Christianity Will Destroy America

According to Chris Hedges’ latest book; “America: The Farewell Tour” there are two great evils which can destroy America:  1) global warming and, 2) Christianity.

Sure, Hedges hedges his disdain by specifying the “Christian right”.  But, what he calls the Christian “right” seems awfully much like “regular” Christians to me! In fact, it sounds like quite a few folks right here on TBP!

And you SOBs are destroying America!!

And, so, I pray this morning to Almighty God;  “Please put a lid on your people.  Stop these fascist bastards from killing ‘Murica!

Stucky Sunday Question To You Believers:  WHY You Do This?????


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[NOTE! Everything that follows is from Chris Hedges.]

Federal Courts are being stacked with imbecilic and incompetent judges who serve the “correct” ideology of corporatism and the rigid social mores of the Christian right.  The merger of the corporation with the Christian right is the marrying of Godzilla to Frankenstein.

All of our systems of information, from self-help gurus and Hollywood to political monstrosities   such as Trump, sell us this snake oil.  Our retreat into self-delusion is a career opportunity for charlatans who tell us what we want to hear. The magical thinking they espouse is a form of infantilism. It discredits facts and realities that mock slogans such as “Make America Great Again”.

Trump’s ideological vacuum, the more he is isolated and attacked, is filled with the proto-fascist forces of the Christian right. This Christianized fascism, with its network of megachurches, schools, universities, and law schools and its vast radio and television empire, is a potent ally for a beleaguered White House. The Christian right has been organizing and preparing to take power or decades. If the nation suffers another economic collapse, which is probably inevitable, another catastrophic terrorist attack, or a new war, Trump’s ability to force the Christian right’s agenda on the public and shut down dissent will be dramatically enhanced.  In the presidential election, Trump had 81% of white evangelicals behind him. If he leaves or is remove from office, Mike Pence, a creature of the Christian right, will be worse.

Trump’s move to restrict abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, permit discrimination against LGBT people in the name of “religious liberty” and allow churches to become active in politics by gutting the Johnson Amendment, along with his nomination of judges championed by the Federalist Society and his call for a ban on Muslim immigrants, have endeared him to the Christian right. He has rolled back civil rights legislation and business and environmental regulations.

He has elevated several stalwarts of the Christian right into power — Pence to the vice presidency, Jeff Sessions to the Just Dept., Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Betsy DeVos to the Department of Education, Tom Price to Health and Human Services, and Ben Carson to Housing and Urban Development. He embraces the white supremacy, bigotry, American chauvinism, greed, religious intolerance, anger, and racism that define the Christian right.

Trump’s disdain for facts and his penchant for magical thinking and conspiracy theories mesh well with the worldview of the Christian right, which sees itself under attack by the Satanic forces of secular humanism embodied in the media, academia, the liberal establishment, Hollywood, and the Democratic Party.  In this worldview, climate change is not real, Obama is a Muslim, and millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 elections.

The followers of the Christian right are Manichaeans.    They see the world in black and white, good and evil, them, and us. Trump’s call in his speech in Poland for a crusade against the godless hordes of Muslims fleeing from the wars and chaos we created replicates the view of the Christian right.  Christian right leaders in a sign of support went to the White House on July 10, 2017, to pray over Trump. Two days later Pat Robertson showed up there to interview the president for his Christian Broadcasting Network.

On the surface it appears incongruous that the Christian right would rally behind a slick New York real estate developer who is a public serial philanderer and adulterer, has no regard for the truth, is consumed by greed, does not appear to read or know the Bible, routinely defrauds and cheats his investors and contractors, expresses a crude misogyny and an even cruder narcissism, and appears to yearn for despotism. In fact, these are the very characteristics that define many leaders of the Christian right.

Trump  has preyed on desperate people through the thousands of slot machines in his casinos, his sham university, and his real estate deals. Megachurch pastors prey on their followers by extracting “seed offerings”, “love gifts”, tithes, and donations and by selling “miracle healings,” along with “prayer cloths,” self-help books, audio and video recordings, and even protein shakes. Pastors have established within their megachurches, as Trump did in his businesses, despotic fiefdoms.

They cannot be challenged or questioned any more than an omnipotent Trump could be challenged on the reality television show The Apprentice. And they seek to replicate their little tyrannies on a national scale, with white men in charge.  These religious hucksters are some of the most sophisticated con artists in the country, a trait they share with the current occupant of the White House.

I did not use the word “fascist” lightly when I wrote about the Christian right.  I spent several hours, at the end of two years of reporting, with two of the country’s foremost scholars on fascism – Fritz Stern and Robert O. Paxton.  Did this Christian “ideology” fit the parameters of classic fascism? Was it virulent enough and organized enough to seize power? Would it go to the ruthless extremes of previous fascist movements to persecute and silence dissent?  Has our deindustrialized society replicated the crippling despair, alienation, and rage that always feeds fascist movements?

The Christian right believes that the secular, humanist society must be eradicated. The Ten Commandments will form the basis of our legal system.  Creationism or “intelligent design” will be taught in public schools. People they consider social deviants, including homosexuals, immigrants, secular humanists, feminists, Jews, Muslims, criminals, and those dismissed as “nominal Christians” — meaning Christians who do not embrace the Christian right’s perverted and heretical interpretation of the Bible — will be silenced, imprisoned, or killed.

The role of the federal government will be reduced to protecting property rights, “homeland” security, and waging war. Church organizations will be funded and empowered by the government to run social welfare agencies. The poor, condemned for sloth, indolence, and sinfulness, will be denied government assistance. The death penalty will be expanded to include “moral crimes”, including apostasy, blasphemy, sodomy, and witchcraft, as well as abortion, which will be treated as murder.

Women will be subordinate to men. Those who practice other faiths will become, at best, second-class citizens or outcasts.  The wars on the Middle East will be defined as religious crusades against Muslims. There will be no separation of church and state. The only legitimate voices will be “Christian”. America, they believe, will become an agent of God.  Those who defy the Christian authorities will be agents of Satan.

Tens of millions of Americans are already hermetically sealed within this bizarre worldview. They are fed a steady diet of conspiracy theories and lies on the Internet, in their churches, in Christian schools and colleges, and on Christian television and radio.

Those who remain in a reality-based universe often dismiss these malcontents as buffoons. They do not take seriously a huge segment of the public, mostly white and working-class, who because of economic distress have primal yearnings for vengeance, new glory, and moral renewal and are easily seduced by magical thinking. These are the yearnings and emotions Trump has exploited.

Those who embrace this movement feel they are being persecuted by dark and sinister groups bent on their destruction.  They elevate themselves to the role of holy warriors with a noble calling and purpose. They sanctify the rage and hypermasculinity  that are the very core of fascism. The rigidity and simplicity of their belief, which includes being anointed for a special purpose in life by God, are potent weapons in the fight against their own demons and desire for meaning.

These believers, like all fascists, condemn the reality based world as contaminated, decayed, and immoral. This world took their jobs. It destroyed their future. It ruined their communities. It doomed their children. It flooded their lives with alcohol, opioids, pornography, sexual abuse, jail sentences, domestic violence, deprivation, and despair. And then, from the depths of suicidal despair, they discovered that God has a plan for them. God will save them. God will intervene in their lives to promote and protect them. God has called them to carry out his holy mission to the world and to be rich, powerful, and happy.

The rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and reason, are hated and feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them.  The magical belief system, as it was for impoverished German workers who flocked to the Nazi Party, is an emotional life raft.  It is all that supports them.

If the alliance between these zealots and the government succeeds, it will snuff out the last vestiges of American democracy.

[Stucky end note:  None of the above is available on-line.  I had to manually type it. So, please excuse any errorrs … as I suck at typing.]

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 21, 2018 7:35 am

Oh balongna

October 21, 2018 7:41 am

And this is supposedly an intelligent person?
Historical illiterate is more like it.

October 22, 2018 8:34 am

Indeed. This is why I come here to read: to get away from this kind of insane drivel. Im guessing Stucky is just posting this BS in order to stir the pot??

October 23, 2018 7:21 am

Fair enough. I have little tolerance for this deranged thinking anymore. Thanks for explaining.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
October 21, 2018 8:03 am

Taxpayers and voters are the greatest threat to the [occupied] Republic.

Hedges loves Donkey Balls
Hedges loves Donkey Balls
October 21, 2018 8:03 am

Sorry to tell you this but every country has some kind of higher belief. Whether it is a religion or government as the highest power.

Hedges, what would you have over Christianity?

  Hedges loves Donkey Balls
October 22, 2018 8:05 am

Don’t ask. That wailing old yenta, Chris Hedges, is good at pointing out problems
but useless when it comes to practical solutions.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
October 21, 2018 8:04 am

Wow, Chris has really gone off the deep end in his projection of his subconscious (?) desires onto his perceived political enemy, no doubt due to his fierce clinging “faith” in atheism and moral relativism.

  Didius Julianus
October 21, 2018 10:05 am

From the above article.
“The Christian right believes that the secular, humanist society must be eradicated.”

What a big lie, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 disproves this whole rant from Hedges and Stuckey.

For those too lazy to look it up here it is, in a translation all might understand. Please notice the words “all men” and or women or children.

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4

October 21, 2018 2:42 pm

ginger,you know that timothy is just for show,the secret bible is the one tells us to put to death the gays,odin worshipers,hollywood rob,etc–

October 21, 2018 5:15 pm

Damn, Stuck, that was weak. Ginger called you out, and you went all soft on her, it, whatever. I remember when you would have been all over that like stink on cat crap. You done got soft, haven’t you. I will just have to stir you back into shape.

I just read where Austrians have the world’s highest rate of homosexuals and pussifed men. (There, that should get things going.)

October 21, 2018 6:22 pm

That is sort of a forgotten fact, Llpoh. Back in 2003, when Craig Venter announced the successful mapping of the human genome, one of the findings that surprised nobody was that the homosexual allele was what separated Austrians from Germans. I think I saw it on Charlie Rose.

October 21, 2018 6:36 pm

Let me get this straight: You attach your name to a piece of leftist drivel, are rebuked, and that is your comeback.
Come on, tell me how that rebuttal to the cliff notes of Chris Hedges’ ‘America, The Farewell Tour’ does not show that he is flat out lying about Christians.
By the way, your asinine articles are why I don’t spend too much time at The Burning Platform

October 22, 2018 6:12 pm

Sucky, I have this site bookmarked and peruse it periodically. If you are one of the higher ups here, I won’t be back.

October 23, 2018 12:12 pm

I MADE THE LIST, praise Jeebus!! And I rank higher than GCP!

John 18:36
John 18:36
October 21, 2018 4:08 pm

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  John 18:36
October 22, 2018 1:50 am

You are correct, John. Yet people expect it to be brought here instead.

Matthew 7:13-14
Matthew 7:13-14
October 21, 2018 4:11 pm

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Matthew 7:13-14
October 22, 2018 1:51 am

That’s one of my favorites.

October 21, 2018 8:10 am

Typical leftist nonsense

October 21, 2018 8:22 am

Hedges is just an NPC–

“Christianity is oppressive”
“Trump will kill us all”
” The right are bigots/fascist/Nazis….etc”
“Socialism is the answer”

He’s just a more advanced and wordy NPC, but in the end he still spews out his thoughtless programmed response.

October 21, 2018 5:58 pm


I have been strolling the interwebs on twatter the last few days. I have taken to the embrace of the NPC meme. And yeah those grey folks have said much the same as the Hedges word salad here. I find it hilarious how it cuts to the quick of the underlying narrative.

The top two threats are Global Warming and Christianity. Puhleeeeze gimme a break. This was written to provoke outrage. Something this world thrives on. Chris here’s a Newsflash!

1) It ain’t getting warmer.
2) Muslims are the real threat to peace.

He can’t help it yet still spews out the same thoughtless programmed drivel. Do the bidding of his unseen masters. As for his skewering of religion, well he is being a bit hyperbolic. Isn’t he.. so here is another newsflash,

Everyone prays at an altar.

Which gets me back to twatter and what is going on…In four days I have acquired some 80 or so net followers. They all are writing jingles and slogans in much the same tone as Hedges above. I find the parallels hard to resist. And yes Chris Hedges just a more advanced and wordy NPC. Thank you Javelin for pointing that out.

I am watching the NPC’s come and go as they are suspended or banned. The narrative is over ripe. The rot is setting in. It has to be when a guy like Hedges has to reach for hyperbole.

This article screams…..
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Yeah let everyone look at Chris.. nevermind the pants on the ground..
Twatter is, I suspect, now shadow banning my account. To me it doesn’t matter. Still what gets thru to my news feed is hilarious. The talking points much the same as this piece. They are cutting to quick. It is an imitation game where mockery is the insurgency. There is no need for a fellow like Chris Hedges anymore.

No wonder he is so bitter..

Somewhere along the way yesterday a tech reporter started following me. For a while I wondered why. Even earlier today I hadn’t figured it out. The whole thing on the surface seems silly and of no real consequence. But twatter doesn’t see it that way. They are banning many of these accounts as fast as they start up. Jack Dorsey understands what is going on. The message is simple and the strength is in the repetition. Something that Hedges and his ilk have done for years.

Yesterday I was even invited into a /pol internet strategy session. I find this all fascinating. I am hardly on the front lines of the culture war but am starting to get a flavour of what is really going on. It has, I must admit, changed how I see things.

Once it was fancy soirees with folks at the Council of Foreign Relations for folks like Martenson and Hedges. The bitter Chris duo that have taken to interweb to piss and moan about how Donald and his band of Merry Men have fucked everything up in this world.

That daze is gone. Hedges is just salty because he has been replaced.
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Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 21, 2018 6:53 pm

Who are bringing the Muslims in? In my area, that would be the Catholics and the Lutherans.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Chubby Bubbles
October 22, 2018 1:54 am

That’s because they’re making massive amounts of money on it. It’s not for religious purposes. They’re as bad as the pope (who hides behinds his wall).

  Chubby Bubbles
October 22, 2018 8:28 am

i missed this yesterday but there were so many new comments since the last time i checked it yesterday that i came back & re read all the comments–
you could add a bit to this & make it a standalone post–

October 22, 2018 10:35 am

Thanks man… been thinking about it and had another thought last night along the same lines…. Hedges and Martensen are opposite ends of the same unhinged spectrum. They rant about nothing. Become moar unhinged by the day.

That they want to make a spectacle of themselves is interesting to say the least…

I actually posted it as a meme on the interwebs. Yoji should be proud of what I have done…
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October 22, 2018 2:56 am

Some people deploying the NPC meme of Twitter, found they had picked up followers from verified Twitter accounts that started retweeting and spreading the inane tweets meant to represent what a NPC would say.

Turns out the reason Twitter starting deleting NPC pages as fast as they did was because those verified accounts were all fake accounts, with hidden bots, AI driven to influence real human users. Took the NPC meme to out the real NPCs on Twitter!

October 22, 2018 7:39 am

How is it you’ve manged to not get banned from Twitter ? I’ve been banned three times . You must reserve your inane drivel for TBP eyes only.

October 22, 2018 10:36 am

Its only been a week. Give me a chance…

October 22, 2018 12:13 pm

Flash just posted this on twatter…..
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We’ll see what happens…

October 22, 2018 1:01 pm

LSOS …you were cowardly tiptoeing around Talcum White’s twitter feed last year. Been on a week my ass.

October 22, 2018 1:39 pm

Whatever. I decided to take it seriously last week. Before that I was just holding the door. Anyways gotta give you props for typing four lines of text without cutting and pasting a word.

I never thought I’d see the day when you wrote something original..
But thanks anyways . It was the nicest thing you have ever said to me. And to think you didn’t even plagarize it..

I’m fucken honoured….

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 21, 2018 8:37 am

I quit reading at “embraces white supremacy”.

October 21, 2018 8:44 am

Standard liberal boilerplate. The guy ain’t that bright.

October 21, 2018 8:46 am

I would just like to be left the fuck alone,whether folks from the gov./progressive libs/militant christians/hell,list is endless of folks who want to meddle in my affairs.Hey,I am not hurting you so excepting a few friends/family leave me the fuck alone,apparently too much to ask for.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
October 21, 2018 10:35 am

Right on, James!

October 22, 2018 9:16 am

Live and let live… Chip

October 23, 2018 12:28 am

that is NOT going to happen. ever

A. R.. Wasem
A. R.. Wasem
October 22, 2018 12:45 pm

That’s just it – the left cannot leave anyone alone. They are convinced that the existence of anyone who does not believe what they believe constitutes an existential threat to their dominance. For a fictional presentation of the consequences of this worldview read Orwell’s “1984”; for a real-world portrayal read Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago”. We are in a war to the death.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  A. R.. Wasem
October 22, 2018 5:22 pm

“the left cannot leave anyone alone”

That is perhaps the best six word summary of the left possible, and I think that more and more people are realizing that. For decades the assumption of conservatives has been “compromise with the left with their stance here and the problem will be resolved”. No. All that does is set the beginning line for their next incursion into how everyone must remodel their lives.

I’m done. No more. In fact, this is already too far. I want my life, my standards and my beliefs back. I am still willing to let others go do what they want with what is theirs, but the left can keep their frigging hands off of me and my life.

October 21, 2018 8:49 am

Trump’s ideological vacuum, the more he is isolated and attacked, is filled with the proto-fascist forces of the Christian right. This Christianized fascism, with its network of megachurches, schools, universities, and law schools and its vast radio and television empire, is a potent ally for a beleaguered White House. The Christian right has been organizing and preparing to take power or decades. If the nation suffers another economic collapse, which is probably inevitable, another catastrophic terrorist attack, or a new war, Trump’s ability to force the Christian right’s agenda on the public and shut down dissent will be dramatically enhanced. In the presidential election, Trump had 81% of white evangelicals behind him. If he leaves or is remove from office, Mike Pence, a creature of the Christian right, will be worse.

All along I thought it was the Jewz, now I find out it’s ” Christianized fascism”.

October 21, 2018 12:00 pm

I think this means that he is really pissed that no Jews have been put into the Supreme Court during Trump’s administration. Does anyone know how many of his new Federal Judges are Jews?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 21, 2018 2:38 pm

Two practicing Roman Catholics. Only thing progs hate worse than freedom.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 21, 2018 2:37 pm

Assuming you are not being sarcastic, since this scenario only exists in your mind, you are undoubtedly a small part of why Illinois is so f’d up.

October 22, 2018 3:37 pm

Interesting thought experiment imagining the US a fascist Christian nation, a city on the hill vs. the New World Order arising everywhere else powered by daJoos and a ecumenical Catholic Church….

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
October 21, 2018 8:51 am

It’s almost Christmas.
Someone needs to pour a couple bottles of Mad Elf and calm the hell down, but from the looks of it, a bit of holiday spirit would set this Hedges knucklehead further off the deep end.

  e.d. ott
October 21, 2018 9:09 am

Ed,to quote me favorite Christmas Song:
“You’re missing the point I’m sure does not need making
That Christmas spirit is not what you drink.”

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
October 21, 2018 9:17 am

Ha, but it certainly does enhance the feeling and doesn’t hurt.

  e.d. ott
October 21, 2018 6:44 pm

The song when ended has Ian saying”Hey Santa,pass us that bottle will ya?”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 21, 2018 9:13 am

He includes a bit of truth then adds all the usual leftist bull.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  Mary Christine
October 21, 2018 11:05 am

Nailed it MC

Hollow man
Hollow man
October 21, 2018 9:15 am

Christians are the next bogey man to rally the war cry of the totalitarian left.

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
October 21, 2018 9:21 am

Hedges has become extremely delusional. He really should seek professional help.

Curtis Miller
Curtis Miller
October 21, 2018 9:23 am

Classic projection from a genuine atheist fascist.

Curtis Miller
Curtis Miller
October 21, 2018 3:59 pm

Thanks, Stucky.

I’m aware of Sam Harris, and simply inferred that Hedges was as well.
The dishonesty is quite apparent.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Curtis Miller
October 21, 2018 6:56 pm

He went to Divinity School.. how better to learn dishonesty?

wiki: “On October 5, 2014, Hedges was ordained a minister within the Presbyterian Church.”

  Chubby Bubbles
October 22, 2018 8:32 am

“Hedges was ordained a minister within the Presbyterian Church.”
Exactly. That’s why he’s considered an atheist 😉

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 22, 2018 9:30 am

Lol! I was going to say something similar.
He is a Presyby, you say? I thought you said he was a Christian?

  Mary Christine
October 22, 2018 10:05 am

So true. The fag -infested Presbyterian church is the greatest enemy of Christianity in all American.

October 22, 2018 11:05 am

most of the old mainstream protestant denominations,along w/the catholic church,have become like that —
my brother is a methodist preacher & he sometimes shows me some of the comments on a methodist blog–
a year or 2 back a female single minister was complaining because the church’s insurance did not pay for her birth control–most of the commenters were supporting her–

  Mary Christine
October 23, 2018 7:30 am

Indeed, Tampa. The organized denominations and the Catholics allowed too many Marxists into their seminaries back in the day, and now they are reaping the rewards of an infiltrated church. It should be NO surprise that they are now infested with false prophets, SJW’s, and child molesters. I see no hope for the western Church until they recognize what’s going on, and purge these heretics. Maybe the churches in China and elsewhere will send missionaries to the west to revive the body of Christ?

October 21, 2018 9:25 am

Obviously, he is writing from a secularist perspective. I suppose this would mean Christians walking the “narrow road” would say half of Hedges’ assessments are correct, and three-quarters of his conclusions are wrong.

It’s true, like oil and water, leftism and secularism (Marxism) and Christianity (or what Hedges calls fascism) don’t mix. Or do they? And if they did, what would that look like?

If I had more time, Stuck, I would cut and paste some of Hedges outright, and very provable, false statements from the article above, followed by the sentences and paragraphs that would be hard to disqualify.

A textbook definition of fascism would also be explored.

Thanks for taking the time to post. It is very thought-provoking.

Also interesting how it corresponds with Z man’s post as well.

October 21, 2018 10:14 am

Z-man post placed here for posterity:

Magic Makes The Stuff God Happy

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
October 21, 2018 12:52 pm

“The rational, secular forces, those that speak in the language of fact and reason, are hated and feared, for they seek to pull believers back into “the culture of death” that nearly destroyed them. “

The writer’s problem is that he does not see that all mankind is complicit; that we all contribute to the problem. More finger pointing just increases the perceived polarity and brings us closer to the war of each against all.

It is going to happen; man is hardwired to be increasingly aggressive as resources diminish. We should give up on reconciliation and concentrate on surviving the coming collapse. Continuing the fight over ideological differences just wastes energy that could be invested in preparation.


Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
October 21, 2018 1:09 pm

Unc, Hedges seems to be absolutely ignorant of human nature and economics.

  Grizzly Bare
October 21, 2018 4:47 pm

It seems there are those who embrace leftist politics, including many who call themselves Christians, that worship a feel-good force, comprised of all love and grace, but no law.

This is why people like Hedges, and so many others, find it more palatable to call Trump and Christians xenophobic fools (or Hitler, Nazis, liars, etc) than to confront the sins of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and others.

Whether bowing to the God of Stuff or Self, Hedges inveighs against fascists as does Antifa: In the name of love. But love of what? Melanin? Genitalia? Plastic surgery? Global unity? The weather?

Without law, everything is relative. It’s why freedom becomes anarchy and how privilege is condemned even as license is encouraged.

In truth, Hedges has made the case: Get rid of the Christians and many problems go away. Or so he thinks.

October 21, 2018 5:13 pm

Also, doesn’t it seem that self-flagellation in response to the weather (i.e. climate change), is to appease the God of Stuff in expiation for the sin of materialism?

October 21, 2018 9:51 am

Sir, while most of the drivel you wrote here is simply that, mindless drivel, the one point I care to make is that I’m very glad you and live in a different country. I know not where this pathetic ‘Murcia of yours is and I really couldn’t give two shits about it, ungrateful, chickenshits that feel like you do.
I live in the United States of AMERICA and I thank God we finally have a President that’s willing to FIGHT for our future!!

Thank you for expressing your stupidity.

October 21, 2018 10:03 am

You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims and you certainly are not atheist. You all have the same god and it’s name is ‘government’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.

October 21, 2018 10:08 am

It’s Christian zionists that are destroying the United States by kowtowing to Israel, jews and zionists. THAT is the problem with well-meaning Christians who are NOT putting the United States of America FIRST.

October 21, 2018 12:04 pm

Our main problem are the Democrat politicians and civil service employees who have dual-citizenship.
Forbid them from their “service” and you solve 99% of these problems

Kittens Taste Like Chicken to Starving Marxists
Kittens Taste Like Chicken to Starving Marxists
October 21, 2018 12:14 pm

Yeah! Let’s put a nation founded by Deists & Masons FIRST!

In the real Game of Thrones you either win or die:
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October 21, 2018 3:22 pm

Real Christians understand that this world is not our home. Prosperity Gospel, Name it Claim it, the Joel Osteen’s ” your best life now” teachings and so many others are preaching a faith that doesn’t include the teachings of Jesus Christ and in fact are contrary to true Christianity.

October 21, 2018 10:09 am

It’s inevitable that this mind set would lead to this. The good thing is that the normies see it out in the open. It’s too late for Hedges “our way or no way”. His band of thugs have Initiated violence and have openly condoned it.

And that’s the ball game. It’s like that famous last chess scene in “Finding Bobby Fisher” where the kid knows he’s one and offers the other kid a draw. “You’ve lost , you just don’t know it”

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 21, 2018 10:18 am

And then out of acdemia road a band of SOROS horseman and it shall be called ANTIFA !
Throwing excrement upon those building something and believing the Republic can be rebuilt . Our nation is not a democracy though leftist democrats “New Nazis” continue to rebrand our nation into something it’s not and was never intended to be .
We are not without sin , endless wars provoking responses that we stand shocked and amazed when it strikes home . Then we have the largest Christan chruch Roman Catholic promoting , supporting illegals in our midst supplying them with aid to flood into our nation and now promoting an ID to give some back handed legetimicy to now over 30 MILLON here illegally with the excuse that they are not all bad people . Neither are all white men but you would never know that from the leftist agenda today .
Through out mankind’s history we have sought some belief system to support whatever need or desire requires support to provide Satisfaction to our inner self .
Most of the time it leads to a catastrophic end lead by some carasmatic individual or group claiming to have the one path to God or salvation or enlightenment .
When ever I hear some nonsense of a religious fever ground swelling I know some how some where some way somebody is full of pointless ritual and mindless superstitions and they are probably full of Shit .
This rises form the far left to the far right and all points in between . Your life sucks now but when you die then it will be great now give me half of everything you have so I can stop working at 50 because God helped me .
The leftist agenda is just substitution therapy like the reformed drunk who drinks black coffee by the gallon and follows a deep evangelical faith , hey it keeps his nose out of the bag or bottle so good for him or her .
The right wing agenda is just as bad we must go bomb Iraq no Afganastan no Syria no we must defend Israel because somebody we bombed the piss out of hates our freedom and of course “GOD IS ON OUR SIDE”
Ya sure ok ….time to run like hell …!

October 21, 2018 10:29 am

Hedges is a self-admitted commie, so what did you expect to get from someone with such a belief system?

That said, I agree that white Christian altruism, compassion and empathy have been exploited by certain groups for a thousand years, and ultimately will likely be the downfall of America.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
October 21, 2018 10:45 am

I want to go to Chris Hedges’ church. If the number of people in the West who identify as Christian were half the fascist he says, we would not be seeing the destruction of our families and everything that is good and holy in our culture. He seems to think all Christian men are trim, fit, sharply dressed SS officers who keep their families in order and who brook no opposition in their quest to bring order and good into the world.
If this were the case, I would not be witnessing the structural death of my own church because of the influx of homosexuals and the lack of oversight of the clergy by cucked bishops whose greatest desire is to have an easy sinecure and never to lack roast beef on the table or someone to do their housekeeping and laundry. If the men in my church were half the men Chris Hedges thinks they are they would not be looking for pats on the back by the powers they imagine are above them.
If the men who call themselves Christians in the West were half the fascists he seems to think, they would not be allowing their wives to give them orders as I see them do. They would not allow their children to run wild. Above all, they would not allow people like Chris Hedges to make a living writing about things he knows nothing about. He would be put to work as a Comp 100 teacher at a community college if he were lucky. If he were not lucky, he would be selling furniture at the local.
If the men who call themselves Christians in the West were truly fascist, we would not be listening to bull-shit about a woman’s right to murder her unborn baby. The only worry about our borders would be how quickly we can send the military to secure it. Barring that, how quickly can we raise a militia to take matters into our own hands. We would not be ham-strung by talk of “free speech” as a way of polluting our souls and the souls of our children with pornography. We would be having book-burnings.
If the men who call themselves Christian in the West were half the men he seems to think, we would not have to elect a globalist with a Jew son-in-law like Donald J. Trump to try to preserve what we have left of our dignity. We would not be persecuted by sub-humans who consider themselves our equal. We would not be ducking everytime someone said “rayciss.”
If they were the fascists he claims, I would not have to avert my eyes to avoid beholding the slovenly appearance of the men in my church. Last Easter Sunday, I was appalled at the appearance of the people who showed up in the Temple of God; their bellies protruding, their women walking in front of them and clearly in charge, the stupid submissive grins they had on their faces. I was ashamed. After morning mass there is an Hispanic mass. If we don’t get out soon enough there is a long wait to drive out of the parking lot. We decided to sit and wait until the crowd thinned and the Hispanics had gotten into church. I thought, “Well, the Mexicans will certainly be better dressed. It is Easter Sunday after all.” I couldn’t have been more wrong. One guy, obviously planned to work on his motorcycle in the vestibule while mass was going on. He was wearing stained and dirty jorts. No one wore a tie. One mammacita obviously was lost; she had wandered out of the club, drunk, on Saturday night and found herself at church on Sunday morning. This was obvious from the way she was dressed. She wore a red blouse and had painted black stretch pants over her enormous ass. The only person I say dressed in a half-way reasonable way was a small Mexican female child, around 10 or 11 who was dressed in those veily, diaphanous, gauzy things that traditional Mexican women like to dress their children in. She looked like she was either going to get married or float around like a fucking fairy during Mass.
Chris Hedges needs to shut the fuck up about things he knows nothing about. But how many people will fall for his bull-shit and say “Yeah, that’s the way Christians are.” When God finally raises up the Christian army He wants, I can assure you they will look nothing like the sad clowns that pass for Christian today. Be warned, Chris Hedges!

Kittens Taste Like Chicken to Starving Marxists
Kittens Taste Like Chicken to Starving Marxists
  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
October 21, 2018 12:25 pm

Afuckingmen, brother. I saw what looked like an Ethiopian woman at the mall yesterday. Her legs were hairy like a gorilla’s.


Kitten,did you ever think what you saw was a gorilla dressed as a Ethiopian woman?!I mean in todays age of gender/identity fluidity and Halloween coming up,tis a likely scenario.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
October 22, 2018 4:06 pm

Catholics have martyred more true believers than they’ve saved with their counterfeit Christianity. They’ll probably martyr a whole lot more if given the opportunity.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
October 21, 2018 10:53 am

It’s illuminating how Hedges dismisses conspiracies in the old, tired, worn out manner, implying that anyone who is skeptical of the official narrative is a kook, while presenting the official narrative as “the reality based world”. If the “reality based world” weren’t so full of holes, contradiction and blatant lies, he might actually have a point, but for anyone with any functioning brain cells his “reality based world” is the conspiracy theory.

Abortion is the killing of a fellow human being who is unable to defend itself. Fits my definition of murder.

Denying government assistance to the poor would be a positive for society. Whatever you subsidize you get more of and whatever you tax you get less of. Stop subsidizing poverty and you’ll have a lot less of it.

Yes, cultural Marxism has indeed destroyed the American way of life and turned the country into a cesspool of corrupt degenerates. It’s no wonder that people look to God for answers.

October 21, 2018 11:07 am

Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things, that takes religion.

October 21, 2018 11:22 am

EX- Good people do bad things then go to church on Sunday and sing louder than anyone in the choir. Are there really good people? I have found very few in my long life.

October 21, 2018 11:50 am

He is just letting other leftist know that he is one of them. It does give us a view into their world view. At least he is not calling for the murder of tens of millions of other Americans like some in the Luciferian elites. When they get a lock on power they are coming for the Christians and anyone else who might disagree .They see us as hindering the arrival of their Messiah . Remember they see Lucifer as the good guy and the anti Christ as the true Messiah. Thing is they are right. Half of this country will not accept their god.
They don’t say much about Islam or the billion Muslims that will never go along with the program .

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
October 21, 2018 12:47 pm

Human nature gives us the capacity for civilized society as well as for barbarism. It is just a question of which path serves our self interests best.

October 21, 2018 11:39 am

The Christians that blindly support Israel at all costs are certainly a problem when it comes to the future of America.

October 21, 2018 11:42 am

Liberty- What about the “Good” Catholics who KNOW the Vatican supports pedos and yet, they still send in their money? WHY? That is not the reaction of GOOD people.

October 21, 2018 7:18 pm

Sure. Add them to the long list.

October 21, 2018 11:41 am

Stuck- I could stand to read even less of this one, as 4th Turning polarization occurs, it is clear which side Chris has chosen.
Two bit hack, shilling for his golden calf, obviously comfortable with self deprecation, cuz he has very little left to offer.
Thanks for both posts, enlightening yet disturbing.

October 21, 2018 11:46 am

The evangelical fundamentalist brand of Christians , on the right, are not the problem. It is the crypto communist social gospel ‘christians’ who do not believe in Jesus who are the problem. They import diversity steal from the productive and pretend to give to the needy. They are a pit of vipers who serve their father Satan.

October 21, 2018 11:55 am

Cliff- I have observed that the churches in the south are full of “fundamentalist Christians” that have in the last five years or so handed over the running of their churches to the lesbo/gay leadership and embraced the all-inclusive brand of doctrine. What a bunch of maroons OTC. Divershity is their strength on the way to hell.

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 21, 2018 1:14 pm

No doubt the $$ in the collection plate is the deciding factor. More is always better… Right?

Glad to see others couldn’t finish the article either. I had to stop reading the bullshit after about the 2nd or 3rd paragraph. I’m grumpy & irritable. Getting over a nasty chest cold & have a splitting haddock that even caffeine wont take away.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Miles Long
October 22, 2018 2:07 am

I also had to stop reading. It was the usual leftist screed.

October 21, 2018 1:49 pm

They are fundamental apostates, not Christians.

October 21, 2018 12:12 pm

This has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my entire life.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 21, 2018 6:58 pm

“On October 5, 2014, Hedges was ordained a minister within the Presbyterian Church.” wiki

October 21, 2018 12:18 pm

To whom is Chris Hedges in obedience to? It will be someone from whom he draws money. I bet he has some handler who is overtly CIA. Everything he is saying is pure Mocking Bird Program fake news.

October 21, 2018 12:29 pm

They see the world in black and white, good and evil, them, and us.

Whatta fucken’ hypocrite. He sez that while going on one rant shitting all over the place. He blathers on about this and that making a spectacle of himself. Acting the whole time like a three year old who has had his toys taken away from him.
comment image

This guy is a joke.

October 22, 2018 4:13 pm

Says the guy who worships a pagan god. Many the time YOU slammed the jc faithful.

Big JiLm
Big JiLm
October 21, 2018 12:30 pm

“discrimination against LGBT people in the name of “religious liberty””

You sound like some left wing pinko cunt because a baker does not want to bake a dick shaped cake. The intolerant Gaystapo will go out of their way to destroy someone instead of accepting their right not to do something they don’t want to do and just going out and finding some fag to bake the fucking cake… I can’t even read the rest of this bullshit article…

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 21, 2018 2:29 pm

Hedges is just another forlorn soul in the clutches of Proggie Shitheadism. If we tell him no one wants to kill him but rather perhaps evangelize and convert him, it would interfere with his excuse to hate those with different yet non-threatening views. “Haters gotta hate.”

  Harrington Richardson
October 21, 2018 4:19 pm

How can these people be so damn miserable? They’re like this every day and have no sense of humor at all. Anything they call a joke is just another hateful diatribe. I bet when they drink they get real mean or start crying real quick. They project their problems on everyone else and when someone tells them that they just want the government and busybodys to leave them alone, it doesn’t register and then spews forth all of their hate.

October 21, 2018 3:11 pm

thanks for posting this stucky–

this comes across as a fundraising appeal from,all that’s missing is the appeal at the end to send in $3-
there are crazies at both ends of the political spectrum,but the dems play much harder to their crazies then the reps do to their’s–
there are many dem leaders & opinion makers who i wonder,are they playing to their crazies or are they actually crazy themselves?
as evil imo as she is,hillary understands that most leftist bs is just that,bs–i’m not sure that nancy pelosi or maxine waters do not actually believe that women will lose their rights,blacks will be enslaved,and gays will be executed if trump and the reps are not stopped–

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
October 21, 2018 3:59 pm

My 85 IQ dropped to room temp just reading this stuff. Please stop before you go full YoBo.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 21, 2018 7:33 pm

I did not at the time he wrote this, but yes, now I believe he should be killed. LOL!

October 21, 2018 9:21 pm

For fuck sakes this guy IS an NPC…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 22, 2018 12:09 am

Sounds really good! How much will it cost me? Oh, it’s free? Cool! Who pays for it? TAXES? Oh out of my paycheck? Now wait just a gol durn minute!! Not outta my check. No! Someone else has to pay for all of that. Not me.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 22, 2018 2:14 am

A total Marxist.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2018 4:23 pm

Physiognomy. Again.

Look at a picture of Hedges, the doughy, washed out, soft, watery eyed visage is so depressing to look at it makes me want to yak. It is the countenance of the loser, the wimp, the coward and the fatty. But he kept at his credentialism until it afforded him a sinecure in the Cathedral and from there he gets to spout off every form of hypocrisy and hubris while completely ignoring the planks in his basett hound eyes. This is payback for having spent his life looking like Truman Capote’s daughter.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2018 5:20 pm

comment image

  hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2018 5:40 pm

First off, Stuck, I found these Hedges posts fairly annoying. You really are good at what you do. I’ve always said, you’re the Reggie Jackson of the Burning Platform, the straw that stirs the drink. Provoking people to think, forcing people to look at the unpleasant. Great job, really. And Hardscrabble, you win the day with the comment above. A little hardness is a great thing in a man. Pass that on to your children. It’s going to be crucial in the next decade or so.

October 21, 2018 9:16 pm

Some of the things in this article quoted from Hedges are true, seriously. I don’t give two shits about him or organized BS religion but on who are the bad guys stirring the poo, he is most correct. And those bad guys control both sides so it’s extra disappointing to read your rah-rah posts .

  hardscrabble farmer
October 22, 2018 9:29 am

Excellent comment HSF…

October 21, 2018 5:26 pm

Stuck – the law has nothing to do with justice. I thought your little run in with cops would have taught you that.

And the fact that many laws have been been implemented that override one’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is nothing to crow about, you schnitzel eating knuckle dragging altitudinous weiner-stuffing benighted shit-stirrer.

October 21, 2018 5:42 pm

“you schnitzel eating knuckle dragging altitudinous weiner-stuffing benighted shit-stirrer.” Yeah

October 21, 2018 5:34 pm

he was indicted for 2nd degree murder,which can carry up to life in florida–
it’s a sad day for justice when a man can’t legally protect what is his,though i believe that he will prevail either at trial or on appeal–
what do you want to bet that the crazy christians that hedges talks about will turn out the elected state atty in the next election?
whose side do you think hedges would be on here,the thief or the store owner?
might want to think about that when you think about whether or not the shooting was justified–

October 21, 2018 5:35 pm

Where’s Tampa? Get your checkbook ready, boy.

October 21, 2018 7:55 pm

because of my medications,i am not responsible for anything i do or say after 10pm–

( i’m sending in $50 tomorrow–i still believe he’ll walk but i had planned to match you anyway,so i’ll go ahead & send it in now,since the donation meter hasn’t moved much lately)

October 21, 2018 5:29 pm

So he says two hoaxes, global- warming and Christianity, will destroy America. He doesn’t think very much of the American people, now does he?

October 21, 2018 5:43 pm

clarify llpoh,you didn’t mean to say christianity is a hoax,did you?

October 21, 2018 6:18 pm

Tampa – oh hell yeah I did.

Just think about it – if a cult sprang up today where it is proposed the leader can raise the dead, rise from the dead, walk on water, heal the sick, turn water into wine, feed multitudes with one loaf of bread, etc., the scorn and ensuing outrage would be enormous.

And that the reports of such deeds happened, well, decades after the supposed deeds, would be considered laughable.

And you think it is not a hoax? Belief is a wondrous thing. That kids believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny is a great thing. Doesn’t mean they are real, tho.

October 21, 2018 7:08 pm

what do you believe in,if anything?
don’t give up on jc–

October 21, 2018 7:21 pm

Theolder I get the less I believe in religion. I greatly admire the base philosophy of Christianity. I loathe what the organized churches have done to that philosophy, and the incredible acts of inhumanity that have been done in the name of Christianity.

I might be a Christian if it were not for the organised churches.

October 21, 2018 8:10 pm

“I might be a Christian if it were not for the organised churches.”
are you trying to stir the pot?
I might be a capitalist if it were not for the crooked corporations.
I might believe in private property ownership if we all got the same amount.
what would you say to someone who posted those lines?

October 21, 2018 8:50 pm

One of the tenants of Christianity is for Christians to come together. So your ridiculous comparisons are just ridiculous. I have been to many churches, and they all have had the same flaws.

October 22, 2018 10:07 pm

The Kingdom of God is a form of government, not a religion.

Four things needed for a Kingdom:

1. a king
2. a territory
3. a Law
4. citizens

October 21, 2018 5:54 pm

Fake Christianity will destroy America–fixed it for U.

October 21, 2018 5:54 pm

this says more about hedges and perhaps your lack of knowledge, the “churches” you grew up with are NOT Christian. just bc they say something DO NOT mean it is the truth. You clearly have no idea what Christian means or what true Christianity is about, im not surprised tbh.
Good links in essays, we struggle with the fake lukewarm “christians” and their theft of our name. I would suggest you read some real Christian literature before you condemn and slander our name, you are doing literally the same as the fake christians you wrote abt. I like your writing and i agree with you often, here you are so far of target it is painful. Please use fake christians, faux christians, lukewarm christians or any other verb that shows you have read abt and have an informed opinion..
(edit. I deleted some bs i should not have said)

October 21, 2018 7:04 pm

I don’t know what ax Chris Hedges is grinding, but I am thankful for the separation of church and state because history amply demonstrates the horrors of religion when it is in charge.

October 21, 2018 7:20 pm

Elders of the Church you have been warned. Luke 21:16 -17 “You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will send some of you to your death. And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake.” In Luke 22:36 Christ told you what to do about this rising hatred. “But now, he who has a money bag let him take it, and likewise a sack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.”

The sword was the personal defense weapon of the Roman Army. Its common form was the gladius. The current personal defense weapon of the imperial army is the AR-15 . follow Christ’s command and arm yourselves accordingly.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 21, 2018 9:28 pm

Hedges hates one of the kindest men who ever lived, who was the Prophesied Messiah, Lamb of God, who gave His life for sinners, rose from the dead and is now Lord of Lords. Jesus was virtue, and so is Christianity (although Jews and Communist disagree). A disgraceful nominal Christian disgraces himself, not Jesus; even though some nominal Christian women are whores, they disgrace themselves, not all women and motherhood. The foul things Hedges accuses some Christians of, is the very same filthy pig shit the majority of the Left wallow in up to their necks. God and Christianity will ultimately save America.

Marty the Party
Marty the Party
  robert h siddell jr
October 21, 2018 10:42 pm

First they must go out 2 by 2 and love the nations.

  Marty the Party
October 22, 2018 12:32 pm

That Army commercial ran last night during the Walking Dead. It calls for young warriors to “defend the nation” and clearly the soldiers are in a desert city, but it doesn’t look like Arizona or New Mexico. Actually, it looks like a middle-eastern city where the bullets are flying and the bombs are exploding.

In fact, at the :20 second mark it looks like the bomb in the distance was set-off by a cell-phone ap? WTF?

Two questions: Are they defending the nation? What would Jesus do?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 22, 2018 3:22 pm

Why provoke WW3? Haven’t our NeoCons and Zionist done enough to provoke Russia (murder accusations, massive sanctions, diplomat expulsions, F-16 shot down a Su-24, cruse missile attacks on Syria, threats of war etc) without starting a new nuclear missile arms race? We have already angered 99% of Muslims (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia etc); and fomented a revolution “against Russia” in the Ukraine; and violated promises of peace in Eastern Europe with new missiles and troops; our State Department Official Victoria Nuland said “Fuck the EU”; our Deep State brought down Building 7 and probably the other two. I wish the worse the NeoCons had done was bang a shoe on a UN table.

  robert h siddell jr
October 22, 2018 3:57 pm

An Il-20 was just recently shot down as well. They just keep poking the bear. To think part of reason Trump got elected was because he promised he would try and get along with Vlad..

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
October 21, 2018 9:29 pm

God doesn’t give a shit, that’s why he’s God.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Dennis Roe
October 21, 2018 11:57 pm

You have a confused notion of God. Was your daddy an alcoholic?

mark branham
mark branham
October 22, 2018 12:05 am

I used to think hedges actually knew something… not so much now. Another triumph for Trump, he’s forced even hedges to reveal himself to be an anti-American traitor.

Bob Allen
Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 12:10 am

Jesus Christ….what a bunch of fucking morons you all are. Chris Hedges is probably one of the most credible, articulate and honest critics of America alive today and all you FUCKWITS can do is squawk about Stucky’s idiotic assessment that CH blames America’s ills on the Christian right and climate change, without, no doubt, investing even 5 minutes of your pointless lives to explore if there is any truth in such an inane accusation.
If you can tear yourselves away from jerking off on your guns for half an hour try this video (less long words to get confused by) – two intelligent men having a conversation about reality.
You might learn something, but probably not.

  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 12:30 am

I have known two Bob Allens in my life. Both were dicks. I was willing to believe it was a coincidence. I now know for sure and certain that all Bob Allens are dicks.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 12:43 am

Hold on fuckface. In the first few minutes he said AR rifles shouldn’t be allowed. At -14 minutes the fatass said Bernie Sanders would have made a better president than Trump. At -10 minutes he said Fox and Breitbart were propaganda outlets masquerading as news. So why don’t you take your liberal commie bullshit and shove it right back up your fucking ass, OK? Get lost.

Old Krank
Old Krank
  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 1:15 am

That’s an odd notion, but jerking off over my guns would be a far more productive use of my time than paying attention to anything a fuckwit like you would recommend.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 6:44 am

Godless Liberalism and the Illuminati are destroying America, not the Christians. Hedges is one of the Devil’s spokesmen and his cure is to give US more of the disease, drain more of our moral blood and alienate US from Almighty God. I believe America is becoming like Communist Revolutionary Spain and will have the same results; Trump will be like Franco. The Evil Doers will be destroyed with the help of God and the Righteous Survivors will rebuild a New America with Constitutional safeguards that outlaw anti-Christs, religious fanatics and Socialist from holding political office. No government lasts forever but the New America may beat the record of the Old America.

  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 9:36 am

Look up photosynthesis. You might learn something, but probably not. CO2 is plant food and is not responsible for climate change no matter how many times you repeat the lie… Chip

  Bob Allen
October 22, 2018 9:38 am

You cannot pass a law or issue an edict that will eradicate Christianity. Nero could not do it. Islam has tried for a thousand years to do it. Stalin could not do it, and Mao could not do it. What you can do is radicalize Christianity by persecuting and killing innocent Christians. Once radicalized, you will trigger the resurrection of St James Matamoros. Secularists, be careful what you wish for. A holy war takes no hostages.

EL Moron (EC)
EL Moron (EC)
October 22, 2018 11:16 am

Where do these morans come from? I have often worried TBP will soon reach ‘Peak Moran’ and LLPOH won’t have anybody left to kick around. I guess we are not there yet.

  EL Moron (EC)
October 22, 2018 12:43 pm

Any relation to Full Retard by chance? Obviously, the question is historical rhetorical.

Ginger's Sister Finger
Ginger's Sister Finger
October 23, 2018 2:24 am

You are very amusing, Stuckey w/out the e.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 22, 2018 1:46 am

I’ve never read Chris Hedges but he sounds like a Lunatic Liberal. It’s just a liberal screed, so nothing else to say.
I’ll keep my Christianity, thank you, and thank God for the rest of them. The more the merrier.

October 22, 2018 7:31 am

San Christianity there would be no Western Civilization thus no Bolshevik fags like Chris Hedges pushing for it’s demise.

“People define themselves in terms of ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions. They identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups, religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations. People use politics not just to advance their interests but also to define their identity. We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know whom we are against.”
― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

“There can be no true friends without true enemies. Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are. These are the old truths we are painfully rediscovering after a century and more of sentimental cant. Those who deny them deny their family, their heritage, their culture, their birthright, their very selves! They will not lightly be forgiven.”
― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

“Yet the great weakness of linear time is that it obliterates time’s recurrence and thus cuts people off from the eternal—whether in nature, in each other, or in ourselves. When we deem our social destiny entirely self-directed and our personal lives self-made, we lose any sense of participating in a collective myth larger than ourselves. We cannot ritually join with those who come before or after us.”
― William Strauss, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy