This isn’t good. In 2016 when all the MSM polls had Hillary up by 10%, the IBD poll had it as a dead heat. Today is their first poll for the 2020 election. It has Biden up by 8.5%. It is a national poll, so you don’t get to see how close the swing states are. It’s also possible they are not picking up the silent Trump voters. Based on 2016, I expected this to be much closer. The left wing propaganda machine (MSM, Google, Twitter, Facebook) seems to be winning.

Via Investors Business Daily

From now through election day on Nov. 3, the IBD/TIPP Presidential Tracking Poll will post daily results of the race for the White House between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Update: Joe Biden holds a solid 8.5-point lead over President Donald Trump, barely three weeks ahead of Election Day.

Each day, the IBD/TIPP Presidential Tracking Poll data will reflect a survey of 800-1,000 likely voters conducted over the prior five days.

As in prior years, TIPP — the polling arm of nationally recognized research firm TechnoMetrica —will conduct live telephone interviews. However, TIPP will supplement phone interviews with online surveys this time to better capture younger voters. (Scroll down for more on the IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll methodology.)

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What’s Behind No-show Joe

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Something even stranger and more sinister than the Covid-19 virus is creeping across the USA: Joe Biden’s Flying Dutchman campaign which, like the ghost-ship of legend, plies the vasty electoral seas with a skeleton crew and no hope of ever landing. Late last week, the candidate blew into Yuma, AZ, for a rare, joint appearance with veep pardner Kamala Harris and, guess what, absolutely no civilians (i.e. voters) showed up at the event, though the local TV news had publicized it. Weird, a little bit?

Face it: we’re living in the days of fantastic high-tech information mischief. Virtually all of the traditional news media, plus the powerful new social media, plus the news media of foreign lands, and scores of other embeds in the federal bureaucracy, are behind the story that Ol’ White Joe and his understudy, Ms. Harris, are way ahead in the polls. Do you ask yourself, as I must, whether this is all a gigantic psy-op? And why would it be?

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Colleges ‘Cancel’ Columbus Day, Instead Host Events For Indigenous Peoples Day

Authored by John Hanson via Campus Reform,

Monday, Oct. 12 marks Columbus Day, which many colleges and universities have begun to call Indigenous Peoples Day, hosting events to celebrate the Native Americans, as well as things like “queer journeys” and “police violence.”

Efforts to abolish or rename Columbus Day are nothing new, but colleges and universities have begun to make the change, with many calling the holiday “Indigenous Peoples Day.”

Campus Reform took a look at how school’s are celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day on their campus:

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Flying the Flag Is a Secret Trump Handshake

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Flying the Flag Is a Secret Trump Handshake

Among the threats of persecution and death we face for supporting President Trump are some that are frankly hilarious. It’s one thing for libs to try to leverage fear to intimidate their patriotic opponents; it’s another thing to try it when they think that Kevlar is a hip Indonesian spice you sprinkle over your kale, and that SIG Sauer is a happening non-binary Swedish stand-up comic who doesn’t tell jokes because laughter is racist.

We recently had Chris Hayes opine that, as soon as they install a Grandpa Badfinger regime – and even before Kamala can exercise Botox Nan’s new 25th Amendment option – we Trump supporters should be hauled before “some kind of truth and reconciliation commission” to confess and atone for our sin of refusing to genuflect before the garbage establishment. Keith Olbermann, who apparently still exists for some reason, wants to go one better and convict Trump supporters of political crimes. One can only assume that they will embark on the mission to arrest us with their tweets locked and loaded.

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As We Suspected All Along

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Ah, yes, of course. A human can be free and clear of it after a week, but those inanimate tens and twenties…

Via ZeroHedge

Coronavirus Survives On Banknotes For Up To 4 Weeks, Study Finds, As Cash Usage Plunges

We highlighted an intersting development on Saturday that appeared to go largely unnoticed by the general public, despite its potentiall profound implications for the global economy. The BoJ joined the Fed and the ECB in launching a pilot program to explore the use of a digital currency inspired by bitcoin and its many rivals.

Just one day later, Bloomberg revived concerns about paper money contributing to the spread of COVID-19 by publicizing the findings from a new study suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 can persist on banknotes and coins for weeks. The research appears to be credible: it was conducted by Australia’s top biosecurity laboratory, which published  a report highlighting the risks of paper currency, touch screens and handles like doorknobs.

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‘Adjustment Day’ Looms As America’s Headed For Violent Civil War

Authored by Jef Costello via,

On October 1st, with little fanfare, Politico published an extraordinary opinion piece that may be the most important thing I’ve read all year. Titled “Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins,” the essay was penned by three “senior fellows” at the Hoover Institution, New America, and the Hudson Institute, as well as a professor of “political communication” at Louisiana State University and a professor of government at the University of Maryland (that’s five authors, in case you lost count).

The major takeaway is presented in the graph that appears below:

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Who Survives? …It’s A New Morning In Hell

Authored by John Steppling via,

“it’s the proper morning to fly into Hell.”

– Arthur Miller (The Crucible)

“One of the greatest delusions of the average man is to forget that life is death’s prisoner.”

– Emil Cioran (On the Heights of Despair)

Increasingly, I think, the American public operates in a mild dissociative state. I wrote about it here. It is almost as if people are afflicted with a kind of PTSD – only one where the trauma is generalized, relatively low grade, but ongoing.

Any of us who have questioned the Covid narrative have had to put up with an inordinate amount of hectoring, name-calling, ridicule, and ostracism. I remember when I signed on the artist appeal as part of the Milosevic Defense Committee, and the abuse and anger I faced whenever this topic came up. People who had no history with the region, knew little of the political landscape, would nonetheless wax irate, furious and near tears that I would hold such outrageous positions.

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I Lived Through Collapse. America Is Already There.

Submitted by Dirtperson Steve

Guest Post by Indi Samarajiva

Image for post

I lived through the end of a civil war — I moved back to Sri Lanka in my twenties, just as the ceasefire fell apart. Do you know what it was like for me? Quite normal. I went to work, I went out, I dated. This is what Americans don’t understand. They’re waiting to get personally punched in the face while ash falls from the sky. That’s not how it happens.

This is how it happens. Precisely what you’re feeling now. The numbing litany of bad news. The ever rising outrages. People suffering, dying, and protesting all around you, while you think about dinner. If you’re trying to carry on while people around you die, your society is not collapsing. It’s already fallen down.

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All good things come to those who wait. By: Anonymous ID:b2vaHOuf

I saw this earlier today on 4chan, and it piqued my interest. I tried to keep up with the story of “The Coup” from the beginning. But, to tell you the truth: When the cast of characters in a book gets too large and overwhelming, I lose interest.

I love “The Hobbit” and have read it umpteen times, but have never been able to get more than a few pages into “The Simarillion.”

Same with this story. At one time, I thought Bannon was the good guy. Or the bad guy. Or the good guy, playing the bad guy. Or more likely, the bad guy playing the good guy. Eventually, I was losing track of who was on who’s team. I couldn’t keep up with the cast of characters, or the subtleties of the whole legal process.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Al Gore wins Nobel Prize in the wake of “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2007


On October 12, 2007, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to increase public knowledge about man-made climate change. In 2006, Gore had starred in the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which was credited with raising international awareness about the global climate crisis.

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7 Predictions: How 2020 Comes To An End

Authored by Daniel Bobinksi via,

America is at a crossroads with revolution on our doorstep. On one side are the Patriots; those who seek to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. On the other side are Marxist insurrectionists; those who believe that America is evil and the cause of so many problems in world.

The Marxist-friendly side is pulling for Joe Biden to be ushered into the White House. They don’t call themselves Marxists, but as the saying goes, if it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.

I’ve been writing since January that the Globalists don’t care if there’s bloodshed in America, and in March I wrote that the Left is waging a scorched-earth war against Trump.

At the risk of sounding like I’m saying, “I told you so,” I told you so.

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What Desires Are Politically Important?

Bertrand Russell – Nobel Lecture

 December 11, 1950

I have chosen this subject for my lecture tonight because I think that most current discussions of politics and political theory take insufficient account of psychology. Economic facts, population statistics, constitutional organization, and so on, are set forth minutely. There is no difficulty in finding out how many South Koreans and how many North Koreans there were when the Korean War began.

If you will look into the right books you will be able to ascertain what was their average income per head, and what were the sizes of their respective armies. But if you want to know what sort of person a Korean is, and whether there is any appreciable difference between a North Korean and a South Korean; if you wish to know what they respectively want out of life, what are their discontents, what their hopes and what their fears; in a word, what it is that, as they say, «makes them tick», you will look through the reference books in vain.

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