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whiskey Tango Foxtrot
whiskey Tango Foxtrot
August 23, 2018 5:06 pm

Deep State POS. This asshole is compromised. Probably has dead boys buried in his home’s crawlspace.

August 23, 2018 5:11 pm

Appear weak when you are strong…………

We will demand that a monument be built to honor Sessions before too long.

Enjoy the show!

whiskey Tango Foxtrot
whiskey Tango Foxtrot
August 23, 2018 5:14 pm

If you’re right I’ll shit in my hat and wear it to the grocery store.
But I don’t think so.

  whiskey Tango Foxtrot
August 23, 2018 5:44 pm

If he’s right I’ll wear your hat full of shit for you.
Talk about a conspiracy. How the hell your own attorney general recused himself so fast is baffling. The Q-balls claim the move was so clever it’s beyond us mere mortals.

August 23, 2018 6:06 pm

Recusal was a result of a direct conflict of interest that the lefttards would scream be bloody murder about AND be right in doing so. He did exactly what was lawful and rightly so. If you have information on why he should not have recused, I’m all ears.

Despite his recusal on ONE aspect of the shitshow, Sessions has been plenty busy and numerous other fronts dismantling the deep state roadblocks, safe guards and get out of jail free cards. Learn who John Huber is. Learn who his boss is. Learn what he has been tasked with. Again if you have information refuting this, I’m all ears.

August 23, 2018 6:27 pm

They have been screaming bloody murder about everything for 50 years. Whats new?

August 23, 2018 6:44 pm

I missed the part of your reply that refuted or added to the conversation or belied your ignorance.

Did you learn who John Huber is or what he has been tasked with? I’ll give you a hint, it’s probably the reason for the vast majority of the 45,000+ sealed federal indictments in EVERY federal district in the USA that are being added to weekly. Go ahead, it’s public info and available right at your finger tips IF you actually want to know.

August 23, 2018 8:00 pm

You are the one who hasn’t added to the conversation. You’ve been harping on those indictments forever.
I said it’s a conspiracy that he recused himself knowing full well who would replace him and undermine Trump for his entire term. That’s a conspiracy. You Q-dreaming are braindead. It’s a conspiracy that not a damn one of those indictments hasn’t translated into squat yet.

August 23, 2018 9:00 pm

“I said it’s a conspiracy that he recused himself knowing full well who would replace him and undermine Trump for his entire term. That’s a conspiracy.”

I’d love to read more info about that. Who is he conspiring with? Who is going to replace him to undermine Trump? If TRump has the power to fire Sessions right now, would he not have the power to fire his replacement?

August 23, 2018 10:02 pm

Says another defeatist surrender money!

IF you actually wanted to know, you could find info about which indictments have already been unsealed and acted upon but you DON’T want to know. Arrests, convictions and imprisonment based on those unsealed indictments have already taken place.

August 23, 2018 8:25 pm

you are deluded, IS. Sessions is a small man in a big job. I’ve had to confront incompetence many times in my career. Often in people I liked. But the alternative was for their failure to become my failure. That’s not an option. You can only hope they turn the corner for so long. Sessions is in deep denial. And he’s going to get fired. Probably right after the midterms. Along with Rosenstein and Chris Wray. Watch.

August 23, 2018 8:37 pm

Graham just gave Trump permission to fire him and Grassly said he could fit in a new confirmation after midterms.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 24, 2018 1:10 am

Thomas Wictor implies that if Trump were going to fire Sessions, he’d already have done it, but Wictor may be insane.

August 23, 2018 9:03 pm

“Sessions is in deep denial. And he’s going to get fired. ”

Again, I’m all ears. Are there any TBP approved sources for Sessions being in denial and on the verge of being fired?

Why do they call him the silent executioner?

August 23, 2018 9:57 pm

Just read Trump’s Twitter feed. Or listen to his interview yesterday on Fox and Friends. He’s about done with this bullshit

August 23, 2018 10:07 pm

I read all of Trumps tweets and watch every interview, speech and rally.

For the bazillion and oneth time. Misinformation and disinformation are part pf the show!

Look at it like a fucking movie. It’s NOT hard for you to understand that the left says one thing publicly and does a hundred things differently behind the scenes right? Well now they’ve come up against someone who is using leftist tactics against leftists. Is that so hard to understand or believe. For fuck sake…….expand your thinking to consider that everything you see isn’t the fucking be all, end all fact of the matter.

August 23, 2018 10:15 pm

IS – sometimes things are as they appear. Re Trump, when he advocates taking away Constitutional rights, I tend to listen. Driving with cash is not a crime, but get caught with a bit more than the popo thinks is reasonable, they take it. Trump thinks that is fine.

More money is taken via asset forfeiture than is stolen by criminals these days. Think about that.

And when he tells police take the guns, and sort out the details later, I tend to listen to that crap too.

I know you want to believe, same as kids want to believe in Santa. But there is no Santa.

It will be great if it were true. But honestly, I think you are going overboard. I am starting to worry about you a bit. Take care, my friend.

August 23, 2018 10:51 pm

Absolutely correct! There is no Santa. Like I said last night in another thread:

Q is not and will not be a savior in any way. I think the plan is to remind Americans and teach Americans how to be Americans again. The true nature of the beast is going to be revealed to the world by POTUS and pals and weakened considerably in the process. After that it will be up the people of every country to be their own savior. Q constantly reminds that Power resides with The People. All Q and POTUS can do is give us a chance. Squandering that chance is not an option.

At absolute most, THIS is what I expect. To be given a chance, for ALL of us to be given a chance to decide for ourselves, as our govt was intended, if we want to live under tyranny or freedom. Once the horrors of the deep state have been revealed for the world to see, I HOPE people will reject it but I have very little faith in humans.

If an alien spaceship showed up to take me away in mid Hillary execution I’d leave without fucking question. That’s how much faith I have in humans but I’m certain that Trump and pals about to give the inhabitants of this planet and the USA specifically to once again decide for ourselves. Like Benjamin Franklin said “A Republic, if you can keep it.” I have no faith that humans will rise to capitalize on the chance but I still want to HAVE the chance.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 23, 2018 8:20 pm

Well I’m not eating any shitty hats but I will write “I was wrong 100 times”.

  Mary Christine
August 23, 2018 8:31 pm

MC- Some days you really make smile bigly! 🙂

August 23, 2018 10:14 pm

QBALLS. ,,,,,,You the man FB.

  whiskey Tango Foxtrot
August 23, 2018 9:57 pm

If I’m right I’ll bet you change your TBP log-in handle pretty quick. 🙂

August 23, 2018 5:47 pm

Whether or not “Trump vs. Sessions” is Kabuki Theater cover for Special Prosecutor Huber coming in with semi-automatic fire, like the Batman shooter, later or not – I consider Ben Garrison a modern day hero.

August 23, 2018 6:46 pm

I’d like to learn who Huber is but he is more invisible than Sessions. Any reason Andy McCabe hasn’t been indicted yet?

Personally I’d like to see Trump ask Sessions for a briefing on MS-13, something Sessions seems to be concerned about. After the briefing Trump should order Sessions to PERSONALLY conduct a raid on the most notorious gang members. If he refuses fire him for cowardice!

August 23, 2018 7:13 pm

Plenty of articles exist about Huber, who hired him, what he’s doing and what his far reaching powers are.

I tried to get people to read the qresearch Notables but nobody wants to mouse over a simple link to read it. Too hard I guess or maybe it’s just severe capal tunnel? MS-13 gang members are being arrested, tried, deported, convicted and imprisoned in droves. Happens all the time. MSM ain’t gonna tell you about it though. MS-13 is used by the left and the deep state as hit squads. The left, like Nancy Pelosi even sing their praises as “immigrants”. Trump speaks about it at every rally.

Seek and ye shall find IF you want to know.

August 23, 2018 9:20 pm

Unit, forgot to add that I haven’t heard anything specific about McCabe. However, a number of these people have allegedly been flipped and are cooperating with investigators. I doubt he is one of them but who knows?

August 23, 2018 8:34 pm

Tuesday, June 12, 2018
More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

August 23, 2018 10:16 pm

That is practically a weekly occurrence.

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 23, 2018 9:49 pm

Enough of this back and forth, it looks like very soon the climax is coming and there will be no more Sessions; hero or zero?
All the social media sites are coordinating to cut off the voices of MAGA, Facebook removed the president of the United States title from Trumps official page and with Mullers investigation near an end, the MSM are screaming to indict and impeach the president on ridiculous legal NDA agreements; the last hope they have of attacking and bringing down Trump. I do not think the democrats are confident they will take hold of any legislative branch of the government and know the world is getting weary of the “Russia is bad”meme. If Trump has any aces up his sleeve, they must come out now or very soon. War has been initiated by the deep state and no response to their first salvos will mean Trumps position will gradually erode and the support of his base will likewise be fractured. The groundwork is being laid for a major battle come September or October at the latest and weakness now from either side will be ground that may never be recovered.

August 23, 2018 9:50 pm

I know the defeatist surrender monkeys don’t want to know but for the rest of you who are curious, I encourage you to read the qresearch notables post in each thread. To find it, visit the qresearch catalog page: and look for the highest numbered “Q Research General #XXXX” (currently 3432) thread. It will have this image:

comment image

at the top and is usually in the first or second row on the page. Once there, click on that little image and it will take you to top of that thread. Simply scroll down a little bit to where it says: “Notables are not endorsements” near the top left of the list. NOTABLES will be in red. Once there, simply mouse over the red links below without clicking and the info that the link is pointing to will pop up to read. This pop-up feature does not seem to be hindered by pop-up blockers.

Not every notable is worthwhile. Some are gold, some are garbage. The beauty of it is that YOU get to decide. Some notables are just follow-up digs on previous works, some are new info, some are old info revived to refresh minds etc. On occasion, a “shill” baker (baker=the guy compiling notables) will get in and “shit up the bread” but it’s usually corrected by the next thread or two.

It’s a lot like Drudge headlines in a way but they contain info that is relevant to the current military intelligence operation (Q), the deep state and Trump. It’s funny too because so many of the Notables are stories that end up being posted by admin here on TBP a day or two later and a great many more end up being posted in the comments section. In other words it’s info you already WANT to read. Notables are generally info dug up by all the anons that is exactly like the info that Stucky, admin, Uncola and many others dig up when researching their articles. Much of it expands on and provides greater detail about things we here on TBP have been in agreement about and argued over for the past decade. It really is a treasure trove of info. Look at it as a news and info clearing house. Even know it all surrender monkeys like BL, Dio and PP would learn more about shit they already know if their minds were still open but they’ve done reached the pinnacle of know-it-all-ness and had all the edumacayshun they can chamber.


Not Sure
Not Sure
August 23, 2018 11:09 pm

Just to be clear, do you consider supporters of Trump and his making America great again vision, but who do not support the Q posts, to be defeatist surrender monkeys?
Thanks, not sure.

  Not Sure
August 23, 2018 11:41 pm

Only those who know nothing about it, don’t want to know anything about it yet expound endlessly on what Q is or isn’t are are defeatist surrender monkeys. Oh yeah, and the ones who dare not hope or dream of anything better because there s nothing but tyranny, oppression and DOOM in store for us so there is no point in trying because that is how it has always been……..they’re defeatist surrender monkeys too. They tend to be the same crowd IMO. Everyone else is cool.

They’re usually easy to spot as they complain endlessly about being so tired of hearing or reading about Q yet there they are, reading and commenting about……….you guessed it…..Q.

They perpetuate the very thing they claim to be so fucking sick of. I don’t mind it, free speech and all but when I get tired of hitting my finger with 26 ounce Estwing waffle faced framing hammer, I STOP hitting my finger with it! (Except for that one time I actually did it twice in one day!)

Hell, I’ll bet that if you did a survey of past comment sections, it’s the defeatist surrender monkeys that talk about Q more than T4C, FM, curtmllr and myself combined. I just can’t figure out why they feel so threatened by a fucking LARP/HOAX.

August 24, 2018 7:29 am

comment image

Here is an example where everyone should be able to see how overtly and over the top absurd the “act” is between Trump and Sessions. Trump strikes me as a bit both slightly inept and socially awkward at times but he’s also very refined, dignified and gracious when the situation calls for it. He clearly KNOWS how he should “act” as president and doubt he would ever want to bring any disgrace of shame to himself or the office while serving. In light of that I find a great many of his tweets and “off the cuff” remarks fascinating and telling.

Q has stressed Trust Sessions from the beginning. Anons have dug deep and continuously on him and I’m not aware of any damning evidence to damage him or his current office being dug up. The limited back and forth between POTUS and AJ always seems fake, forced and absurd just like the message above.

We’re watching a movie. For the last 35 years we’ve been watching an ever more hard core leftist propaganda flick and all of us “expect” to see exactly that everyday whether we recognize it or not. Everything appears to be progressing according to the leftist narrative.

However, in subtle ways it’s clearly not. Watch the MSM. Seriously. Just sit and watch some of it. They are now reacting to Trumps narrative as opposed to directing the narrative. Even when they do manage to drive a narrative, it’s for a shorter period of time with less participation or attention. Spongebob is getting higher ratings than CNN. The leftist base is not energized. Even when high profile leftist, useful idiots like Obama, Biden and Pelosi are out stumpin’, it’s so lackluster that the leftist MSM barely covers it. The fawning and swooning is clearly over. The biggest energy on the left is Pantifa and their members are now being hunted by LE.

What’s not being talked about is just about as subtle. Even lefty journalists and beginning to openly admit midterm defeat will not be the end. You can feel the energy of the left fading if you just sit back and quietly watch. Look at the faux Cohen/Mannafort victory dance libtards are doing. Is anybody paying attention? They’re going to get slaughtered in the midterms and all that delaying in Congress by Chucky, Mad Maxine and Bobble head Nancy is going to come to an end overnight. If Trump owns the midterms, judges, prosecutors, supreme court justices and many others are going to be approved and hit the ground running……….then the snowflakes become the avalanche.

If you can’t see the acting in that Trump tweet above I’m at a loss. The MSM is certainly not digging into the things Trump mentions. They’re hardly even talking about it and trying to deflect when they do. The false flags have slowed down or increasingly been prevented. Just step back for a couple of days and watch. Don’t think or interpret. Just watch what is and isn’t happening. Where’s Madonna?, Bono? George Clooney? DNC is broke. GOP is setting records. The cacophony of leftist buzz IS fading while #WalkAway is growing. Take a minute to enjoy it just in case it doesn’t last.

August 24, 2018 9:40 am
August 24, 2018 5:38 pm

One of the greatest advantages of Trump’s tweets is they destroy the MSM’s ability to ignore malfeasance. In that last tweet above, Trump NAMES NAMES and ask why no investigation? Half of America that was asleep or ignorant cannot ignore those NAMES, and at least Google or DuckDuckGo them to find out WHO THEY ARE and WHAT THEY DID.
That alone will destroy them; they cannot count on the MSM to cover up and ignore their crimes.