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September 11, 2018 5:41 pm

Dice in fire as usual – hoo-rah!

September 11, 2018 6:14 pm

I live right next to a boardwalk just like that and the answers I would get here in California would be the same. Actually, I believe Dice to be out here as well. Oh well, these are the SJW’s that wanna 100% always tell you what to do.

September 11, 2018 6:44 pm

I am beginning to believe 9/11 was done by parts of our own government . Nickel, maybe you could answer as to how jets made out of basically (tin cans ) could go through the Towers made of solid Iron . Go back and look at the second jet in slow motion. You can see the nose coming out the other side of the tower. Also I read an article just yesterday about the temperature of Burning jet fuel.Was claimed it got to 1800 degrees on the iron but the article said Iron melts at 2500 degrees. I could go on and on. It just doesn’t add up. They faked the moon landings ,they have faked the so called Holocaust. Why not this.

September 11, 2018 7:03 pm

The biggest WTFs to me have nothing to do with the Twin Towers. To me its building 7 collapsing into its own footprint, and whatever the hell blew up the Pentagon. It damn sure wasn’t the plane they claimed it was. Not big enough. If you look at the type of plane they say hit the pentagon superimposed over the hole in the building it makes no sense. Same with how the plane allegedly penetrated the building. And how aside from that tiny, grainy video clip showing an explosion, there is no video footage from security cameras….on the outside of the pentagon. Only that one little video clip from the one camera that was pointed at that part of one of the most secure buildings in the world. Don’t buy that either.

September 11, 2001 Revisited

A lot to read, but worth it. He even predicted, the day after it happened, that Iraq would be blamed. Sure enough, even though there was zero evidence to suport this, and even though Islamist terrorist groups like AQ were considered enemies of Saddam’s Baathist party, sure enough they were blamed too. You don’t have to agree with everything he says, either. I don’t always. But he pokes a lot of gaping holes into the story. ‘Wagging the Moondoggie’ is probably his best work, he was a funny guy as well.

September 11, 2018 11:49 pm

I was quite suspect on 911 as to the accuracy of the reports I was seeing. My very first military gig was that of providing communications to a theater level air and missile defense command. I’ve been to the Pentagon as part of that and though I am not familiar with every single defensive mechanism available that defends the most defended building in the world, I do know that hitting it with a slow flying commercial aircraft is an impossibility. It can’t happen.

As to the other events that day, I can’t be so certain. The buildings in New York look like they were turned to dust by Direct Energy Weapons with the battery that powered it being the hurricane just off of the coast of New York on that day. A hurricane packs an incredible amount of energy and perhaps someone has figured out a way to tap into it.

September 12, 2018 5:00 am

I have been astounded at some of the technology my son has told me about which he’s seen while on internship in DC aka Mordor.

Think twenty years into the future. That’s where the real research is performed. 20 years.

September 12, 2018 6:02 am

But coming soon to a TBP demonstration of just how much information can be gleaned from a site such as this one.

And since I’ve used multiple computers at various locations from the beginning, AND I first chatted here in Dopples you Dumbasses. Do you think I was stupid enough to plunge into the snakepit that was here when AWD and the real Big Dogs were talking on this platform? Hell no. Only fools rush in. Fools like the Pompous Ass whom I suspect is Avalon’s nephew she promised a chance to build a readership.

The Fireman and TBP is stuck with Hollywood Rob until Avalon says.

September 11, 2018 6:36 pm

The three new federal crimes are;

Federal Law Criminalizes Acts of Terrorism Transcending National Boundaries

Federal Law Criminalizes Providing Material Support to Terrorists

Federal Law Criminalizes the Killing of a Federal Government Agent or Employee

It is important to raise awareness of this petition among the citizenry, because although federal law mandates that this evidence be presented to a grand jury for investigation, the DOJ will likely not do so without oversight from the public. In anticipation of this, the Lawyers Committee is now preparing a writ of mandamus to file with the court on September 10th, which in effect will sue the DOJ to compel them to carry out their obligations under the law.

September 11, 2018 7:59 pm

Well, the non-stop lies from the Bush administration and the mainstream media regarding Saddam Hussein and Iraq certainly brainwashed a few of the folks (15 years ago that likely would have been the answer most often given).

The correct answer of course is that the leader of the terrorist organization who planned and orchestrated the 9-11 attacks was George W. Bush.

September 11, 2018 9:11 pm

Perhaps if the Worthless Millenials would not spend everything waking hour blaming Baby Boomers for every evil under the sun and instead get educated that would help a bunch!!!

September 12, 2018 10:46 am

They think that what they got during their 12 years of incarceration in the government monopoly day prison system was an education. THAT is the key problem.

September 11, 2018 9:34 pm

Luogocomune – Sezioni

Il sito degli autori del Video “11 Settembre Inganno Globale”: *le notizie commentate*. Comprende la sezione speciale 11 Settembre. Clicca!

September 11, 2018 10:03 pm

Seventeen years of KIA’s, WIA’s, deficit, debt, spying, intrusion, and increasing tyranny with no end in sight.
OOfuckingrah, let’s celebrate.

September 11, 2018 11:36 pm

off topic…you Tarheels hunker down… We’re praying for you..God speed..

September 11, 2018 11:51 pm

Say what?

comment image

September 12, 2018 12:12 am

Melania is drop-dead gorgeous. Moooochelle?.. not so much….

September 12, 2018 6:00 am

Oh, and to clean up my computer from cooties acquired from any of you monkeys, my son will be deploying a new little bot tool in the next day or so for me. It is to track anyone replying to a comment stream I’m on to find out just who is trying to mine data on this laptop.

Then, we will isolate you and expose you.

That’s how the government shuts you down. If I have access to the tool, why can’t I use it? :Paid for with my tax dollars and partially designed by my son, so…

Reply to me.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 12, 2018 9:09 am

The columns at the front of the OKC Murrah Bldg had C4 charges put on them the night before by “telephone repairmen”; that’s why no independent scientist were allowed to investigate the site and it was bulldozed ASAP. The people in the Church at Waco did not set themselves on fire (an Army tank injected fire through their walls). Hundreds of Leftist were executed by Delta Forces in Panama and buried in a common grave during our invasion 1989; the UN dug them up and wrote a report that was banned in the USA. Just because they were Leftist doesn’t make it OK.

September 12, 2018 9:50 am

I had just got out or Ag Sciences class and was heading to bio. As I was walking through the gym a known pot-head of a senior ran past me “Dude they bombed the world trade center!”

“That happened in ’93 man.” I said. He kind of blinked blearily at me and then ran on while I meandered to my bio class.

The teacher had wheeled a TV in on a stand in front of us all. We watched in shocked horror as another jet slammed into the tower. We watched as they tumbled.

Then the stories began to pour out. All over the eastern seaboard. There were only two planes, then 3, then 4, then more? Ok maybe just 4. It was chaos. We didn’t do any school work that day. Football practice was a joke. Nobody’s heart was in it. We used to scream on the field that we would kill the other guy, we were going to kill the other team…that all changes when you see thousands of people killed on television.

Immediately half of the senior class signed up for either national guard or active duty. The rest of us looked forward to the day we, too, could serve.

9/11 remains one of the most important days in my life.

September 12, 2018 10:49 am

Sounds like your Ag Sciences class was truly full of sheep. The irony.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 12, 2018 11:37 am

Not sheep, mismanaged people who were Deep State pawns. We attacked the wrong country for a reason. Afghanistan and OBL should’ve been a Special Forces sideshow but that wasn’t the real agenda. A strike on Saudi Arabia for what they did would’ve upset the petrodollar based financial system along with a massive jihadist response and a major war.
The real agenda is a multicultural Europe under socialism.

September 12, 2018 2:50 pm

I shared a story from my high school days. I’m sorry if the analysis by your average 14 year old wasn’t Dale Gribbles level of conspiracy theory tin-hattery.