Financial Treason

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June 11, 2021 8:10 am

I left the stock market 10 years ago because something didn’t work for me.
Gains always were offset by fees, taxes and dwindling purchasing power. After 15 years paper profits looked OK but the actual growth was illusory.
The casino house always wins…

June 11, 2021 11:46 am

What exactly does it mean to win? We’re all worm food in the end. There is only living well and the good fight. Yes, these assholes will destroy the whole fucking system and maybe to whole fucking world before the “lose.” Does that mean they’ve won anything?

June 11, 2021 12:12 pm

Cool that someone with some clout is fighting in good faith. We desperately need a widespread reframe of what’s important.

There was an episode of MASH where someone said the cliché “War is Hell.” Hawkeye would have none of it.

Hawkeye: “NO. War is War and Hell is Hell and of the two War is far worse.”
Mulcahy: “How do figure that, Hawkeye?”
Hawkeye: “Who goes to hell, Father?”
Mulcahy: “Sinners, I suppose.”
Hawkeye: “Right. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell.”

I always remembered that exchange, even though I haven’t watched MASH in at least 20 years. Not so much because of Hawkeye’s viewpoint exactly, but because of the reframe of a cliché. This is such a powerful tool. Cliché’s exist for a reason. They are shorthand so we don’t have to focus all our mental effort on reexamining old data. That said, there is occasionally massive value in examining old data. There is also the ability to change people’s minds rapidly in a reframe of things that they already “know.” (as in “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just aint so.”)

So, this is what I always think when I hear “Time is Money.”

No. Time is Time and Money is Money and of the two Time is infinitely more valuable. Think of where this simple reframe takes us….

There may be some truly poor people in terms of time (just another tragic aspect of the Human Condition), but there are certainly no obscenely rich people, no billionaires…No one who gets to live 800 years or 8000. It puts us all in the same boat. Also, you can sit on massive piles of money, but not of time. There can never be any hoarding of this most valuable of all assets.

Both can be wasted, however. And one could certainly argue that a massive waste of Time would be the obsessive seeking of more Money that one could use in a thousand lifetimes.