Video breakdown of Trump’s Executive Order concerning election fraud

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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November 19, 2020 8:45 am

Well, I have a mouth full of crow. Yum. Sounds like the Trump Admin has been planning for this fraud for quite some time. Almost like a massive sting. Let them do their nasty deeds for all to see. Sublime.

If you watch that video from youtube, you will see some links to other videos (Sydney Powell, etc) that are also excellent.

November 19, 2020 9:44 am

I don’t think this will make it through the filter, but if it does? Know there are people in the hills actually preparing for war.

It is frightening to see.

November 19, 2020 10:17 am

I posted this video in another comments section. If you listen to Powell, she makes several allusions to Venezuela, Chavez and now has a former Venezuelan person coming out to say that the voting systems in Venezuela were all crooked.

November 19, 2020 11:25 am

No doubts that is occurring. And it’s not nearly as frightening as an actual war will be.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 9:05 am

Time is getting short and if they do not get their asses in gear to produce real provable evidence, the Corrupt, Creepy, Senile, Pedophile will be moving to PA Ave in 2 months.

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 10:30 am

Time is not getting short, there is a process that must be followed. Michigan just had a stunning reversal to their certification after two certifiers rescinded their votes after they revealed that they and their children had been threatened with violence should they not certify. They also rescinded their votes when they were told that a promised audit was not going to happen.

From the EO she references in the video:
“Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.”

Now we have the new head of Defense, Miller, telling all military/civilian intelligence operators to report to him and only him. Wonder why? Add that to the military seizure of the records in Germany.

I have listed Trump’s foreign election interference EO. Read it and then look at what Powell is saying, the key here is also that the Media, if found complicit in aiding and abetting a foreign entity in voter fraud can have their assets seized.

New military change: Civilian special ops leaders to report to SECDEF for first time ever, Miller announces

November 19, 2020 10:40 am

If you want a better understanding of where things stand and what that EO and an election held during a declaration of national emergency means, read this…

November 19, 2020 11:39 am

You do some fine research…

ec called you big red, right? ec thought you got the raw end of some deal and emailed me about it.

am not sure why these are showing up but if tmwnn is letting me post, i will not slap gift horses.

November 19, 2020 12:58 pm

Thank you. Speaking of EC, have you heard from him recently? I hope all is well with him.

As to raw ends, I am blunt and not too circumspect when it comes to certain topics, that has put me at odds with many who post here, I have an idea as to the issue, but, that water is long under the bridge and joined to the ocean where a tiny tear drop….etc.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 11:13 am

My Girl – What I am concerned about is the electoral college meeting in a few short weeks. Once they vote, it will be very difficult to change the outcome.

Next week is Thanksgiving and there will be no court actions taken. We also have several governors, MI included, who are locking down again, giving the court an excuse for not hearing cases.

Time is not on The Donald’s side.

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 12:44 pm

This is an odd election year on many fronts. The standard process is for electors to submit their votes by Dec. 14. This is from the Congressional Research Document for a better understanding of process and timeline re 2020 election…..

“December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline
The U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §5) provides that if election
results are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to
election day, has enacted procedures to settle controversies
or contests over electors and electoral votes, and if these
procedures have been applied, and the results have been
determined six days before the electors’ meetings, then
these results are considered to be conclusive, and will apply
in the counting of the electoral votes. This date, known as
the “Safe Harbor” deadline, falls on December 8 in 2020.
The governor of any state where there was a contest, and in
which the contest was decided according to established
state procedures, is required (3 U.S.C. §6) to send a
certificate describing the form and manner by which the
determination was made to the Archivist as soon as

Then there is this:

Most years, we have an idea of who won by the end of election day, based on the results that are available, but the outcome of any election isn’t final on election night. In fact, it isn’t set in stone until all the electors meet to count the electoral votes and declare the results. This meeting, where the electoral votes are counted, won’t happen until January 6, 2021.

What happens then: The sitting vice president takes on the role of Senate president and officiates the joint session of Congress. They ask electoral members to read aloud the results of their representing state’s certificates cast by the electors to finalize the vote count. If nobody objects to any of the readings, the Senate president officially announces the chosen president-elect and vice president-elect from the election.

And then it’s official—or at least it is when the two winners are inaugurated on January 20, 2021, by the United States Supreme Court’s Chief Justice. So, if there’s anything to take away from this, it’s that while you’ll hear a lot about who “won” the election, nothing will be completely official until January.

For a better understanding of the 2020 elections, this document is invaluable….

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 1:48 pm

My Girl – I understand the process and appreciate your links for those who do not.

The electoral college is a political process and without the backing of people on the ground and calling their representatives, he will lose. The longer this goes on with his advocates dropping hints of something big without providing substantial evidence, the more it looks like they are making baseless claims, which has been the narrative of the left since they anointed the Creepy, Corrupt, Senile, Old Pedophile

Look how easily the 2 republicans in Wayne County folded when called RAYCISS. They now recant, but will it be accepted by TPTB? I doubt it. They are on record accepting the results, as presented. The same thing will happen to all of the Republican legislators in PA, WI, GA & MI. They have to know there is overwhelming support for them to stick their necks out and take a controversial action. It will be much easier for them to say “The voters have spoken and it has been certified by bi-partisan election commissions.”

As I said before, time is not on the president’s side and the longer this goes, the less his chances are of him holding onto his office, short of going full Franco. Even then, he will not have the backing of the odd shaped building in Arlington.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 2:26 pm


I’m not sure what you’ll get with the link, but I just sat thru the 2+hr. news conference on fox-in-the-henhouse news channel, the only one that even covered it. Immediately thereafter, fox Perino with Karl Rove immediately went to discounting the info given, and ignoring the importance of information about the voting machines….

My position has not changed….it’s all for show; designed to ignite “a fire in the minds of men”

And Guliani sweating so bad his hair dye was running down the sides of his face. “America’s mayor” on 911…….lol

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——===

I'll just pull this from below:

"And yet nothing will happen.


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  ordo ab chao
November 19, 2020 2:45 pm

They are trying to lose by letting Rudy present anything to a court. The reports of his presentation yesterday in PA were not good. He is good when talking to Lou or Sean, but that is about as far as I would let him talk.

Jenna or Sidney would be much preferable when presenting evidence to the court or to the public.

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 4:21 pm

I daresay Sidney will do much of the presentations in courtrooms that count. The MSM will play down or ignore this press conference, they will say it is lies and so on, they have the gall to state that THE PRESS decides an election and they trust that most Americans are too stupid to disagree with that statement.

That press conference was an opening salvo, they have tossed the gauntlet and now it remains to be seen where the other side goes with this. You may notice that when the media isn’t ignoring the gauntlet they will make some small brush offs and continue on with news of Biden’s latest cabinet appointee or other Biden actions to continue to maintain the illusion that Biden has won the election.

All Trump’s team has to do is get some courts in certain states involved in a legal process contesting the validity of the votes and voting process.

Then there is this little paragraph and guess who the Director of National Intelligence is?

John Lee Ratcliffe is an American politician and attorney who is the Director of National Intelligence in the Trump administration. He previously served as the Representative for Texas’s 4th district from 2015 to 2020. During his time in Congress, Ratcliffe was regarded as one of the most conservative members.

It is Ratliffe who will determine if….
… Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

That determination can come earlier and guess what the lawyers have as evidence of foreign involvement?

November 19, 2020 4:34 pm

Those in the media who ignore or attempt to obfuscate information coming from the press conference can be sanctioned.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 4:35 pm

I like Ratcliffe and if anyone can get to the bottom of it, I would put my money on him, but he will have a LOT of opposition. Trump waited way too long to get good, dependable people in place. I just hope it is not too late.

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 5:20 pm

I’m going to wait until the fat lady sings. She’s winding up but there are things that can take the wind out of her sails at the eleventh hour. I vacillate between we’re screwed to hope springs eternal.
No matter. If Biden is allowed to ‘win’ then the country is so far down in the shitter that only a revolution will turn things around. Everything that he proposes is geared to cementing the NWO in place and once that happens I am a criminal anyways so may as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb….

November 19, 2020 4:39 pm

If this were to play out in a country following the rule of law rather than the color of law, I would expect attention to be directed by the Ivy League Legalese and Uppercrustaceons, i.e., the Academics, toward the effort. The silence is deafening.

An old college professor and friend retired to Calofornia and her daughter is tenured at Berkeley. Full libtard. She taught me a lot about Political Policy and Bureaucracy. I am so dismayed that someone I respected supports Biden-Harris.

It has given me great heartache to witness this very sad state of the world..

November 19, 2020 5:15 pm

There are many people who are easily swayed and very susceptible to propaganda. The Globalists/Marxists are very adept at media manipulation and the hue and cry against Trump has been non-stop for over four years now. The media has made all kinds of claims sbout his criminality and racism and fascism and his whatever/you-name-it, they’ve pulled out the Alinsky playbook and used every tactic in there along with all the tactics of the Fabians and bolsheviks coupled with every technique from the Prisoners of the Cold War play book. How many fingers am I holding up?

What they are doing is nothing new, the difference now is that the propaganda is so powerful and so pervasive and has been for generations. The coup is almost complete and most Americans aren’t educated properly, too blase and not bright enough to understand what is being done to them. They WILL understand after-the-fact and by then, it will be too late.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
November 19, 2020 9:48 am

Very interesting. Will perps walk? I doubt it. They’ve been getting away with political murder for 4 years. What makes you think it will end now?

AL Tru
AL Tru
November 19, 2020 11:01 am


Great Stuff…

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  AL Tru
November 19, 2020 11:26 am

Well written article and surprising that it is coming from someone who was not a Trump fan.

We can no longer un-see the corruption that has taken place. The Donald opened our eyes. The question is: What are we going to do about it?

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 12:21 pm

Thank you and to all the excellent responses.

November 19, 2020 12:34 pm

My girl said MI certifying the vote had people rescinding
due to no audit as promised and threats to them and against
family members.
Well…this shows the bad guys will stop at nothing to get their
way. Others can be threatened also. The question is are the white hats
and black hats 50-50%? Also will the .gov men with arms be on Trumps
side or the NWO side?

It does seem as tho people in “power” are collectively (pardon the pun)
giving Trump the middle finger. Even presumably intelligent people
are buying the rona threat/going along with it. Doesn’t look good
does it? Yet we have no choice but to wait it out. I hate that.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 4:27 pm

MI SecState says Wayne County votes have been certified by the bi-partisan commission. No changing their minds will be allowed. Looks like another lawsuit coming.

  TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 4:37 pm

They have to say that…I do hope the SS has a good lawyer, the two republicans who were threatened with harm can sure as shit sue her.

November 19, 2020 4:49 pm

It is so sad to see our citizenry so deluded.

“Give us a king!”

A Sunday School teacher once asked me if I knew why Jeremiah referred to hearing Rachel crying “still”.

Supposedly she cries because her children go willingly into bondage again and again.

November 19, 2020 2:03 pm
November 19, 2020 2:31 pm

November 3rd 2020- January 19th 2021 ….A giant crap-a-thon that yields NAFT .

Not A Fucking Thing…….Book it Dan-O

November 19, 2020 3:08 pm

Just curious, does anyone else have trouble downloading these kinds of videos from youtube? using firefox with downloadhelper.

Update: found it on bitchute. Downloaded fine. This lady has a lot of videos out there slamming the COVID hoax.

November 19, 2020 4:18 pm
TN Patriot
TN Patriot
November 19, 2020 6:06 pm

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”