up your own butt-hole is the most comforting available option.

I expect the collapse to pick up more momentum as we turn the corner around summer. The system that we have most willfully abused and perverted is finance. This monster that so many observers call “capitalism” is just a set of methods for managing surplus wealth — the catch being that nothing nearly this complex has ever been seen before in history and is a pure product of the 200-year-long industrial orgy driven by fossil fuels. That is, the world never before accumulated so much surplus wealth in such a short span of time. We commonly refer to this dynamic as “growth.” When that growth, as expressed in modern GDP terms, slowed dramatically after 2005, we launched an array of clever mechanisms to keep faking it for a while. Racking up immense debt was our way of faking it. If you can’t cover your costs in the present, just borrow from the future. Unfortunately, that works only as as long as there’s some reasonable expectation that debt can be paid back. We’re so far beyond that now, it’s not funny. And that realization alone will destroy the bond markets and anything related to and dependent on its operations to function.

This is a broad outline to the coming end of the Trump miracle economy. It was the after effects of the previous debt blowup — the phony-baloney mortgage bond market in 2008 — that mortally wounded the American middle class and put Donald Trump in the White House. His base is correct to feel swindled. That is exactly what happened to them, and the beat goes on now with securitized sub-prime auto loans. Throw in the horrific burdens of unpayable and non-dischargable college loans that will ruin millions of lives and pricey health insurance with $5000 deductibles and you have recipe for a complete loss of faith in the system.

The next debt blowup will be the end of Mr. Trump’s improbable credibility. It may also be the beginning of serious difficulty in being able to get many of the goods of daily life, because the producers of things will be very unsure of getting paid on delivery of just about anything. A freeze up of short-term lending would quickly lead to empty WalMart shelves and “no gas” signs at the filing stations. That’s when collapse finally goes kinetic, and becomes something more than just bad feelings inane ideas.

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July 9, 2018 9:41 am

So, what’s the plan? Stock up on a few canned goods and wait it out? (/sarc)

July 9, 2018 2:03 pm
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 9, 2018 3:11 pm


Art imitates life and vice versa.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 9, 2018 9:55 am

A doom and gloom proclamation, like yelling fire at a cookout. Duh.
Yup, we are a 3rd world nation filled with self delusion, occupied by Bread and Circuses, delivered take out and Netflix.
So what, I work as hard as I can to get ready. Tell me something I do not already know.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 9, 2018 10:07 am

Most do not “get it.” Otherwise, the bankrupt Tesla would not be valued at tens of billions….

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 9, 2018 9:59 am

Just move to New Jersey. Everything will be fine there. Trust me.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Southern Sage
July 9, 2018 12:26 pm

Or Illinois.

  Southern Sage
July 9, 2018 7:37 pm

You’re not like the others.

July 9, 2018 10:00 am

Sarcasm from BSHJ and a “Duh” from the OldToad don’t really help much.
Below is a plan for everyone. Good luck, we’ll need it.

July 9, 2018 11:14 am

I was fine with the list until the point where I am supposed to have TWO mortgage-free properties? Not one household in a thousand can make that happen.

There is no easy way out of our techno-industrial culture we have built…and it will collapse at some point because a) it is unsustainable and b) because empires collapse, period. There is a human nature aspect there, separate from the fact of diminishing energy returns that occur even if oil is abiotic as some of the experts here are absolutely sure is the case.

Our entire culture in the west is one giant party in the Penthouse Suite of the Tower of Babel. Most folks around here are at least positioned near the exits, but there will be no guarantees when this motherfucker falls.

The best and really only advice: Prepare as best you can and enjoy this current day we have all been given.

July 9, 2018 11:53 am

For any new people on TBP, here is another plan.

BABY STEPS: You’ve Been Woke. Now Exit the Matrix.

Tick tock…

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 9, 2018 10:53 am

The 100 year Reign of Fiat money in its designed death throes.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 9, 2018 1:08 pm

“I expect the collapse to pick up more momentum as we turn the corner around summer.”

A stopped clock is right at least twice a day JHK, not so much.

It is probably best to not pick a date or month or even year for prognostication when you’ve missed every one in the past 15 years.

It will come, but it keeps it’s own schedule.

July 9, 2018 4:22 pm

My problem with JHK is his continual ranting over peak oil. It is BS of the highest order. So when I see him make a statement concerning oil, I just stop reading right there. As another TGP commenter said, JHK has missed everyone of his predictions in the last 15 years. Why would anyone think this one is any different?

July 9, 2018 4:48 pm

Pretty much everyone misses the point of peak oil. It is not some instantaneous calamity, it is an epoch. It is NOT about “running out of oil” but if diminishing returns on energy, capital and complexity. It is also about positive feedback loops (and I mean positive in engineering terms, not life-affirming ones). These are the things that destroy empires.

And we can squawk all we want about how oil is either abiotic or not even close to “running out” (there’s that silly, over-simplified, bullshit term again), but the facts are these: EROIE has fallen significantly over the past several decades and continues to do so, energy consumption continues to rise exponentially and literally NOTHING in the entire Cosmos can continue to grow forever. Basically, our entire society is built around abundant, easy to obtain, easy to transport and easy to utilize energy…and this means oil. No other known form of energy even comes close in all aspects.

So believe or not in “Peak Oil” all you want, these facts do not and will not change. I certainly set no dates or make no specific predictions about peak oil, but what I do not do is call bullshit on it because of short-term, first-order observations in a very long-term and multi-dimensional, complex process.

And, of course, JHK is wrong on the specifics. Everyone always is when making predictions–its difficult to do, especially about the future. That does not mean its wise to throw the baby out with the bathwater, or make you smart because you stop reading whenever you find something you disagree with.

July 9, 2018 6:48 pm

Try this one:
Hugo Salinas explanation re future of oil.

July 9, 2018 7:40 pm

“I expect the collapse to pick up more momentum as we turn the corner around summer. ”

Just like he’s said last summer and the summer before and the summer before and the summer before ad nauseum.

July 9, 2018 7:59 pm

Stop me if you’ve heard this one….
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. I’ve been hearing it since the 60’s.
Eventually someone will be right.

Probably not the Kunster.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 10, 2018 10:22 am

Government paid liars and doubters, have a belly laugh on me, a Modern Watchman. There will be a dollar crash (hyperinflation) and a banking crash (bad debts like 2008) but when we can only guesstimate (but Insiders probably know): within two years. There will be increasing Natural Disasters (The Four Horsemen) as there always are with a GSM (which will be obvious): within two years. It is not tea leaves or a hunch; it is science and history (which TPTB revise and the UIs neglect) and Christian Prophecy (the Cornerstone which they reject). Prepare and fear not: “I am with you always”.