All good things come to those who wait. By: Anonymous ID:b2vaHOuf

I saw this earlier today on 4chan, and it piqued my interest. I tried to keep up with the story of “The Coup” from the beginning. But, to tell you the truth: When the cast of characters in a book gets too large and overwhelming, I lose interest.

I love “The Hobbit” and have read it umpteen times, but have never been able to get more than a few pages into “The Simarillion.”

Same with this story. At one time, I thought Bannon was the good guy. Or the bad guy. Or the good guy, playing the bad guy. Or more likely, the bad guy playing the good guy. Eventually, I was losing track of who was on who’s team. I couldn’t keep up with the cast of characters, or the subtleties of the whole legal process.

I realized I had more important things to do with my life, and I’ve only kept up with The Story casually. I listen to Dilbertman, and I scan headlines. Beyond that, life seems to go along as usual.

I do, in fact, believe that the Deep State has fabricated this entire RussiaGate hoax, and everything that has gone with it, since the onset. But I couldn’t prove it to anybody in a debate.

Point is, I read this guy’s posts, and it all sounds legit enough to me. He seems to have a good handle on the who the players are, their roles, motivations, the sequence of time, etc.

He’s right. The whole thing reads like a complicated Tom Clancy story. On the other hand, wasn’t it Tom Clancy who said, “An author’s job is to tell a lie but make it sound like the truth.” ?

So maybe it’s all bullshit. If anybody has any SPECIFIC criticisms as to why this person shouldn’t be believed, I’m open to being educated. If anyone has any corroborating evidence that proves up his assertions, I’m open to that also.

I only scanned in the first, most relevant portions of the conversation.

If you’d like to read the whole thread: All good things come to those who wait.

(inb4: I never mentioned “Q”)

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22winmag - Jewish Yankee L.D.S. M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - Jewish Yankee L.D.S. M110A2 Gunner
October 12, 2020 7:32 am

Tom Clancy didn’t write shit.

“His” books were military intelligence crap written by committee.

Just like the Report form Iron Mountain, the Pentagon Papers, and many other “leaks” and novels.

Bannon? Homo.
comment image

On The Beach
On The Beach

22winmagicumderwearpierredelecto? Mormontard.


You sure talk about homo stuff a lot. some kind of hidden desire thing.

Richard Schaum
Richard Schaum
October 12, 2020 8:55 am

To know the good guys from the bad, you must always know what happened in the first chapter of any event so you will not be deceived and misdirected by the next chapters
In the Beginning, Cornwallis prophesied to Washington what will become of America during his surrender. This was recorded by “Jonathan Williams in his “LEGIONS” (WORK), 1781. Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended, America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government.
That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire {maybe Holy Roman Empire aka Vatican/Holy See instead}. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” No rebuttal can be found from Washington.
Cornwallis was founder of the Craft in the capital city of Halifax Province and the first Master of the first Lodge. aka Charles, Lord Cornwallis.
And indeed, George Washington himself was also a high degreed Mason, and it seems he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.”
“Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal, and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion.

1783 Definitive Treaty of Peace that formally ended the Revolutionary War. The English game of snooker begins.
This was a Trilateral agreement without representation of the 3 Percenters, Patriots, Revere’s Raiders, Minutemen or Colonist. This Treaty was negotiated by Benjamin Franklin, Englishman, Mason, and Esquire for the King, and was also signed by other English Esquires, Adams, Jay, and Hartley as the King’s men.
In the introduction of this Trilateral Treaty King George claims to be the Arch-treasurer and Prince Elector for the Holy Roman Empire and the United States of America. Those titles are Vatican titles for controller of the money and a member of the Electoral College that elects the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. In the First Article of this Treaty, King George relinquishes his power and authority to the Sovereign States, (the Governors/Body Politic) not to We the People. Note: this was not a Document of Conquest as was the Japanese surrender to America where the winners of the physical war made their claims for the spoils of war. Instead the patriots got a promise not to be shot at. They got peace and were snookered out of any spoils from the war they claimed to have fought for..
What are the King’s Sovereign States? What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.
See “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person.” 9 F. Supp 272
“Word “person” does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.
It seems there are no states, just corporations. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property, and give our children to a fiction. Pull a D&B report on your State government agencies for proof.
Remember, none of the Patriots, 3 Percenters, Paul Revere’s Raiders, Minute Men or Colonist had any input in this Definitive Treaty. The English game of snooker was on. At this point We the People lost the right to own our land with free and clear title as in Allodial title or Land Patient. Lost the right to choose our own Rule of Law form.
Note; For the Rule of Law choice, I reference and old history book on The Common law for America as entitled ‘Colonial Law, by Reinsch’, he sums up what the Thirteen Colonies considered to be the final bases for all law in America or ever to be in America… “the colonies were so impressed with the idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law”
Yes, back then there were some moral white hats. James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law and stated; “Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority”. It seems the King and the King’s men overruled with their man-made Laws of the Sea, Maritime, and Admiralty Law.
What did this do to the Constitution for the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence?

The Oath
1789 First Act of Congress they changed the title wording of the Constitution as it is stated in the Constitution’s Preamble “the Constitution for the United States of America” to “the Constitution of the United States”, changing the word for to of and omitting of America for purposes of taking the oath of office. The document sworn to by all, by that title does not exist anywhere in law or at law. Why did they change a word and omit others, was this a technical snooker as their CYA Act? I believe a new oath should be taken and with the representatives’ signature. A policy and proceed manual shall also accompany this process expressing in detail the position description and a statement of penalties for breach of this employment contract. If not, what standing does “the Constitution for the United States of America” have as an employment contract given by We the People to our employees that are to represent us?
Closing the Nutshell for the Money
England was broke after the war and the Treaty allowed the following to take place. The Bank of England caused Washington and with the insistence of Hamilton to create the First Bank of the United States in 1791 for purposes of controlling the money for profit. At this point the Founders foundations were in place so they can be built on for their self-serving needs with their foreign investors and Charter members. The collective of the 3 Percenters who physically won the war just lost their choice of Banking and Currency systems. Always follow the money and into the future.
However, the banking plan ran into a problem in 1846 when the Independent Treasury was created by the U.S. and the States to protect their own money. President Lincoln then made us the enemy of the Government (State) by 12 Stat 319 in 1862 and congress continued to keep the status quo by the creation of the Reconstruction Acts in 1867. Then in 1868 the 14th amendment placed the people of both the North and South under the control of the military rule. The “other” banking system caused the demise of the Independent Treasury. To complete the Federal Reserve system, caused the demise of the independent Treasury. To complete the enemy status. Roosevelt finalized us as enemies of the bank in 48 Stat 1, March 9, 1933.
The United States Bankruptcy of 1861 placed the country under Emergency War Powers (12 Stat 319), a situation which has never been repealed and continues to exist in Title 50 USC Sections 212, 213, 215, Appendix 16, 26 CFR Chapter 1 paragraph 303.1-6(a), and 31 CFR Chapter 5, paragraph 500.701 Penalties.
To add insult to injury, the United States on October 6, 1917, passed the Trading with the Enemy Act (H.R. 4960, Public Law 91) — ostensibly in connection with World War I. This extraordinary act gave the President immense, unconstitutional authority (particularly over any private ownership of gold and silver), but included within the term, “enemy”, individuals “other than citizens of the United States.” The Emergency War Powers had been greatly extended, but thus far had not been directed against the people of the United States. This was not to be the end of the matter, however.
Just when the citizens thought it was safe to go into the water again, The Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 was passed, and which included the people of the United States under the definition of “enemy”. Essentially, “any person within the United States of any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof…”
This reprehensible act was passed just after Franklin Roosevelt’s inauguration as President of the United states, and significantly at a time when the United States was not in a shooting war with any foreign foe. Emergency War Powers in a time of peace may seem to be a contradiction in terms, but not in government (where such paradoxes are legion).
The Amendatory Act also made the President a monarch and/or king in everything but name (which might have been okay with Roosevelt). It gave the Secretary of the Treasury commensurate powers (with that office — no longer being a “United States Treasury” — but reporting directly to the creditors of the bankruptcy). Finally, the Amendatory Act placed the American people under commercial law (which has been formalized as the Uniform Commercial Code). The latter action effectively made all citizens “merchants”, entities whose records and affairs were totally subject to inspection and harsh penalties imposed for any violations of Mercantile Law. Thus the citizens were not only designated as the “enemy” (as in Pogo Possum’s statement: “We have met the Enemy, and they is us.”), they were also merchants and subject to invasive inspection of all their activities.
The “Bank Holiday” of March 6, 1933 was part and parcel of the Emergency War Powers Act and the actions which followed and was primarily intended to prevent the continuing and increasing withdrawal of currency and gold from the banks. This, in effect, was the true national emergency of 1933 (but more an emergency for the bankers than the nation).
Meanwhile, every President of the United States since Franklin Roosevelt has reaffirmed the “national emergency” and issued Executive Orders under 12 USC 95(a), continuing the US Bankruptcy and “reorganization”. [Will there be no end to the reorganization?] Today, things are continuing, with enemies being created everywhere — from Osama Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein, from Enemy Combatants to you or your neighbor next door. It is not a comforting thought. But it is also true.
It is the Congress that has enslaved the people of this country in order to placate the international bankers of the Federal Reserve System and those of the “300”, This is a little-known group of controlling people that operate above the law in this country and control the congress. The people were never in control of anything since day one 1787 and before. It is all smoke and mirrors for the purpose of deceiving you and plundering. The total object from the 1791 Act by Washington, to 1933 Act by Roosevelt was to totally control the money and the labor of the people. This encroachment on the people’s liberty took place over an extended period of time so as to not make it obvious that which would be otherwise intolerable. The Social Security number plays a small part in the overall scheme. Before the number existed, your lineage was considered the enemy under the 1867 Reconstruction Acts and you, being their heirs, are still the enemy today. To the informed reader this brief gives the “why and how” to the novice it gives “food for thought”. To both I ask the question “what is the remedy or recourse?” Do you throw up your hands, totally give up and continue submitting to our enemy, “the State” by licensure, remain in banking and all the attendant snares that entrap you, or do you finally “draw the line in the sand?” control of money was the very first step in your enslavement which has been nearly accomplished. Now, fingerprinting, compelled use of the enemy’s SS (Social Slave) number in everything you do, retina eyes scan, plastic credit cards, body microchips, mandatory vaccines, and national I.D. similar to old Germany and Russia for control of their people are on the horizon as a final step.

Each reader has a talent, whether a leader or a follower, both must understand the task at hand. Individually we must make a difference and work with others of the same mindset, because if we do not, it will be SOS different day. All that comprehend this will also know the remedy/remedies.

Do not be surprised if you hear the words “you have no standing” from a judge in a Kamala Harris ruling for the missing legs on the stool. Then again who should want to be a Citizen Subject anyway.
We have to fix, repair, and replace the Founder’s foundations before moving forward to our independence and with a large collective. Then we can implement the Republic form of government that is owed to us that never was.
Remember, President Trump told us and the world at the UN meeting, “the American people are sovereign, the people rule” He did not say the sovereign States rule, but no one in any numbers has acted on it.

We are Heir to the Creator and Administrator

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
  Richard Schaum
October 12, 2020 11:56 am

Poor grammar, difficult to follow. I think you’re arguing for individual sovreignity? I advise you to clean up the rant, declare your purpose, cite your sources, and make a post out of this.

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
  Richard Schaum
October 12, 2020 3:18 pm

I can’t make heads or tails of this.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 12, 2020 10:37 am

Thanks, Tim. I read the thread and noticed the anon claims to be in the WH and was also there during Benghazi and that is the reason he wants HRC to fry like bacon.

If you are interested, here is a link to a timeline dating from 7/23/14 investigation of Benghazi.

October 12, 2020 10:56 am

Jesus, this internet soap opera for nerds again? The really simple question is how many deep state assholes are in jail or hanging from a lamp post? 4 years in and by my count it’s still 0. Don’t give me that “justice takes time” bullshit. How long did it take to prosecute and jail Mannafort? Flynn? Stone? Good grief.

October 12, 2020 1:02 pm

Fair enough, man.

October 12, 2020 2:02 pm

Go to The Consevative Treehouse. More clearly laid out going back over 4 years.

Rather Not Say
Rather Not Say
October 12, 2020 3:02 pm

I didn’t see any support for insider status from the OP that couldn’t have come from someone who was paying close attention, for example some of the key twitter people or Sundance at Conservative Tree House. It is a lot of nuanced details, but none that are both new and supported.

The begging to vote for Trump after POTUS has let his loyalists (like Flynn) hang was rather pathetic. Seems like the deep state is winning the coup war, with plenty of help from Trump nominees. Maybe Trump was a deep state plant, maybe Trump was an honest swamp fighter who was over his head and lost, but I don’t see evidence of good guys winning.

I don’t want to be a no-hoper…there is a sliver of hope, but very little evidence to support that glimmer of hope.

Deus Vult.