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January 13, 2019 5:14 pm

t takes approximately 80 to 100 years for “historical records” to finally lose their “winner’s bias” and to become somewhat historically accurate, at least most of the time.
Most 20th-century accusations against the “losers” of these historical events are now losing their “sting”.
Calling a person a “Nazi”, “racist”, “white supremacist” and other formerly derogatory terms no longer has the negative connotation that the “winners” desire.
WW1, WW2, the so-called jewish “holocaust” and other 20th-century historical events are losing their “winner’s bias”; the real truth is finally coming out.
The same thing is occurring with the (failed) American “civil-rights” movement of the 1950s and 1960s as the leftist jewish manipulation of blacks is finally being recognized for what it was–as a communist-run massive societal destabilization scheme.
Even the 9-11 WTC attacks are being questioned as to who was behind them and the methods used to bring the buildings down. Hint: It wasn’t Saudi Arabia…google “dancing israelis”.
The one saving grace of this “outing” of the TRUTH is that the 20th-century “manipulators” of history are finally being exposed for what they are, and they have no power to “shut it down”.
The internet plays a large part. Those who want to maintain the “status-quo”, keeping the ordinary citizenry in the dark are having a more difficult time as the internet makes it possible to bypass the “filters” that the “powers that be” used to control.
When it comes to conspiracy theories, calling someone a “conspiracy theorist” used to be a political or social “death sentence”. Not any more.
As an aside, being around during the Kennedy assassination, I took it upon myself to read the official “Warren Report”. Even at a tender young age, I thought to myself “what a crock of sh!t”…

January 13, 2019 6:05 pm

And to think they sold the lone shooter did it on a moving Target with iron sights from a surplus war issue Italian 6.5mm to a Nation of war vets and men who grew up with a gun in their crib.

January 13, 2019 8:09 pm

Nope , it had a 3/4″ scope

January 13, 2019 9:04 pm

Perhaps it was. I was going on the picture in the book I read some 40 or 50 years back. It’s still a great shot to pull off. I’ve never been interested enough to bother looking into it since then. It’s enough to know it was no freak event. Similar to bldg. 7 imploding itself is sympathy with the others.

January 13, 2019 9:44 pm

i had a buddy who was a retired sf sniper,a few years older then you–
he & a couple of guys on his team bought the same model gun & set up a course to take the shot,same angles,speed,etc.–
he said it was a makeable shot but just barely,and he was skeptical that it was oswald who shot jfk but neither could you completely discount that oswald was the shooter–

January 13, 2019 11:00 pm

I don’t doubt it was makeable, just hard and under stress harder still. Plus a loner arranging all the many details like scouting a spot. He knows it’s the President and what happens to him if he misses.

January 13, 2019 11:02 pm


This is brief and interesting. None of the attempted recreations could do it either.

January 13, 2019 11:20 pm

Exactly. Even if it had been sporterized it’s still a surplus issue made under war conditions and we haven’t even discussed Itinerary and logistics. Any of the millions of Vets who trained on the Springfield would know about requiring the target and making those shots in 6 seconds.

January 13, 2019 11:39 pm

Yea, once I became experienced and I thought about the specific bolt action weapon, the number of shots in the number of seconds, the distance and the movement, and other factors I was always super suspicious, but when I became well read and discovered Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 going around the FED, his statement he was going to splinter the CIA into a 1,000 pieces, and his speech against secret society’s I knew it was the Puppet Masters who murdered him.

The fact George Bush senior couldn’t remember where he was when Kennedy was assassinated and the video below told me all I needed to know.

January 13, 2019 11:59 pm

One final point that I know you already know. Requiring a moving Target after the recoil and cycling the action with iron sights is much easier than with a narrow angle scope with a 3/4 inch orifice.
JFK crossed the Dulles Brothers when he issued that threat about the CIA. They calved that unclean den of iniquity.

EL Coyote feeling fooled by Tricky Trump
EL Coyote feeling fooled by Tricky Trump
January 13, 2019 5:27 pm

I read that celebrities and such are called upon from time to time to perform for the government. I often wondered how they set up the alarming situation but with the revelation that actors are required to undergo worse things than the casting couch and that these things are recorded for future blackmail, it all makes sense. If the government is in a pickle, a Hollywood star suddenly crashes and burns, commits suicide, is caught in a tryst with a tranny, and so on.

Similarly, buildings are called on to take one for the team and they mysteriously bomb themselves or burn and crash to the ground. Walls refuse to go up, caravans form out of nowhere and head like lemmings north. All of this in the service of the great powers in DC, to avoid them any discomfort or embarrassment.

At this point we are all like the poor fool who wrote the idiot’s poster:

I’ve been lied to
stabbed in the back
But the only reason I stick around is to see what happens next.

  EL Coyote feeling fooled by Tricky Trump
January 13, 2019 10:43 pm

The most recent case of this that I recall was Sean Penn interviewing El Chappo and leading authorities to locate him.and make the arrest.

Guy White
Guy White
January 13, 2019 5:32 pm

Gullah-bull credulousness is the deepest damnation. George Santayana; “Skepticism is the chastity of the mind.” The propagandists will teach safe-sex but not safe thinking.

January 13, 2019 6:51 pm

It was the same way in the 20th century. It has been this way since the “modern” incarnation of government-run schools took over the nation in the very early 1900s as a means to ensure the destruction of the cultures, religion, and attitudes being brought with the waves of European immigrants. Once in place, that hammer has been used to pound government and other propaganda into heads ever since.
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January 13, 2019 10:37 pm

The Bellamy Salute…Thank you Francis…

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 14, 2019 9:19 am

There’s a couple thousand words right there.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 13, 2019 8:33 pm

First day walk in, walk out and drop that commie professor.