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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 4:31 pm

The plebs in the west have been very, very naughty recently. The Globalists will punish us by crashing the system – they increased the supply of money to the banks, inflated the stock market and now they will raise interest rates, reduce available credit and generally try to bankrupt us while most are still ‘all in’. Good times.

Edit: I wonder if POTUS – a guy who some days I really like – will want to keep taking credit for the economy when this whole house of financial cards comes tumbling down?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 9:31 pm

Disturbance in Paris and trouble in Brazil, desperation in Venezuela and pullback in Syria.

  Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 9:40 pm

FM- That is why the wiser of “us” are not “all in” in the rigged casinos. They pull the plug and most here will be just fine. Hoping that includes you also.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 10:34 pm

Yes and no. Like you, not in on the casino. But I own a pop tart business in Canoodlestan in 2019. Things could go either way for me. Very well or very poorly. Either way, I’m ready to do what is necessary and take my medicine like a big boy.

  Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 10:44 pm

FM, I’m almost always in agreement with you politically, and appreciate your devotion in that area, but it would be nice to read a hunting story about you and Buzzard, or you and your kids or even a Black Wildebeest or Giraffe story. Some more photos etc. That stuff makes TBP great. Thanks, and peace my friend.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 11:33 pm

I’ve commented here more in the past few days than I have in months. I think I’m getting ready to write again. Peace to you too.

  Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 10:49 pm

throw those pop tarts x the border,we’ll preserve them for you–
below here,the post about trudeau’s buddy the pedo guy–sometimes when someone is intensely disliked the internet has all kinds of bs about them,is there any truth to it & is there a sense there in canada that trudeau likes kids?boys or girls?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 6, 2019 11:32 pm

I live within spitting distance of the border. I’ve thought about moving my business into the neighboring state many times. Believe it or not, US LAW makes it impossible for me to do it. Plus I’d have to operate at a loss for a few years because the expense of getting inventory here makes my cost higher than my US competitors on the same goods. I’d be willing to do it and to turn my inventory over and be profitable again in a few years if your president and your government would allow me to. Our fearless leader here on TBP has even offered to allow me to advertise on the board. If I was on the south side of the 49th I’d do it and start raking in deplorable business. I have a good reputation here for efficiency and honesty and could do SO MUCH MORE with access to your population.

But that is not the plan that God has set out for me. For better or worse I am on this side of the imaginary line. Duty and circumstance demand that I deal with what is here and be happy with it.

As for Turd boy, the post below is old news and it’s not the only instance of this sort of relationship. Lie down with dogs – get up with fleas – our PM is covered in them.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2019 7:59 pm

Time to go full out Andrew Jackson and kick the Federal Reserve Bank’s ass out of America, print US Treasury Dollars and pay off all the US Treasury Bonds, etc. President Trump also demand a new Budget that is as close to balanced as he can get and closer each year ahead (hint: Socialist start getting weaned off the government tit).

  robert h siddell jr
January 7, 2019 11:29 am

Hell yea, then go full speed ahead with Kennedy’s EO 11110, disband the IRS, the income tax and go with a National sales tax of 17%.

January 6, 2019 8:52 pm

The 4 week t-bill is paying right at 2.3%, and can be bought directly from treasury auction without a fee from most brokerage accounts (though they don’t make it real intuitive to do it.)