Magic Makes The Stuff God Happy

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the things normal people struggle with when they look over the great divide, at the arguments of our side, is the lack of interest in economics. In the lands of the normie, the cry of “socialism” remains salient, despite the fact America is a socialist country and has been for as long as anyone reading this has been alive. Still, the people of whiteness remain locked in that old dynamic that says the fight is between free market capitalism and command and control socialism. This is especially true of older whites.

Perhaps the most powerful tool deployed against us is the weaponizing of the economy, by turning it into the third man in the room whenever there is a debate about politics. The economy is like a mysterious god, who can get angry at the wrong policy and punish the people with high prices or job losses. This is especially true in libertarian and conservative circles. They are convinced that the whole point of life is to work and then buy cheap stuff from China. Anything that threatens that is viewed as un-American.

Democracy has also become an enchanted being that, unlike the economy, needs to be defended at all costs. While the right side of the political class worships the economy, the left side worships democracy. Everything they don’t like is a threat to democracy, even the results of elections. Democracy and the economy make up the modern Janus that presides over the beginning and end of all political debates. Both sides ritually invoke his name whenever it is time to debate the issues of the day.

This post at Marginal Revolution is a great example. The comments are worth reading, as they reveal this strange worship of both democracy and the economy. The skeptics you find in the comment thread are all skeptics of democracy. You don’t see any doubts about the righteousness and superiority of the economy face of our god. Even when someone points out that the Nazis were pretty good at running their economy for a while, no one seems to pick up on the fact that GDP is not the measure of a people.

There are a lot of ways to characterize the civic religion that animates our ruling class, but one of them is that they believe the right ceremonies will make the stuff god happy. That’s why they insist that diversity makes businesses more profitable and universities more intellectually dynamic. One of the bloggers at Marginal Revolution has argued that open borders is a moral imperative because it makes the economy stronger. He literally believes the stuff god is carefully monitoring immigration policy in the West.

When put together, the worship of democracy and the economy is the thermite reaction that is destroying America. If democracy is a good thing, then more of it must be a better thing. The result being the expansion of the franchise to hostile aliens. If the GDP is all that matters when measuring the health of society, then any criticism of the ruling oligarchy is an offense to the stuff god. It’s not an accident that the worship of both democracy and the economy has increased as social cohesion has declined.

This may be at the root of the strange hostility to the past. Modern America is a strange place, in that the ruling class is composed of amnesiacs. What they say today has no connection to what they said yesterday. It’s as if every day is a new day and the past never existed. Mendacity certain plays a role, but the never ending quest for more requires an ignorance of the past. To remember yesterday is to contemplate the trade-offs that made today possible. That calls the worship of the economy into question.

There’s also the sad dearth of beauty in this age. The classical period featured a celebration of human beauty. The artists strove to capture the ideal of man in those beautiful statues we still have today. The medieval period had the celebration of God and his love for man. Walk into an old cathedral and you immediately feel the essence of that relationship. Of course, our canon is packed with poetry exploring the beauty of life, all of which was composed in a prior age, by men who are strangers to us now.

Walk into a modern building today and you know what it is like to be in the chute at a slaughter house. Modern art is a mockery of the idea of art. It is a celebration of pointless vanity and nihilism, if such a thing can be called a celebration. Stroll through the modern parking lot and it is like being in a black and white movie. The cars all look the same and come in black, white or some shade of grey. A time traveler could be forgiven if he thought the communists had won the Cold War and imposed their aesthetic on America.

That’s the end result of worshiping democracy and the economy. The stuff god is a selfish god, who takes the hopes of the faithful and turns them into cheap goods from China, that get tossed away in order to be replaced by more cheap stuff. It is a pointless form of worship that treats life as a transaction. Just as Evangelicals love Israel, despite the fact Jews despise Evangelicals, Americans worship the stuff god, despite the fact he hates humanity. It’s a lethal codependency that can only end in death.

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Free speech forum
Free speech forum
October 21, 2018 8:58 am

The elites keep tightening the screws building the police state. A few nutjobs will go postal and the 1% will use these events to tighten the noose some more.

The ruling class will use recessions to call for more bailouts and welfare to make Americans weak and dependent. The elites will then use their control of the media to spread propaganda that the economy is booming. The 1% will keep using this plan until the Ponzi economy implodes.

After the economy collapses, cash will be worthless, ATM cards won’t work, bank accounts will be zeroed out, there will be inflation, deflation, banks will shut, bankruptcies and foreclosures will rise, businesses will close, unemployment will soar, there will be bail-ins, capital controls, negative interest rates, bank runs, bank holidays, gold may be outlawed,
riots will break out, martial law will be declared, concentration camps will be opened, a civil war will start, and the ruling powers will try to start WWIII with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran to distract the population.

The future is certain. The only question is when.

  Free speech forum
October 21, 2018 11:29 am

The day cash becomes worthless is the day that none of those other things mentioned by you become possible. You can not wage a global war while sitting on worthless currency as you’ve got far bigger problems at home. Also, an economic collapse will actually be somewhat simple.

When the music stops and everyone tries to unload their stocks, bonds, 401k’s, etc you will see massive deflation. After all, the market for vacation homes wont look all that good when EVERYONE is trying to sell at the same time. No no no, not at all. What is true for the non income producing asset such that is a vacation home will also be true of Tesla Stock, Amazon Stock or Netflix Stock.

Following the deflationary period that wipes out anyone holding anything “valuable” will come the hyperinflation. The hyperinflation is where anyone that wasn’t ruined in the deflationary period will have their turn. As that unfolds, what remains of government will be focused on keeping people from starving to death. No time for camps or war with countries 12k miles away. Just food.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Free speech forum
October 21, 2018 9:47 pm

“The future is certain. The only question is when.”

I have always heard the future is uncertain. Your observation is profound, I need to hit the bong to further appreciate your wise words.

Hollow man
Hollow man
October 21, 2018 9:20 am

21 trillion and counting has sealed our fate. What if , after sanctions, the Saudi regime decides to trade oil in yuan not dollars. Then offer protection from the United States.

  Hollow man
October 21, 2018 12:58 pm

True. There is little benefit to the average American from Apple’s 200 billion dollar cash hoard and what good does it do a Google employee if a house in San Francisco is worth $2 million+ when they are all owned by foreigners or execs at tech firms. He’s got to move to Manteca to afford a house.

That’s the fallacy behind GDP as the measurement of the economy. If it is all going to the top or eaten away by localized housing inflation its irrelevant. Once upon a time the Vanderbilts and other tycoons built their mansions right on 5th Ave, Nob Hill or on the streets of the city where they made their fortune. They wanted the public see the fruits of their success. Not anymore. Our nouveau rich no longer want to allow the poor to see their homes. Today’s billionaires hide their estates behind walls or gated communities where access is restricted. Even in San Francisco or L.A. where the lesser rich live on public streets public parking is restricted and good luck trying to even get in the lobby of a modern luxury highrise or office tower.

October 21, 2018 9:28 am

Maybe there’s a reason a bull is the symbol of Wall Street.
comment image

October 21, 2018 10:06 am

Christianity is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich, and keeps them working and dying for them. That’s why they invented saints and heroes: to set an example for other sheeple. And medals and vanity titles are a lot cheaper than titles with real assets and land.

Honest Buck
Honest Buck
October 21, 2018 6:14 pm

Well now we know why you were excommunicated.

October 21, 2018 11:13 am

Modern art is a mockery of the idea of art.

Modern art is the ketchup of wall coverings. A building that is open to the public must have art that in no way triggers anyone. The art must be nothing more than paint randomly thrown on a canvas because anything that shows beauty or celebrates the human spirit will trigger someone and, as you know, we can not have that.

It doesn’t stop with just buildings but our music & film as well.

Think of it this way: I put 20 of you in a room and tell you that you can have anything you want to eat and drink but you must ALL agree on what you are having. The only thing everyone could agree on would be French Fries & Water. That is what a Democracy is – French Fries and Water. It isn’t lobster or prime rib (can’t offend the vegetarians), it isn’t Asiago cheese or pasta (can’t offend the vegans), it isn’t Vegan Indian food in a peanut sauce (can’t offend anyone with an allergy), it isn’t anything you really want. It is French Fries.

Granted, there are places in the world where french fries and water would be a step up from what they have now. I’m looking at you Venezuela but we must do better than that. We can not continue to run towards a world that offends no one or we will not make any progress.

It is really time again for a new Renaissance and to Hell with anyone that gets in the way.

October 21, 2018 12:17 pm

Modern Art is one big Scam and I know nothing about modern ” art ” except what I see sucks.Hell I could make it or paint it.

October 21, 2018 12:17 pm
October 21, 2018 7:36 pm

The problem is that it isn’t possible to replicate what Leonardo accomplished. A painting like the Mona Lisa isn’t possible today. da Vinci put down more than 30 layers of paint – paint, I should remind you, that can not even be fabricated today. What he did was simply a miracle.

Frankly, someone like da Vinci would piss in the faces of any of these modern “artists”. They are just fart huffing hacks.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 21, 2018 9:54 pm

Ah, shaddup, Nick. How many times can you climb Mt Everest? It’s been done, move on. People always move on. Did you never hear the only thing constant is change?

You know what makes those pieces desirable? Scarcity. Stop sniveling, the world is much more beautiful than anything man can create.

  EL Coyote
October 21, 2018 10:24 pm

I would suggest going to the Basilica of St. Antonio in Padua, Italy. It is here where the Italians challenge God himself to a beauty contest and win.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
October 21, 2018 11:01 pm

Let’s consider Descartes argument: if (because I know you will claim there is no god) there is a god, he would be perfect in every way and nothing could top this god in beauty or wisdom. If god is not perfect, he is not god. Because man is limited, he cannot imagine the greatness or perfection of god. Man’s works are false imitations of reality no matter how beautiful you might think they are.

“My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You. Therefore I retract my words, and I repent in dust and ashes.”

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 21, 2018 1:35 pm

Won’t be able to join that feast, since I went low-carb….!

October 21, 2018 6:41 pm

well written

October 22, 2018 4:44 am

Ummm, America is not, I repeat, NOT a democracy we are in fact a Republic. If you do not know the difference then you should not be posting on the subject. fyi a democracy is mob rule where as a republic is rule of law. Lack of civics in public schools.