The Untold Story About Obama’s Former CIA Director, John Brennan

Authored by Richard Galustian via,

“Why does John Brennan need a security clearance other than to commercially exploit it? “

Let’s get something clear from the start.

In 1976, in his 20s, John Brennan was a card-carrying communist who supported the then Soviet Union, at the height some might say of the Cold War, so much so he voted and assisted Gus Hall, the communist candidate for President against a devout Christian, Jimmy Carter who ultimately won the Presidency.

Yet under four years later, just after the then Soviet Union invaded, just weeks before, Afghanistan and months after the tumultuous Iranian revolution of 1979, which at the time many thought the Soviet Union had a hand in, Brennan was accepted into the CIA as a junior analyst.

At that time, John Brennan should have never got into the CIA, or any Western Intelligence agency given his communist background.

Think on that carefully as you continue to read this.

Also reflect on the fact that Brennan, later in his CIA career, was surprisingly elevated from junior analyst to the prestigious position of Station Chief in Saudi Arabia where he spent a few years.

Its said he was appointed purely for ‘political’ reasons, alleged to have been at the direct request of Bill Clinton and other Democrats not because of a recommendation or merit from within the Agency.

Its further said that the Saudis liked Brennan because he became very quickly ‘their man’ so to speak. Some reports, unsubstantiated, even allege Brennan became a Muslim while there to ingratiate himself with the Saudis.

Important to read is an NBC news article entitled ‘Former Spooks Criticize CIA Director John Brennan for Spying Comments’ by Ken Dilanian dated March 2nd, 2016.

The article contains many revealing facts and evidence, while giving a flavour, of the feelings of many in the CIA who felt that Brennan was totally unsuitable and unqualified to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

A final controversy is the little known fact of Brennan’s near four year departure from the CIA into the commercial world, having been ‘left out in the cold’ from the CIA, from November 2005 to January 2009 when he was CEO of a private company called ‘The Analysis Corporation’.

So why was he then reinstated into the CIA, to the surprise of CIA’s senior management, by newly elected President Obama, to head the CIA? No answer is available as to why he left the CIA in 2005.

Lastly let’s not forget Brennan’s many failures as CIA head in recent years, one most notable is the Benghazi debacle and the death of a US Ambassador and others there. Something else to ponder.

Back to the present an the issue of security clearances.

In early August, on the well known American TV Rachel Maddow Show, Brennan back tracked on his Trump traitor claim by saying “I didn’t mean he (Trump) committed treason. I meant what he has done is nothing short of treasonous.” Rachel Maddow responded correctly “If we diagram the sentence, ‘nothing short of treason’ means it’s treasonous?”

A simple question follows. Since he is no longer in the CIA, why does he need a security clearance other than to commercially exploit it?

Tucker Carlson explains succinctly here:

Last month what can be described as 200+ ‘friends of Brennan’, former CIA officials of varying rank, responded against the removal of former CIA Director Brennan’s security clearances, in support of him.

These men and women too most likely will have their clearances revoked.

And why not?

Since the only purpose they retain it is to make money as civilians?

A potentially more serious issue than ‘the Brennan controversies’ is that the US intelligence community has around 5 million people with security clearances as a whole includes approximately 1.4m people holding top secret clearances. It is patently a ridiculously high number and makes a mockery of the word secret.

Former CIA veteran Sam Faddis is one of the few people brave enough and with the integrity required, that has stood up and told some of the real truths about Brennan in an ‘Open Letter’, yet this letter’s contents have hardly at all been reported in the media.

Generally by nature, CIA Officers sense of service and honour to their Country, their professionalism and humility, and disdain for publicity has dissuaded most of them to enter the current very public Brennan controversy; but for how much longer?

As stated earlier, former CIA professional Sam Faddis explains what’s wrong with Brennan in his revealing letter, abbreviated for space below.

Dear Mr. Brennan,

I implore you to cease and desist from continuing to attempt to portray yourself in the public media as some sort of impartial critic concerned only with the fate of the republic. I beg you to stop attempting to portray yourself as some sort of wise, all-knowing intelligence professional with deep knowledge of national security issues and no political inclinations whatsoever.

None of this is true.

You were never a spy. You were never a case officer. You never ran operations or recruited sources or worked the streets abroad. You have no idea whatsoever of the true nature of the business of human intelligence. You have never been in harm’s way. You have never heard a shot fired in anger.

You were for a short while an intelligence analyst. In that capacity, it was your job to produce finished intelligence based on information provided to you by others. The work of intelligence analysts is important, however in truth you never truly mastered this trade either.

In your capacity as an analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency, while still a junior officer, you were designated to brief the President of the United States who was at that time Bill Clinton. As the presidential briefer, it was your job to read to the president each morning finished intelligence written by others based on intelligence collected by yet other individuals. Period.

While serving as presidential briefer you established a personal relationship with then President Bill Clinton. End of story.

Everything that has transpired in your professional career since has been based on your personal relationship with the former president, his wife Hillary and their key associates. Your connection to President Obama was, in fact, based on you having established yourself by the time he came to office as a reliable, highly political Democratic Party functionary.

All of your commentary in the public sphere is on behalf of your political patrons. It is no more impartial analysis then would be the comments of a paid press spokesman or attorney. You are speaking each and every time directly on behalf of political forces hostile to this president. You are, in fact, currently on the payroll of both NBC and MSNBC, two of the networks most vocally opposed to President Trump and his agenda.

There is no impartiality in your comments. Your assessments are not based on some sober judgment of what is best for this nation. They are based exclusively on what you believe to be in the best interests of the politicians with whom you long since allied yourself.

It should be noted that not only are you most decidedly not apolitical but that you have been associated during your career with some of the greatest foreign policy disasters in recent American history.

Ever since this President was elected, there has been a concerted effort to delegitimize him and destabilize him led by you. This has been an unprecedented; to undermine the stability of the republic and the office of the Presidency, for solely partisan political reasons. You and your patrons have been complicit in this effort and at its very heart.

You abandoned any hope of being a true intelligence professional decades ago and became a political hack. Say so.

Sam Faddis

Read the full letter here…


Notify of
September 9, 2018 8:02 am

The whole security clearance employment racket is a monster which is far out of control. Start by slashing the number of clearances out there, and also do not permit having at one time held a clearance to be used as a fast track to further employment in the government or with private contractors.

As a fairly recent former Communist, Brennan would never have been hired to even clean the halls inside the building of which he was Director!

September 10, 2018 12:02 am

Intentional placement of these communists by Obama was, well, INTENTIONAL. The did a lot of damage to the internal function of many of our agencies.

Think of the damage accomplished by the gay education secretary. Do you think this transgender nonsense with our kids was NOT part of the plan?

September 9, 2018 9:27 am

Brennan is a communist period. He’s part of the communist infiltration of our government, the media, and our education system. It’s been going on for decades now. Time to expose it and burn it all down… Chip

September 9, 2018 9:28 am

Brennan is just another symptom of ClownWorld(tm)

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 9:52 am

Admin, thanks for publishing this excellent article, including the letter to Brennan by Charles Faddis. Faddis was a good officer and like most good Agency officers, he despised Brennan. Brennan’s base of support in the Agency consisted of a gaggle of Obama appointees, careerists, opportunists, yes-men (and, above all, yes-women), female dingbats (the Agency is swarming with them now, along with a few competent ones, like the current director), and liberal/leftist/Progressive analysts who, like Brennan, should never have been hired in the first place.
I am glad the author pointed out the obvious fact that John Brennan should never have been allowed into the CIA. It is an unfortunate fact that the Agency’s senior management and especially the counterintelligence people (whose job it is to find spies) have consistently underestimated the Agency’s vulnerablity to enemy penetrations, i.e., “moles”. The mantra has been that the CIA can’t be penetrated by the Russians, Chinese, Cubans, et al. Of course, this was always bullshit and now, after Aldrich Ames, a whole host of ethnic Chinese CIA traitors and many others you don’t know about, they mostly just don’t talk about it. Like a husband finding a pile of cigar butts under the bed and finally concluding his wife is cuckolding him. Best to keep your mouth shut rather than look like a fool.
My view of the situation is simple. The Agency has been penetrated from the beginning, first by Communist former OSS agents, then by others recruited for money or via blackmail. I believe the Cubans have recruited large numbers of CIA employees at one time or another using ideology (dipshit liberals who fell for the Castro line, like Ana Montes, a Puerto Rican DIA analyst) or sexual blackmail, their specialty. There is even a name for it, “Cuban Recruitment”. During my time I viewed every single “Progressive” Agency employee (they called themselves liberal Democrats) as a serious security risk. Every last one of them was full of himself or herself – vanity and ego are the worst vulnerabilities a person can have in my opinion. Child’s play for a clever Russian or Cuban to reel these idiots in. As for the Chinese, they simply go fishing in the large pond of ethnic Chinese Agency employees. I never trusted any of them, and with good reason. Race trumps everything for a Chinese.

I believe that the hiring of Brennan and many like him is proof positive that our enemies had managed to establish a network of agents in the Agency that actually had the power to make critical personnel decisions, to say nothing of exposing or wrecking our operations. These spies first let Brennan in the door and then they made sure he climbed the ladder. And you can bet they all had degrees from Harvard, Yale, or Princeton.

The miserable failue of decades of Cuban operations – well-documentede in the public sphere – is further proof, if you need it.

I hope Trump has the guts to see Brennan put behind bars for his outrageous actions.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 10:27 am

Gosh Sage, can you even make a good argument for why we even need to keep the CIA? If it’s that big of a stinky swamp, why should we pay for it? The NSA does a bang up job of snooping and we could save a fortune in paying salaries and expensive .gov pensions which is now 25% of the total outlay in the federal budget.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 3:04 pm

Yes, I can. Only the CIA does true, professional, world-wide humint. Only humint can give you true plans and intentions of foreign governments and penetrate terrorist cells. The NSA does electronic intel and these days they can’t do it without humint support, i.e., spies stealing codes or getting physical access to systems. Budgets? The CIA budget is a small fraction of the overall intel budget. It is true the Agency has issues. So does the rest of the government. I hope that answers your question.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 4:16 pm

Uh huh, making sure the arms and drugs get delivered safely, training Al-CIA-Duh, funding, arming, training ISIS cells, stirring up war parties for fun and profit for TPTB like in the Ukraine.
What do we the people get out of it other than the bill to pay for it?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 8:32 pm

Unfortunately I work for a living. I have limited time. It will suffice to say that every single thing the Agency does is ordered by the president and in accordance with US law. Got a beef? Take it up with the White House. Drugs? I served in senior post in major narco countries. I don’t recall running drugs.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 11:16 pm

Nigger fucking please! IF, and it’s a BIG if, that’s true then it only happens with a corrupt president. I’ll grant that most are corrupt and those that aren’t are then killed by the CIA if they don’t play ball.

  Southern Sage
September 10, 2018 12:09 am

You did HUMINT Sage. I did a little bit of SIGINT myself. There were moles in both branches of intelligence gathering.

Michael Price
Michael Price
  Southern Sage
September 14, 2018 9:06 am

Is there any evidence that anyone in the CIA is professional our competent? This is the organization that doesn’t years judging merit on how many aspire were recruited regardless of quality. Agents made sure to work in africa because you could always get lots of recruits few our none of whom were useful. They taught that recruiting agents was basically the same the world over, so no special knowledge of a plover was needed to do so.

Yeah not buying the idea they are competent.

  Southern Sage
September 10, 2018 12:07 am

That was a very fine summary of the threat as you saw it from inside. I think that network of traitors is either being exposed now or is making a final end run for the big coup.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 9, 2018 10:53 am

The Senior Executive Service (SES; that is the top “Civil Service” positions, except that the Democrats got rid of the old Civil Service Exams etc) get to keep their Clearances when they leave government; that is some more of the Commie Democrat Treason (like motor voters, electronic ballots, felons in prisons and non-English speakers voting). A Democrat administration always loads up the SES and loads up the Top Secret Clearances with Commies for life unless somebody like Trump removes it for cause! Go to hell all traitors and Democrats.

  robert h siddell jr
September 9, 2018 11:21 am

RHS- When do you think Trump will remove it for cause? Do you think we should keep paying high dollar cost for the CIA?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 3:06 pm

Again, the CIA budget is a tiny fraction of DOD’s. You would be surprised.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 4:39 pm

That’s because the biggest part of the CIA’s funding comes from illegal black ops such as foisting the crack cocaine epidemic on America’s inner shitties and the current heroin epidemic, illegal arms sales, worldwide human trafficking operations and who knows what else. It’s a handy way of sidestepping congressional oversight. If things ever get hairy they just classify it as a matter of national security and or murder anyone who knows too much.

September 9, 2018 4:43 pm

That’s Right !!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 8:35 pm

Allow me to adjust your tinfoil hat. I spent 30 years in Agency ops. I somehow missed all this illegal booty. All I got was a government salary. Since you know so much, where do I go to get my cut? Watch out for the black helicopters!

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 10:28 pm

kick their butts–we need intel badly but the bad seeds just need to be weeded out–
a couple of questions–
when we read about the huge black budgets for intel,if the cia’s budget is as small as you imply above,where is the $ going?
cia related but off topic–back in 2010/2011 when the cia was losing so many agents in china,would cia intel have been on hillary’s server that the chicoms hacked?

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 11:27 pm

I don’t give a fuck if you spent 3000 years in agency ops. You no more had the BIG picture that I did with respect to all the evil shit the CIA does/did.

The CIA absolutely has true, hard working patriots among their ranks which I’m sure both you and SSS could be counted. The CIA has a public face and an unseen face. The public face does all the shit the CIA *wants* in the public eye so they can hold those ops up as something to show CONgress and the sheople as *proof* of their pure as driven snow patriotic nature but it’s a psyop. The unseen face runs drugs, guns, traffics in human beings, deposes legally elected governments, plots to overthrow the USA, etc.

If you’re corrupt, you already got your cut. If you’re not corrupt you got the satisfaction of a job well done even if it was a ruse.

Hide and watch SS, unless they kill Trump the TRUTH is coming.

Michael Price
Michael Price
  Southern Sage
September 14, 2018 9:11 am

Note that nobody said agents were personally profiting from drugs, so your claims are irrelevant. The fact that the CIA ran drugs on the other handproven decades ago.

We have known for years we can’t trust scum who work for the CIA.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 9, 2018 11:48 am

Sounds like somebody in the know , knows what John Brennan is really all about . Note the Clinton and Communist connections also the Saudi connection . When 17 of 19 criminal aliens are in our country most under some questionable visa status from Saudia Arabia and were able to prepare plan and commit one of the largest terror acts of war on American soil and all of our intelligence agencies missed it ? WTF
Alex Jones said it was an inside job from the very beginning so the “THEY” bunch had to shut him up . Yes he is bombastic , excitable , out of control yet as you peal back the layers he is generally on to something . Always something the the Washington DC and their circle jerk of insiders from Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street are scurrying about like cats covering up shit . Brennan and his ilk are just another bunch of extremist out to complete the destruction of our nation from within . Move along nothing to see here ….?

September 9, 2018 4:25 pm

Every week more truth about the foreign origins and control of the CIA come to light over on 8chan.

If you love your CIA, tough shit…… can’t keep it. It’s going away. Forever. Our resident spooks should gird their loins because the public face of the CIA used them and used their patriotism against them to further their own evil goals. The deep state does not give a shit about you or any of us. Never has. Never will. No matter how much good you believe you did or even actually did, your efforts were used as cover to further a bigger, worldwide evil. The good news is, that evil is about to be exposed.

Those that scream the loudest have the most to lose!

Enjoy the show!

September 9, 2018 4:33 pm

I/S But, but….We iz got to have humint and lots of it, don’t you git it ?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 8:38 pm

Do know what it is, Goober?

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 9:21 pm

Human Intel , dilbert.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 8:37 pm

Ho-hum. Some of Trump’s most important aides ( and the most loyal) are ground level CIA. The Agency isn’t going anywhere. Sorry.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 9:54 pm

Interesting Southern Spooky that you don’t mouth off to Indentured, he certainly had more to say about it than I, perhaps you feel I am the easy mark so you look less of a dilbert when you give me a lame answer? Whatever works for you.

  Southern Sage
September 9, 2018 9:57 pm

Hide and watch. Anyone still worth a shit (not corrupted) will be absorbed by the other intel agencies but the foreign owned/controlled CIA will be dismantled and I’ll lay any amount up to a grand on it if you want. Except for propaganda purposes the CIA is as anti-American and corrupt as it could be.

I hope they install a sewer plant in it’s place in Langley as a permanent and appropriate monument to their true nature.

September 9, 2018 10:24 pm

I/S – Would be really funny if I were Intel Special Ops and he was just a dumbshit.

September 9, 2018 11:50 pm

Doesn’t matter if if he mouths off to me. I don’t take da innerwebz personal. The truth is coming. I just hope that good people like SS and SSS don’t suck start a shotgun when truth arrives. I don’t expect they will but people don’t react well when they learn their entire careers were a lie in service of evil.

Michael Price
Michael Price
  Southern Sage
September 14, 2018 9:15 am

Strange that you would claim to know who it’s actually loyal. How would you know that? Perhaps you know who it’s betraying him? Our you’re just lying.