Own Your Failure Biden Voters

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

I will admit my own relatively minor failure: I voted for invertebrate-con Mitt Romney in 2012 and have spent the last nine years regretting it, but now I look at the saps who checked the box for that crusty old pervert who’s busy flushing our country down the crapper and I feel really bad for them. Well, at least for those Biden voters who weren’t dead when they cast their ballots.

They thought that mean tweets and dating Playboy models was so outrageously awful that they needed to exchange him for a half-wit plagiarist with busy hands and a slothful mind. He was no prize before he put the “d” in “dementia.” Prior to allegedly being elected president, this dork was, as Democrat Robert Gates famously put it, “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” The same genius who thought capping Bin Ladin was a bad idea also thought ditching Bagram was a good one. Well, at least he’s consistent.

Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country.

For the elite, Trump was a threat to their gravy train and an utterly intolerable insult to their puffed-up self-image. Trump saw the scam clearly because he was of them – he hung out with the elite all his life, and he took pleasure at their pathetic groveling for dollars. But while he sometimes gave them money, he did not give them respect, because he knew they deserve none and he was incapable of pretending that they did. They had to destroy him, and his entire presidency was consumed with demonstrably false pseudo-controversies from the fake Russia nonsense to the fake Ukraine nonsense to the fake insurrection nonsense.

So, the elite were never going to support their nemesis. It was in neither their economic nor aesthetic interest. And, as our ruling caste is defined by its utter refusal to accept any accountability for its myriad fumbles, it will never admit it and conduct the kind of personal inventory that electing this catastrophe of an administration requires.

But the regular people who voted against him – that’s a different story, because they voted against their interests. The economy was humming, and even after the elite’s Chi Com comrades inflicted the pangolin pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. Soleimani was a cinder and ISIS was a skid mark. We had no new wars, and the one in Afghanistan was set to end without a live production of Miss Saigon II: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Airbases.

But then there were those mean tweets, those awful mean tweets. And all the racism and sexism and homophobia and more racism and … well, there wasn’t any of that but there still had to be some because, well, you know, reasons. So, a bunch of people voted for “normality,” which really meant the absence of a perpetual media-fueled ruling class tantrum at the uppity upstart backed by all those red-hatted flag/gun/Jesus people from West Dakota and South Virginia and that other state with all the corn.

You got normality, alright. The normality of 1979 under Jimmy Carter, except worse. At least he had Billy to provide comic relief.

It’s time to accept responsibility for what you’ve done. Your failure was voting for Biden, and you need to own it. In this way, the pain of recognizing that you sucked and that you helped make a small contribution to the decline of your country into the gelatinous blob it has become in just seven months under Grandpa Badfinger may dissuade you from failing again in the future.

Don’t front and try to throw down the “No Ragrats” card. Accept that by voting for Biden, you were yet another color in his rainbow of failure. Once you do, you can grow.

And people are choosing to grow. The change is coming. Here’s a perfect story – it totally supports my narrative so you should be suspicious but it’s all true and you can take it how you wish. It’s about the recall, which is the first real test of Democratic strength this cycle. The kid I grew up with when I lived in Ohio, before I was kicked out and exiled to California, moved out here too a while ago. He’s a hippie, by which I mean hippie, right down to the hippie music and hippie lifestyle. He’s literally the anti-Kurt. We’re still pals, of course, because we aren’t idiots who hate old friends for disagreeing. Anyway, he texted me about which Republican to vote for, because he’s voting “Yes” on the recall. He’s never voted “R” before.

You can believe it or not, but it’s true. The California recall is going to be the first test of whether people who voted for Failboy are going to rethink it. Poor Gavin Newsom – which is a contradiction in terms – is the lab rat for this experiment. And when Governor Larry Elder gets sworn in, as polls say he may, we’ll know that people have begun to repent of their failure.

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August 30, 2021 7:49 am

You regretted voting for Romney? For whom do you wish you had voted? Romney was the ONLY choice in 2012.

August 30, 2021 7:54 am

Better to have stayed home

August 30, 2021 9:31 am

wrote-in ron paul.

August 30, 2021 10:03 am

It makes a good private statement (heard by no one else), but in a national election write-ins are even less serious votes than wasting the vote on a third party candidate.

August 30, 2021 2:59 pm

True. They just get tossed and the only one who might take note is the volunteer that tossed it. But they still look at the participation number and see how much legitimacy is left.

August 30, 2021 9:56 am

True – sorta. A person votes for a person in the primary, but can only vote party by the general election. The primary is the more important of the two when it comes to picking an individual candidate. Each had flaws in their own right, but Santorum, Ron Paul, Perry, even Gingrich would have been better choices coming out of the primary.

August 30, 2021 11:29 am

You are why write-ins and 3rd party votes are useless. You and millions too dumb to understand that simple fact.

August 30, 2021 3:01 pm

The Republican Party deliberately sabotaged Ron Paul in the primary. Primary elections have almost no accountability. Caucuses even less. We saw how quickly caucuses broke down in the low trust environment. They were a joke.

August 30, 2021 8:05 am

And here we go again. Conveniently ignoring that the election was clearly, undeniably STOLEN, out in the open, not in the least bit hidden for all to see. Almost nobody voted for the Potato Pretender In Chief. But instead of facing the reality that voting has been rendered absolutely pointless, let’s keep blaming the mythical Potato Voters. If you believe that there were enough people who voted Pro Potato to hand that tard the presidency, do you also believe in unicorns? How about the chuppacabra? Leprechauns? The friggen election was stolen! Stop the willful ignorance. Stop lying to yourselves. Caving in to the narrative that The Potato legitimately won, will only ensure that elections will remain Kabuki Theatre and nothing will change in the US for God knows how long.

August 30, 2021 10:58 am

I think the idea is, that yes, we all know the election was stolen. But, that all the stupids who did vote for him put the election within reach (yes, it was a loooooong stretch) to be stolen. There are others on our side which didn’t do enough to ensure that the election couldn’t be stolen.

August 30, 2021 11:30 am

not sure which “our side” you’re refering to.

August 30, 2021 12:59 pm

No matter what we did, the election would have been stolen, it just would have taken even more fraud…

August 30, 2021 6:04 pm

Could it really have been stolen if all the “stupids”hadn’t voted for him?

August 30, 2021 12:58 pm

Yes, Kurt can’t say that openly because it would cause him a lot of economic damage…,

anon I
anon I
August 30, 2021 8:45 am

Oh boy, here we go bright and early on Monday morning. Schpinter selling voting matters and vote even harder.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 30, 2021 8:51 am

Gov. Larry Elder? Give me a break!
Newsom still controls who counts the votes and will win by a comfortable margin.

  TN Patriot
August 30, 2021 1:01 pm

Agreed…If Newsom can keep the vote fraud machine on his side, he’ll win…

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
August 30, 2021 8:57 am

What kind of irresponsible dolt hands an octogenarian an ice cream cone that weights 2 pounds?

Are they trying to embarrass him?

  Hardscrabble Farmer
August 30, 2021 9:30 am

“Are they trying to embarrass him?”

No. Xiden has so successful a career embarrassing himself single handedly he’s made it an art form.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Hardscrabble Farmer
August 30, 2021 11:05 am

He’s either clutching a ginormous ice cream cone or pawing children. So it’s all day ice cream cones for Biden.

August 30, 2021 9:16 am

Biden was not put in the White House by Biden supporters but by Trump haters.
You appreciate the difference?

August 30, 2021 9:31 am

Not true.

Xiden was installed by a coup.

August 30, 2021 9:40 am

Biden was installed by the elites.

August 30, 2021 11:54 am

The entire ‘election’ was a coup, run by a cabal that was the same cabal that installed Obama. Trump shocked them by winning against the evil sow and they made damn certain that the last ‘election’ wasn’t going to go to another Trump scenario.

Biden is Obama II and the coup is now working hard to finish transforming America into a third world cesspool that can’t offer any opposition to the NWO globalists. We now live in a banana republic, run by lunatics and monsters and psychopaths and the former USA is deader than the contents of Grant’s tomb.

August 30, 2021 6:20 pm

Lou Grant??

August 30, 2021 6:25 pm

They are not elite. True enough that they are in the positions that we expect to find the elite in but we find them having nothing to offer any (or all) of humanity but their corruption and arrogance which leaves us with little but dumbshit and either hope(via Christ) or misery in depending on our selves. We need a new and remade elite.

August 30, 2021 11:01 am

Well Kurt, you speak as if these are blunders. In reality, it’s just democrats in action. It’s how they roll.

August 30, 2021 11:47 am

People that voted for him are too stupid to own anything as in cognitive dissonance ridden

anon I
anon I
August 30, 2021 12:50 pm

Are those Man Boobs he’s sporting?

August 30, 2021 12:56 pm

I don’t see any signs that the (few) Biden voters around here are willing to accept blame, or admit they were wrong…One intelligent friend even asserts that Biden will be re-elected, which even Democrats know won’t happen…