Go Roman, conservative brethren, or go home


One reason conservatives never saw a culture war they couldn’t lose is that they insist on using Queensberry rules, even as the Left fights no-holds-barred. Consider, for example, two scenarios.

When leftists discover someone “committing conservatism” — such as when former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich was found to have donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 — they accept nothing less than the person’s termination. In fact, they never want him to work again. Ergo “cancel culture.”

When leftists effect something truly outrageous, such as the anti-white “Deep Equity” school curriculum being implemented nationwide, the reaction is different. Conservatives may fight back against it as they did with Deep Equity in Chandler, Arizona, but they’re generally satisfied if the social engineering is abandoned. They don’t go for blood. In fact, so often have I heard prominent conservative figures say in such a situation, “Look, I don’t want anyone fired.”

Well, I do.

I say this not with just a vindictive spirit. Liberals make sure to administer a coup de grâce generally driven by anger and hatred, emotions epitomizing them. Yet slightly more thoughtful leftists may have an additional reason and understand something: Culture wars are zero-sum games. And winning a battle but leaving your adversary in place to fight another day is no recipe for victory.

With respect to school indoctrination, consider: If you caught a teacher trying to molest your child, would you be satisfied with an apology and continue leaving your kid in his care?

Why should it be any different when a teacher visits upon your child the rape of mind, heart and soul?

The point apparently missed is that in such a situation, the problem is not that the educator tried to effect a given type of toxic indoctrination.

It’s that he’s the kind of person who would effect toxic indoctrination.

This won’t change just because you successfully mitigate an obvious symptom of his moral disease. He’s still infected; he still is what he is. And while I’m no fan of Maya Angelou, some of her words should be heeded here: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

“I remember first hearing these words in my early twenties. I heard them,” she continued. “I just didn’t follow them. Hence, I brought myself a whole lot of painful lessons and needless suffering because I always wanted to give people a second chance, and a third, and a fourth….”

Implementing a planned program of leftist insanity isn’t just a momentary lapse in judgment such as an angry outburst, regretted soon afterwards, that resulted in calling a child a derogatory name. It bespeaks of a twisted world view, of a lack of virtue. And when you identify a cancerous tumor, you excise it; you don’t leave it in place so it can metastasize further and affect the healthy tissue around it.

A teacher imbued with leftism will corrupt everything he touches, whether he wants to or not. For he cannot help being what he is. As with virtues, vices are caught more than they’re taught. It’s what’s assumed that’s learned best, and an educator’s basic assumptions will always come through to his students one way or another.

This said, a left-wing teacher will usually seek to intentionally indoctrinate his charges even after being caught with his ideological pants down. He’ll just be more subtle about it.

If my prescription still sounds harsh, know that there’s a difference between being virtuous and being a “nice” guy — and that nice guys finish last. I’d also implore conservatives to stop being conservative, as in being defensive, as in conserving our now leftism-forged status quo.

I’d further say, look around you. Do you not realize that our culture is being undone root and branch? Have you not noticed the statues coming down, the traditions torn up, the names of Founders and other historical heroes being stripped from buildings, the history being rewritten, and the morality being turned on its head? Do you not see that we’re facing our own Year Zero?

This is happening, too, partially because of the educational indoctrination of the past many decades, which conservatives didn’t effectively combat because, in part (though there were other reasons), they “didn’t want to see anyone lose his job.”

But conservatives, one might hope, would understand the importance of accountability. In fact, we find it maddening, and complain, when we see conservatives crucified for saying “boo” (e.g., Roger Stone) while left-wing criminals such as John Brennan and Jim Comey are allowed to skate. Yet are we doing any better?

A threat of merely having to stop your social engineering (perhaps only temporarily) if it’s discovered is no threat at all. Loss of employment, however, sends a message. And don’t confuse a soft head with a soft heart. It matters little here that a propagandizing ex-teacher may have trouble paying the rent; it matters much that our culture is being rent stem to stern.

The accountability being prescribed here should, of course, be applied beyond education and to all our institutions, from government bureaucracies to film studios. But education matters because as the apocryphal saying warns, “The teaching in the schools today will become the politics of tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow” is now because yesterday too many of us were distracted, lukewarm, inattentive, and complacent — and too busy being “nice guys.”

Really, we need to become as “intolerant” as leftists accuse us of being and 10 percent as intolerant they are.

As the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen put it in 1931, “America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance — it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”

Tolerance of evil is evil itself. Go Roman, conservative brethren, or go home.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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February 23, 2021 2:24 pm

Thou shall not suffer a leftist to live.

February 23, 2021 3:24 pm

Take the SCOTUS’s recent performances to further prove this very state of affairs. They dropped hearing any cases from this past election stating its moot now because Biden was inaugurated and in office.

So the message is, if you rob a store, bank, home, person, etc and can get away with it, then oh well. Criminal activity is rewarded if you can pull off a successful get away.

Maybe we should play by communist rules. Next election simply drive up to the polling station at midnight and drop off several tractor trailer loads of printed ballots, they have to be counted. Or hack into the online machines and add serval million votes to ALL conservative candidates. Once in the system they can’t be deleted because hey… they were successfully entered.

February 23, 2021 4:41 pm

I have to agree with the author, if we expect to win this war, then we must fight to win.
Personally, I look to two sources for help and inspiration when it comes to dealing with war. If it’s actual warfare, business war, or in this case, the ongoing cultural and ideological war, I defer to Sun Tzu.
But there are exceptions. This quote from the article illustrates one of them, “If you caught a teacher trying to molest your child, would you be satisfied with an apology and continue leaving your kid in his care?” In cases like that, I’d consult the words of wisdom found in the Bible. Specifically, these parts that tell us, “not suffer fools gladly”, “vengeance is mine says the Lord”, and “that God’s Spirit dwells in you”. So, the way I see it, if some idiot is foolish enough to molest the body or soul of my children or grandchildren, I’ll just be doing the Lord’s work when I proceed to make this fool suffer the Lord’s vengeance sooner rather than later.

February 23, 2021 4:56 pm

THIS is what needs to be done… time to man up people…


February 23, 2021 6:16 pm

Firing ‘them’ isn’t good enough by a country mile.

February 23, 2021 6:32 pm

The fired guy was losing his place he was renting from the boss too… So fired AND homeless… canceled bro… lol stupidity has consequences

February 24, 2021 9:29 am

Here’s a link to the original instead of that link to the surrender-monkey americanthinker website.

Conservatives Need to Start Taking No Prisoners and Claiming Scalps

February 24, 2021 9:42 am

Do you not see that we’re facing our own Year Zero?

Yes. I’ve been looking back through history to get a glimpse of what that might look like and I’ve sort of come to the realization what Year Zero looks like varies according to your cultural surroundings.

In Cambodia, it was simply announced that the Party owned all assets a couple days after Pol Pot came to power.

Starting now.

People either walked away from their homes and possessions and boarded the trucks or they were shot.

February 24, 2021 9:49 am

Humor me, wip…

What happens when a country becomes Communist by executive order?

February 24, 2021 10:09 am

And, of course, there is this.

(WIP?) If you can get through the Bernie Sanders rant, there are some interesting factoids on this video of which I was unaware.

Also, when the discussion turns to the bombing of Cambodian civilian targets, substitute Military Industrial Complex Bombers instead of US Armed Forces. It is more accurate.

February 24, 2021 10:31 am

This should cue up around the 9 minute point, where it explains how Year Zero began.

February 24, 2021 6:39 pm

Good question ! I was wondering that, like yesterday or so, myself…

February 24, 2021 1:30 pm

I’ll have to check these out.

February 24, 2021 7:02 pm

Thanks Maggie, this was an excellent overview. It is eerie how external actors always seem to propel such dystopian nightmares forward by pulling the strings of committed commie dupes…

February 24, 2021 9:57 am

I don’t think the Cambodia genocide can be applied to the US in any way. In Cambodia the populace was mostly farmers if I’m not mistaken, and firearms were not saturated thru out the populace like they are in the US. The first shots ringing out against those not willing to board the truck or walk away from their homes would be the signal for the millions of gun owners to lock’n load.

IMO, the take over has to be more to the Germany example. Requiring guns to be ‘registered’ for safety reasons, common sense regulations, you know the messaging. Then you later ban only ‘certain’ military firearms designed to kill massive amounts of people in the shortest of time. Then toss in every firearm you can think of, kinda like what they did here in canukistan.

BTW, there are multiple law suits fighting this gun grab here, but because our courts are infested with communist top to bottom, they are slow walking the process. Its an attempt to ‘normalize’ the ideal that your gun, all calibres and shotguns, are illegal. The outdry from oue **cough** conservatives has been minimal too, like your squishies rino’s.

February 24, 2021 4:25 pm

Could be moar akin to the Spanish Civil War.

February 24, 2021 6:38 pm

Yes, from what little I know of both I’d tend to agree with you…

February 24, 2021 10:12 am

You’ve been posting some great videos, Maggie. They deserve more ups and comments.

Then again … what can one say? “Great vid!!”? It’s wasn’t great … it was horrific to see what The Cambodians have suffered.

Great job finding it, though. People falsely believe …. That. Can’t. Happen. In. America.

Well, we’ll see, won’t we?

February 24, 2021 11:19 am

I’m posting them here because I didn’t know Year Zero referred to Cambodia.

When I realized it did, I decided to do some comparative analysis and watched a video about Idi Amin: the Butcher of Uganda. That man was insane on top of being a monster. Or maybe he was insane because he was such a monster.

I guess I’ve developed a morbid curiosity about how other Communist dictators have eliminated the “useless eaters.”

I hope to come up with a decent comment for HSF’s story about the Communist clan of rats.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
February 24, 2021 8:40 pm

Stucky, The ‘it can’t happen in America’ is happening now. Fraudulent Joe China Biden’s strings will pulled by his & Fake VP Harris’ handlers will tell them to take the US citizen guns.

Why wait? We can look & see that happening now.

Bogs Biden was asked if he would take guns away from US citizens, he replied “BINGO!”

Getting rid of the 2nd Amendment is on their minds. The fascist left propagandist fringe stream media & ‘social’ platforms are also attacking the 1st one now & have shut down a lot of conservative speech.


Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
February 24, 2021 6:46 pm

great and long overdue article. … Carthage was the thorn for Rome until the problem was finally dealt with and the land salted behind them. Unless we grasp the ugly truth of this article our land will be salted with our bones. Such different groups cannot coexist for much longer.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
February 24, 2021 8:49 pm

What does “…go Roman…” mean?

I don’t need the corrupt Roman Catholic ‘Church’. Most of the people in the pews are good decent people. They have just been misled by the teachings of the Whore of Babylon. Some of their teachings are made up to divert away from Christ. The Catholic religiosity may make people feel good, but that’s all it does.
