Election 2020: No Matter Who Wins, Deep State Inc. Stays On Top

Originally Posted at FMShooter

I haven’t been able to write for awhile, but I’m thankful to have Jon Hall picking up the slack around here.  Coronavirus life has kept me busy (in a good way, I’m blessed and fortunate to say).  With the election coming up, I wanted to get some thoughts into an article that I’m sure very few will read in its entirety, but I believe will be informative, helpful and possibly entertaining for the few that do.  Given that the country has been prepping for election unrest to a significant extent, the contrarian in me expects many to be underwhelmed by the result of election season.  Any actual unrest will be handled quite well by those who have prepared to any extent, and handled quite poorly by those who have not.  No matter what happens, I wish you all the best of luck, and god speed.

While President Trump has changed federal-level politics in this country forever, the globalist cabal has proven that they’ve been able to carry on without a hiccup no matter who sits in the Oval Office.  The entrenched government bureaucrats – including those in the judiciary and law enforcement – have been enabled and abetted by billionaire elites and their media mouthpieces without fail over Trump’s entire first term. Even if we are to believe that Epstein didn’t really kill himself, nearly everyone in America thinks he escaped justice.  In spite of the fact that every one of the above pictured people plotted and schemed to undermine Trump both during and before his presidency, not one of them has faced any criminal charges as a result of their conduct.

It is folly to expect this to change, no matter who wins the 2020 election.

Even though no government officials have been held to account for their misconduct, Trump has changed politics in the US forever.  The rise of internet-based alternative media and Trump’s magnification of these tools has led an ever-growing percentage of the population to become fed up with a complete lack of justice in America.  The term “deep state” – once seen as taboo – is now so commonplace, Trump himself routinely uses it, and the mainstream media outlets that are the deep state’s mouthpiece will even come to its defense.  This is ironic, considering that mainstream media itself is living on borrowed time, and Trump’s ability to give them a boogeyman as narrative is perhaps the only lifeline they still have left.

In spite of all-time record highs in the equities markets, the US economy remains in a precarious state.  Trump has successfully kicked the debt can for nearly four years, and he was able to do so while raising the fed funds rate from the near-zero level it had hovered at for close to a decade.  A flu strain that was biologically engineered in 2007 broke contain (I believe, accidentally) in late 2019, and spread quickly throughout the planet. Like nearly all politicians (with some exceptions, such as Senators Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley), Trump was dead wrong on the coronavirus early on, insisting it was “just the flu”.

However, Trump did reverse course long before the others, enacting a too-late travel ban from China while the likes of Schumer and Pelosi took it as an opportunity to score anti-Trump political points in Chinatown.  Blue state governors bungled the handling of the virus early on, leading to the vast majority of coronavirus deaths on a per-capita basis, primarily in elderly populations.  While the global economy economy was paralyzed, the deep state brought rates crashing back to zero and asset prices have made all-time highs, in spite of crippling unemployment and draconian lockdowns.

The record highs in the equities markets have not been a boon to the average American, increasing the antipathy towards the ruling elites.  Middle America and small business owners, nearly all of whom benefited substantially from Trump’s tax reform, have been particularly hard-hit by the lockdowns and media-fueled destructive riots on perceived racism in policing (which ignore all statistical and visual evidence to the contrary).  The anti-Trump consortium of billionaire-owned state and local governments have happily allowed this behavior to run unchecked by states and municipalities everywhere.  Corporate share prices soaring to new all-time highs is demonstrative of their ability to withstand losses that devastate their smaller, more localized competition.

All the while, these evil corporations are more than happy to pay lip service and pretend to care about the rioters’ claims of institutionalized racism, as nearly all of them are staffed with the same breed of anti-Trump globalist individuals filling state and local governments.

No matter what the election result is, once the votes are in, the value of lockdowns and riots as a political tool will decrease dramatically.  Previously-failing states and cities are facing substantial budget shortfalls as the wealthiest of the tax base has fled to cheaper locales, bolstered by the work-from-home culture enabled by low latency and high bandwidth internet.  Cities will thus be highly incentivized to quell any continuing riots.  Dropping temperatures as winter approaches are sure to send fickle bugmen back to their warm abodes, putting a natural damper on any protests that may materialize.

As for who will win the election?  It’s perhaps best I leave that take to Bob Gore at Straight Line Logic:

If he gets anything approaching an honest vote count Trump will win in a landslide. The “reputable” pollsters have become another arm of the entrenched powers’ narrative management. Like everything else the corruptocrats have tried, this effort will prove inept. The purported double-digit Biden leads will motivate, not discourage, Trump’s voters. By every other indicator—voter registrations, growing black and hispanic support, the crumbling entertainment and sports complex, the crumbling mainstream media, the ascendent alternative media, millions of new gun owners, backlash against the riots, slowly fading coronavirus hysteria, and off-the-charts attendance and enthusiasm at Trump rallies—Trump’s winning by a country mile.

While the Trump campaign’s energy has been on display to all conservatives, Joe Biden rallies have sparse attendance (even with Obama propping him up).  At times, more Trump supporters showing up to bomb some Biden events than Biden supporters themselves.  Biden voters and even the elites themselves can’t even be enamored with the thought of low energy Biden running the country and routinely calling a lid on his day due to the high stress of the job.  They may be even more opposed to deeply-unpopular Kamala Harris taking the reigns from him.  Biden’s campaign has the same look and feel that Bob Dole, John Kerry and Mitt Romney’s all had – unexciting patsy candidates unable to compete with popular incumbents.

However, if the national expectation proves accurate and the election is contested as (fraudulent) mail-in ballots are slowly counted in swing states, states and cities may have an incentive to allow the riots to continue unabetted.  If Trump is the clear victor, the ultimate goal could be “allowing” (read: extorting) a Trump victory claim – with the precondition of a massive bailout of states and municipalities akin to the “compromise of 1876” (contrary to the popular belief, the election of 2020 will almost certainly not be the most contested election in American history – not by a long shot).  If Biden wins, these bailouts are all but assured, which will further rankle the divide between flyover states and urban coastal elites.

Even if Biden is able to win, what will really change in America?  As much as the globalists would wish it to happen, there is no going back to the era “before Trump”.  Trivial issues that inflame tensions among Americans on partisan lines will continue, but nothing will change the fact that Americans no longer have an appetite for endless global wars.  The untouchable “third rails” of politics (Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and defense spending) will continue to drive the country towards its ultimate financial insolvency, and any politician who dares to touch them will lose their next re-election campaign in a landslide defeat.

Trump has been about as impressive a president as anyone could expect given his circumstances.  He has had to deal with all of the opposition a political outsider could face, and then some.  The deep state, the billionaire class and their corporate entities, and the “revolving door” between the two have accurately proven to be too large for any one man to take on.  As I’ve previously stated – anyone who thought that a real estate developer and reality TV star was going to be the silver bullet to all of America’s problems is naive and/or ignorant to America’s problems.

Put simply – the swamp is just too big to be drained.

Anyone operating under the delusion that “second term Trump” will all of a sudden change course and find the temerity (or even the ability) to prosecute and imprison any deep state bureaucrat that has worked to undermine him is operating under an aura of delusion.  Second term presidents over the past 50 years have a track record of being more feckless than they were under a first term, with the most significant legislative and executive accomplishments coming in the first two years (Clinton crime bill and assault weapons ban, Bush’s Iraq War, Obamacare, Trump Tax Reform).  Those expecting this to change are the same ones who believed Trump was really going to “lock her up” in 2016.  Trump could start proving me wrong by firing FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel and replacing them with his own people.  Given the source of that rumor, I consider that outcome to be about as likely as Hunter Biden facing a criminal inquiry of any kind.

As America reaches the conclusion of year 12 of unfettered growth in asset prices from the 2008 crash, another crash of even more epic proportions seems just around the corner.  It could even be triggered by the previously mentioned failing states and municipalities bankruptcy and default on their costly pensions and obligations, bringing down the whole house of cards. While I have previously postulated that Trump (and Trump’s voters) would be the perfect scapegoat for such a calamity, Trump has proven more than competent in the art of can kicking during his four year term.  At this point, it would be folly to underestimate Trump’s ability to do it again for another four years.

Regardless, an economic collapse will not change the fact that the internet has changed the way everything about how our society operates, notably the dissemination of media and information.  The establishment would very much like this not to be the case, but access to information has shifted attitudes, and populism/nationalism are the order of the day.  Trump is ultimately a different side of the same coin as Bernie Sanders – loathed and hated by the establishment for their populist/nationalist appeal.  The difference being – one is a successful businessman and a winner, and the other is a senile old communist who has no idea what’s going on.

Whether the economic house of cards falls on Trump’s watch or not is anyone’s guess, but what happens next will almost certainly not be a peaceful transition.

The odds of the US democratic republic surviving in its current form are low, even if one assumes that this country hasn’t just become a “corruptocracy” of deep state bureaucrats and megarich corporate elites.  The most likely outcomes of an economic or other national calamity are communism and fascism, with the winning side being the first one to go full Caesarism with the American political apparatus.

While it would be wonderful to be proven wrong and see our republic survive, the elite’s army of NPC bugmen has become more than willing to cheer on the destruction of their own communities because “racism, and orange man bad”, which is not a recipe for anything but an authoritarian outcome, from one side or the other.

Since that hasn’t happened yet, I’ll still go to the polls on Election Day and vote for Trump.  I’m certain the deep state, corporate elitist class, and all of the useful idiot NPC bugmen masses all hate every fiber of his existence, which is more than enough reason that any of us need to send a big middle finger their way at the ballot box.

But until an economic collapse or other national calamity materializes, no matter who wins, I don’t expect a thing to change.  The deep state will still remain on top and running the show, unencumbered by whoever occupies the Oval Office.  

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November 2, 2020 9:50 am

Since the governments owes more to the banks, than any corporation could ever borrow, they have decided that they can decide who will be the winners and losers in the business world.

Criminal Dictator Cuomo has stated “there will be winners and losers in this new economy”
Straight out of the devils mouth.

Since when has government had any positive impact on any business?
they do nothing but create onerous regulations and collect taxes. They exists to pay themselves, Government is the ultimate highway robber.

And yes, they will fail, because when you allow someone to pick winners and losers, your are ignoring free markets (where ideas win and lose), and engaging in cronyism, where you son gets a no show job and gives you cut of the action via some fictional tax free donation or just a plain old bag of cash handed to you under the table.

These people have become toxic, smelling their own farts.

November 2, 2020 11:26 am

Anon1- DARPA has birthed some of the most valuable and powerful businesses ever. Not that I am saying it’s a positive, but some could make the argument.

November 2, 2020 9:53 am

Well, there’s twenty minutes of my life I’ll never get back. Many words, no substance.

November 2, 2020 10:26 am

Spend the next 20 minutes re-reading it.

November 2, 2020 2:16 pm

That would then be 40 minutes wasted on a rehash of a rehash, which no substantive summation is given. Well, yeh, Trump might win, or , blah, blah, blah, blah,.
You could read this kind of article in the Jew York Slimes.

November 2, 2020 9:59 am

FM shooter should stick with its bread and butter; advising people to write checks to the NRA and letters to then CONgressmen.
comment image

November 2, 2020 10:17 am

Go suck Diseased Donkey Dick, you Anon coward.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
November 2, 2020 6:47 pm

Photoshop much?

November 2, 2020 10:04 am

Norman is another defeatist scumbag….What cannot continue, a Deep State black hole gobbling up the entire country, will not….

November 2, 2020 11:01 am

Ah, so now the swamp is just too great, too powerful for one helpless guy standing alone to defeat them. Anyone who believes this should answer one simple question – if the deep state is sooooooo powerful and Trump is a lone wolf trying to fight them, why haven’t they just taken him out? They could have easily done it with the impeachment, or gone a much simpler route i.e. Scalia or Kennedy. It’s all just a soap opera to keep us on the edge of our seats while the nation gets raped.

November 2, 2020 11:33 am

I am open to the possibility, I have not seen it, and he has damaged their NWO/Globalist brand badly.
Perhaps planned, we’ll see.
Enjoy the show.
And the author lost me at:
” Trump was dead wrong on the coronavirus early on, insisting it was “just the flu”.”
Isint it?
But he got points back for that Obama video calling for Joe and Joe doesnt come out, one of the best things I have seen in years, priceless.

November 2, 2020 11:27 am

….which is more than enough reason that any of us need to send a big middle finger their way at the ballot box.

I have written multiple times here regarding the Biblical axiom of “they are known by their actions” – more than their words, that is. This is because we are what we do and not what we say we’ll do.

That’s why I collated headlines in the spring and summer of 2018, prior to the midterm elections. The result from that series of articles revealed one overwhelming conclusion: The rise of Big Brother.

Of course, those on competing teams in sportsball may pray to the same God. So perhaps it’s only appropriate that a commenter named “Wilson” posted the below video on another thread here yesterday.

If you do nothing else today, go ahead and watch from the 13:00 minute mark to the 17:50 mark below. Or not.


Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
November 2, 2020 12:02 pm

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Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
  Heywood Jablomi
November 2, 2020 12:04 pm

comment image
The ninth incarnation of Vishnu. Kalki is here to tell you,Shiva is coming.

Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
  Heywood Jablomi
November 2, 2020 12:07 pm

We are the product of greed, bought out by those who know greed well.

November 2, 2020 1:41 pm

RE: YouTube Video

And…. it’s gone.

For those who are interested and missed out, the recommended segment contained the following:

1.) Of Trump’s casino ventures being bailed out by Rothschild & Sons insider Wilbur Ross, Jr.

2.) President Trump’s 2017 appointment of Wilbur Ross, Jr as U.S. Secretary of Commerce

3.) Video clips of Trump’s 2016 campaign promise(s) to prosecute Hillary Clinton

4.) Video clips of President Trump 2016 victory speech where he effusively complimented and thanked Hillary, followed by his calling the Clintons “nice people” and telling a crowd of supporters who were chanting “lock her up” that his promise was only for the campaign, not his presidency

5.) Video clips of Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign statements against vaccination

6.) Video clips of President Trump’s touting his vaccination initiative “Operation Warp Speed” and how large corporations, .Gov, and the military are working together to make it happen by the end of 2020.

For many folks, there was nothing to see there anyway.

YouTube states the video was removed on grounds of copyright infringement because of the Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) footage. But I see it had about 5,000 more views since the time I first viewed it this morning; and, now, even the comments are shut down. It’s a damn shame because, admittedly, the WWE footage of Trump was pretty entertaining.

November 2, 2020 2:58 pm

It was worthwhile, so hopefully she posts it again without the WWE footage.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 2, 2020 8:49 pm


I watched the video earlier today. The lady’s name was Dana Ashlie, I think.

‘For many folks, there was nothing to see there anyway.’

Was there anything in that video that we haven’t discussed here? There was an interesting section in there about dates- the 13th or 14th of March…I can’t remember. The section about the 5 different levels in the church of satan-MAGA (spell check is telling me to capitalize ‘satan’)I went back to the video less than an hour later-gone.

Was too bad, cause I wanted to do some comparing to more info I came across yesterday:

[…indebted to the courtesy of the Astronomer Royal, whose reply to my inquiry on the subject is appended:


June 26th, I877.

“SIR, —I have had the moon’s place calculated from Largeteau’s Tables in Additions to the Connaisance des Tems 1846, by one of my assistants, and have no doubt of its correctness. The place being calculated for—444, March 12d. 20h., French reckoning, or March 12d. 8h. P. M., it appears that the said time was short of New Moon by about 8h. 47m., and therefore the New Moon occurred at 4h. 47m. A. M., March 13th, Paris time.”

I am, etc.,

“(Signed,) G. B. AIRY.” (all emphases to above quotes are added)]

This excerpt is from the article linked below. The article ends with:

“When Jesus was “cut off” on that Palm Sunday, the prophetic pause button was pressed. Ever since then, the world has waited for the timeline’s clock to resume ticking.”

Giants, Gods, and Dragons (Part 6): The Messiah, Mount Hermon, and Jack the Ripper

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <———–=== Amaracu !

The Alberino Analysis-Land of the Plumed Serpent

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 2, 2020 2:11 pm

Video unavailable…

By the Way
By the Way
  grace country pastor
November 2, 2020 3:06 pm

The summary of the video is posted right above.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
November 2, 2020 8:59 pm


It’s a good one by a lady named Dana Ashlie (last name I’m certain of). There was a section in there about the hierarchy of the church of satan, and the highest level was MAGA (the word phrase I don’t recall and I think it was Latin)

I read your reply on that other thread (I get lost all the time), and see your point, a bit dimly however. Mostly as to the departure of the church as it relates to the tribulation. I don’t sweat that much-it has nothing to do with ones’ salvation, ya know?

Check the link I posted above, very interesting….”the prophetic pause button was pressed”?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——-===

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
November 3, 2020 4:01 am


Here ya go:


I am growing weary of all the deception….been posting articles/videos for several years now, and you can count the interaction referencing them without takin your shoes off

At 3:20, MAGA- which is what I have suspected of the Emperor for years- the painting of Apollo on his penthouse ceiling and all..

I just finished watching another one of hers’ from about 2 months ago, and in it she used the term “Christian militia”, calling it an oxymoron….I tend to agree.

All is vanity

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——-====

This nation founded on Christian principles? Maybe, because of the Black Coats, but it has been guided, governed, and gilded by that Son of Perdition from day uno.