More Lies From The Corrupt Elite

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

For two decades the offshoring of American jobs to Asia and Mexico has destroyed the careers and incomes of tens of millions of US citizens, the pension tax base for state and local governments, the federal tax base for Social Security and Medicare, and the opportunity society that once characterized the United States of America.

The rise in corporate profits that resulted from substituting foreign labor for American labor rewarded corporate executives and boards, hedge funds, large shareholders, and Wall Street with profits at the expense of the American population and the US economy.

The low rates of economic growth claimed since the alleged recovery from the 2008 financial crisis that resulted from financial deregulation, a huge mistake made by politicians in service to capitalist greed, is based entirely on under-measuring inflation. Allegedly, Americans have suffered no inflation for a decade, but anyone who buys anything knows that that is a lie. What jobs offshoring did is to destroy the growth in productivity based US consumer purchasing power that drove the US economy. In short, the short-sighted executives, boards, and Wall Street have impaired aggregate demand in the US.

The corrupt Federal Reserve under the incompetent Alan Greenspan ramped up consumer debt to take the place of the missing growth in consumer income. This works until consumers cannot carry any more debt. The subsequent Federal Reserve chairmen have kept the house of cards standing by pumping trillions of dollars into the prices of financial assets.

In my day such inappropriate Federal Reserve behavior would likely have been considered a felony. The Federal Reserve chairmen would possibly have been arrested and put on trial. In the least they would have been forced to resign for bailing out five banks at the expense of the US population.

As nothing was done, today we have financial asset prices based on money printing by the Federal Reserve and its accomplices—the Japanese central bank, the EU central bank, and the Bank of England. The financial criminality is worldwide.

As bad as the situation is, it is about to get worse. The same self-serving elites who told the insouciant American people that jobs offshoring would create more and better jobs for Americans are now telling them the same thing about robotics.

The accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, has been hired by someone to put out a “study” that robots will create more new jobs for displaced Americans then they will destroy. This lie will be repeated endlessly by the neoliberal economists and financial media, just as they repeated endlessly that jobs offshoring would do the same.

Having lost the manufacturing and professional skill jobs such as software engineering, robotics attacks the domestic service non-tradable jobs that could not be offshored, although some of them, such as nursing, could be filled by bringing in nurses on work visas under the false claim that there was a shortage of American nurses. Domestic service jobs have been approximately 90% or more of the new jobs for as long as I have reported on the jobs statistics, which is many years. Now, Americans are going to lose many domestic service jobs to robots.

Artificial intelligence is not necessary for robots to be programmed to do the domestic service jobs that are now the bulk of US employment. Moreover, the current level of robotics imposes the cost of doing business on the customer. If you doubt that, consider your experience the last time you tried to contact a service provider.

People are being made irrelevant. Before long, they won’t even know how to drive a car, because self-driving cars will take that function also away from them. The insouciant humans will sit there in the car being brainwashed by the propaganda from their video screens. They will cease to experience a human existence, and, thereby, will become disposable.

Other than disposing of them, how else do you get rid of millions of peoples who have no jobs to support them, peoples whose support are likely to be regarded as a dead-weight loss on the profits of the rich?

Robotics cannot possibly work for a humane society unless the means of production are socialized. Unfortunately, Western peoples are so brainwashed and insouciant that they are incapable of revolution.

Do you want to be erased? That is what American Capitalism is doing to you.

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July 24, 2018 9:01 pm

Perhaps it’s my imagination, but I think people could do a lot to nip this in the bud. If they stopped doing business with the criminal big banks- Wells Fargo, Banksters of America, and Chase; if they refused to do business with places that replace workers with robots. But too many people are just too stupid anymore to figure it out, and many too distracted to care. Until it’s too late.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 24, 2018 9:52 pm

Elite, I hate that word. Lets call these creeps what they are, low life scum filthy pig jews. They have been kicked out of many countrys over the years for their criminal activitys. Its time for a lot more serious action. Queen Isabella of Spain deported thousands of the dirtbags to Sicily in the 1400’s. Why the hell did she not just kill the vermin?

  Jack Lovett
July 24, 2018 10:31 pm

Is this an example of “love for each other” that you were going on about the other day?

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 25, 2018 1:19 am

Do unto others as they do unto you.

  Robert H Siddell Jr
July 25, 2018 8:34 am

And forgive us our sins as we forgive others.

Because those who do not forgive the sins of others, real or perceived, will not have their own sins forgiven by God either.

July 24, 2018 10:25 pm

He used the “word” 3 times in this article. Boy does he love that word.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 24, 2018 11:16 pm

Yeah, I use that word also, when I can’t fall asleep at night; does he really think he really think that the big problem today is Americans don’t sleep well?

Never mind!

July 24, 2018 11:04 pm

“Robotics cannot possibly work for a humane society unless the means of production are socialized”

How many times has this bullshit been put forward over the centuries. Every time there is a new development, the screaming can be heard.

Passing laws that make advancements illegal, difficult, etc., will just ensure the US ends up sucking hind tit to every nation that pushes forward. You think China wil stop moving forward?

The world is not fair, and never has been. The idea that it could be is a new development, and it is absurd.

Here is an idea – make sure you are one of the winners in the new paradigm.

Compete. Or die off. Survival of the fittest.

July 25, 2018 8:36 am

Those diminishing in their numbers are obviously not the fittest, and those gaining numbers obviously are.

July 24, 2018 11:14 pm

LLPOH….you’re right about advancements. …making nails comes to m1ind.

One day we maybe a kept species but that is not in my lifetime

July 25, 2018 12:48 am

Hmmmm. DEAGEL saying the US population falls to 100 million within the next 10 years. Hmmmm.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 25, 2018 12:50 am

I have been doing the math since 1983 ! Though I have done fine for myself and family as a trained certified industrial mechanic far to many Americans have been tossed overboard , thrown under the bus and literally left behind deliberately and with malice of forethought !
The results are a national debt crisis , a national health care crisis , a national infrastructure crisis and a retirement crisis . Nobody will do Shit about it !
What is needed now is a full reversal of wealth transfer but this would require a Nuremberg style trial with extreme expedience an a gallows waiting for many former government officials and economic traitors !
Don’t worry all you circlejerk pirates from Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street the odds of continuing to get away with what you have done to our country and it’s citizens economically are pretty good !

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 25, 2018 1:22 am

We must stop paying Useless Breeders to produce Democrats.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  Robert H Siddell Jr
July 25, 2018 8:09 am

Absolutely Robert and at the same time we must pay productive people properly backed with the security that has become what the worthless breeders expect on “CHECK DAY”!
Ending all welfare programs would be a good start , let’s begin with section 8 rent vouchers and narcam .
It is not the productive working people still standings responsibility to assure rental income to a landlords investment property It is not our problem to pay for emergency services for drug addicts that continue their self destructive behavior . End EBT cards too and give away excess food stuffs thru churches and community volunteers and lay off a couple MILLON government employees at all levels fed , state and local .
End the drug war by giving all that meth , cocaine and herion in quality assured dose packs . Wow just saved billons with no DEA a reduced Coast Guard and state and local police budget . This would also thin out the miscreant population thru overdoses . With all that savings we can fix our failing infrastructure . Force all government retirement programs to be controlled funded and age requirements under the social security standards for pay outs and age and disability eligibility .
Let’s put all working Americans on the same equal footing by truly restoring “ EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW” for wages benefits etc … Paul Ryan is retiring with a full Federal Government pension at age 48 . This is the guy that says average Americans should wait till 70 .
We as Americans should be demanding full and equal treatment by our government at all levels , no bail outs no special tax deals . Let’s really make America great again by ending K-Street lobbyist money , it nothing less than a vailed legal bribery of our representitives in government many who should be finding a Nuremberg style noose around their necks !

July 25, 2018 7:13 am

LL, you would have made a great concentration camp guard. Papers, please!

William Pershey
William Pershey
July 25, 2018 10:27 am

Every problem we have is the result of being manipulated by the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed is owned by the Rothschilds & associates. In the late 1800’s half the money in the world was owned by the Rothschilds, what do you think the percentage is now? We need to get rid of the fiat currency of the Fed, everyone that has tried to get rid of Central Banks has been killed(Lincoln, Garfield,Harding) The Central Bank (worldwide) changes History so we can’t see what happens & why it happened. The Civil War was not about slavery, the Central Bank of Europe needed to grab control of US & Russia. Without either they couldn’t dominate the worlds’ money supply.Here we are now with the Federal Reserve owned by the Central Bank (Rothschilds) controlling every aspect of our lives. Do you think that is just by coincidence? Don’t be more of a fool than we already are.The only solution is a monetary system that can’t be manipulated by a few.

  William Pershey
July 25, 2018 11:43 am

Ever read Martin Armstrong’s blog, William.