If The Disunited States Of America Is To Survive…

Authored by Ilana Mercer via The Unz Review,

“We are one American nation. We must unite. We have to unify. We have to come together.”

Every faction in our irreparably fractious and fragmented country calls for unity, following events that demonstrate just how disunited the United States of America is.

They all do it.

Calls for unity come loudest from the party of submissives – the GOP. The domineering party is less guilt-ridden about this elusive thing called “unity.”

Democrats just blame Republicans for its absence in our polity and throughout our increasingly uncivil society.

These days, appeals to unity are made by opportunistic politicians, who drape themselves in the noble toga of patriotism on tragic occasions. The latest in many was the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre of Oct. 27.

In the name of honesty—and comity—let us quit the unity charade.


The U.S. is not united. Neither is America a nation in any meaningful way. It hasn’t been one for a long time.

Consider: In the late 1780s, Americans debated whether to nationalize government or keep it a decentralized affair. The discussion was one in which all early Americans partook, nationwide.

Think about the degree of unity that feat required!

The eternal verities of republicanism and limited government were understood and accepted by all Americans. The young nation’s concerns centered on the fate of freedom after Philadelphia. (The Anti-Federalists, the unsung heroes who gave us the Bill of Rights, turned out to be right.)

Around the time The Federalist Papers were published in American newspapers – Americans were a nation in earnest.

For it takes a nation to pull that off – to debate a set of philosophical and theoretical principles like those instantiated in these Papers, Federalist and Anti-Federalist.

The glue that allowed so lofty a debate throughout early America is gone (not to mention the necessary gray matter).

The Tower of Babel that is 21st century America is home not to 6 million but 327 million alienated, antagonistic individuals, diverse to the point of distrust.

Each year, elites pile atop this mass of seething antagonists another million newcomers.

Democrats, who control the intellectual means of production – schools, social media, TV, the print press, the publishing houses, think tanks, the Permanent Bureaucracy – they insist mass immigration comports with “who we are as a people.”

The last is yet another hollow slogan – much like the unity riff.

Modern-day Americans, some of whose ancestors were brought together by a “profound intellectual and emotional attachment to individual liberty,”possess little by way of social capital to unify them.

We don’t share the same core values, morals or mannerisms. We don’t revere the same heroes. We tear down other countrymen’s historic monuments. (As governor, Nikki Haley, hardly a member of The Mob, led the charge in South Carolina.) We display different regalia. Our attachment to one language, English, is tenuous at best, and waning.

Surveys suggest Americans today would rather avoid one another, choosing instead to hunker down unhappily in front of the telly.

As Americans, what unites us most is our passion for, and patterns of, consumption. America is an economy, not a nation.

Unite we Americans do over the state of our sovereign debt – it’s bad! But not over what it means to be a sovereign people.

For half the country, sovereignty entails hordes of defiant scofflaws breaking the border. For the other half, sovereignty means borders. (And some respite, maybe even a moratorium on the incessant influx.)

People become rightfully resentful of others when forced into relationships against their will.

Signs of the attendant, endemic civil unrest are already evident.

Don’t knock the cliché. Good fences (or walls) do indeed make good neighbors, within countries and between them.

A sense of security and sovereignty are essential to the health of individuals and nations alike. Developmental health in kids is predicated on respecting their bodies and their boundaries.

Wait a sec: Kids need boundaries but the communities in which they reside don’t?

Why do boundaries or borders become cardinal (racist) sins when staked out by communities? And why is trespass a praiseworthy creed?

A peaceful society is one founded on voluntary associations, not forced integration.

By extension, if the Christian pastry man doesn’t care to bake a cake for a gay wedding; leave him be. There are plenty cake-makers who’ll cater for your event.

Where’s the morality and munificence in compelling a service from an unwilling service provider? Servitude not service iswhat the gay master is extracting from the baker subordinate.

People are harming nobody when they withhold their wares. It’s their right. The baker owns his labor and his property. Leave him alone.

Currently, our overlords in Deep State D.C. insist that because we’re so rich and innately mean, they should decide what to do with the lion’s share of our earnings (including to distribute it to the world.)

No need. Americans are terribly generous—and most generous when left to choose their charities.

We are most generous to strangers in need when they, in return, don’t encroach on our space, and respect the natural rights we have in our person and property.

Besides, people get mad, even murderous, when Big Brother tells them who to shower with brotherly love.

An uneasy co-existence, not coerced unity, is the only hope for calm in our country.

Respectful disunity is the only way forward.

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November 4, 2018 9:16 am

Been saying this for a while. Divorce, plain and simple. Let the crazies run their little hell-hole and leave the rest of us alone, please!

November 4, 2018 6:39 pm

Americans have been self sorting for many years, that is the reason the polarization is accelerating. Blue Bubbles are filling up with their like minded ilk and flyover land with its. The flood of immigrants (since 65) is nothing less then the NWO Globalists with their thumb on the American demographic scales.

That fact is also feeding the fires of Civil War 2. The South fired the first shot last time we ripped ourselves apart but the North had forced their hand. Same thing is going on now with the Globalist squeezing the American Nationalists. There will be a tipping point…there always is.

The black family being destroyed by the Johnson/Democratic Great Society program started in the mid 60’s, was an intentional successful power grab, at the same time the immigrant flood gates were opened led by Senator Edward Kennedy (the Drowner of the Senate) in 1965. These two pronged Long March tactics, along with the marching Cultural Marxists eventually winning the Culture War is why we are so close to a second Ft. Sumter.

I am a case in point of the self sorting reality…I leaned to despise *liberal Yankee land even though I was born and raised into their suffocating, self righteous, busy body, aggressive culture.

*Cultural history[edit]

The original Yankees diffused widely across the northern United States, leaving their imprints in New York, the Upper Midwest, and places as far away as Seattle, San Francisco, and Honolulu.[18] Yankees typically lived in villages consisting of clusters of separate farms. Often they were merchants, bankers, teachers, or professionals.

The great majority of Yankees gravitated toward the burgeoning cities of the American Northeast, while wealthy New Englanders also sent ambassadors to frontier communities where they became Using their influence in positive ways, they introduced the term “Universal Yankee Nation” to represent and proselytize their hopes for national and global influence.[23]

Hmmm… “Influential bankers and newspaper printers.” Dam Yankees haven’t changed at all, friggin’in modern day banksters & propagandists.

November 4, 2018 9:17 am

This story goes great with Civil War 2.0 (Chittum) I’m reading now… Chip

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 4, 2018 9:25 am

The liberals are not civil and they want dominance and submission not civil unity. Anyone wanting civil unity with Communism and Islam doesn’t understand those ideologies.

November 4, 2018 9:27 am

‘ Each year, elites pile atop this mass of seething antagonists another million newcomers.”
Mass migration is war. It can be nothing else.

comment image

November 4, 2018 10:02 am

The paradox is that we are the product of a cultural heritage that evolved looking at individual s as individuals when we interact on a personal level. So much so, we assume it as an axiomatic reality.

Now these cultural Marxists have put people in groups. And those self proclaimed disadvantage groups brand us as White Privalage. If your Don Lemon , we are further reduced to White Male Privlage.

At the very least, whites need to retreat from law enforcement and fireman in minority communities.

November 4, 2018 11:19 am

“For it takes a nation to pull that off – to debate a set of philosophical and theoretical principles like those instantiated in these Papers, Federalist and Anti-Federalist.

The glue that allowed so lofty a debate throughout early America is gone (not to mention the necessary gray matter).”

I personally graduated high school and went thru four years of college (not a total dumb-ass) and have trouble understanding those “philosophical and theoretical principles” thanks to the dumbed down education system in America. Does anyone think the FSA can or even cares?
We are in deep doo doo folks.
Thanks Ilana

November 4, 2018 11:45 am

Something reminds me of Gondi and post colonial India. People would rather be ruled poorly but by one of their own. Things getting worse without British rule was inevitable, Especially for the darker skin Muslims. In other words, genocide was inevitable.

Removing White Man rule may not be so comforting for the so called Latinos and Blacks.

It’s almost as if this mass invasion is planned genoicide.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
November 4, 2018 12:27 pm

Unity with the degenerates of blue state America is about as visitable as unity with a tape worm.

November 4, 2018 1:05 pm

Respectful disunity is the only way forward? It’s not going to be respectful.

It’s going to be murderous and bloody.

November 4, 2018 1:31 pm

I’m sorry but the States are not dis-united. They are united by administrative law. They all passed the “Administrative procedures Act” making all State Statutes the same under Federal Law. Of course administrative law is not constitutional law. But the people don’t know that; they don’t even know the law. This is why so many who end up in front of a judge in the administrative courts look like a deer in front of headlights. They have no clue how to answer a charge and end up getting sucked into a system that exploits them.

How can a people be united when they don’t even know the laws they live under?

We live under the rule of law; the rule of administrative laws. But this is fast changing. These laws are increasingly being ignored both out of contempt and out of ignorance. So the police state is enforcing the rule of law; and as the police state gets stronger the contempt for administrative law will get stronger.

Administrative law was never meant for social justice. It was meant for corporate regulation. Another form of law is needed for social justice. This form of law would be based on human values harmonized with facts and recognizing modus vivendi as a way of living together and different groups with different cultural values coexisting peacefully together.

America started out as a European melting pot. Now it is a melting pot of many cultures not European. Administrative laws are not suited for this situation. Our politicians and all elected officials better start recognizing this anomaly fast or this nation is whistling past it’s graveyard.

A better title for this article would have been “If the Disunited peoples of america is to survive as a nation, it better restructure it’s laws.”

November 4, 2018 6:51 pm


you have been beating that “Administrative Law” drum a while…and you are winning me over to that angle of the dangle.

November 4, 2018 2:25 pm

The ONLY solution is peaceful 50-state secession. And while the impetus is there, most if not all of the larger states need to break up into much smaller units as well. The federal government WILL fall at some point in the near future. If we get rid of them peacefully now, it will mean a lot less bloodshed down the road. We have NOT been united as a nation since……EVER……nor should we be.

November 4, 2018 3:28 pm

I don’t see a 50-state secession in the cards. Some state governments are so broke I see them falling when the federal government goes down. I think many states will dissolve into territories. I think local governments will survive after bankruptcy. The only state I see surviving on it’s own is Texas. And the reason I say this is because Texas has it’s own electrical grid, oil and natural gas reserves, manufacturing, machine shops, agriculture, it’s own gold reserves, good roads, headquarters for many corporations, and many wealthy people with organizing abilities. Of all the states I have been in or been through Texas appears to be self sustaining.

America will survive. The United States will not survive. When people again take responsibility for their own survival at the local level the rabid minds will be eradicated. Then the formation of a new america will begin.

November 4, 2018 4:44 pm

Texas is the best option but there are alot of Third world bottom feeders in Texas that will fuck things up for a while. We have been betrayed and sabotaged from within by the elites who are using immigration to replace white people . They know most whites will never go along with their plans but third world people from third world shitholes will. I hate These treasonous son of a bitches who have done this to America. In order to really understand what’s happening you need to understand the Luciferian doctrine of world domination that the elites in the secret societies have given themselves over to. This is the key to understanding the why and the how .

November 4, 2018 10:33 pm

On paper Texas can handle itself, but remember, these are the same folks that gave us LBJ, W. Bush, Rick Perry, and Ted Cruz (just to name a few). Small government and freedom are NOT key principles in that state. And NO majority should be oppressing any minority at ANY level of societal organization. Ridding Texas of that mentality (and ALL of America for that matter), will take some doing.

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
November 5, 2018 10:33 am


November 4, 2018 6:59 pm

Read “The Collapse of Complex Societies” by Joseph Tainter. It’s available on-line. The USA is way overdue.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
November 4, 2018 5:11 pm

The truth is that the “elite” want to be like the woman leading the guy around by a chain. Since most of us, especially regulars here, are not into being domineered by anyone, there’s going to be a serious problem.

And let’s be honest. They don’t want unity; they want dominance. This will not turn out well.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 4, 2018 11:19 pm

I’m all for respectful disunity. Even in the early days, America had disunity. People in New England were different than people in the South. People had different religions. Their cultures were different. The reason we have federalism is because local governments and state governments should implement the laws that respect their voters’ wishes. If one state wants the marriage age to be 20 and the next state wants it to be 18, each states were free to enact their separate laws. The best government is the one closest to the people. When the federal government is enacting laws that are best left to the states or local governments, trouble starts, especially if the opposite party is in control. Voting with your feet was and is a good idea. But you can’t do that if the laws are from the federal government and are enacted across the whole country.

  Vixen Vic
November 5, 2018 10:39 pm

The best government is self-governance. Anything else is oppression.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 5, 2018 11:09 pm

Self-governance on paper is a grand idea. You can’t have self-governance when half the country are atheists and have no moral compass. As Adams said, the Constitution was created for a Christian nation and won’t work with others. The majority of Christians can govern themselves. The others can’t – a prime example, the violence coming from the Liberals right now. Government is only supposed to protect life, liberty and property. Everything else is supposed to be left to the states and the people. And the Constitution was designed so the federal government only had control over those things outside of the U.S., and the states and people had control over everything inside the U.S. Small, limited government is the best, as outlined by the Constitution before it was transformed by those wishing more power. (In reality, I endorse the U.S. Confederation over the Constitution.)