Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in complaint to International court

Emily Mangiaracina – Dec 16, 2021 – 9:29 pm EST – Lifesite News

Activists are charging UK officials and the world’s most powerful health figures with genocide, citing a range of statistics on the effects of COVID “vaccines” and policies.

A group that includes former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of UK citizens against Boris Johnson and UK officials, Bill and Melinda Gates, chief executives of Big Pharma companies, World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, and others for crimes against humanity.

The UK group, including an astrophysicist and a funeral director, additionally charged Dr. Anthony Fauci; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO); June Raine, chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA); Dr. Radiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, as “responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code … war crimes and crimes of aggression” in the UK and other countries.

After repeated unsuccessful attempts to raise a case with the English Court system, the applicants resorted to calling with “the utmost urgency” for the ICC “to stop the rollout of COVID vaccinations, introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare … being waged against the people of the UK.”

In the group’s complaint filed December 6, they present evidence that COVID-19 “vaccines” are in fact experimental gene therapies engineered with gain-of-function research from bat coronaviruses, arguing that these “vaccines” have caused massive death and injury and that the UK government has failed to investigate such reported deaths and injuries; that COVID case and death numbers have been artificially inflated; that face masks are harmful due to hypoxia, hypercapnia and other causes; and PCR tests are “completely unreliable” and “contain carcinogenic ethylene oxide.”

They furthermore argued that effective treatments for COVID-19 such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, were suppressed, leading to a greater death toll from COVID-19 than what should have occurred.

They make the case that the lockdowns were enacted under the pretext of artificially inflated infection and death numbers from an engineered virus, as well as the experimental “vaccines” have resulted in:

Massive short-term damage and death, with at least 395,049 reported adverse reactions to COVID “vaccines” in the UK alone; a sharp uptick in ChildLine calls from vulnerable children during lockdowns; “destruction of wealth and businesses” through imposed lockdowns;” “severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law,” including bans on travel and gatherings, and forced quarantine and self-isolation; apartheid due to segregation by vaccine passport possession; and “expected reduction in fertility” after “vaccination,” among other harmful physical and psychological effects.

In addition, the applicants maintain that “the suppression of safe and effective alternative treatments for Covid-19 amounts to murder and warrants a full investigation by the court.” They noted that besides censorship of online information on and promotion of these alternative treatments, “some academic journals are blocking the publication of studies showing the effectiveness of drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.”

The applicants also cited quotes from Holocaust survivors who have drawn “stark parallels between Covid restrictions and the beginning of the Holocaust.” In an open letter, the Holocaust survivors have asked medical regulatory authorities to “stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately,” which they maintain violates the Nuremberg Code.

They even allege that “another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes.” One survivor, Vera Sharav, noted in an interview cited in the complaint,

“The stark lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate from their personal, professional, clinical commitment to do no harm to the individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing, humanitarian profession to a murderous apparatus.”

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December 17, 2021 9:14 pm

I’ll bet the FBI and DOJ will get to the bottom of this real soon.

December 17, 2021 10:07 pm

Do you have your sarc on?

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 3:03 pm

They’ll put Durham on it as soon as he is done with Obamagate, like in, only, 10 or 12 years.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 6:27 pm

When the dead start to add up in the millions soon,
we won’t need anyone in government to do anything
but dangle from a lamp post. Having your children and loved ones
dropping dead all over will have a profound effect even on the sheep.

December 17, 2021 9:29 pm

This complaint to the ICC is a step in the right direction. I do not expect the court to hear the complaint in an objective manner. The complaint may shed some light on who controls the ICC.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 17, 2021 9:30 pm

It takes real bravery. I admire them.

December 17, 2021 9:52 pm

The only chance you have at Earthly assistance is through the world court.It has worked before, no help will come from any government as they no longer exist. As Celente says there are no governments, just crime syndicates.

December 18, 2021 1:07 pm

F*%k the world court. The world court is its own government. A globalist government.
We must contend each with our own crime syndicates. Why would we want to then contend with a massive conglomerate of different crime syndicates?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 18, 2021 1:44 pm

And WHO funds the World Court? Governments, that’s who.

December 17, 2021 10:10 pm

I find it difficult to believe that no mercs, or other players haven’t made a run at any of these high value types.

December 19, 2021 1:10 am

Who is going to pay the merc?

December 17, 2021 11:21 pm

Its about fucking time.

But why are Trump, Merkel, and so many other world “leaders” not listed as well? Let’s face it, all of these folks “played along” in some manner, likely with full knowledge of what was going on. And why is the CDC, NIH, NIAID, and other responsible US “government” agencies not also listed as defendants? They clearly have been party to not just the development of the “virus,” but to its release, the suppression of preventive measures, and so much more.

December 17, 2021 11:51 pm

The US ‘Gov’t does not recognize the ICC. The US was already convicted by the ICC for state sponsored terrorism for what they did in Nicaragua during the Iran Contra days. GHW Bush simply said the ICC has no jurisdiction over the US.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
December 18, 2021 8:35 am

Failure of the US to join the ICC gives rise to the argument that it has no jurisdiction over US citizens or gov’t actions

  Sionnach Liath
December 18, 2021 1:01 pm

It doesn’t. But that doesn’t “give rise to an argument”.
It has no jurisdiction because the US has not joined, and the US has not joined because it/we won’t give it jurisdiction.

December 17, 2021 11:58 pm

FF brings out the best in us,,,,

December 18, 2021 2:22 am

I wish these activists well and I hope they can get this class action off the ground.
Sadly, being 75 years of age and knowing the harsh realities of Big Biz and the nature of the parasite class that make up global politics, I regret to inform these good folks that they have more chance of getting a ride on the next Bizos bottle rocket than they have of the ICC so much as returning a simple phone call from them regarding he shameless conduct of the gangsters, enforcer ‘scientists’ and medical/health shysters in this fascist ongoing C-19 Protection Racket!

December 18, 2021 3:08 am

This case is unfortunately a publicity exercise.

The court is a tool of the usual suspects, used for their usual purposes. Look at the cases. No Clinton, no Albright, no Kissinger, no Bush, no Obama, though they all have openly committed crimes by the published standards of this court. Khadafy has a case though. And Milosevic had a case, even though Clinton bombed civilians in his country and has no case.

December 18, 2021 3:39 am

A publicity exercise to show who is following principles of morality, and who isn’t. And I’m totally fine with that.

December 18, 2021 9:18 am

So who exactly will enforce any rulings this court may find?? Those governments that are complicate in the criminal actions?? Its theatre.

The only good that can come of it is the exposure of the criminals to the world. There will be no one held accountable… I take that back, IF…. anyone is held accountable it’ll be some janitor from a pharma criminal organization.

Having said that, I hope it garners some worldwide attention, but I’m not holding my breath on any sort of justice. Their time is coming soon enough when they will stand in front of the Righteous Judge. There, they will find themselves held to full accountability.

Acts 17:31
because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”

Psalm 96:13
before the Lord. For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with His truth.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 18, 2021 1:43 pm

And the case will be booted in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

December 18, 2021 2:22 pm

Get real. Why do so many people have issues accepting the fact that … WE HAVE OWNERS? Will we (the hold outs, that is) never wake up?