Round the Bend

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The political insanity roiling the USA only gets worse, with no end in sight. On Wednesday, Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass), made the astonishing statement on CNN that “the American people wanted a confrontation, not a conversation,” between Presidents Trump and Putin in Helsinki.

Really? We wanted a mud wrestling bout and all we got was some lousy chit-chat? Next time, maybe Mr. Trump will bring a fungo bat to the room and “tune up” his counterpart — a popular negotiating technique from the rough-and-tumble New York City construction scene back in Mr. Trump’s halcyon days. Some people you just can’t reason with, especially the hell-spawned man-beast who personally directed Russian “meddling” and “interference” in our election and stole certain victory from president-designee Hillary. (I know this because The New York Times and The Washington Post said so.)

Another astonishment: in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would not recognize Crimea as part of Russia and would demand the return of the region to Ukraine. Not to put too fine a point on it, Mr. Pompeo is pissing up a rope on that one. Russia will not give up its warm-water naval bases on the Black Sea anymore than the US will return its San Diego naval installation to Mexico, and Mr. Pompeo knows it. So do the posturing idiots on the senate committee, who apparently forgot that our own government officials fomented the 2014 Ukrainian coup that prompted Russia to annex Crimea and its military assets in the first place.

How many of you feel a gnawing disgust and contempt for both sides of the US political spectrum? The news, day and night, reveals a nation unable to think, unable to discern reality from fantasy, avid to dissemble and lie about absolutely everything, eager to support any racketeering operation designed to fleece its own citizens, and utterly ignoring the genuine problems that can drive us into a new dark age.

On balance, and just for now, I’m more disturbed by the side represented by the Democratic Party, aka the “progressives” or “the Resistance,” because they are responsible for politicizing the FBI before, during, and after the 2016 election and that was a dastardly act of institutional debauchery in an agency with the power to destroy the lives and careers of American citizens. The product of that corruption is a dangerous manufactured hysteria inciting hostility and aggression against another nation that could lead to a war that humanity will not recover from.

Nobody in that group of rogue FBI agents and their Department of Justice enablers has had to answer for any of this, especially those whose misdeeds have been identified in detail by the DOJ’s own Inspector General. Am I the only one in the country wondering why they have not been called to a grand jury? That is generally how the rule of law works when evidence of criminal misbehavior comes to light and a formal inquiry must determine whether indictments are warranted. You’d think The New York Times or The WashPo would want to ask Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein why he has not assigned a federal prosecutor to walk these cases into grand juries. What is he waiting for? What are the papers waiting for?

Mr. Trump seems completely over his head in all this. The permanent Washington bureaucracy and all its handmaidens on K Street and news media are determined to expel him from the Deep State’s craw like a lump of under-chewed hanger steak so they can get back to business-as-usual, namely asset-stripping what’s left in the nation that’s not nailed down. Mr. Trump lacks even the most rudimentary rhetorical skills to defend his legitimacy in office, and obviously his enemies deny that there’s anything legitimate about him, not least his presence in their swamp.

Nobody can say where all this is tending, but if we do not stumble into some version of World War Three before Christmas, I foresee a drawn-out, bloody house-cleaning in American leadership that will make the French Revolution look like a simple civic colonic.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 27, 2018 10:37 am

The NeoCons and the Controlled Media want confrontation with Russia, Syria, Iran, etc; the American People want Trump to confront them and have them loaded onto Prison Buses and taken to Parchment Farms.

July 27, 2018 10:41 am


July 27, 2018 10:49 am

We are living the move “The Truman Show” in real life. American culture has been so isolated and so manipulated for so long that when the “real world” starts breaking through massive cognitive dissonance is the result. Many “can’t handle the truth” and never will be able to handle it……but then again what is the truth? Even those of us who are able to peek behind the curtain, we think we are seeing the truth, but is there another curtain or sets of curtains that we fail to see? Was that curtain placed there for us to find, so that we wouldn’t find the real person(s) behind the ‘real’ curtain?

Maybe I just think too much………..

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 27, 2018 11:00 am

“How many of you feel a gnawing disgust and contempt for both sides of the US political spectrum?”

Not enough of us, apparently. Or maybe there are enough of us but we feel paralyzed, numbed by more and more evidence of corruption and nothing is being done to clean it up.

“Nobody can say where all this is tending, but if we do not stumble into some version of World War Three before Christmas, I foresee a drawn-out, bloody house-cleaning in American leadership that will make the French Revolution look like a simple civic colonic.”

Both of the above could be possible.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
  Mary Christine
July 27, 2018 11:24 am

Personally, I’m paralyzed by a combination of ethics — violence begets violence — and the fact that the carnival freak show running things has many, many more and much more powerful guns than I do. My personal counsel is to have patience. The collapse *IS* coming. Rather than start the fire, we should fan the flames, and ensure that nothing of the deep systemic rot is left to rise from the ashes.

  Airman Higgs
July 27, 2018 1:14 pm

Higgs,excepting direct/immediate threat never take on a better armed enemy face to face,and feel a few behind the big guns may either turn those guns on the true enemies of citizens or just spike/abandon them.Violence long term is a small but unfortunately a essential part of getting back a republic short of a real/legal full house cleaning and even that will set off the progressives violently.Choose your battles carefully,the enemy is much more the fake media then those with the big guns for example,but,you knew this.

  Mary Christine
July 27, 2018 12:20 pm

Excellent piece by JK…I disagree only with his evaluation of Trump, whose approval rating continues to rise, and who continues to accomplish things despite having to cope with the virulent opposition of both parties, the deep state, and the (((media)))…JK’s claim that Trump lacks communication skills is belied by his election and continued progress in office.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 27, 2018 11:00 am

Once and done. If any merikan thinks that he or she deserves another term in office, that is proof positive that they can not be trusted with another term in office. Somebody please flush the toilet. It stinks in there.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
  Hollywood Rob
July 27, 2018 11:35 am

Flush the toilet, then remove the toilet. And the building. And the fucking hill it was sitting on. And then salt the earth there. And let humanity actually learn something for once in its entire fucking existence.

  Hollywood Rob
July 27, 2018 12:24 pm

So you’re a Hillary supporter? Guess the “Hollywood” is for real…

Guess you are ok with Hillary’s desires for war with Russia, utter destruction of real Americans (aka “deplorables”), and the demolition of America’s middle and working classes…Why are you hanging around this website? The Daily Beast is available…

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 27, 2018 8:39 pm

Pyrrhus. You are not helping. And even worse, you are making it really hard to support HSFs contention that TBP is made up of the top ten percent of the bell curve. Everybody here, except for you, knows exactly what I mean and they all know that I don’t believe for a minute that a muslim nor a criminal should be president. And yet, the muslim was president…twice.

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 27, 2018 11:21 am

Nobody, including Trump, wants to take a bullet from the heart attack gun.

That’s why the CIA displayed (well, brandished) it to Congress in 1975.

From that moment forward, everyone in government answers to the CIA.

[imgcomment image[/img]


The CIA is made up of people who have homes, families, children in school, come and go from work, etc. etc. etc.

Just like you and me, and just as vulnerable to being hunted down and called bad names as you and I are.

Trump supporters aren’t the only ones subject to being confronted in public no matter what certain Democrats might think.

July 27, 2018 11:51 am

I keep having to repeat it but lets look at the scorecard one more time:
1. Trump has the 2nd highest approval rating of any president ever within his own party. Stripping away unhappy Republicans to some anti-Trump cause just isn’t going to happen.
2. 93% of Republicans and 72% of the population as a whole no longer trust/believe what the MSM tells them. They have lost their credibility – they are fake news.
3. Hollywood – when not screaming expletives into our living rooms, Hollywood sits and waits for the next child rapist/pedophile to be outed.
4. #metoo This disaster was created to take out Judge Roy Moore but it was a Pyrrhic victory. To date, nearly 500 mostly liberal “influencers” have been take out. These rapists (whether guilty or not) dare not open their mouths.
5. ESPN/NFL – Nothing shows the failure of a movement more than the empty stadiums that the NFL and ESPN had to show to the public. Woke=Broke
6. Economy – regardless of what is actually happening, the GDP and official unemployment numbers look good for Trump. Bill Maher’s plea to the public for another Great Depression so that he can sit in his mansion and feel good about himself isn’t working at the moment.
7. The FBI/DOJ – those guys look like buffoons at the moment.
8. The Democrats – Who is the leader of the Democratic Party and what is the message of the party?

At some point in time, Trump may choose to really go after his enemies and go hard and, frankly, who will be around to stand up to it? Who is left?

July 28, 2018 1:26 am

Well said, Nickel.

July 27, 2018 11:54 am

Any day now I expect them all to be arrested,and the proper punishment rendered. Would be nice,but somehow I just can’t see it happening. It disgusts me what these people have done,and continue to do. The comment above is right. Most can’t,Won’t or refuse to see the truth. I wonder sometimes why I went down the rabbit hole of it. It is like an addiction. The more one sees the deeper one wants to go. What is the truth anymore….

Just want to know. . .
Just want to know. . .
July 27, 2018 12:01 pm

One of Kunstler’s best articles.

July 27, 2018 12:07 pm

Nickel ,I hope you are right as I think Trump is our last hope.He needs to deal with this illegal immigration and legal immigration .

July 27, 2018 1:15 pm

“Mr. Trump seems completely over his head in all this.”
Be careful with this, many have fallen into this belief and paid a heavy price.

July 27, 2018 1:19 pm

“How many of you feel a gnawing disgust and contempt for both sides of the US political spectrum?”

So, there are people who don’t? Kuntsler is only about 11 years behind me.

John in In
John in In
July 28, 2018 7:34 am

Without Donald Trump, there would only be one side to the US political spectrum. Low Energy Jeb Bush and Crooked Hillary were essentially the same candidate.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 27, 2018 1:25 pm

It may be his last resort.
Let’s suppose the Bill & Hillary Crime Syndicate tries to assassinate or impeach him for non-existent crimes. What is the final option?
Military action against the criminals, since the DOJ is compromised and cannot be depended upon to uphold the law. At that point, all civilian law goes away and military justice (along with martial law) is imposed, until the civilian law forces can be rebuilt.
I think Trump is trying to KEEP this the last option. First you have to try using the courts to get justice, and if they fail then EVERYONE has to see that they have failed. He is building his cases as time progresses: the whole country can see (if they WANT to) that the FBI, DOJ and most of Congress are hopelessly partisan and corrupt. That endless pay-for-play, propaganda (from the MSM) and censorship of opposition (from Twitter, Facebook and Google) is rampant. That there are few options left to stop the madness.
If he has to, I suspect he will order the arrests and military tribunals to go forward. The traitors will hang, lesser offenders go to Leavenworth and so on. Cleansing of the institutions will take quite a while, along with societal transforms that remove the rot. It may get to open civil war, and this time it WILL be one, since the Left wants to run the government without any accountability for their actions and Trump / normies want it back to Constitutional limits.
But it is the LAST resort, and not until nothing else is left. When the law means what socialists / communists say it does, and no relief is forthcoming, then Trump and the people will rebel. I think a lot of the military is ready, and more so as time passes. When the truth is undeniable, then Trump will act, and do what has to be done. Or he will find someone who will; or the people will.

  james the deplorable wanderer
July 27, 2018 5:40 pm

I only wish that 25 percent of that is true! Sadly, too much hope and too little actionable reality.
People dream or expect a rerun of Spain in 1936. Unfortunately, the PRESIDENT has no viable institution that can organize for his defense against domestic enemies. All the popular support does not put platoons, companies or battalions into the streets or on the border. Plus with 40 percent more or less minority, how confident can we be about the Military. Clearly, if PDJT orders the redacted documents released in original form the three letter agencies and the DOJ will refuse the order. That is how serious the situation has become.

July 27, 2018 1:52 pm

” I foresee a drawn-out, bloody house-cleaning in American leadership that will make the French Revolution look like a simple civic colonic.” Only in my wildest dream – time for a big-ass “house clean’n”. Yo, all [currently unprepared/future desperate] “coasters/citYzens/UNproductive takers/slackers” – I be a watch’n/wait’n ta take some of yer sorry asses down. Sighted in, locked and loaded- bring it on, bring it on! Hoo-wah.

July 27, 2018 9:22 pm

Do not support!

July 27, 2018 10:46 pm

Meh, nothing is going to change. How many Naval commanding officers have refused to put their ships to sea? Zero. That goes for the rest of the military branches. The MIC as pointed out recently on TPB is woven into our entire society. The flags go on to defense related jobs or on industry boards. The lower grades upfill the vacated ranks and so it continues.

July 27, 2018 11:05 pm

I try not to watch much of what passes for the ‘news’ these days. I was interested to know how the California town of Redding was faring from the wildfires or how Hershey, Pennsylvania was coping with its flood but CNN and Fox don’t really cover real stories anymore. They just have Jewish talking heads like Chis Wallace discussing what Lanny Davis and Michael Cohen are saying about a 2016 meeting that Trump didn’t even attend. Maybe that passes for news in some synagogue in NW Washington but most Americans are sick of what ‘Jews’ think.

I was sickened to read ( I have to read it ) that the US Senate, probably the most useless 100 people in America) unanimously passed on a voice vote, a bill to stop Trump from imposing tariffs on imported goods. Apparently ‘manufacturers’ like Hamilton Beach, who no longer make anything in America, are worried that some guy in Toledo might start making blenders, irons and toasters here and put their storied American name out of business.

There you have it! The US Senate voting unanimously to protect the profits of off shored multinationals at the expense of some $20/ hour worker in Dubuque putting together American made washing machines so some scum in an office tower can get a $10 million dollar bonus importing the same machine from China.

July 27, 2018 11:54 pm

They truly are vile traitors.

July 28, 2018 9:07 am

I beleive it was Ghengis Khan who said that in order to win it is neccessary to kill them all, including all their progeny, then piss on their graves! Too bad that is never going to happen.

Also, Mencken said” every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.”

July 28, 2018 9:53 am

“Am I the only one in the country wondering why they have not been called to a grand jury?”…

No Jim, there are millions of us deplorable’s who are wondering the same thing… Chip