Doctor Short Stuff and Madam Scarf

Guest Post by Real Estate Pup

I still can’t wrap my head around their convoluted logic. If you think wearing a mask is good for you, then do it. If I don’t wear one, and you want to wear one, then what is the problem? If you are truly, truly convinced that mask help “stop the spread” (utter BS) and you have your mask on, then shouldn’t you be OK? Isn’t your safety you are concerned about? Because I seriously do not, will not, nay CANNOT believe it’s about MY SAFETY. The only people who care about my safety is me, my mother, and most times my dad. If a stranger says it, it’s a lie. They know it, and I know it. Extrapolate that out into the “government” which encompasses people who have never met me, been to my house, eaten a meal with me, then that, ladies and gentlemen, is mendacity on an epic scale.

Of course it’s the never-ending BS like being “polite” (not my problem or job), making others feel “safe” (also not my problem), or “following the law” (not a law, nice try), “for the children” (that’s rich) or “not wanting to kill old people” (last time I checked I never killed anyone, but lord give me strength I fight the urge daily in these the most craziest of times). I feel like that last one makes me seem like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards…but now we are just running around without masks breathing on senior citizens all thug-life.

I just don’t wear one when I go into any store. And I have gotten ZERO blow back. I see people in the parking lot of my local Chopper of Prices. Slumped shoulders, red, sweaty faces. Dead eyes. Pushing their carts, totally beaten behind those masks. I walk with a spring in my step, fully oxygenated! Smiling! I look at people in the eye and SMILE my widest, toothiest, mask-free grin. I grab my cart, sans gloves, and breeze right by the sanitizing wipe station, nary a care in the world for that pesky virus. Why? Why would I do such a reckless thing you might ask? Am I crazy? Off my meds? A thrill seeker?

No dear reader. I am none of those. I am however, a grown-ass woman. I am not obese. I do not smoke. I am not undergoing chemotherapy. Or on immunosuppressant drugs. My Vitamin C levels would make an orange swoon. I go outside, in the SUN! I glory in it’s UV rays while it activates my body to produce Vitamin D. I drink water. I eat fresh veggies straight from my garden. I avoid fast food. I sleep. I also do not watch doom porn in any amounts, which as been shown to cause brain damage. I enjoy a glass of wine or margarita (ok, maybe two). I avoid large, angry crowds with incendiary devices, rocks, bricks, or molotov cocktails, as the Surgeon General has determined fire burns and hard things hurt when thrown at you.

I have no sniffles. Or fever. Or cough. Or aches. I can smell AND taste. So, based on those things, or lack thereof, I conclude, with reasonable confidence, that I AM NOT SICK. And if I have this virus, and it has not made me sick, then I guess my magical immune system has…wait for it….DONE IT’S JOB. Who would have thought that it was possible without a vaccine? I guess miracles will never cease. Signs and wonders really, when the human body does what it was designed to do, without the assistance from some weird guy in California who looks like someone’s creepy basement Uncle.

So thank you, Doctor Short Stuff, and Madam Scarf. I am really, really OK just working this out on my own. I promise I will not seek out and breathe on anyone over 70 if you promise to stop talking. Deal?

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July 23, 2020 5:20 pm

Spot on lady – want to have sex?

EC -Spelling Nazi
EC -Spelling Nazi
July 23, 2020 10:59 pm

Stay classy, taxboy, you perv.

July 23, 2020 5:27 pm

Obviously, R.E.P., logic has nothing to do with it.

Always enjoy your postings and for whatever reason(s), I had imagined you a 30-50-something male. Funny how the minds works out here in the innerwebic blogosphere.

July 23, 2020 6:56 pm

I am 48. So you were close except for the lady bits.

EC -Spelling Nazi
EC -Spelling Nazi
July 23, 2020 11:01 pm

How long have I been calling her Puppers in recognition of her dual attributes?

July 23, 2020 6:46 pm
July 24, 2020 5:23 am

New England Journal of Medicine.

Masks are pretty much useless, marginal at best.

July 24, 2020 11:48 am

I especially enjoyed the line about masks outside of hospitals do little except to reduce anxiety

July 23, 2020 7:08 pm

There’s a good video at this link to red pill some gullible friends or fam who are buying into the Covid 911 BS.

Coincidentally, that’s the title of the You Tube video posted at Free North Carolina’s site.

Copying and pasting the YT link wasn’t allowed, unless you sign in to YT, because “some content might be
inappropriate for young viewers.”

So, their censorship and tracking efforts are continuing,
with messages that don’t align with the narrative they allow and support.

Wouldn’t want the indoctrinated yutes to see and hear the truth now, would we YT?

It’s a worthy view. And, a good one to pass along, IMO.

July 23, 2020 7:20 pm


It’s a mental disease called Mental Masking.
comment image

July 24, 2020 12:18 am

That’s funny as heck. What’s the downer about?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 23, 2020 7:32 pm

“I promise I will not seek out and breathe on anyone over 70 if you promise to stop talking. Deal?”

Their answer – NO, YOU MUST OBEY

July 23, 2020 7:44 pm

Being the first man in my family to live past the 50 year mark now 65 thanks to a kidney transplant 7 years ago , I am immune suppressed and have been warned by the transplant follow up team and the infectious disease follow up to mask up glove up sanitize everything , avoid crowds , even family gatherings where I cannot maintain a cautionary distance .
There is no way I can win this battle should I contract this virus . You could be like a Typhoid Mary and thanks to your arrogance people like me can only hope you are either lucky or only infect yourself and the ones you love . Diseases don’t give a rats ass what you think but you obviously know very little how easily this virus can dig in and there are those who thought like you that regret it already !

July 23, 2020 7:50 pm

Stay at home , I owe you nothing.

July 23, 2020 8:15 pm

Agreed. Congrats. You had a successful transplant. Maybe your immune system is at risk.
Do you exercise? Do you eat healthy, nutritious food? Do you take a quality brand of vitamin and mineral supplement in addition to a healthy diet? Because the soils of today do not provide the vital nutrients into organic fruits and vegetables that grew in the soil back in the year you were born.
So, if you’re not strengthening your immune systems, and taking extra vitamin C, D, zinc and astragulus, then you’re letting FEAR prevent you from enjoying your sunset years.
Viruses have been around for years. Still no vaccine for herpes symplex-II.

On top of that, you’re expecting all of society to wear a mask, and follow all the other BS rules, so that
YOU don’t catch a virus bug from being in contact with other people who are either already immune, or at the very least, not showing any symptoms.
Hell, man, you could catch a deadly form of the flu the next time somebody with that dormant bug in their system touches an inanimate object that you in turn pick up with your hands.
But, be sure and get your free flu shot this winter. Because the sick care industry advises us all to.

Re: the sanitization of everything you touch.
Good luck with that approach. Sanitizer destroys bacteria that the body’s natural immune system needs exposure to, to build up it’s defenses.

The 2nd anon is right. Stay at home then, in your fear bubble. YOU quarantine yourself.
Expecting society to mask up, and re-inhale carbon dioxide the lungs are trying to expel is dangerous, too.
Besides, the flimsy ass masks people are being forced to wear? Useless, in capturing the droplets of Covid, where the particles are so small and easily able to be inhaled or absorbed in the mucous membranes, that people working in viral laboratories are suited up in space suits, full face shields, and external oxygen breathing apparatus.
But, yeah.
My bandana around my puss is what you need, for your protection.
And me refusing to wear one means I’m inconsiderate, and I don’t give a damn about your health.

I’ll choose freedom. My body, my choice.

Good Luck. Seriously. I hope you live long and prosper.

July 23, 2020 9:41 pm

And get a bottle of Mimi’s Miracle Minerals and trace elements too.
These guy’s have been too nice to your miserable ass.

July 24, 2020 4:47 pm

Fleabaggs spoken like a real American Of today , a one way spoiled little shit ! Glad you didn’t have my back in 72 and that goes for the rest of you negative swinging dicks

July 24, 2020 8:23 pm

ahh the troggs….. wild thing… you make my thing swing…. you make -everything- groovy — dammit i broke my rule – and down voted you! And dig those juicy fruit outfits!

July 24, 2020 8:50 pm

What are you talking about? I was talking to transplant and adding one more to the list of suppliments he should take for the immune system.
As for 72. Whatever that means. I was there for all of 68 when the whole country went up in smoke.

July 24, 2020 8:56 am

A little extra caution is in order as for the owe me nothing comment , I ask you for nothing and do protect myself and could care less what you and others do . Just remember a great many arrogant self centered assholes like you are severely ill with permanent issues or are already dead !
Good Luck !

July 23, 2020 11:11 pm

When I see a person wearing a mask, it sends the message that they are either immune compromised or just afraid. Either way, it gives me the information I need to move at least 20 feet away from them. Problem solved. I never liked crowds or people wearing masks anyway.

July 24, 2020 3:37 am

As I remember, WHO explicitly says 2 meters separation. Six feet won’t cut it folks. We’ve been lied to again.

July 24, 2020 4:52 am

So, everyone else is supposed to stop the human enterprise because of you? You acknowledge that you know you are on borrowed time already. Be grateful for that and prepare for what comes next.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 24, 2020 8:12 am

Nobody did this for you during terrible flu seasons. Why should they do it now? Did you know that TB kills about 15 million people a year? Again no one masks up. There are plenty of RCT studies from the CDC that show masks to be useless and cloth masks detrimental. This is political and you are an idiot if you haven’t figured that out yet.

July 23, 2020 8:33 pm

Perfect! If I saw you at the store I would probably start a conversation with you as I do with other realists whose BS meters broke months ago.
I have to apologize for my harsh comment about a month ago. If only this ignorant **** would’ve known.
Oh, taxSlave beat me to it.

July 23, 2020 9:17 pm

Same argument against compulsory vaccinations. If you and your kids are vaccinated, why do you care what I do? I’ve never heard a logical response

July 23, 2020 9:24 pm

i don’t care if you and yours get vac’ed… but never come in here crying on my ass that your kids have polio and need to live in an iron lung… no sympathy or fucks given for your stupidity

July 23, 2020 11:28 pm


July 24, 2020 12:52 am

why down vote the truth? polio has been eradicated in North America. but non vac’ers from polio with there kids are in danger of having it come back here… look it up. its still rampant in asian countries… as are many other nasties that our medical system has fought off… now a covid vac? i will take a bullet first…

but other shit? LOL you are a fool for not getting your kids a shot. Down vote all you want i don’t give a fuck about that either…. just no crying in here if bad shit happens to your precious babies…..

July 24, 2020 4:59 am

It is not “rampant” in asian countries. In fact, the only places polio show up at all is where they’ve recently conducted a live virus campaign. “Wild” polio is eradicated.

July 24, 2020 4:56 am

Yeah, like because this one of the valid arguments “antivaxxers” bring.

Nice strawman.

July 25, 2020 7:43 am

And when your kid goes from normal to autistic don’t come crying to me either. Stupid is the person who just swallows everything they are told never considering that maybe…….. maybe these people have a self serving interest in the weakening of others health, maybe these people don’t at all care about you. Oh sure many doctors believe in them but that does not mean jack shit, consider the fact that their schools are majorly funded by the drug companies, consider at the end of the day a doctor can be just as foolish with no capacity for critical thinking as a janitor or restaurant worker. Hell little children(well at least the ones of European descent who don’t have libtard parents) believe in Santa Clause. Does that make him real?

July 23, 2020 9:22 pm

I hear you. But the funeral homes are busting at the seams right now. Good luck to us all. My local grocery store now requires a mask if you go inside.

July 23, 2020 9:30 pm

find a new store…. i did…..

July 24, 2020 5:01 am

I was at a dairy store yesterday. Outside was a family of 4 all masked up. I walked by them, no mask, made eye contact and moved on. A minute later as I was checking out they came into the store with their masks off. Good for them.

July 24, 2020 9:11 am

I went to the grocery store and saw 2 other guys without masks on. I finished before they did but waited outside for them. As they came out and passed me, I looked right at them and said…”Like a boss”.

July 23, 2020 9:27 pm

printing this and posting it on notice board at work… love the logic!

July 23, 2020 9:30 pm


Posted again:

Probably the best site for truth on Covid…

July 23, 2020 9:50 pm

I went to my eye doctor in Raleigh to turn in broken glasses and have the lens put in new frames by appointment. They have a table at the door with a young polite woman who will greet you, take your temperature at your forehead, and has a stack of masks to give you one if you don’t have one.

The place was humming, customers and employees everywhere, every single one masked, a few of them with their noses peeking out. One older guy looking at glasses with his mask completely under his chin.

I gave her the traffic cop stop hand sign as she greeted me appraoching with the thermometer, firmly saying

“I’m not wearing a stupid mask”. Gave her my name, and said: “I’ll wait in the lobby”, handed her the broken glasses in a baggie.

She looked stunned…stuttered a bit and took the glasses. I just did an about face and found a chair in the empty lobby.

Five minutes later a young masked guy came out with my glasses, he was super polite, gave him cash, he returned with my change.

Then I went to Lowes Home Improvement shopping for about an hour, long list. I saw just two others without a mask the entire time. Same number as last time I was there. No one said a word, but I did have an interesting encounter in plumbing. I was wearing this t-shirt.

I walked up close to a 20 something who was scanning for something in an area I was looking for something. He glanced at me doing an obvious double glance take, stiffening, his eyes flaring wide as he read my t-shirt.

I could tell it pissed him off!

I had my Sig 365 under the shirt in a holster that slides from the middle of my back to the front. I got close to him, probably two feet away pretending to be absorbed in my search, then slid my gun from my back to my right hip resting my right hand on it, bent over searching for an item, but making it obvious I had a gun under my F.U. tee-shirt.

He stiffened a second time…and moved away…I pretended to be looking harder and moved towards him.

I glanced at him and we made eye contact… I think he saw the glimmer of Another One Who Flew Over The Coo Coo’s Nest insanity on my unmasked face, I can honestly occasionally flash…and poof…snowflake be gone…like the road runner.

I so thoroughly enjoy jacking with snowflakes.

Raleigh has a support the Police rally coming up. One of the speakers has invited me. Wonder if Antifa and or BLM will counter protest…or try am ambush like they did in Denver? I will be there. It’s been three years since my last encounter with them standing with the Proud Boys (I’m a Proud Old Man).

Could be interesting?

July 23, 2020 10:01 pm

Fuck-N-A, Mark. Hahaha

July 23, 2020 10:42 pm

love a good Wolfpack story…

July 24, 2020 5:01 pm

I support your freedom , just remember one sneeze in your area and before you know it you may not have the strength to draw that sig while your gagging on a ventilator . Yes it’s the odds but the loss is permanent

July 24, 2020 8:02 pm

Yea…I better submit and mask up…never know when one sneeze…OH MY GOSH JUST ONE SNEEZE AND I’M A DEAD MAN COUGHING!!!

Gee, I hope they have enough ventilators so when I choke to death in the hospital at least The Medical Industrial Complex (the evil twin brother of the other evil MIC) can get 36k from the Feds!!!

After all it’s for the GREATER GOOD!

Hey…whoever you are who doesn’t even have the balls or the ovaries to use a name that will stand behind their posts.

KISS MY ASS…both cheeks.

Here is where we are and it’s because of too many obedient balless/ovariesless mask wearing serf, terrified, pukes like you.

Here is the truth and you, you submissive piss ant domestic enemy within can go to hell…you will have plenty of company with the completely deceived, for a lot of reasons…taking a knee and wearing a mask (unless you are in a tiny percent of specific threatened people) is just one road of paved good intentions on the road to hell.

And assholes like you are laying down deep and wise asphalt.

July 24, 2020 9:52 pm

SHIT…”And assholes like you are laying down deep and WIDE asphalt”.

July 24, 2020 10:19 pm

There aught to be a law agains posting anonymousey.

July 23, 2020 11:37 pm

want more evidence that the china flu is politicized?
medical boards are disciplining docs who use hcq —

July 23, 2020 11:39 pm

off topic but on the sidebar at the bottom of the article is a link to a great interview–
“was russia collusion a diversion from the real scandal?”

July 24, 2020 2:32 am

Back in March, Marketwatch had an article with all the reasons NOT to wear a mask. Amazing how quickly the science can change…

“Though health officials have warned Americans to prepare for the spread of the novel coronavirus in the U.S., people shouldn’t wear face masks to prevent the spread of the infectious illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. surgeon general.”