Is this serious, or much ado about nothing? Are the bad guys going to win and get Trump impeached? Does this lead to some sort of Constitutional crisis? Will Q and his patriots in the military let their savior go down without a fight? Will this trigger the violent civil war phase of this Fourth Turning? Inquiring minds want to know.

Via ZeroHedge

US Futures Tumble After Cohen “Campaign Finance Violation” Headlines

Ironic that this should happen on the day the S&P hits a new record high and stocks reach the longest bull market in history.

While markets remained somewhat unimpressed when the first headlines hit intraday, once the details hit on what Cohen was pleading to, US equity futures plunged. Specifically:


The Dow is down 160 points from the initial headline highs…


Erasing all the day’s gains…


Gold and bonds are bid as the dollar and stocks sink…


The odds Trump being impeached is rising…


Source: PredictIt

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 21, 2018 5:47 pm
  Francis Marion
August 21, 2018 11:25 pm

My pappy always called it As The Stomach Churns.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
August 21, 2018 6:05 pm

Putting aside all ethics, morality and values, what was Trump’s real crime? It was rolling in the hay with Stormy Daniels. What a foul woman. Tattooed whore. If you can afford any high class whore in the world, women who fly to Dubai, Singapore, Paris, London, with ultimate discretion, why would you do Stormy?

If Trump’s decision making involved rolling around with Stormy in Tahoe (an overrated place) should he really be president? Putting aside all politics, it was a terrible decision. McDougal, okay, that one was okay, but still a Playboy bunny? What is this 1966? Isn’t it weird that men of that era get off on a large cotton ball on a woman’s ass?

I can tell you that as long as you go down that road, use a NetJet to discreetly pick up a woman in Eastern Europe, have your way with her, and have her get back on the Net Jet to Europe. Period. That’s how Justice Scalia was doing it in Texas, likely had a heart attack mid-session.

  JR Wirth
August 21, 2018 8:46 pm

Well, there are a few nights I wouldn’t want made public, that’s for sure, you won’t catch me throwing any stones…not even a pebble.

I had always admired Scalia…read some of his opinions with relish, always wondered if he was murdered by the Globalist ghouls…thought that was more then possible…but never heard anything about him going out the way you implied???

Any substance on that sully of the dead Supreme Lion JR???

August 21, 2018 9:01 pm


I always thought it more than a coincidence that many of the International Order of St. Hubertus were present at the ranch where Scalia supposedly died.

August 22, 2018 12:47 am

It was no secret Scalia was a pedo, he went to that ranch to (enjoy) rent boys. Research it.

August 21, 2018 6:13 pm

The Manafort conviction is unconnected to Trump, but relates to his time while working with Podesta in Ukraine. He appears to have not filed and paid the appropriate taxes.

The Cohen plea is more problematic for Trump. It was one of a continuing series of payments for silence over past affairs. Cohen copped to a campaign finance violation. Trump will claim it was just another personal payment arrangement, and campaign funds weren’t involved. Before the election, so not impeachable, as I understand it, but unseemly.

It’ll be interesting to watch.

Q has not posted on this matter as of yet., and may not.

Trump can declassify some documents that will implicate the entire coup transparently, which would include HRC, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, and others. That’d make for a merry mess, and perhaps invalidate the SC entirely.

As the World Turns indeed!

August 21, 2018 7:01 pm

Next month Sessions steps down.

Trump appoints new AG.

New AG appoints new Special Council to dig into Mueller/Rosenstein/Comey/et. al., obviously with the same type of investigative scope Mueller as been allowed to operate under (i.e., unlimited scope). Cohen, Manafort, etc., all testify against Mueller’s team.

I wonder who will beg for a deal first, Hillary or Obama?

August 21, 2018 7:25 pm

Not sure Trump even has a month at this rate– the jew Cohen would sell Trump out and say anything to save his semitic ass. As for Manafort, keep a man in solitary confinement for months ( no telling what those CIA spooks have done to him) and he may testify to Trump ass-f’ing him for $100k and selling the videos to Russia for Wikileaks transcripts…

If Trump has a play, he better get out in front with some much bigger news or he’s going down.

Then again, maybe Trump has been an insider all along and his objective was to end the Republicons once and for all– if he gets impeached, we will have Democrat house, senate and POTUS’s for the next 50 years……

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 21, 2018 8:30 pm

If Trump wanted to “end the Republicans” he just wouldn’t have run. JEB! would have apologized for existing and been “the bigger man” and let the Dems shit all over him allowing his Uniparty sister-in-law (Willie is like a Bush adopted son, remember) finish off the Republic for good, leaving the Uniparty Swamp Pilots in charge of the Neo-feudal States of America.

  Harrington Richardson
August 21, 2018 9:22 pm

Well, I haven’t seen a single Deep State operative jailed yet– a firing ( and new million $ job for the Comey’s, Srozk’s etc) or removal of a meaningless security clearance ain’t exactly “draining the swamp”…heck, I haven’t heard a word about even investigating Hillary who he promised ” will go to jail”…sorry but I am frustrated and all I see is Trump playing defense and denial, all the time while he has the power and authority to blow the whole thing up.

Fast n Furious…. Uraniumgate to Russia…. illegal FISA’s… and mounds of sedition evidence. I’m sure he could uncover the Benghazi crap and the prior admin’s arming of ISIS/ Al Nusra/ AlQuada groups…. there are open crimes galore which could EASILY have special prosecutors appointed on–but nothing…….

The time is now, keep your hopium, if October passes then it will be too late. The leftists are gnashing their teeth and can’t wait to get to the polls. They know that changing control of Congress means the cure of their Trump Derangement Syndrome and they can go back to their “utopian diversity” plans.
Look at the people who post here–most don’t even believe in voting anymore ( not even an anti-vote)… we are outnumbered and most are so disenfranchised with our Big Gov they are just done with the whole thing– things don’t look promising from where I sit…….

August 21, 2018 11:39 pm

What are we up to here on TBP? Our tenth or twelfth year of Muh Doom predictions? The contrast between the thousands on qresearch and a couple of dozen here on TBP is amazing. Here it’s thrice daily ER MUH GERD!!! and over on 8chan the mood is pretty jovial 99% of the time. If it weren’t for the shills over there, they’d probably be ecstatic 24/7.

August 21, 2018 11:51 pm


That’s because they are high on life believing they are making a difference. Good for them. Stay over there if we be bringin you down.

Keep drinking that juice they be passin around…

Say a couple Hail Ques and do God’s work to save this supposed Republic….bwahahaha

Relish in your soon to be victories and indictments and prepare yourself for the work that Q and MAGAMAN have in store for you.

God have mercy on us even our soon to be oppressors, virtually and really!

August 22, 2018 12:13 am

“That’s because they are high on life believing they are making a difference. Good for them. Stay over there if we be bringin you down.”

The only way then can make a difference is to red-pill the sheople. On that score they’re doing pretty well. Yer not bringin’ me down! I’ve never been more entertained!

“Keep drinking that juice they be passin around…” No way man! I already gave up TBP Kool-Aid! I’ll dehydrate if I give it all up.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
August 22, 2018 8:08 am

As is being shown quite clearly, ignorance is bliss.

August 21, 2018 8:51 pm

Hmmm…I’m gonna need to work on plan C and buy more guns. AC got me excited and your’re sending me back to the gun store.

August 21, 2018 8:49 pm

Be still my beating heart!

August 21, 2018 8:58 pm

Sessions would already be long gone if there wasn’t a something else in the works behind the scenes. Trust the plan.

August 21, 2018 10:25 pm

I think Trump is now fucked. I always found the payoff stuff unpalatable and suspicious. It is now seemingly found, albeit by highly slanted folks, to be a crime. That will be the end of Trump I suspect.

August 21, 2018 11:16 pm

Fuck. Now we’re worried about a 160 point drop?

For the bazillionth time…….YOU’RE WATCHING MOVIE! It has many plot twists……..and shit! Like when Flynn pleaded guilty but wasn’t guilty. Disinformation, misinformation, lies, truth, good actors, bad actors etc……..all have a part to play. You gots to gives da liberals and conservatives something to root for and hold their interest no? Is it not curious that Cohen said ‘candidate” and not Trump?

You can always wait until the 60 week TeeVee Moovee comes out and watch it then. Constitutional Crisis plays a BIG part.

Until your chirrens receive that draft notice in the mail, Enjoy the show!

August 21, 2018 11:58 pm


One thing you and I are in total agreement on is that WE ARE WATCHING A BAD NOVELLA!

You think the Q movement is not part of this pies piper operation and overall destabilization plan for American society is where we diverge.

Q = steering committee chairman driving the short bus with tinted windows with MAGA flags to the next manufactured movie scene…
Understand UCC ADMIRALTY LAW!! and the global corporate NEO feudal state to see that whatever happens won’t disconnect the all the tentacles of this vampire squid from the American people or our institutions.

August 22, 2018 12:19 am

Where there’s a will, there is a way. Just because you don’t have any will or desire to even dream about something better indicates that you’re already beaten. You’re a surrender monkey to the cabal. They love you and count on you for it. They WANT you to be sad sack defeatists. Congratulations and enjoy the show!

August 22, 2018 12:59 am


I haven’t given up, just realised where the real fight lies and understand that much of this is designed to happen, to fight it would be a waste of energy and resources.
This is not to say that there won’t be opportunities to fight when and where we can.

We can all do many things everyday to fight…like not using our debit cards, instead cash, use our check books instead of digital payments, send things snail mail, buy things from brick and mortar,
Spread awareness, have stored supplies…
Stack silver or gold and cash…

But the real fights will be in how we treat each other when the supply disruptions begin or, when the grid goes down…

Everyday, in my community, it seems to get worse and worse…the slow motion train wreck is so evident here in California…
Big year for us…governorship up for grabs for the 5th largest economy in the world…

Would make sense if a black swan happened in this state before the midterm elections.

August 22, 2018 1:05 am

If they keep burning your state down with DEW’s, there won’t be much left in Cali to worry about Plato.

August 22, 2018 1:33 am

Agenda 21, all I can do is read the playbook and plan accordingly.

Many smarter people are leaving,
I love this state, I’m a Cali boy at heart, for good bad or the ugly.
We have s ton of problems but the beauty here is beyond immeasurable and worth staying and fighting for.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 22, 2018 12:14 am

I noticed that wording too. I guess we’ll see if it’s relevant.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 22, 2018 1:27 am

I.S., Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, has already said the candidate was Trump. And he says there’s more Cohen can bring out.

  Vixen Vic
August 22, 2018 1:39 am

Well then why didn’t COHEN say it? If he had more to say why did he not say it in open court?

All part of the script.

August 22, 2018 7:39 am

Maybe it is like HIPPA rules or attorney/client restrictions— not allowed to use names or patients/clients etc?

Either way, our 4-D Champion got checkmated in the first 5 moves when his most powerful piece, Attny General, got recused and ineffectual in the first month or so–

All of that damning evidence of illegal wiretapping from dirty FISA’s, evidence of DNC rigging the nomination for Hillary, emails of corruption in the FBI—and NOTHING

August 22, 2018 7:51 am

It’s 88 Gorillion-D Champion now. Do try to keep up.

Shit, if the AJ had not recused himself given the conflict of interest, how exactly would you picture things playing out? Deep state screaming bloody murder about it AND being right to do so? Seriously, I’m curious.

Ineffectual? Go read up on who John Huber is and who appointed him and what his current task is and who his boss is and who the 500 member team he has working for him is. Repubs have been begging for a second special counsel but Huber is like a special counsel on steroids with far greater power.

August 22, 2018 12:31 am

You can call it a crime if you like, but the fact is Trump can spend his own money on anything he wants, including paying off women. Since as a candidate he can spend his own money in any amount, this also means it isn’t a campaign finance issue- it might be a filing issue, but there is no crime in spending the money. Where Cohen got in trouble is spending his own money on Stormy Daniels- he is limited in the amounts he can “donate” to the Trump Campaign. I suspect, at worst, that Trump directed Cohen to pay Daniels with the understanding that he, Trump, was paying from funds he had already given to Cohen, and Cohen didn’t do this properly- it literally makes no sense to ask Cohen to pay for Trump which is what Cohen is implying with today’s statement. This is a big nothingburger.

August 22, 2018 12:41 am

Word is that Trump specifically told Cohen to pay with a check. Sounds like that didn’t happen.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 23, 2018 1:36 pm

Maybe Cohen cadged a cash discount

August 22, 2018 7:16 pm

You said,
“You can call it a crime if you like, but the fact is Trump can spend his own money on anything he wants, including paying off women.”

Would it matter the paid off women were being paid off for acts that were done to them when they were girls?

August 22, 2018 12:50 am

The porn queen is just a sideshow.

August 22, 2018 4:17 pm

Here’s some interesting fuckery…………..

Last night the anons dug up the above mentioned link regarding John Edwards’ payment of hush money NOT being illegal. A short time later Yahoo decided to add another hyphen to the URL so that it appeared the story did not exist. Here’s the updated link. Go ahead, try both for yourself!


They added an extra hypen between 121722338 and abc in the url to try and memory hole the story in light of yesterdays Cohen deal. I wonder if Yahoo is in the habit of modifying links on six year old stories as a regular thing or only when they’re trying to push a narrative? This actually happens to quite a few old stories the anons dig up proving the MSM and others are definitely monitoring what the anons dig up. That’s why Q tells them to archive everything offline.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 22, 2018 1:31 am

I think having Lanny Davis come in as Cohen’s attorney was a set up to get Trump.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 22, 2018 3:38 am

I can’t wait for the day the Q messages cease forever.

It’ll be the day QDDS (Q Denial-Derrangement Syndrome) begins.

August 22, 2018 4:20 am

This is all one big Nothingburger. Last time I checked, “he told me to do it” doesn’t work very well as a defense especially if you are a practicing attorney. They raided Cohen’s office, trashed the very idea of attorney client privileged, charged him with cheating banks by using an inflated value of the Taxi Medallions that he owned and for paying a prostitute to shut up with campaign money. Big deal. None of it has anything to do with Russia.

See, when I do my taxes, my accountant’s name is on my return. If there is a problem with my taxes then my CPA has to answer for it. I have this accountant and pay for his services so as to have a buffer between me and the IRS and because he keeps me honest because he wont do anything to jeopardize his license. He’s the specialist after all, right?

Same with Cohen. If he paid this whore off in a manner that was illegal then it is on him. No one will ever be able to make that stick to Trump. The purple haired will scream at the sky some until the next outrage but that is all that will happen.

August 22, 2018 4:32 am

Nickel, you say: “See, when I do my taxes, my accountant’s name is on my return. If there is a problem with my taxes then my CPA has to answer for it. I have this accountant and pay for his services so as to have a buffer between me and the IRS and because he keeps me honest because he wont do anything to jeopardize his license. He’s the specialist after all, right?”

No. Nope. No no no no no no no no nope not true.

You can get in a shitload of trouble if your preparer is wrong. You will be fined, carry penalties, etc. if there are mistakes. It may help you avoid jail, if you are totally ignorant, not willfully blind, not sophisticated financially, etc.

But if you think the preparer carries the can alone – oh no, that is not how it goes.

“The IRS says that if your tax preparer makes a mistake resulting in you having to pay additional taxes, interest, or penalties, you are responsible for paying these fees — not your tax preparer.”

August 22, 2018 7:50 am

That is correct, just ask my son.

When he sold his business his accountant told him how much he owed the IRS and he paid a lot of money……., six months later he received notice that he owes the IRS another $24,000.00 because of an accounting error, and with that notice he got a bill from the accountant for $1,600.00.

He had to pay the IRS, not the accountant who made the mistake, he has refused to pay the additional $1,600.00 to the accountant and I don’t blame him.

August 22, 2018 1:35 pm

You may be right about the nothingburger but not about the IRS. If they declare you guilty of something , you are guilty until they say you aren’t guilty anymore. Even if you have 50 accountants. Especially if you are a regular on sites like this.

August 22, 2018 4:22 pm

This from today:
comment image

And this from April 21, 2018:
comment image

August 22, 2018 4:41 pm

Michael Caputo says he believes Michael Cohen is making up stories to get more leniency in his criminal investigation.

August 22, 2018 4:41 pm

Cohen’s plea deal is prosecutor’s attempt to set up Trump

Why was Michael Cohen investigated? Because the “Steele dossier” had him making secret trips to meet with Russians that never happened, so his business dealings got a thorough scrubbing and, in the process, he fell into the special counsel’s Manafort bin — the bin reserved for squeezing until the juice comes out. And now we are back to 1998 all over again, with presidents and presidential candidates covering up their alleged marital misdeeds and prosecutors trying to turn legal acts into illegal ones by inventing new crimes.

Cohen’s plea deal is prosecutor’s attempt to set up Trump