Guest Post by OHMama

The anti-liberal moment - Vox

I was born at the end of Gen X and the beginning of the Millennial Generation, and grew up in a middle class town. Life was good. Our home was modest but birthdays and Christmas were always generous, we went on yearly vacations, had 2 cars, and there was enough money for me to take dance classes and art lessons and be in Girl Scouts.

My 1940s born Dad raised me to be patriotic and proud, to love the war bird airplanes of his era as much as he does, and to respect our flag and our country as a sacred thing. I grew up thinking that being an American was the greatest gift a person could have. I grew up thinking that our country was as strong, and honest and true as my Dad. I grew up thinking I was free.

As an adult, I have witnessed the world I grew up in fall to ruin. I have watched as our currency and our economy have been shamelessly corrupted beyond redemption. Since we’ve been married, my husband and I TWICE had our meager investment savings gutted by the market that we were told to invest in, now that pensions no longer exist and we working stiffs are on our own. We will be working until we die, because the Social Security we’ve been forced to pay into has also been robbed from under us.

I have watched as our elected officials enter Congress as ordinary folks and leaves as multi millionaires. I have watched my blue collar husband get up at an ungodly hour every day and come home with an aching back that we pray will hold out long enough to get him to old age in one piece. Outside of shoes, socks and underwear, almost everything my family wears was bought used. We’ve been on one vacation in 12 years.

We don’t have cell phones, or cable, or any sort of streaming services, just a landline and internet. We hardly ever eat out. Our house is 1400 square feet, no air conditioning. I cook from scratch and I can and I garden and I raise chickens for eggs and meat and I moonlight selling things on Etsy. Still it is barely enough to pay the bills that go up every year while service quality and the longevity of goods goes down. What I just described is the life you can live on 60K a year without going into debt.

At last calculation, when you consider all of the federal, state and local taxes plus registration and user fees, Medicare and SS payroll taxes, almost a third of what my family earns is stolen by the govt each year. What’s left doesn’t go far, just enough to cover the basics and save a little for when the wolf howls at the door.

I watched as my family’s health insurance was gutted and destroyed. Our private market insurance, which we had to have because my husband’s employer is too small to have a group plan, was made illegal. We were left with the option of either buying an Obamacare plan with unaffordable deductibles and insanely ridiculous out of pocket maxes, or paying the very gov’t that destroyed our healthcare a fine for not buying the gov’t mandated plan that we cannot afford. We now have short term insurance that isn’t really insurance at all, and I live in fear of one of us getting injured or sick with anything I can’t fix from the medicine cabinet.

I have watched as education, which was already sketchy when I was a kid, became an all out joke of wholly unmathematical math, gold stars for all, and self-loathing anti-Americanism. My family has taken an enormous financial hit as I stay home to home school our child. At least she’ll be able to do old-fashioned math well enough to see how much they are screwing her. A silver lining to every cloud, I guess.

I’ve sat by and held my tongue as I was called deplorable and a bitter clinger and told that I didn’t build that. I’ve been called a racist and a xenophobe and a chump and even an “ugly folk.” I’ve been told that I have privilege, and that I have inherent bias because of my skin color, and that my beloved husband and father are part of a horrible patriarchy. Not one goddamn bit of that is true, but if I dare say anything about it, it will be used as evidence of my racism and white fragility.

Raised to be a Republican, I held my nose and voted for Bush, the Texas-talking blue blood from Connecticut who lied us into 2 wars and gave us the unpatriotic Patriot Act. I voted for McCain, the sociopathic neocon songbird “hero” that torpedoed the attempt to kill the Obamacare that’s killing my family financially. I held it again and voted for Romney, the vulture capitalist skunk that masquerades as a Republican while slithering over to the Democrat camp as often as they’ll tolerate his oily, loathsome presence.

And I voted for Trump, who, if he did nothing else, at least gave a resounding Bronx cheer to the richly deserving smug hypocrites of DC. Thank you for that Mr. President, on behalf of all of us nobodies. God bless you for it.

And now I have watched as people who hate me and mine and call for our destruction blatantly and openly stole the election and then gaslighted us and told us that it was honest and fair. I am watching as the GOP does NOTHING about it. They’re probably relieved that upstart Trump is gone so they can get back to their real jobs of lining their pockets and running interference for their corporate masters. I am watching as the media, in a manner that would make Stalin blush, is silencing anyone who dares question the legitimacy of this farce they call democracy. I know, it’s a republic, but I am so tired of explaining that to people I might as well give in and join them in ignorance.

I will not vote again; they’ve made it abundantly clear that my voice doesn’t matter. Whatever irrational, suicidal lunacy the nanny states thinks is best is what I’ll get. What it decided I need is a geriatric pedophile who shouldn’t be charged with anything more rigorous than choosing between tapioca and rice pudding at the old folks home, and a casting couch skank who rails against racism while being a descendant of slave owners.

I’m free to dismember a baby in my womb and kill it because “my body my choice”, but God help me if I won’t cover my face with a germ laden Linus-worthy security blanket or refuse let them inject genetically altering chemicals into my body or my child’s. I can be doxed, fired, shunned and destroyed for daring to venture that there are only 2 genders as proven by DNA, but a disease with a 99+% survival rate for most humans is a deadly pandemic worth murdering an economy over. Because science. Idiocracy is real, and we are living it. Dr. Lexus would be an improvement over Fauci.

I am done. Don’t ask me to pledge to the flag, or salute the troops, or shoot fireworks on the 4th. It’s a sick, twisted, heartbreaking joke, this bloated, unrecognizable corpse of a republic that once was ours.

I am not alone. Not sure how things continue to function when millions of citizens no longer feel any loyalty to or from the society they live in.

I was raised to be a lady, and ladies don’t curse, but fuck these motherfuckers to hell and back for what they’ve done to me, and mine, and my country. All we Joe Blow Americans ever wanted was a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, and at least some illusion of freedom, and even that was too much for these human parasites. They want it all, mind, body and soul. Damn them. Damn them all.

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November 7, 2020 11:07 pm

Ma’am, if you ran for office with that ^^^^as the basis of all you speeches, You would shred the Curtain of false democracy in two and lay bare the lies, deceptive conduct and maleficence that currently abounds. You would win the minds and hearts of those that still have them.
MSN declaring the Presidency with 5 states undecided and before the Electoral college even gets to vote, lets you know you have owners! I am done as well

Greg Burton
Greg Burton
November 7, 2020 11:39 pm

Stop your whining … no one, and I mean NO ONE voted for Biden. No one said it was going to be easy … but, so many people have woken up, smelled the coffee and now know our country faces an existential crisis. Millions of people … of all colors, backgrounds, cultures, religions, etc … they’ve all become flag wavers. My God, it is so breathe-taking to see the patriotism!

The problem the Marxists have … the ones who have taken over the Democratic party, colluding with the RINOs, the globalists, the CFR UN crowd, the MSM assets, and the Deep State … all the phoney voters they created to give their ‘stalking horse’ candidate the win, won’t be able to translate artificial reality that into ‘boots on the ground’, when we eventually begin to push back.

#GreenNewDeal depopulation, DNA altering forced vaccinations, gun confiscation, FEMA detention for Trump deplorables … who are they going to use to enforce their New World Order plan?

Obama’s Cartel assets within the United States? Obama’s OFA Antifa trainees? Are the Chinese going to get involved in policing the US? How about mercenaries? NATO working for the UN? They have drones, #DEWs, D.U.M.B.s, command and control, but we have millions and millions of pissed off people. And, @President Donald Trump will still be around. 2024!?

Stick around, there still is a lot to do … undoing the 9/11 police state, the NSA spy grid, PATRIOT Act, etc … Continue to participate, continue to vote. Really, there really is nowhere else you can go.

  Greg Burton
November 8, 2020 1:02 am

I agree with a lot of that, the election was outstanding in my opinion. I actually saw more unification and support than I have ever seen before, still do.
And the corruption is right out in the open. The people see it, and while painful, this is a plus.
I am encouraged and optimistic about Liberty’s chances.

Clemens Lode
Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 12:04 am

Doesn’t DNA prove there are more than two sexes? It’s about the expression of the SNR gene.

  Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 12:37 am

Don’t know. Don’t care. Who gives a fuck? Push your bullshit somewhere else.

  Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 12:47 am

Write an article dipshit.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 1:09 am

Are you just stupid or a troll? Why don’t you learn some science.

  Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 1:18 am

I love a good piling on of an ignorant newbie. This noob is of indeterminate gender, so I am stumped as to whether it is a stupid bitch or an ignorant bastard. Anyone have any hints?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 1:43 am

Maybe they’ll disclose so we all know.

November 8, 2020 10:04 am

It’s a fucking Bitchtard.

November 8, 2020 11:59 am

“I love the piling on of an ignorant newbie”.__________Llpoh

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 8, 2020 6:01 pm

Stupid cunt is a catchall.


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Clemens Lode
November 8, 2020 1:46 am

Ever heard of a Y chromosome?

  Clemens Lode
November 12, 2020 1:11 am

No. There are XX people and XY people and very, very few anomalies that are XXY, etc.

Jim Kilby
Jim Kilby
November 8, 2020 12:14 am

That was a remarkable piece of writing. I urge you to write a book just as you worded your ‘I’m Done’ piece. I also urge you to keep the faith. There are millions and millions and millions who are just like you. We are going to need you in the not so distant future. I still believe Trump is going to get in. I have faith declaring that statement. When he does. He will destroy the evil we are surrounded by. But only with our help. Your help. Darkest before the dawn. If not… the millions I spoke about, are going to rise up. America has been poisoned. We are going to take it back during this time they call… The Great Awakening. The people now see. Great thanks for moving me with your writing. I was deeply touched and nodded in agreement from start to finish. You nailed it Baby! Smack dead center bullseye

November 8, 2020 12:24 am

Whatever they do cannot take away your vote from you so organize and start a new revolution ? You may be the agent of change the country needs !

Ry Note
Ry Note
November 8, 2020 12:47 am


November 8, 2020 12:58 am

Thank you for that, it’s nice to see other people so similar and so awake to the truths around us that so many seem to ignore or not notice. 100% agree with everything you said, most of the time I have to say ‘a lot’, perhaps the occasional ‘most’ on a decently well written paragraph, a subtle disclaimer for far smaller statements. But you, you get 100%.

November 8, 2020 1:50 am

Best Goddamn Essay on this site since Rush Limbaugh talked to Karen from Whitefish.

Whoever this woman is, you are Freakin’ Awesome.
You put to words exactly what I have been feeling and what has become a growing realization for me. I assumed last year I would never vote in another national election again after Trump, assuming there was another one. Now, I know it won’t matter, anyhow. And although I was born and raised and lived A Patriot, I no longer feel like it’s valid.

The ideal is still good, but the reality is too awful. The Repubes will never get another vote out of me. And I will no longer raise Young One to believe, either. It’s history. It’s just a place we live. The traditions and institutions no longer matter. Don’t join the military, don’t participate, and get yours first. I gave this country some of the best years of my life. I built a good life. I play by the rules. I voted, was ready to do jury duty, donate, put the grocery cart back. Now, you can suck my dick.

Also, I’m going to push spouse to get Young One a passport for their country. They’ll do better there, if we/they decide to go. I used to seriously consider moving there, but I built a really good career here that doesn’t exactly transfer overseas. If I do leave, I’ll have to start over pretty low on the ladder compared to now.

I know this is anathema to a lot of people, even here, but just look at the reality of the nation you idealize. It’s been stolen and perverted and it won’t be back. The bad guys won. They stole the election and the govt at all levels, they run the cops, they run the courts, they run the rioters, and you won’t even get a place to air your grievances in public. As of now, I’m withdrawing my support. I’ll still pay my taxes and follow whatever laws when your enforcers are around, as long as that continues, but I’m done. As an inmate in Occupied America, I’m done. I’ll mourn the death, but I won’t honor the corpse they’re manipulating like a marionette. As of now, I’m embracing what a CW3 told me in the Army- “Never love something that can’t love you back.”

Something about what you wrote reminded me of this Southern lament.

Oh, I’m a good old rebel,
Now that’s just what I am,
And for this yankee nation,
I do not give a damn.
I’m glad we fought against it,
I only wish we won.
I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.

I hates the yankee nation and everything they do.
I hates the declaration of independence, too.
I hates the glorious union, t’is dripping with our blood.
I hates the striped banner, and fit it all I could

I rode with Ol’ Mars Robert,
For three years, thereabout.
Got wounded in four places,
And I starved at point lookout.
I catched the rheumatism
A campin’ in the snow.
But I killed a chance of Yankees
And I’d like to kill some more.

I can’t take up my musket and fight ’em now no more
But I ain’t a’gonna love ’em, now that’s for sartain sure!
I don’t want no pardon for what I was and am
And I won’t be reconstructed, and I don’t give a damn!

November 12, 2020 1:13 am

Here’s a link to that song, its a good one. Good band too, I have a few of their CDs.

November 8, 2020 1:58 am

Sounds like you keep voting for the wrong people who don’t give a damn about you. But you apparently aren’t capable of learning from your experiences as you keep making the same bad choices, election after election. It’s good that you are swearing off voting moving forward.

Move your house to California. A 1400 sq ft house here can be easily worth $1 million. Have you tried praying to your god for help, like maybe letting you win the lottery? I’m sure you did but I guess it didn’t work or you wouldn’t be writing this garbage post.

It’s time to face reality. You align yourself with losing politicians because you ARE a loser yourself, unable to intellectually recognize that the only value you have for the politicians you have supported is your vote.

November 8, 2020 2:08 am


the only garbage here is the nonsense you just spewed.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 2:21 am

If you think any politician cares for you, you’re screwed. Good luck in a Biden/Harris administration. I’m sure you’ll get everything you deserve. By the way, your usefulness is over and your type are usually the first ones shot. I hope you go out with a smile.

November 8, 2020 2:24 am

Go suck a fat baby dick.

November 8, 2020 2:13 am

STFU N00B. If you haven’t figured out the republic is dead and the constipation is a piece of paper you visit in a museum, you haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Vote as hard as you can next time and see how it works. The system needs tools like you so it can lurch forward for a few more years. While you’re at it, go have some freedom fries. Make sure you sing the American Dad song when you float out of bed tomorrow.

November 8, 2020 8:56 am

And put Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” on the turntable.

November 9, 2020 8:16 pm

That song is revolting. I cannot be in the same room with it.

November 8, 2020 2:32 am

The problem with “I am done” is that is completely indistinguishable from COMMUNIST DEFEATISM.

It could have been penned by a frustrated “Heritage American” just as easily as it could have been penned by a paid, Marxist doom-and-gloom writer.

We will never know for sure and more importantly- it does not matter.

Commie defeatism comes in every shape, form, and variety under the sun. It does not matter who spoke it or who published it. Commie defeatism is everywhere, and comes at us from every angle.

People who murmur against God’s laws when times are good have a lot in common with people who murmur against the Republic when the chips are down and things look bleak.

Especially after reading 300+ comments, most of them steeped in division and defeatist undertones, I’m going to call this rant COMMUNIST DEFEATISM and it matters not one whit whether the author is genuine or a paid subversive.

November 8, 2020 3:08 am

Maybe his majick mormon unterpants can help USA LOL

On The Beach
On The Beach
November 9, 2020 3:54 pm

Shove the Church Of Mormontology horse shit up your ass.

November 8, 2020 2:36 am

I can tell you all US Americans on the otber side of the Atlantic that here in Europe the many thousand stories that families could tell aboot the past 40 Years are just the same as the one here. Even the details are the same with health insurance, social security, education, work and life balance (what an absolut idiocy to claim because once that was natural and no one with a healthy mind would suggest otherwise) the sudden ridicule of being white with so called privileged parents born around the 2nd world war.
We all did what was asked of us, what was told is the right thing to do to achive on a personal and greater good for all. .
The none existent political choices are a tell tale sign that the errosion of civilisation has reached the elites as well. It has reached most aspects of life for ever more people up to the higher middle classes with their meagre incomes. Europe with all of its 500 Million People has gone the same path as the 380 Million US Americans (not to forget the Canadians) have gone… there is no difference.
The many stories are all too familiar and easily told because it is real life speaking not a fantasy. What is the common all uniting factor ? It is the neoliberal ideology manifesting its ugly claws around the globe from left to right, from liberal to conservative since the 70′ of the past century. First with R. Reagan and M. Thatcher as the public voices (there is no society, only individuals yet it is the rich sucking the very state systematically dry with their greed) and many 1000′ others who have gone the same path!

November 8, 2020 3:36 am

I am making $165 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience masses freedom now that i’m my non-public boss. that is what I do….WWW.DOLLARSKINGS.COM

November 8, 2020 3:43 am
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 3:52 am

How did spamming crooks get in here?

November 8, 2020 3:37 am

I am making $165 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience masses freedom now that i’m my non-public boss. that is what I do.WWW.DOLLARSKINGS.COM

November 8, 2020 3:44 am

I am making $165 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience masses freedom now that i’m my non-public boss. that is what I do…. https://www.dollarskings.com

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 3:54 am

Admin, you need to block this spamming crook.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
November 8, 2020 10:05 am

I am making zero dollars from home and am richer.

November 8, 2020 4:05 am

Where do I begin? Well, I’m an early model X’er myself being born a couple of years after the Boomers, I see myself as “Generation Jones.” We “Jonesers” (Late Boomers and Early X’ers) share the same things you just wrote about in your article. When I was born, Ozzie and Harriet were still on TV and Frank Sinatra had the #1 Song the week I was born in 1966. I remember when TV was still mostly black and white. Digressing, like you, my heart has hardened and s still hardening like Pharaoh in the Bible. I hate feeling that way but when my country that I love and my ancestor fought for from the American Revolution to WWII, my grandfather was at Omaha Beach all the way to Buchenwald Concentration camp and the River Elbe. I’m almost in tears as I write this.

It makes me sick that a bunch of Marxist, demonic and thieving groups trying to take away our Republic and whip their asses with the Constitution. What make me sicker is that there are sheeple that follow them. I am unfriending most of them, except the very few that I have a tiny hope of reaching.

Your piece echoes my thoughts. However, it is long shot but maybe President Trump can still pull it out against these dark forces. I’m impatient buy give it time to work, YogI Berra said, “it ain’t over till it’s over.”

Even so, if this fails, I might just “go Galt” too, the system will be broken. Either that, or just hide out the best I can until it crumbles and we have to rebuild. They will lose in the long run but still, we need to fight them to the utmost, it is the right thing to do, We have to stand up to these bullies, Mom always taught me that.

I miss my mother a lot, she would be so upset at that is going on now. I lost her 7 years ago this month. Even in the early 2010’s, Mom was angry and distressed what we were morphing into what we could be seeing now. She was watching an old Andy Williams Christmas special. She started to weep. I knew why but asked her and she said that “she misses the world that we had during those days of Andy Williams (and the Glenn Campbell Good Time Hour she liked too)” I see a world which is coming into being that is against what I believe in, what should be and I am angry at those taking it away from us. I don’t blame you for being pissed, I’m pissed too.

Like you, if we do not win, I’ll most likely join you in just not voting anymore, but we still need to find ways to combat these dark, demonic forces. I really don’t know what to do myself, but we still need to do something to stop evil.

bob in apopka
bob in apopka
November 8, 2020 4:14 am

Seems you have mastered mind reading. Great piece.

Valdemar IV
Valdemar IV
November 8, 2020 5:19 am

Sevastopol, Lugansk and Donetsk. 2014.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Valdemar IV
November 8, 2020 6:10 pm

Hoboken, Pissthataway, & Joisey City 1983.

November 8, 2020 5:21 am

You’re either bad with money or simply making things up.

Also ignorant of the law. Private insurance was never made illegal, for example. That’s just one of a pile of inaccurate comments.

If you’re truly struggling I do empathize, but you have the wrong targets in mind. It’s not Democrats who are responsible for destroying America’s pension system.

I don’t expect you to believe me. Sadly there is an alternative reality created by right wing media, and you are living in it. In this case you are even contributing to it.

November 8, 2020 1:05 pm

Oblamacare made every other insurance illegal, dumbfuck.

November 8, 2020 6:11 pm

Compliance was not optional but mandatory. I had a wonderful “event” policy, cheap, but covered me for the big shit, I take care of myself otherwise, and….its GONE! I paid the fucking no insurance fucking tax for fucking years.
Thank you President Trump! And fuck them…

November 9, 2020 3:13 pm

You are woefully uninformed. Prior to the passage of Obamacare, we purchased private market insurance. Just like “regular” insurance, it ran continuously from coverage period to coverage period so long as you maintained continual coverage. It allowed you to pick and choose what kind of coverage you wanted. Maternity care, for example, was an expensive add on that you could skip if you wished. Different prescription drug coverage options were available as well. One Obamacare passed, the insurance companies were no longer legally allowed to offer those policies, since they violated ACA requirements like mandatory maternity coverage. overnight, our options disappeared. Now you either buy Obamacare, join a Christian health sharing ministry, or buy short term private insurance. In short term, the premiums are affordable, but the OOP and deductibles are bad (better than Obamadoesntcare though). The real downer for it is that it does not offer continual coverage from policy to policy. Meaning, if you break your leg two days before the policy ends, when the new policy begins, all coverage for that broken leg will be excluded because it is considered pre-existing. And you cannot get short term at all if you have any long term preexisting issues like cancer. Thank God my family is healthy and we are eligible for it. I have lived this for years now, and researched it extensively. I have explore the various options endlessly,and I revisit them every year hoping that something has changed. It hasn’t its gotten worse.
If you do not believe me, feel free to look into it yourself. Search for short term health plans using a NE Ohio zip code and also search the ACA website looking for Obamacare plans for my area. I suspect you’ll be appalled. If you cannot look at the amount of risk that they place on a family with my income and see how ridiculous it is, then YOU are not good at math. Asking a family earning 60K a year to assume 17K a year in medical risk (and that is a GOOD option in this shitshow) is untenable. Being exposed to that risk, I have to hold a large amount of liquid cash to cover us in case we hit the jackpot and get that sort of bill. I am unwilling to take it on as debt, it would snowball horribly. Saving is already challenging, being unable to invest a big chunk of that savings and needing to hold it in reserve is horrible.

very old white guy
very old white guy
November 8, 2020 6:05 am

Pretty much my sentiment. Unless and until a real war starts and we get to sort things out the old fashioned way, nothing will change and the move to enslave more people will continue until the country looks like North Korea.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
November 8, 2020 6:11 am

Well stated. I’m afraid that someone will walk up to a crazed demo as*hole and shoot him in the head, leading to some crazy Exec Order to strip me of my deer rifle and duck gun.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  lamont cranston
November 8, 2020 6:12 pm

It’s coming anyway. Then what will you do? Are you a Fudd, a pud, or a dud?

November 8, 2020 6:42 am

I hear ya dear – – you’re gonna have to do worse I’m afraid ( defending you and your own with lethal force) … and it won’t be that far down the road – – the people who have done this to you to me and my family and the rest of the country are Jewish Bolsheviks – they have weaseled their way into every facet of Our Lives since the the late 1800s and really took off in the early 1900s – don’t believe me look around at who owns all the choke points in this country… hell – the world

November 8, 2020 6:54 am

And here I thought the Amish were the problem.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 6:57 am

The easiest solution is: leave me alone and I’ve leave you alone.

November 9, 2020 7:38 pm

It has been said that the Amish are the last intact Israelite tribe.

[ do you know why ? ]

November 8, 2020 6:42 am

Aaaand, scene.

Thanks for attending the end of america. Place your 3d glasses in the bins as you leave comrades.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 6:46 am

Terrible plot to that scene.

November 8, 2020 6:43 am

Great Article! I cannot believe that I just read a mirror image of my husband’s and my life. We are in the same exact situation. I’ve never googled so many home remedies because we can’t afford health care. I’ve been going on two years since I was told I needed two root canals by doing home remedies….so far so good for now. I’m glad I’m not alone but I wish I could say it was better circumstances.

I’m not sure what will happen now if the Dems are allowed to get away with what they did. It’s funny how they made up over 700,000 votes in PA. I think that’s unheard of. If the Supreme Court allows the Dems to get away with doing whatever they wanted and breaking the law by not allowing votes that were counted to not be witnessed and just finding ballots here and there bringing them in in the middle of the night, etc., then we can kiss the last free country on this planet goodbye. The Dems will do this until everyone in political office is a Democrat – pretty much just like they did in California and no Republican / Conservative or anyone else will ever win again – they will never let that happen from here on out. They have slowly been inching towards this and this time they had no choice but to go for broke. Why did the last remaining states where Trump was ahead or was expected to win, just stop counting and told everyone to go home. This played out just like the Democrats Election War Games.

Take Care and Wishing you the Best!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 6:49 am

My recommendation, push for secession.

November 8, 2020 7:00 am

My grandparents lost almost their entire families in the Holocast and weren’t nearly as defeated as this post sounds.

The Uyghur Muslims are being rounded up and put into concentration camps right now, being sexually abused, experimented on, tortured, and killed, and few people are saying or doing anything about it.

There is still slavery going on, including the sexual trafficking and abuse of small children, some of whom are merely toddlers (don’t even look into this unless you have a very strong constitution, you will be traumatized).

That’s not even a fraction of what’s going on in the world right now. A lot of people have gotten a raw deal here in the U.S. But, it still could be a heck of a lot worse. Be thankful for what you still do have and work to make things better.

Giving up never helped anyone.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 7:46 am

We’re not giving up. We’re dropping out and saying FU, we’ll do it on our own.

  Vixen Vic
November 9, 2020 3:17 pm

Exactly. I no longer consent. I will not participate, and I will do everything legally within my power to make it stop working.

Sgt Grumble
Sgt Grumble
November 8, 2020 7:12 am

When you rob Peter to pay Paul you can always count on the support of Paul. But you cannot forever county on the cooperation of Peter.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Sgt Grumble
November 8, 2020 7:49 am

Very well said!!! (APPLAUSE)!!!

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
  Sgt Grumble
November 8, 2020 10:11 am

Interesting comment…but, I see a lot of “pauls” toppling statues. The pauls can’t be counted on as the Peters will soon see.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald

What an a-paul-ing thought. Sorry…

November 8, 2020 7:43 am

I would like to re-print this on my blog’s here NoMoMrnIceGuy.com and at TalkAboutMartin.com – well written and explained. You have expressed the feeling a lot of people are enduring. I would like to re-print your words – with full credit to you. Please let me know. [email protected]

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 8:44 am

I say give him permission.

November 9, 2020 3:17 pm

Absolutely, share it as widely as you wish, as long as Mr. Quinn is cool with that as well.

November 8, 2020 7:44 am

Right on. The only recourse is for us to take this as an opportunity to forge a new nation. You are a leader.

November 8, 2020 7:49 am

Republican legislatures could throw this fraud into the House by withholding electors or selecting Trump electors…..If not, and Trump doesn’t invoke the 14th Amendment and the Insurrection Act, America is done…….It will become a communist dictatorship.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 8, 2020 8:54 am

What the hell are you talking about?!!!. Everything happening today in this election has happened in the past. My god, get some education. I posted comments on what can happen. Check those out.

You’re freaking out is uncalled for. If you had followed the comments on TBP, you would not be in such desperate straits and have such apprehensions.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 8, 2020 8:15 am

Now that’s how you introduce yourself to The Burning Platform.

Over 400 comments and picked up by ZH first time at bat.

Congratulations on a well written rant.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 9, 2020 3:18 pm

Thank you 🙂

Deplorable one
Deplorable one
November 8, 2020 8:48 am

I know exactly how you feel. I commuted 4 hours a day to have a job that paid enough for us to pay our bills after my husband was disabled. We too never ate out – I cooked our meals. Our entertainment was watching a DVD at the end of our long days, since I never got home before 7:30 pm after leaving the house at 5:30 am.. We seldom were able to go out to a movie – maybe once a year. $1100.00 was taken out of each pay check for my husband’s Obama care medical coverage. (I was lucky enough to have my employer cover my own insurance).

God bless you – we all need each other, since our country is being stolen from us. I pray we can prevail in this evil environment without what’s left of our country being totally destroyed with riots and possible civil war.

Trump has his faults, but he has tried to do what he could for 4 years, being snubbed and abused the whole time with the sham ‘Russiagate’ and impeachment. Let’s pray he does have watermarked ballots that will show the illegal ones and is able to win his legal fight with the courts and with good legal assistance at his side!

November 8, 2020 8:49 am

This is exactly what democrats want you to respond. they want Trump supporters and those that love the old ways to turn off, tune out while they attempt to sweep all the remnants of the US constitution into the bust bin of history. Instead, cool off. go for a walk in the forest. Find a church. Regroup. let the courts do their job and hope and pray like crazy that righteousness may prevail.

November 8, 2020 8:53 am

Don’t come to the UK, we’re also screwed! Wonderful writing, I’m done too! Thanks

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 8, 2020 9:22 am

Good God! Where did this ignorant wino wander in from?

November 8, 2020 9:27 am

“I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday. I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillence coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me…”

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 8, 2020 11:42 am

We need to quit using the Leftist social media sites like FB. There are alternatives.

November 8, 2020 9:45 am

Welcome to the club! We are the nobodies. What does it mean to be a nobody?

What we are:
Sovereign independent spirits
Agents of lord and savior, God (God’s Angels) bearing witness of the corruption of men to God
Allegiance only to God
Honest with absolute integrity
Spirits wielding the absolute power of divine law
Law abiding
Instruments of divine providence

What we are not:
Persons, citizens, subjects, taxpayers, residents, voters, legal individuals or any other legal status
Subject to statutes, legal proceedings
Scared or Fearful

We are Nobody.

Now that you have finally broken the chains of your mental enslavement to criminals, it is time to unregister from voter status. This is the final act of liberation formalizing the end of your enslavement and the beginning of your journey into real Law that God formed into the fabric of creation.

There are enslaved people all around us but they cannot hurt us when we follow every divine inspiration laid upon us for we are forever spirit while the vessels come and go.

Anyone else ready to truly awaken?

The Constitutional law is for gov workers but all of them are in breach of one or more lawful bounds they obliged themselves to. They are all committing capital crimes of their own laws. Therefore, there is no one remaining within the Constitutional capacity- the Constitutional capacity is completely EMPTY. All claims by anyone that they are operating within Constitutional government are FRAUDULENT. One cannot be in breach of the lawful bounds of a contractual capacity and simultaneously speak in official capacity, it is an impossibility within law.

In this article, the newest member of us Nobodies clearly identified the injury of the devaluing of the fraudulent currency tender, thereby articulating her value cause against the perpetraitors. The devaluing of that entity’s tender is a death penalty criminal offense. Every ‘judge’s, ‘prosecutor’, ‘law enforcement officer’s and every other ‘bureaucrat’ claiming those offices are committing death penalty offenses for accepting an unlawful tender for the debt of their time in that claimed office. This means their claims of those titles are FRAUDULENT. The offenders are not judges, prosecutors, law enforcement or any other titled officer. This also means any of their rulings, statutes, codes etc are simply the ramblings of criminals, hold no power in law and have no lawful affect on us whatsoever, for if they want the benefits of office they must bear the burdens of the lawful bounds of that office.

Welcome to the free world my fellow Nobody!

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
November 8, 2020 9:46 am

First of all, get the hell off of FaceBook and Twitter. We need a fair platform, so try this one:


November 8, 2020 9:48 am

Could not have said it better myself. EXACTLY what I have been thinking.

November 8, 2020 9:53 am

Excellent essay. The writer speaks for millions of people
that have experienced the same changes and are equally

November 8, 2020 10:12 am

As an older, hence invisible, woman I will add some unpopular truisms. First, stop the poor-pitiful-me behavior. You are killing your husband by staying at home. He will be crippled before he is 60. Your child can go to school and be de-programmed each evening. You’re not doing her a favor by the certainty of becoming a poor senior. You are going to age out of any but the lowest employment yourself. Society doesn’t embrace 50 year old women except to work as skivvies in care homes. Nobody works “until they die” unless they are RBG, and that includes you and your husband. Your investments were gutted because you don’t know how to invest. You can make money when the markets are down as well as up. Instead of doing busy-work on Etsy study investment sites and use the money from your employment to rebuild it. So put the kid in school and get a job, preferably one with health care attached. Start immediately.

November 8, 2020 10:37 am

What part of devaluing currency do you not comprehend? The private bank’s mathematically guaranteed to fail debt note is a crime in progress. Invest now and the scale will keep sliding. Even if you come out ‘ahead’ on your investments everything around you gets destroyed in the process and everything will cost more when go to use those investments. What’s the point of being a little higher on the shit pile?

It was once fine for the mom to stay at home without significant financial consequences. Notice that the push for the liberated woman to go to work coincided with the implementation of the devaluing debt based currency, there was substantial financial gains to be had by the criminals with 50% of the population going to work- they could steal much more by increasing tax revenue.

Plenty of people work until they die. Globally it is the vast majority by far.

We would be much better off convicting everyone in the ‘Gov’ and zombie banks of fraud, assign remedy as 3 times the amount they stole, convict them under coinage act of devaluing the tender and giving them the death penalty. This is the only proper lawful remedy for the crimes they are committing.

November 8, 2020 2:56 pm

Vera – you have posted some truths in there, not all that I agree with. Unfortunate that some people around here cannot see that there is some wisdom to what you say. However, the send them to school and re-educate them at home is a risky endeavor. That does not mean a job in the evening is not an option, or you are wrong about the investment issue, etc. My experience is that people are unwilling to do hard work for extended periods. Not saying that applies to OHMama, as I have no idea. But mention years of long hours to young people generally, and see the responses you get. Even 40 hours is considered an enormous burden, much less 80.

November 9, 2020 5:42 pm

I did not hear a tone of self-pity in this essay. I did hear a tone of wordsmith confidence! Please read OHMama’s essay again. I Am Done inspires! I Am Done conveys mastery of political Stewardship!

OHMama and her husband are blessed in that they may raise their child on a homestead. OHMama may demonstrate motherliness to their child as their child witnesses the pantry-is-filled passion of her parents to remain honest and true. They have chosen to provide a sustainable education to their child. Not only will their child grow up to value homesteading and the up-lifting benefits thereof, their child will have a knowledge-base superior to children in public schools.

the experienced
the experienced
November 8, 2020 10:16 am

Well, I did not want to vote for Trump because he allowed this nation to slide into the pandemic chaos and did not uphold the constitution as far as free speech and right to assemble are concerned during the panic.
But when I asked the Almighty on what to do, HIS answer was: “I will tell you when you get there.” – as in getting to the polls.
So I went on Tuesday. And as last time when he ordered me to go vote, I asked where to put the marks, hoping he had something other than Trump or Biden for me to mark. But HIS answer was “Trump”. “Really?”, I checked back in a slight disbelieve. And Yehovah quickly confirmed: “Yes, Trump is my man.”

I don’t care what you think about my testimony, but I do have these conversations with my heavenly Father.
And then I watched this Friday night:

Greg Burton
Greg Burton
November 8, 2020 10:25 am

It appears as if my comment was scrubbed from the site? Here it is again.

Stop your whining … no one, and I mean NO ONE voted for Biden. It was all a scam. Rampant voter fraud.

No one said it was going to be easy … but, so many people have woken up, smelled the coffee and now know our country faces an existential crisis. Millions of people … of all colors, backgrounds, cultures, religions, etc … they’ve all become flag wavers. My God, it is so breathe-taking to see the patriotism!

The problem the Marxists have … the ones who have taken over the Democratic party, colluding with the RINOs, the globalists, the CFR UN crowd, the MSM assets, and the Deep State … all the phoney voters they created to give their ‘stalking horse’ candidate the win, won’t be able to translate artificial reality that into ‘boots on the ground’, when we eventually begin to push back.

#GreenNewDeal depopulation, DNA altering forced vaccinations, gun confiscation, FEMA detention for Trump deplorables … who are they going to use to enforce their New World Order plan?

Obama’s Cartel assets within the United States? Obama’s OFA Antifa trainees? Are the Chinese going to get involved in policing the US? How about mercenaries? NATO working for the UN? They have drones, #DEWs, D.U.M.B.s, command and control, but we have millions and millions of pissed off people. And, @President Donald Trump will still be around. 2024!?

Stick around, there still is a lot to do … undoing the 9/11 police state, the NSA spy grid, PATRIOT Act, etc … Continue to participate, continue to vote. Really, there really is nowhere else you can go.

Larry Martin
Larry Martin
November 8, 2020 10:28 am

I will not vote again; they’ve made it abundantly clear that my voice doesn’t matter. Whatever irrational, suicidal lunacy the nanny states thinks is best is what I’ll get. What it decided I need is a geriatric pedophile who shouldn’t be charged with anything more rigorous than choosing between tapioca and rice pudding at the old folks home, and a casting couch skank who rails against racism while being a descendant of slave owners.

Great post!! I know all too well what OHMama is saying. We have been bombarded with leftist hate ever since Trump was elected. So far, however, It’s been a great time to be alive having a President that actually cared for his nation and the people in it. My prayer is that something wonderful happens and this election is lawfully held to account to have all legitimate votes counted. I believe Trump wins with a fair count.
While I’m sure most of us readers are extremely frustrated about the continuing outcome of this election, (as of this reply) I, for one, am not ready to roll over on my constitutional right to vote yet. The enemy is counting on attitudes like yours OHMama to fester thus suppressing any opposition to their governess. Mark yourself “defeated” if your voting attitude continues. If I ever reach that point, I’m ready for Civil War 2.0 or secession, which ever comes first.

Pete W
Pete W
November 8, 2020 10:31 am

Sorry to hear about your pain.

Both parties are responsible for that. America is not anymore what it used to be because it is much less competitive WW as it used to be. Your points are well taken: poor K-12 education, laziness (look around), entitlements, etc. Meanwhile Corporate America (Citizens United) + Banks (repeal of Glass-Steagall) gutted the US. Political / Corrupt Money governs the country, i.e. buys Senate and Congress. Obama, at least, wanted to spread the healthcare much wider – not successfully (and Republican Sente actively prevented it). Trump, on the other hand, did not provide any alternatives. This is the most critical issue in US to solve. Trump is not a solution, MAGA is just a screen to get the votes – in my opinion. This should not be the one party against the other fighting for marginal differences – this should be about reducing inequality (FED feeding corporations and billionaires), providing decent jobs, reducing the uncontrolled power of unelected FED, and – yes- providing healthcare for everybody. If it’s going to cost – let it be.

But let’s not listen to propaganda – with today’ 18% GDP spending on healthcare, there is plenty of money to deliver just that. Many families in US go bankrupt just due to mounting healthcare costs. This has to end. Healthcare should not be a privilege but a right to have. Why the US spends 18% on Healthcare (https://www.chcf.org/blog/health-care-costs-accounted-17-7-percent-gdp-2018/), while 28mil Americans are uninsured (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/number-americans-without-health-insurance-rises-1st-time-decade-n1052016) ? Why do healthcare CEO-s earn 10s on millions of dollars ( https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/compensation-issues/highest-paid-ceos-in-2019-who-made-the-list-from-healthcare.html) while underserving the US population? Why does congress/senate allow it? (hint: their votes are bought by corporations and lobbyists). Who is going to change this situation of big corporations and parasitic banks ruling the US GDP? That’s where the anger should be directed. Not toward 45% vs. other 46% of the US population. They are pawns in hands of big moneyed interests.

So, what is a solution here? In my opinion, definitely the fight between two segments of society (D) vs (R ) should stop. This is what billionaires want us to do to divert attention from their power and wealth grabbing. Voting out the incumbents from Congress and Senate would be step #1. (you served 1-2 terms – enough). Power corrupts.
Step#2. Eliminating money from the election process (vote out Citizens United).
Step #3: understanding in depth the issues instead of jumping to neighbor’s throat – just because he/she has different political affiliation. People on both sides of political spectrum face the same issues. Middle class (white or any skin colored), and blue collar workers face serious erosion of their purchasing powers – at the cost of the top 1% and political elites. Direct your anger there. Make your voice heard. But understand, please, where the real issues are.

All the best.

November 8, 2020 10:57 am

Hopefully, you will be crossing the street, and someone will forget to stop.

November 8, 2020 11:02 am

“democracy” or rather the Republic, only gives you the illusion of giving voice or power to the population. In reality, you are just voting for the uniparty, both parties are the same, working for the elite and oligarchs. All that constant media coverage only distract you from the real issues, because your voice doesn’t matter.
The only thing that can change is civil war with a plan to reform everything. Voting someone into office in the hope of change will never ever work.

Vladimir Bulsievici
Vladimir Bulsievici
November 8, 2020 11:25 am


November 8, 2020 11:28 am

Hilarious rubbish. She votes for Republicans over the course of decades and is surprised that she ended up as a broke prepper Karen.

Xena Lamnak
Xena Lamnak
November 8, 2020 12:04 pm

My dad was born in 1904 and my mom in 1917. This will piss off veterans and those who fervishing support “our troops”. My dad was drafted at age 36. They gave him an option to opt out because of his age but because he hated his job as a financial statistician for Mobil, he gladly enlisted on Jan 24, 1941. He was shipped off to Germany and spent his time in the signal corps as a 1st Sergeant. He despised the Red Cross for charging for coffee and for pretending to care about the troops. He railed against the commissioned officers are privileged pricks who also didn’t give a rats behind for the 18 year olds who were drafted. He warned me to pay attention to the news and to keep watch for signs that the US was going to collapse.
I didn’t get to meet a lot of Jewish concentration camp survivors but I met enough. Each told me the same thing. BEWARE it will happen again.
I taught ESL and had students from former Soviet bloc countries tell me that they feared communism was taking hold here (this was back in the late 70s and an early 80s).
I watched how our public schools became an absolute farce pushing students through who had at best a second grade education compared to what I had earned in the 60s.
I recently worked as a tutor in a tutoring lab at our local college and got into trouble for bitching loudly about the 3-5 page assignments in English classes, the lousy ABSOLUTELY lousy nursing program, and again, giving passing grades to students who couldn’t do the basic algebra assignments. The Dean of the Nursing program heard from one student that I had criticized her precious program and I was fired.
BEWARE America!
I grew up with a dad that worked 9-5 in NYC and was given forced early retirement.
He took a year off and got a series of jobs. My mom got work as a substitute secretary in schools.
We took cruises and went on fabulous vacations within the US and Canada.
I got grants to go to college and my dad got a $250 check to pay for my tuition YES tuition cost $250 a semester.
I graduated into Carter’s recession. Ended up having to go to grad school so I could find work.
Graduated again only to find that all the full time teaching jobs were taken.
Worked as an adjunct and finally got a full time job. BUT get this. I was hauled into the office on the day I had submitted my resignation because I couldn’t stomach it anymore and was told that I was too intelligent and too creative to be a teacher and that IF and ONLY IF I agreed wink wink wink and ASKED would HE consider approving me for tenure. I cut him off short and handed him my letter of resignation.
I went back to grad school and finally had a career. BUT I watched the colleges pander to the dumbest student in the class and punish the bright ones. I had to attend meetings where we were told to NOT call campus police when men were caught using “glory holes” in the men’s room to get their penises sucked on by someone in the next stall.
WHY? Because these were poor misunderstood henpecked married men who needed relief and well, the library bathroom was the perfect place for them, right?
I got a job at a college where the union rep decided she hated me and didn’t want me to get reappointed. WHY? Because I had grown up in a town that was notorious for voting Republican and therefore, I must be a Republican.
I moved out of New Jersey and vowed never to return. BUT I saw the same Democrat HATRED for Republicans in Texas. I had one colleague say she couldn’t understand how ANYONE could be a Republican. I became afraid to go to lunch with her anymore.
In 1972, I bitched up a storm standing in line for the voting booth to cast my first vote as an 18 year old for Nixon. I was home from college and saw the machines and kept loudly bitching – how does anyone know my vote is being recorded? You can’t tell. This is insanity.
The look of on the faces of all of the sheep was the EXACT same one you see on folks being frogged marched to their deaths. Resignation that this is the way it is and you do not question it. Mind you I had read 1984 in school but had a hard time wanting to believe it.
I knew at age 18 that the voting machines were rigged. But I couldn’t prove it and no one back then questioned it.
I feared last month when I stood 6 feet apart wearing a mask that the machine would not record my vote but I did it in hopes that maybe, just maybe, this district was honest. It did go heavily for Trump.
In 1972 I had a vision of the future. I couldn’t “see” the United States at all in 2025. It just didn’t exist.
There was no war. There was no asteroid. No “climate change” disaster. It had simply collapsed and was no more.
I’m now 66 and I think my 18 year old self yelling into the future was spot on.
The United States only appears on maps at the moment.
I would love to meet someone who grew up in Russia or Estonia or Latvia or any of the former Soviet bloc states and ask if they saw the collapse of the Soviet Union.
It was very, very, very abrupt.
My mentor and great friend was at a library conference in Moscow the day the tanks rolled in.
She and her group were laughing at the silly Soviets and their crazy parades. The taxi driver didn’t speak enough English to tell them what was going on. They ate somewhere and then returned to the hotel to find out they were in lock down. She woke up the next day in August 1991 to learn about an attempted coup.

Research the timelines of the fall. PAY ATTENTION! It was over and done with in 2 years time.

The United States could collapse the same way. Remember we fought a Civil War from April 12, 1861 – May 13, 1865.
It didn’t end well.

This time I think it would be against one place but against two opposing ideologies.

Pro Abortion Pro Transexuality Pro Gay Pro Illegal Entry/Open Borders Defund the Police


Life begins at Conception/ Pro Traditional Family and Pro Laws and Enforcement

Aug.-Dec. 1989: Communist governments in Eastern Europe fall after Gorbachev says he won’t use force to save them.

May 29, 1990: Boris Yeltsin is elected president of the Russian republic, which declares sovereignty, claiming control of natural resources. By year’s end, all 15 Soviet republics declare some form of sovereignty and Gorbachev proposes the Union Treaty to keep them together.

1990 – Soviet troops sent to Azerbaijan following inter-ethnic killings between Armenians and Azeris; Communist Party votes to end one-party rule; Gorbachev opposes independence of Baltic states and imposes sanctions on Lithuania; Yeltsin elected president of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic by the latter’s parliament and leaves the Soviet Communist Party.

1991 August – Senior officials, including Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov, Vice-President Gennadiy Yanayev and the heads of the Interior Ministry and the KGB detain Gorbachev at his holiday villa in Crimea, but are themselves arrested after three days; Yeltsin bans the Soviet Communist Party in Russia and seizes its assets; Yeltsin recognises the independence of the Baltic republics; Ukraine, followed by other republics, declares itself independent.

1991 September – Congress of People’s Deputies votes for the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

1991 8 December – Leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus sign agreement setting up Commonwealth of Independent States.

1991 25 December – Gorbachev resigns as Soviet president; US recognises independence of remaining Soviet republics.

1991 26 December – Russian government takes over offices of USSR in Russia.

  Xena Lamnak
November 9, 2020 3:51 pm

Excellent post, thank you.

November 8, 2020 12:09 pm

ME TOO!!!!!