He is Gone – And I am Glad

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is said that it’s bad form to exult in anyone’s death. This is obvious nonsense, of course. No one really practices it.

They do practice hypocrisy. If it is politically correct, they will exult. For example, the death of the tall bearded geek who supposedly attacked our freedoms on that fall day almost 20 years ago. People cheered when a SEAL supposedly put a bullet between his eyes.

John McCain, on the other hand, actually did attack our freedoms – and on many days, both before and after that evil day. And they are talking about re-naming buildings after him. He will get a state  funeral, be eulogized most unctuously. His wife is being talked about as the inheritor of his Senate seat.

Not even Reinhard Heydrich enjoyed such honors.

I prefer a more honest send-off. I hated the bastard. Hated everything he was and everything he stood for. I do not cheer his death, but mourn it?

Why would I? I don’t mourn the death of cockroaches, either.

He was a War Hero? Well, so was Hitler. So what? Physical bravery – and I will give him that –  is not synonymous with moral admirability. Too many people confuse that issue – and people like McCain exploited this weakness many people have. It is the same weakness that makes them reluctant to criticize cops, who are after all are nothing more than armed government workers and not serving or protecting anyone except themselves.

And McCain was not admirable.

He was a federal thug. A lying, grifting, tax-feeding, war-mongering parasite. One of the army of cretins who have somehow acquired immense power to meddle in our affairs and make us pay for it. And who expect us to admire them for it.

Fish heads for them all, cold and crunchy.

Where to start . . .?

How about the Big One.

It was McCain who voted to make sure that the Affordable Care Act – arguably the most freedom-effacing law to come out of Washington since the Patriot Act (which McCain also staunchly supported) was not repealed while there was still a chance of getting rid of it – before it became cemented in place.

His vote was critical to its survival – and the old mummy, already near death, expended perhaps the last ounce of his evil life force to make sure  it would outlive him by crawling back to Washington to cast the decisive vote – lecturing those who tried to rid us of this abomination as he did so.


It is also because of McCain that Barack Obama became president – the necessary precursor to passage of the Affordable Care Act. His doomed, egocentic campaign – a third Bush Decidership but with McCain as the front man – was too much for the public to choke down after years of flag-humping war-mongering and so we got the Community Organizer.

And then we got Obamacare.

Without McCain, it never would have happened. The loathing of the Decider transferred to McCain, who was more of the same – and everyone knew it. Including him. But his vanity and lust for power prevailed, as it always has. In the end, he lost for the same reason that she did, two years ago.

“Conservatives” ought to loathe him as much as liberals do her on account of who is president today. Instead, they lionize him as a latter-day Washington. If they could, they’d pickle his corpse and put it in display. The Huffington Post called him “one of a kind” and a “legend.” Think about it. The appalling Jeff Flake pulled a Jimmy Swaggart, practically upon hearing of the demise of Republican Party’s version of Ted Kennedy.

Well, at least McCain didn’t rape anyone or drown anyone. I will give him that, too.

But it is because of McCain that I and millions of others are being dunned by the IRS for a “shared responsibility payment” – $700 and change, so far in my case; soon to be $1,400 and change – as punishment for not handing over money to the health insurance mafia, which McCain served so very well.

Further punishments are on deck.

Because Obamacare has assured us of unlimited government. A government that has been empowered to micromanage everything because there is nothing at least potentially outside the scope of “health” – and Obamacare made that a coercive collectivist mandate. It is no exaggeration to state that McCain ruined America – because America, uniquely, was a place where at least your “health” was your own business, instead of the business of a bureaucracy of busybodies, armed and empowered to make you do what they say.

And, pay.

He has turned doctors and nurses into parasites by proxy – and us into prey. We must now fear the medical protection – which will narc us out to men with guns for having guns (another thing McCain did not much like) if those docs decide we are “depressed” or “recalcitrant” for not obeying their orders. That is just for openers. More is coming.

Obamacare plus the Patriot Act have literally erased the relative freedom Americans once enjoyed vs. the ear-tagged cattle of the rest of the world.

This is McCain’s bequest.

And I hate him for it.

And am glad he is gone – because at least he can’t do any more damage now.

If you mourn freedom’s loss – you should be glad, too.

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August 27, 2018 7:15 am

Well, once he’d killed the first 134, maybe he figured “what’s a few million more?”

4th Turner
4th Turner
August 27, 2018 10:37 am

This youtuber points out how damaging it is to treat enemies of the Constitution & hence the Republic like McShame like heroes, but he does offer perhaps a little hopeful insight at current developments too (7 mins):


August 27, 2018 8:10 am
August 27, 2018 8:18 am

Slowly at first and then all at once, the legacy of all tyrannies is always the collective primacy. Mixed emotions about this man are all I have!

August 27, 2018 8:20 am

Sing it with me.

The only good cuckservative is a Dead cuckservative.

August 27, 2018 8:20 am
August 27, 2018 8:34 am

Now since he is Dead it will be revealed he corporated with the enemy in Vietnam . His whole war hero record was and is bullshit.
Just shows once again the power of the media to lie to us.

August 27, 2018 8:48 am

the media will be the death of the republic… Chip

August 27, 2018 12:32 pm

the stupid people are culpable too……

August 27, 2018 12:32 pm

He not only cooperated with Ho Chi Minh & VC history will reveal he cooperated with communist China and USSR.

He’s no hero, he’s scum.

August 27, 2018 8:45 am

He was not the only one but he was a Manchurian candidate. They had something on him. Probably what BB alluded to.

August 27, 2018 9:02 am

Another War Pig has gone bye bye. And all the previous and current presidents are giving him a positive eulogy. What does that say about them?

Maggie where is Stucky
Maggie where is Stucky
August 27, 2018 9:13 am

It was the only way to get his carcass out of the public eye.

  Maggie where is Stucky
August 27, 2018 9:20 am

Well,I will celebrate his death!As a senator he did a lot of damage to this country!I will say WE THE People keep putting up with these assholes,perhaps time to get out from behind the computers! As for another War Pig dead(love Sabbath!),well,as the song says”Begging masses for their sins/Satan laughing spreads his wings”,burn john!

August 27, 2018 9:41 am

Agreed James..

How anyone can defend that Piece of Shit is beyond me. His contempt for us knew no bounds. There was no rock he would leave unturned to stick it to those he pretended to defend…

comment image

Unlike Peters I cheer his death…..

August 27, 2018 9:49 am

Such despicable scrum is not even worthy of the mental distraction/energy exacted by “hate”. Best simply ignored/relegated to the ash-heap . . . FOREVER. Moving on to things/issues/events of just a little more import such as the morning fecal dump.

Ten Year Lurker
Ten Year Lurker
August 27, 2018 10:32 am

I pulled up the Drudge Report yesterday afternoon and at the top left corner was a black and white picture of a young McCain with his dress Navy hat on…..My 8 year old happened to get just a quick glimpse of it and said “Hey Dad, why do you have Barney Fife on your phone?”

I laughed for about five minutes.

  Ten Year Lurker
August 27, 2018 3:17 pm

Barney Fife!

August 27, 2018 11:49 am

Good riddance to a moron and a traitor.

August 27, 2018 12:49 pm

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22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
August 27, 2018 1:24 pm

Folks, do not listen to Eric Peters when it comes to disabling the airbags in your vehicle!!!

The seatbelts in airbags equipped vehicles are designed to stretch more than the belts in a non-airbag vehicle.

They’re designed this way to lessen injuries from the belt and allow the airbag to do it’s job and cushion the impact over a larger area, working in concert with the belt.

I’m not telling you airbags are good or bad- I’m just telling you the seatbelts in airbag vehicles may not save you if the airbag is disabled.


Fascinating. Have you got a reference for this information? I’ve not heard about this before.

Unless it’s a bullshit Miles Mathis article; in which case forget it.

Two if by sea. Three,if from within thee
Two if by sea. Three,if from within thee
August 27, 2018 10:21 pm

I’m a thirty plus year Benz tech
There is stretch to all safety belts, period. 20 percent, I’ve been taught.
Mercedes used to equip their seatbelts with an explosive charge that would cinch the belts up to account for this stretch.
I’m assuming, since I didn’t read the article, Peters was writing about autos older than the airbags life expectancy. If this is so,well, I’ll not comment on disconnecting anything related to the supplemental restraint system. Suffice to say leave things the Hell alone

August 27, 2018 1:29 pm

Eric Peters just gained One Bazillion points in my happy book.

I shit on Shitstain McCain.

I actually DO rejoice in his death.

I hope there is a hell, and Satan makes Mr. Shitstain his pet-project for the next thousand years.

The NY Post dedicated 9 pages to Aretha Franklin. Shitstain only got 4 pages. This is progress.

The SAME media whores who are praising Shitstain … brutalized him when he ran for POTUS. Moar hypocrisy on display for all to see.

From here on out, I urge all of you to SQUASH flat every cockroach you see. I believe in reincarnation, and that’s what Shitstain is coming back as.

August 27, 2018 3:11 pm

I loathed him as well, on many levels. He reminded me of a nasty Academy grad pilot who once embarrassed me in maintenance debrief in front of the boys from the radar shop by making lewd comments and suggestions. When I left the debrief, the “boys” volunteered to bear witness to his boorish behavior, but when I talked to my Flight CC? Wimpy, wimpy and, more, wimpy. He needed to grow a pair. Like Bea.

He asked the pilot (we were mission crew, which meant we were low level flight crew fwiw) to apologize to me. He did. You know that was sincere.

You also know I steered clear lest he “get” me. Beware Acad Grads.

August 27, 2018 3:06 pm

“Well, at least McCain didn’t rape anyone or drown anyone. I will give him that, too.”
Are you sure that he did not do any of these things?
I am not, just look at dc and you will understand why.

August 27, 2018 3:15 pm

Think he ever got to attend Tailhook? I’m betting, as a son and grandson of somebodies, that he did. So, maybe didn’t drown anyone.

August 27, 2018 7:41 pm

when did the sex play at tailhook turn into rape?

August 27, 2018 4:34 pm

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August 27, 2018 7:08 pm


Two if by sea. Three,if from within thee
Two if by sea. Three,if from within thee
August 27, 2018 10:25 pm

I got a McCain/Palin campaign ballcap around here somewhere that I’d take a wooden nickel for