The Ashes of Our Fathers

By Tim  Stebbins


“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods”

Thomas Babington Macaulay

I have been trying for some days to get my head around what it is I want to say in this particular essay. I grow weary of endless discussion and pointless speculation about the current condition of this country. A different voice whispers in my ear. A different picture forms in my mind’s eye.

An increasing number of my countrymen, it seems, no longer possess the ability to look to the past with any degree of honesty. Nor are there many left able to look to the future with any degree of hope. We live in Orwell’s eternal present, adrift on a sea of ignorance and apathy, bereft of any mooring in the truth of our history, or any lodestar to guide us into our future.

We have a past that connects us one to another. It is not a perfect past, but neither is it the litany of evil that the intellectually stunted and morally corrupt children of the left would have us believe. The connections of our shared historical experience continue to deteriorate like the cartilage of a bad knee. We have reached the painful bone-on-bone stage and something has to give.

There are many who ignorantly subscribe to the belief that the events of our past are subject to the cacophonous judgement of the historically illiterate and intellectually dishonest. These fools daily assault the sensibilities of the dwindling number who value the wisdom and traditions of our forebears. In the present age, it seems the lessons of millennia of human history count for nothing. A hysterical mob of historical revisionists, nouveau puritans, and petty despots now control the public discourse.

I am just a working man. I hold no grand office. I wield no power over my fellow men, yet I see with great clarity the maelstrom into which we are descending.  I, and others like me, can clearly discern what is coming, yet our rulers behave as if they are immune to the retribution and punishment that is long past due and payable.

What do those who rule this land expect us to do? Shall we bend the knee to the gaggle of geriatrics shuffling about the halls of Congress, or perhaps we should just abdicate our reason and do as the dotard in the white house demands? Take this. Do that. Do not do the other. Do as I say, not as I do.

This constant stream of authoritarian effluent streams from the minds and mouths of the pathetic pack of miscreants who purport to be our betters. It would be easy to conclude, if one passively absorbs the pap and drivel of the media, that the battle is lost. Diversity, equity, and inclusion have carried the day. Bent and tarnished trumpets sourly announce the victory of mediocrity, subservience, and lassitude. An amazing future without risk or reward awaits the timid masses. Existence is guaranteed, so long as the boat is not rocked. All this safety and security can be ours for the low low price of the lives and liberty of a few millions of our neighbors, friends, and family.

Let us speak plainly then, for time is short. Barring some unforeseen national reconciliation, it will come down to them or us. Us being all those who know what it means to call this land home. Them being every collectivist oxygen thief, corporate shill, political charlatan, welfare zombie, and race-baiting huckster who tries to gaslight us into believing that we are the problem. Some call us trad or heritage Americans, but what binds us to this land is far broader than our heritage and far deeper than our traditions. I, and those like me, are bound to this country by the sinew, blood and bone of all those who came before us.

The paternal line of my family arrived on these shores in 1634. My mother’s people followed around 1710. I am fortunate to know something of their story. The tale of their lives traces the history of this land from its beginnings. They are watching me and all of your people are watching you as well. They are our witnesses to the price of freedom. They wait to see if we have the courage to stem the tide of oppression that is lapping at our feet.

Rowland Stebbins watches from the bow of the “Francis” as she approaches the eastern shore of a land, as yet unpolluted, by the tyrannies of an old world that could not shackle his desire to be free.

Lorenzo Stinchfield, a casualty of Lincoln’s War, watches me from his front porch in Maine. He sips a hard cider and rests his maimed leg on a pillow. A Confederate musket ball shattered his ankle. He kept the pieces. He was fifteen and went to war with the last assemblage of Americans who just wanted to be left alone.

Betsy Stebbins watches too, while she waits to hear if her petition to have her maiden name restored will be granted. She could not abide carrying the name of the man who abandoned her. I suspect her fight was against a very personal tyranny. She would not be a slave to her past. Without her courage, I would not carry her name.

My great grandmother Marion, her work-roughened hands in the dishpan, peers at me from the window of her little house across the street from mine. She kept the shards of Lorenzo’s obliterated ankle in a little metal box in her attic. Her son, my great uncle Kenneth joins her. Twice wounded on D-Day, he too wonders if those that have come after him will have the stomach for the fight ahead.

This country is my home, not because I happen to inhabit the geographical space known as the United States, but because my people lie buried here. They have lived and died on this land for nearly four centuries. Their bones lie in the earth from sea to shining sea. I am not going anywhere. I will not comply with the demands of criminals, savages, or any variety of sociopath now ascendant. Defiance is what I offer all those who would shackle me and mine. Defiance is my gift to Rowland, Lorenzo, Marion, Kenneth, and all the others who came before me. My gift comes wrapped in the bloody rags of resistance and it contains the sum total of my contempt for the lickspittle denizens slithering to and fro in the halls of power. My gift smells of gunpowder and dried blood and I offer it freely to the invaders pouring across our southern border. My gift is tied up in a hangman’s noose and I offer it to every media bootlicker, every corporate toady, and every useless bureaucrat whose very lives hang upon the continued good will of several millions who are not yet cowed in the face of endless bluster and accusation.

The powers that be appear to expect my cooperation in my own immolation. What they will get is something quite different. My resistance to this tyranny will be offered up in great bleeding chunks to the effete martinets who prance across the national stage presuming to know what is best for me and those like me.

The fight we now face is beyond existential. It is not solely about survival. After all, of what value is survival without liberty? The roots of this conflict extend deep into our history. The tendrils of the past reach into and intertwine with the difficulties of the present. The voices of our Founders speak to us. The spirits of our ancestors hover all around us. Wondering. Waiting. This good land was their home. It was, and is, not just a place or an idea. It was home to them. It is home to us.

When we have passed from this life and stand before that great cloud of witnesses, what defense will we offer for our actions in the days to come? Will we hang our heads and mumble some drivel about compromise and the common good, or will we, like Horatius, be clear of eye and tell them that, for good or ill, we made our stand. Let us, then, comport ourselves so as to avoid condemnation in the eyes of our ancestors. Let us instead enter into their presence knowing that, of the multitude of reasons to resist this rising despotism, it was enough to know that we fought for the sake of their memory. We fought to defend the ashes of our fathers.

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October 3, 2021 11:54 am


Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
October 3, 2021 12:20 pm

Written by a man I would be proud to stand beside to protect the bridges of our own history and the promises of our future.

  Sionnach Liath
October 3, 2021 2:22 pm

I have no such history. There are no “my people” connecting me to this land. Hell, I’m not even from this land.

But, all traditions and histories must start somewhere and someplace. This now is as good as any.

His words gave me goosebumps! I would be proud to stand beside him as well.

October 3, 2021 6:49 pm

I too felt goosebumps reading this,and he tells how I too feel. What kind of a man would I Be? If someday my grandchildren look at me and ask. Where were you papa? How come you didn’t fight for our birthright. That is not who I am. I have known for a long time. This only ends one way for me.

daddy joe
daddy joe
October 4, 2021 4:59 pm

Goosebumps are just the spirits of our ancestors goosing us to clean some guns, sight them in again, Whet some good steel blades, learn to make a noose, and start taking names. Do these things and you will sleep better at night as the day approaches..

known associate
known associate
  Sionnach Liath
October 4, 2021 9:15 pm

The trumpets of the angels of vengeance are playing accompaniment to that most eloquent statement of task and purpose…

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
October 3, 2021 12:25 pm

Eloquent and direct. It matters not if your people have been here 400 years or 40 years. If they have truly offered all that they have in exchange for the freedom and liberty this Republic has offered, then we are brothers and I’ll stand with you to prevent the last and greatest hope of the world from slipping away.

  Doctor de Vaca
October 3, 2021 1:54 pm

An excellent and sobering commentary. He sums up what I feel. The geriatrics and buffoons in Congress and the White House aren’t the country and their edicts only carry weight because they have men wielding guns to enforce those edicts. There are too many who follow those evil sods but there’s a greater number who don’t and that number grows by the day. That’s why they’re bringing in the illegals, they want to outnumber the natives, but…the illegals are here for the goodies and when those dry up, as they must, they will leave here and head to more bountiful shores.
I don’t know exactly how to fight the men with guns but I do know how to withdraw my consent and my labor….

ursel doran
ursel doran
October 3, 2021 12:44 pm

Reality perception manipulation is a BIG issue for all times. Today especially.

October 3, 2021 12:46 pm

While the left is saying there is so much that needs to be forgotten, the actual authentic generational Americans are saying there is so much to be remembered. We are our history!

October 3, 2021 1:16 pm

Nice. Very well done.

October 3, 2021 1:39 pm

brilliant , really. goddamn but i was feeling goosebumps toward the end, no shit.
i have , maybe it’s me indulging in some luxurious hope from time to time, but i have a bit of a hunch that the times we live in now are pushing many many people with sentiments like those expressed so well here, out into the open, indeed even to realize for themselves what matters and what doesnt.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 3, 2021 2:27 pm

Great essay, Tim. I have forefathers who landed on the shores of this country 3 centuries ago and those who came here a century ago. They all did it legally and they all did it for freedom. I have sat back too long and watched as our freedom has been slowly, but surely taken from We the People and it is time to say NO MORE! I am ready to stand, if for no other reason than the three generations who stand behind me. I want them to know freedom.

October 3, 2021 2:31 pm

Ohmigawd. I just read this moments ago on RT.

Some Fucken Filipino Faggot is on the cover of this month’s ………. Playboy.

The Ashes of America’s fathers weep.

October 4, 2021 10:25 am

What fucking man would buy that? “oh I always wanted to fuck a Filipino man” said no man EVER! And I dare say said no woman ever.

October 4, 2021 12:19 pm

Yuck…jerking off to a Tranny…..Fuck Playboy . That destroys my childhood love for Playboy .

Cynthia Woods was the Goddess of my Teenage spank bank .

October 3, 2021 3:05 pm

our rulers behave as if they are immune to the retribution and punishment that is long past due and payable.

They went “all-in” several years ago and at this point they have no choice but to behave this way. Any “give” in them now, admission of mistake or sign of weakness would result in their immediate collapse. That is how fragile their hold on power is, and it is why they keep ratcheting upwards. They are on a narrow path and have no choices now. This is why things have gone from absurd to ludicrous.

When was the last time you zeroed your primary rifle? Practiced with it?

Having said that, there are many much more effective ways to fuck shit up than with a rifle.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
October 3, 2021 3:07 pm

I have the same roots, family arrived in 1746

October 3, 2021 4:18 pm

Outstanding, Tim. Magnificent..

October 3, 2021 4:22 pm

Damn straight, my fellow American! Thanks for the great article!

October 3, 2021 11:31 pm

Standing ovation from this quarter. The sweet echoes of all who came before us sing to us now and give us strength for what lies ahead. Three weeks ago, I laid my mother to rest near my grandparents and her beloved brother Richard Dorgan, who was killed in the Battle of the Bulge in France so long ago. Up in the Great North, my other forbears are buried in the old Pioneer Cemetery in Anchorage. And my other grandparents, Richard and Florentine Palin, are buried in Vancouver. They struggled and succeeded on their far western homestead. My three older brothers served their country in uniform. Like many of you who have been here for awhile, my heritage lifts me up. But, whether you came here early or later, by God we all are together in this long winter and we will prevail. God speed to us all.

October 3, 2021 5:15 pm

We fight to defend the ashes of our ancestors…….and the dreams of our children. Long live the Republic!

October 3, 2021 5:20 pm

Ok. But what are you gonna do….

October 4, 2021 7:37 pm

Atlas needs to shrug.

October 3, 2021 6:53 pm

the dwindling number who value the wisdom and traditions of our forebears.

The Remnant.

Profoundly poignant, Tim. Thank you.

“Them or us”. We posted the same conclusion on the same day. It means you’re not alone.

October 3, 2021 8:31 pm

Wonderful, I wish I could be as eloquent. My family has only been here since 1915 but I am with you and any like minded others. This is our land.

October 4, 2021 3:52 am

My roots go back millennia. And this I can tell you: if you can keep it, it is yours. If not, it is not.

The US demographics are such that you cannot keep it. The opportunity to keep it passed. The US will never return to what it was.

very old white guy
very old white guy
October 4, 2021 8:13 am

I am ambivalent. I would like to see courage and freedom prevail but I fear much as you say, the opportunity has passed.

October 4, 2021 12:21 pm

LLPOH…can things go back to the way they were in the USA…presently…no .

From the ashes…perhaps but mainly it’ll happen in the South….. once we kick out the Liberal Yankees ….Conservative Yankees can stay .

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
October 4, 2021 1:40 pm

A man whose people’s history is long enough to understand the political facts of today. I respect that. You don’t get my up vote often. Got an assessment of Australia? I’m guessing the same but sooner.

very old white guy
very old white guy
October 4, 2021 7:40 am

That was freaking marvelous.

October 4, 2021 8:19 am

What a proclamation, and an honor to receive. Godspeed!

October 4, 2021 10:44 am

Administrator, this piece should be at the front on the line for at least a few more days. It says what many of us believe and more people should have easy access to it. Thank you.

October 4, 2021 11:51 am

Great read, thanks ADMIN for pinning to the top

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 4, 2021 12:16 pm

In the end, all we have is each other.

Things I’ve realized.

The government interactions must be avoided at all points.

I can’t just go to the hospital anymore, they are now a branch of the government.

I can’t trust the banks, as they are now a branch of the government.

I may not be working soon, because my employer is a branch of the government.

I cannot expect justice, because the courts are a branch of the government.

I cannot expect protection, because the police departments are a branch of the government.

As long as nothing bad happens (sickness, violence, natural calamities etc. ) life feels normal, but I know soon that will all change.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Not Sure
October 4, 2021 1:42 pm


Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Not Sure
October 4, 2021 4:11 pm

You’ve summed it up nicely. Which brings a question to mind…money. If you can’t trust your money in the bank, then where do you put it? Under the mattress? (assuming no gold)

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 4, 2021 12:46 pm

Once in awhile you run into a piece on the Internet that’s great content and great writing. This was one of those rare articles. Congratulations and thanks a lot, your message has hit home with me and will do so with people all over the world.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
October 4, 2021 12:54 pm

The connections of our shared historical experience continue to deteriorate like the cartilage of a bad knee.

Shared? Are you high?

These fools daily assault the sensibilities of the dwindling number who value the wisdom and traditions of our forebears. In the present age, it seems the lessons of millennia of human history count for nothing.

Our forebears? Are you high?

This constant stream of authoritarian effluent streams from the minds and mouths of the pathetic pack of miscreants who purport to be our betters.

Miscreants? They share our historical experience and the patrimony of ‘our forebears’, praise me some Jesus.

Barring some unforeseen national reconciliation, it will come down to them or us. Us being all those who know what it means to call this land home. … Some call us trad or heritage Americans, but what binds us to this land is far broader than our heritage and far deeper than our traditions.

Nice narrative clusterfuck. Inclusive and not inclusive, together again at last still and I can’t stand it.

Who does not call this home? Conquerors will call this home and be correct. Red people and black Americans call this land home, for generations. Plenty of white perverts and pervert redeemers too regard this as home.

There is no property book in the sky. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Check your prospectus for more deets.

Lorenzo Stinchfield, a casualty of Lincoln’s War, watches me from his front porch in Maine. A Confederate musket ball shattered his ankle. … Her son, my great uncle Kenneth joins her. Twice wounded on D-Day, he too wonders if those that have come after him will have the stomach for the fight ahead.

Praise the institutions of our lives!

We fought to defend the ashes of our fathers.

Yes, those ashes need defending, not you per se. What imagery! What humanity! What institutions! We have a manifest narrative to defend, and what does our enemy have? This time daddy government is not going to make our dreams manifest. We are now useless eaters, damn it! No poor, dumb bastard ever won a war fighting for not himself.

Will no one rise above this madness and exclaim that the enemy’s blood is free and ours is priceless! Nay. Remember the Crucifix! We have the perfect role model. We serve His will and those ashes, those ashes of our fathers who perfected these institutions as the expense of the patriarchy and culture. We got the Gheeeooooozzzzzeeeee we deserve. Hallelujah!

Still not getting it. You can fight with all you got, but stupid is as stupid does. Can’t shine a turd either. Pawned by a past validated and told by the enemy is a sure way to lose eventually, and eventually is happening.

Mother nature sanctions fresh starts. We all started as a single cell. Still not getting it. Power blooms from the barrel of a gun, and the first gun law was cause to go to war. The creation of the Federal Reserve was cause to go to war. The First Red Scare was cause to go to war. But you got yours and who can be bothered with charges of psychopathy and the tiny cost of nipping human problems in the bud, including those who vilify you as a psychopath?

We lost the War of Northern Aggression, and this is the inevitable follow through, so slow that cucks won better than they deserved for generations, but the full blood of that war is due, and ‘we’ gladly gave up our means to pay with the blood of posterity. I hate my parents for good reason, and my more recent male ancestors can go fuck themselves too. Being a man includes the ability to act and think individually, to take the crown, to take sovereignty, to let no morality be your chains, but you claim those chains are a strength. (((Brainwashed.)))

All institutions become corrupt. You have no patriarchy, and you have no say. As I have said, become politically invisible if you can. Our best army is the enemy’s. Let them turn on each other without volunteering to be grist that holds their jaws together a bit longer.

The culture and the patriarchy are dead. Only a new patriarchy could serve us now. Man enough? Didn’t think so. Always salvage the enemy and sacrifice the self.

You idiots don’t understand constructive criticism. I am not articulating my standards. I am articulating the standards of this battle. You are not wholly human. You are not wholly capable of seizing sovereignty and keeping it. So why fight? Accept the yoke of domestication and pray you are a milk cow. You just haven’t got the perspecuity necessary for statecraft. Appeasing fellow herd animals is no way to rally a civilized people to a state of civilization.

Analects 13:3

Tsze-lu said, “The ruler of Wei has been waiting for you, in order with you to administer the government. What will you consider the first thing to be done?”

The Master replied, “What is necessary is to rectify names.”

“So! indeed!” said Tsze-lu. “You are wide of the mark! Why must there be such rectification?”

The Master said, “How uncultivated you are, Yu! A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a cautious reserve.

“If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success.

“When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot.

“Therefore a superior man considers it necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately, and also that what he speaks may be carried out appropriately. What the superior man requires is just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect.”

Here endeth the epistle. You don’t have the mental capacity for sovereignty. You can’t fight for it until you reject your brainwashing or inherent nature. Good luck with that. Mother nature does not have the qualms about killing like you do. You really could lose en masse. It is actually possible, despite your track record of inexorable, government-backed narrative.

What a squandering of the #1 position in the world. You want to make the world perpetually safe for your children. You never want to raise able adults who kill for what they want. You never want to kill the native enemy of your people’s loins, and they are free to metastasize and bring in alien enemy.

Face the music. You enemy has the home field advantage. They have a culture that dares take with force and hurtfulness. They have no qualms about killing that which blocks their claim of #1 status in the world. Status is the mindset of the little people, but competent savages are better men than competent universalists. You’re not ready. Still not getting it. The results are predictable.

  'Reality' Doug
October 4, 2021 1:45 pm

You should write a book —- “Wisdom Teachings From Reality Doug”

The experts from around the world can spend the next hundred years trying to figure out what the fuck you’re talking about.

At the end of one hundred years they will likely conclude;. Goddamnit, we still don’t get it.

One hundred years after that the Pope will declare you as The Patron Saint Of Morans.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
October 4, 2021 1:48 pm

In long-lived decline, I don’t respect conventional standards. Why do you, Humpy? Insanity, over and over again. Your luxury for barbs tells me you have too much. Nature is self-correcting. I said the organizing principles of the presumed resistance are fatally flawed. It is failure from the word ‘go’.

  'Reality' Doug
October 4, 2021 11:09 pm

Whatever you are trying to say is likely important to you but as stucky has noted ,what the fuck are you talking about ?

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
October 4, 2021 2:31 pm


Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
October 4, 2021 5:27 pm

Wow. Stirring. Paternal family came here in the 1630s as well, maternal in the 1750s. I have some 40+ relatives documented for SAR my father documented in genealogy research.

Yes we have a lot to live up to. I hope I don’t let them down.

October 4, 2021 5:42 pm

And sink your boats.
comment image

October 5, 2021 10:34 am

Where is RiNS?