CDC Urging Americans to Get Flu Shot—After Admitting The Last Vaccine Was Only 36% Effective

I never have and never will get a flu shot. My mother gets one every year and more than half the time she gets the flu within a week of the shot.

Via Free Thought Project

flu vaccine

As Americans prepare for another flu season, the question of whether to get this year’s flu shot hangs in the air for many and the dismal success rate of last year’s vaccine could serve as a major deciding factor.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report earlier this year, which revealed that when looking at the flu vaccine given to patients between November 2017 and February 2018, the vaccine was only effective about 36 percent of the time.

Each strain of influenza responded differently to the vaccine, and the CDC report noted that one of the most predominant viruses, H3N2, had an even lower vaccine effectiveness rate. When combating H3N2, last year’s virus was only effective 25 percent of the time.

This was actually higher in the United States than it was in Canada and Australia where the vaccine’s effectiveness in combating H3N2 was only around 10 percent. The vaccine did lead to higher success rates with less dangerous strands such as H1N1 where it was 67 percent effective and Influenza B where it was 42 percent effective.

While the low rates of vaccine effectiveness have led to criticism of the CDC, Time noted that the agency has attempted to defend the drug by insisting that it is still higher than past years where the rate of effectiveness was as low as 20 percent:

“36 percent effectiveness may not seem very impressive, but the CDC emphasizes in the report that even small increases in immunity can have a large impact on public health. CDC data has shown that even in 2014-2015, a year when vaccine effectiveness didn’t even hit 20%, immunizations prevented as many as 144,000 flu-related hospitalizations and 4,000 deaths. Plus, people who get the shot, but who still end up getting sick, tend to have less severe illnesses than unvaccinated people.”

The all-around low rate of vaccine effectiveness is also notable because a recent report from the CDC admitted that more than 80,000 people died from the flu last year, and at least 180 of them were children.

The report noted that influenza-like illnesses (ILI) peaked at 7.5 percent, which was the highest percentage since 2009 when ILI peaked at 7.7 percent. However, even with the infamous “Swine Flu” wreaking havoc in 2009, it was estimated that around 12,000 people died that year.

With the 2017-2018 flu season standing as one of the worst in years, parents also raised concerns about the medication that was prescribed to their children when they did get the flu.

As The Free Thought Project reported in February, while Oseltamivir, the antiviral medication marketed as “Tamiflu,” is typically prescribed to patients with early symptoms of the flu, some of the drug’s users “have had rare side effects of sudden confusion, delirium, hallucinations, unusual behavior, or self-injury. Adding to the ominous nature of these side-effects is the fact that these symptoms have occurred most often in children.”

“Last month, 16-year-old Charlie Harp was given Tamiflu, the entirely normal boy then took his own life hours later. ‘Had I known this was an issue, I would’ve never given it to him,’ remarked Jackie Ray, Harp’s aunt and guardian.

The parents of a six-year-old little girl gave their daughter Tamiflu and she began hallucinating, ran away, and then tried to kill herself by jumping out of a window. ‘She was about to jump out the window when my wife came up and grabbed her,’ recalled the girl’s father, who wanted to stay anonymous.”

As the 2018-2019 flu season begins, the best thing both parents and individuals can do is to research the side effects and the ingredients included in the vaccines or medications they are taking so that they can be fully educated on what they can and should expect, and what treatment they should seek if the worst case scenario occurs.

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Gran Torino
Gran Torino
October 7, 2018 10:00 am

Do not get a flu shot! Other data shows that the effectiveness drops to 9% with subsequent flu shots. That’s not to mention all the other “stuff” that’s in the vaccine that will effect your health over time.

October 7, 2018 10:08 am

We’re from the Government and we’re here to help you…..

October 7, 2018 10:15 am

Annual physical, as a precaution, with a mainstream Doc, every year for about the last 20, sailing close to the age where SS draw eligibility nears.
Every year, the Doc: “You want a flu shot?”
“Why not?”
“Not effective. Don’t like injections. Don’t trust them.”
“They’re free”
“Yeah, so what?”
“You’re obstinate.”
“Yup. Now, about this pain I’m having….”
“I can write you a prescription”
“No Thanks”
“What about putting you on a statin, to get a handle on your cholesterol?”
“Hell no.”
“OK, but it’s your choice. Why not?”
“Side effects concerns. I’ll lower it with diet and exercise.
IF it’s really needed, which, I’m finding out more and more, that the cholesterol hoax is flawed.
A good friend from New Jersey put out some interesting research. You guys need to do more of it, instead of towing the big Pharma line. I think we’re done here.”
“OK. See you in a year from now. Next!”
“Later, Doc. Enjoy your winter onslaught of sneezing, coughing, pill popping patients. I might get a cold, too, but I’ll ride it out, and stay the hell away from antibiotics, too, unless it becomes absolutely necessary to take them.”

And so it goes…

October 7, 2018 10:24 am

I havent been in for an annual checkup since my doctor asked about guns, if i owned any/ what kind. I flipped out. It really pissed me off. How is that a medical question?

October 7, 2018 12:40 pm

It isn’t really a medical question, and we know that.
One more data gathering point and tracking method incorporated into the mix, Flip.
Probably under the guise of screening potential mental health risks to society, which of course is utter BS. Regardless, it’s wanted ‘for your record’, and as such, a red flag label for if or when the confiscation begins, with targeted focus on the ones TPTB deem most threatening.
Where I live, there is a young male up for State Rep. He wants to introduce a bill allowing legal notification by 3rd parties to alert the authorities of potential gun owners who might be a threat to themselves or others. Just imagine the power and abuse of that, if it’s passed.
Don’t like the redneck libertarian conservative two houses down, and want to rain down some hassle and legal trouble on his ass? Make the accusation, probably with the added benefit of anonymously hiding ability to avoid repercussions. Of course, the politician is (((Democrat.)))
Imagine that.

Wave at them with both hands; just don’t use all of your fingers.
Give them the double barreled response that your moniker so aptly hints at.

October 7, 2018 1:38 pm

My doctor never asks me questions like that but he’s from Pike County way up in the mountains. If I may politely ask, in what state are you having this problem with a nosey Doc?

October 7, 2018 1:19 pm

That which does not kill you makes you stronger …

October 7, 2018 10:18 am

I’ve never had a flu shot either and will not.

October 7, 2018 10:21 am

When i stopped getting the flu shot, i stopped getting the flu.

October 7, 2018 10:27 am

I never get the shot..One of my friends is a retired doctor, and he gets the shot. A couple of years ago, he had the flu twice in one year.

October 7, 2018 10:27 am

My daughter in law works at a local hospital – as an accountant. She was told get a flu shot or wear a mask throughout flu season.

I sometimes get one as my acquired immunity – from decades of having people’s saliva (and blood) spewed in my face from performing dental procedures – may be waning.

Doubtless there are some who have deleterious effects from mass immunizations but nothing like the beneficial protections afforded imo. Herd immunity and all that.

Knock on wood, since retiring over 10 years ago I do not recall having flu symptoms.

My suspicious mind sometimes imagines a covert program to include hidden immunizations in commonly used vaccinations, which would protect from invented biological pathogens in our arsenal.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 5:46 pm

No such thing as vaccine-induced herd immunity fool. Otherwise none of these diseases would exist. And there’d be no vaccine failures.

You go right ahead and get your flu shot. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Georgia Guidestones thank you.

  Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 8:31 pm

Churlish Cur, what about small pox ?
Measles, mumps, polio etc.
With the venom in your words may you be smitten with Herpes Zoster (shingles) all over your body and private parts.
Vaccines bring 7 diseases under control

October 7, 2018 12:57 pm

The gobermint knows what’s best for you silly people. Shut up and get your flu shot.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 5:48 pm

There’s a known mechanism for that now. This is really worth reading.

  Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 8:54 pm

I am with you on this. Aluminum is present in most antiperspirants available on every market shelf. And why I avoid aluminum canned beverages if I can. And ever popular aluminum cookware is another source. I looked at my mothers pitted aluminum cookware and cringed. And all those dang recipes for food cooked in aluminum foil. Poisonous.

I am no ordinary fool, like one who would prevent their children from life saving immunities. But I am guessing you prolly do not have children or grand children. Nor taken courses on pathology, immunology or other medical subjects.

  Socratic Dog
October 8, 2018 6:46 am

I want to thank you for the edifying link. I shared it with my nieces, one preggo for the first time and the other a nurse anesthetist and with one done, likely to have another. She asked me last year what I thought about flu shots. I would have to give her alternative advice after reading the link.

And it is not a condemnation of the principle of vaccinations but a call for alarm with the ingredients used in the method.

October 7, 2018 1:18 pm

About a year or so before the flu vaccine is shipped, a group of epidemiologists and virologists get together and guess which flu strains will be most prevalent in a year. Those strains are the ones the vaccine is developed for.

In the entire history of the flu vaccine program, I do not believe they have ever guessed correctly.

Occasionally, the most prevalent strains of flu at the time the vaccine ships coincidentally share some common antigens with the strains in the vaccine. It’s pure luck when this happens.

So, by getting the flu vaccine, you are taking the risk of an adverse reaction with no real upside. Why would anyone knowingly do that?

October 7, 2018 1:54 pm

I’ve had only one flu shot in my 50+ year life. I got it one afternoon and the following weekend I was sick as a dog. I spent the whole time on a couch and wrapped up in a blanket. I still felt lousy for the next several days. I said, “Never again!” I can’t figure out all of this “Did you get your flu shot?” and people slavishly thinking that it will save their lives.

Susan Miller
Susan Miller
October 7, 2018 2:21 pm

-Guillane Barre Syndrome
– Transverse Myelitis
– Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

Myasthenia Grabis (MG)


Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA)

Bells Palsy

Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis (AHLE)

Parsonage Turner Syndrome

Just a handful of cases of flu shot injuries that have been compensated by the Vaccine Court from just ONE law firm over the last year and a half.

Yeah…becoming paralyzed to avoid a week in bed. I will up my Vit D, get direct sunlight, eat whole foods and avoid alcohol and sugar and take a pass thanks.

Date Vaccine Name Illness
or Symptoms Link to Court Decision Amount Compensated
7/27/2018 Influenza GBS $231,335
6/18/2018 Flu ADEM $125,000
5/30/2018 Flu and Tdap CIDP $636,000
5/22/2018 Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Myasthenia Grabis (MG), Death $245,000
5/1/2018 Influenza SIRVA $85,991
4/12/2018 Influenza SIRVA $50,633
4/2/2018 Influenza SIRVA $61,014.65
3/7/2018 Influenza SIRVA $140,000
3/7/2018 Influenza SIRVA $112,500
3/7/2018 Influenza Transverse Myelitis $107,000
2/15/2018 Influenza SIRVA $88,000
2/5/2018 Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome $115,000
1/24/2018 Influenza SIRVA $122,000
11/13/2017 Tdap Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome $125,000
10/27/2017 Flu Vaccine Transverse Myelitis $100,000
10/23/2017 Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome $328,638
10/19/2017 Flu Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome $683,309
10/19/2017 Influenza SIRVA $110,000
10/13/2017 Influenza Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome GBS $523,454
10/10/2017 Influenza Vaccine SIRVA $116,292
9/29/2017 Influenza Vaccine Neuropathy $125,000
9/27/2017 Influenza Guillain_Barre Syndrome $120,000
9/1/2017 Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome $140,000
8/25/2017 Influenza Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) $180,720
8/11/2017 Influenza Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome $125,000
8/11/2017 Influenza Vaccine Transverse Myelitis $100,000
8/8/2017 Flu Shot Guillain-Barre Syndrome $355,000
8/7/2017 Influenza Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome $195,000
8/7/2017 Influenza Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome $431,367
7/28/2017 Influenza Vaccine Transverse Myelitis; Death $150,000
6/29/2017 Influenza SIRVA $85,000
6/28/2017 Tdap and Influenza Vaccines Bell’s Palsy $85,000
6/13/2017 Influenza Guillain-Barre Syndrome $193,000
6/13/2017 Influenza SIRVA $77,000
6/2/2017 Influenza SIRVA $37,500
5/25/2017 Flu Vaccine SIRVA $100,000
5/25/2017 Influenza & Tetanus Vaccines SIRVA $90,771
5/23/2017 Influenza Vaccine SIRVA $82,000

1/31/2017 Influenza Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome $80,000
1/17/2017 Influenza Vaccine Encephalitis Case 09-878V $1.19 Million
1/6/2017 Flu Vaccine SIRVA Case 16-0696V $115,000
1/4/2017 Flu Vaccine SIRVA Case 16-320V $97,500
12/19/2016 Influenza Vaccine Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis (AHLE) Case 12-403V $8.65 Million

Gran Torino
Gran Torino
  Susan Miller
October 7, 2018 8:33 pm

Amen, Sister!

October 7, 2018 9:14 pm

“the CDC admitted that more than 80,000 people died from the flu last year” BS The 80,000 is flu and what they call “flu related illnesses”. Most of the “flu related illnesses” are cases of pneumonia that have nothing to do with the flu. The confirmed flu deaths are on the order of hundreds in the US, not tens of thousands. Given the high likelihood of potentially serious side effects up to and including death, the small likelihood that the vaccine will actually do any good, and the small numbers of people who die from the flu, anybody taking the flu vaccine has a screw loose.