Understanding The War On Whitey

Guest Post by The Zman

It is tempting to think that the war on white people we see today is some sort of weird incoherent spasm of Progressivism. As Steve Sailer likes to believe, it is part of an electoral strategy to keep the coalition of non-whites from killing each other. If they are focused on how much they hate white people, white men in particular, then they won’t fall into slaughtering one another. That’s a tempting belief, because it suggests it will abate on its own, once the various tribes of the Left have exhausted themselves.

While there may be some truth to that assertion, at least in the narrow confines of electoral politics, the truth is we are simply seeing the next phase of a war that started not long after the end of the Second World War. It was not an explicit war on whitey, as we see today, but rather a war on white ideas about how best to organize a society. One front was the war on institutions, by overrunning them and turning them into pillboxes, from which the Left could attack white society. The academy is the most obvious example.

Another front in this war has been the attack on the basic concepts that whites in America have accepted as the foundation of order. In the 1960’s, the Left managed to outlaw freedom of association, with civil rights legislation. The long held view that you are free to associate with whom you like was banned, in favor of a system of permissions, administered by the courts. Like in a prison, white people now need to seek permission to associate or disassociate. You’ll note that non-whites are free to organize as they please.

Another white concept that has been under attack for generations is the notion of free inquiry. A peculiar feature of the West has always been a curiosity about the world and a willingness to consider new ideas. Openness predates the Enlightenment and is the reason the Enlightenment happened where it did. There’s no analog in Mesopotamia or Asia, and certainly nothing similar in Africa. Free inquiry, the willingness to reconsider old ideas and debate new ideas is a quintessentially white concept.

Of course, the only way you can have free inquiry is to have the freedom to challenge accepted notions in public. Free speech, as a political concept, is just the implementation of free inquiry in the realm of current affairs. The war on speech that we see today, actually started generations ago, as part of the general war on whiteness. In the 1970’s, neoconservative thinker Walter Berns successfully argued that free speech was limited to “good speech” by which he meant speech that served the interest of his team.

This quickly became neoconservative dogma. In the 1980’s, for example, neocons attacked Ronald Reagan’s choice of M.E. Bradford to be chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, on the grounds that he was insufficiently worshipful of Abraham Lincoln. An essential element of the neoconservative persuasion is a deification of Lincoln as the true founder of the Republic. Questioning that questions the neocon role in the American narrative, so that sort of speech can never be tolerated.

Later on, the odious carbuncle Bill Kristol used a similar tactic to drive off the paleocons, particularly Pat Buchanan. The charge this time was that the paleos were not sufficiently worshipful of Israel and Judaism. Of course, the neocon analogs on the Left were more than happy to lock arms with their brothers in making war on Buchanan. This is something we see happening again as Jewish intellectuals and commentators across the political spectrum lock yarmulkes to fight the menace that is Donald Trump.

That’s why we see the overturning of basic contract law and property concepts by the finance and technology giants. De-platforming is part of the war on whiteness, specifically the rule of law. When a registrar steals the domain name of a site they don’t like, that is no different than government agents busting up their property. It’s state sponsored terrorism by proxy. The rule of law and the orderly administration of the law are white concepts, so overturning them is as important as attacking white people directly.

This war on whiteness, that has now become an explicit war on white people, is an accident of history. Some paleocons used to call it Hitler’s revenge, because it grew out of a response to the holocaust. Jewish intellectuals after the war struggled to understand why the Jews of Europe did not fight back. The Warsaw ghetto uprising, for example, is interesting only because of its uniqueness. Instead of this puzzle resulting in self-examination, the response was an obsession with antisemitism and fascism.

The Frankfurt School, for example, started as a project to apply Marxist concepts to the culture. That’s where we get the term “cultural Marxism.” The project quickly curdled into an obsession with antisemitism and fascism, culminating in The Authoritarian Personality, a model for evaluating the morality of white people. Inevitably, that moral code was based on what the authors thought was good for the Jews. Anything that was exclusive or excessively curious about the role of Jews was deemed to be fascist or proto-fascist.

In a strange way, Hitler’s real revenge was the curdling of diaspora culture into a war on Western civilization and a self-defeating war on white people. Of course, the defeat of the Nazis also unleashed American Progressivism as a global firestorm of cultural destructiveness. The Nazis could not hold a candle to the viciousness of the modern human resource department staffed by left-wing harpies. The popularity of Man in the High Castle is that it seems benign in comparison to today’s cultural environment.

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November 25, 2018 4:47 pm

This is about as untruthful as it gets. The only reason there is a war on whites is the Jews with control of the central banks have been able to counterfeit all the money they have needed to buy the world’s largest media outlets. Many in the university system that head up the departments are Jewish. With control of the banking system , media outlets and many of the universities they now have all they need to wage war on the only group of people on this planet that has ever been able to stop them from setting up their NEW WORLD ORDER. Now they just buy off the white traitors in Washington. All is available with a Google search.

November 25, 2018 5:43 pm

No, Russian Jews have hated whites forever…(((Jacob Schiff and Wall Street))) financed the Russian revolution, Bolshevik leaders being more than 90% Jewish, and applauded the slaughter of millions of Christians…The Communists leadership in America was almost all Jewish…It’s visceral hatred.

November 25, 2018 6:44 pm

Boy, wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get along?
Shit like this and People of Walmart is why we’re never going to be Star Trekin’ around, finding new and different civilized worlds, and fighting them.

November 26, 2018 1:51 pm

The reason we’re not Star Tekiin’ around is that the Romans allowed pervasive corruption to take over their republican government and twist it towards empire. Then their contemporary People of WalMart sacked them and led to centuries of intellectual darkness. Stand by for the next thousand years of darkness to kick off in 3.. 2.. 1..

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 25, 2018 7:49 pm

The war on whites and white culture will eventually fail because the majority of foot soldiers in this multi pronged attack are either current or descendents of shit hole dwellers only capable of recreating the shitholes from whence they came . Still the others are merely parasitical leaches on the white built society . Once they have dragged down the overall culture and society enough they will be starved out financially and literally .
Remember the threats regarding white destruction and when those miscreants are drowning in the failed existance they created “THROW THEM A ROCK”

November 25, 2018 9:17 pm

I often wonder if the war on whites is just another incarnation of federalism versus the individual.

Lincoln-loving neocons and progressive marxists all rally to warm each other ’round the fires of centralized power. Now brown people are blown to bits overseas while civil war statues bite the dust in American cities.

Regarding the First Amendment: Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater is not, nor ever was, a federal concern. But, since nobody ever effectively called bullshit on that particular deception, hate speech became its natural revolution; with punishments now meted out by hags wearing high-heels in the HR department’s room 101 of tolitarian corporate regimes across the land.

Blame the Jews, or not. The point is that individuals should be able to discuss it all freely, intelligently, and in the public square, but we can’t, because Uncle Sam and corporate hags say it’s not fair. Ironic, no?

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
November 26, 2018 3:27 am

Until it’s accepted, and it won’t be in my lifetime, that all men are not created equal, the madness will continue.

November 26, 2018 4:27 am

Race/color are the first and last identifier and always will be.

November 26, 2018 5:06 am

“W-H-I-T-E” MAN is the first “HUMAN” to set foot on the MOON!! “One small step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind!!” Good ‘ol Neal!! We pissed every body else off because “THEY LOST!!!!!!!” (this was why “Participation Trophy’s” came to being!!) Yup@!! a “White man” in a “WHITE” Space suit walked on the moon!! All the underlings bitched because of the “COLOR” of his suit thinking it had to do with him being a “WHITE MAN” when it only showed that they were asleep during science class!! “White reflects UV radiation ,BLACK, “ABSORBS !!” That’s why the suits were white!! “They still bitch and even wrote a book!! They still LOST!!
OH!!!!!!!!, BTW…. When Neal started going up the ladder into the Lander , he said,”Good Luck Mr. Gorsky!!!” No frills, no followup!! Later , reporters questioned him about the statement and he always just smiled and shined it on … till one day .. he was asked … and since as Neal said, Mr. Gorsky had passed so he opened “Pandora’s box”.. It seems that when Neal was a kid back in the mid west.. one day he and his friends were playing sand lot baseball and one kid hit the ball and it landed in Mr. Gorsky’s yard .. Neal went to retrieve it!! Neal runs up and grab’s the ball.. it came to a stop under Mr. & Mrs. Gorsky’s “Bed Room Window!!!!” As Neal picks up the ball he hears Mrs. Gorsky “YELLING!!!!!!!!!” at Mr. Gorsky!!,”SEX????, You Want SEX????????, YOU CAN HAVE SEX WHEN THE KID NEXT DOOR WALKS ON THE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”….. If you haven’t figured it out yet… you are a Commie, OBAMA, HILLARY LIBERAL!!!!!!!” Finally Neal ante’d up .. after Mr. Gorsky Died!! So you see… Getting to the MOON had nothing to do with being “WHITE!!!!!!!!!” Nothing to do with “BLACK!!!!!!!!!!

It was all about……… P-U-S-S-Y-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


November 26, 2018 9:00 am

Over Thanksgiving, I tried to casually and tactfully redpill some family members on the JQ. The lifelong programming most have received, especially the boomers, will be difficult or impossible to overcome. Interestingly, the millenials were most receptive. There may be hope for white people in the end, but it is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.

November 26, 2018 10:02 am

“One front was the war on institutions, by overrunning them and turning them into pillboxes, from which the Left could attack white society. ”

And from the pillbox of Academia , the cancer of Bolshevism quickly spread.

Ground Zero

November 26, 2018 10:11 am

You simply can’t have a Nation State or Nationalism and expect people not to notice who is emigrating.

One feature of Nationalism is the Star Spangled Banner and the Space Agengency.

That’s why Obamma was hell bent on getting rid of Space Agengency and the NFL Kneelers for what they claim is a local police issue.

Taras 77
Taras 77
November 26, 2018 2:19 pm
November 26, 2018 2:49 pm

What I never understood was why the Frankfurt School was even allowed into America. America was
suppose to be anti-communist and the Frankfurt School was pure communist. Germany kicked the
school out while America takes them in and settles them in Columbia University.
And there started the communist roots in America. They’ve been waiting………

November 26, 2018 4:37 pm

Communists were already well established in the US long before the Frankfurt School moved here. The biggest surge in migration and influence happened around the turn of the century. Hell, a lot of the Bolshevist leaders of the Russian “Revolution” were from NYC. And how else would we have gotten the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income tax? Henry Ford talks about theater especially and then the movie industry which were already corrosive to American culture, but the Frankfurt school certainly kicked it into overdrive.

November 27, 2018 4:54 am

They were invited by Columbia’s president Nicholas Murray Butler.
That question was widely debated circa 1980.
If you search you can find the whole answer.