When That Ol’ Mojo Stops Workin’

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

What you’re actually seeing in the rhetorical hoo-ha over the January Sixth capitol riot is the main cattle-prod driving mob madness — fear of Covid-19 — losing its power to terrorize the public. The Party-of-Chaos put on a grand opera of lamentation Thursday to celebrate its unity in victim-hood — we wuz so traumatized by the riot! — but in the background, they can see their dearer dream of total vaccination — and total control of the population — fade in the winter mists.

This is the crisis of a managerial class that has lost its ability to manage anything, including all of us. Thus, the hysteria in the blue precincts of America, where they are concentrated. And, as I’ve averred before, the madness probably has its roots in the slow-motion train wreck of our techno-industrial economy. The managerial class can surely sense it and see it coming, but they don’t have a clue what to do about it. So, in desperate need of some signifying ritual, they’re left performing a grand-scale Chinese fire drill like drunken sophomores of yore — a flurry of pointless, attention-seeking activity.

You see, this total vaccination fantasy is meant to compensate for that inability to govern in a time of epic turbulence. It provides an illusion of control. But the obvious insanity of it stands out in the demonstrable facts that the vaccinations don’t work, and that they are racking up an impressive record of harming people. These two facts must be ignored by the vax-happy Blue Team, even as the immunizing and pretty harmless Omicron variant spreads speedily across the land conferring superior natural immunity on those who survive it — which is, functionally, everyone.

The virus looks like it’s on that ol’ exit ramp, but the disintegrating economy will still be with us, and no amount of political degeneracy disguised as virtue will stop it. We still have to manage our lives individually and collectively going through it. It’s going to be a tough slog. The federal government in its current iteration is looking like more of an impediment than a help to any of us. Its current hysterical flounderings send a clear message: You can’t depend on us to do anything right. Instead, select a favorable place to plant your flag, and figure out what you can do locally to rebuild some means of productive activity, fortify basic institutions of law, public safety, and money, and restore credible authority.

You will have to be nimble and resourceful. The Covid lockdowns of the past two years have destroyed many small businesses, but think of that as the tide going out before the back-blow of a tsunami that will sweep away the large businesses next. The WalMarts, the automobile industry, the airlines, trucking, Amazon.com, major league sports, the fast-food empires, the oil industry, the mega-banks — all these systems have gone into speed-wobble and most of them will crash hard.

It’s an issue of scale. The broken giants will have to be replaced by lower-scaled systems for producing stuff, moving it, and selling it. That includes food, especially, by the way. How are you going to be part of that where you live? What role can you imagine yourself in? What are you good at? What do you dream of being good at? Can you assemble a social network for yourself? Do you have any ability to look after the public interest? Can you speak coherently? Do you mean what you say? Are you grounded morally in right-and-wrong? Can others depend on you to keep your word? These are the questions that will matter going forward, not whether you were vaccinated, or voted for Mr. Trump, or know the lyrics to God Bless America.

It looks like the disorders of economy and community are heading to center stage as the Covid-19 melodrama closes down. Since human nature is perverse, the current mass formation psychosis may transfer its energy onto new hobgoblins. But the mass of Americans — putting aside blue and red insignia for a moment — might simply be tired of lunacy. They may even begin to show some impatience with those who generate it, for instance the cable TV news channels. Some of the most practiced conveyers of lunacy are heading out the door in the months ahead. Joy Reid of MSNBC is reportedly on her way off-camera (not by choice), and a while back the redoubtably dishonest Rachel Maddow announced her exit for April of this year, probably in anticipation of all her beloved narratives falling apart.

Lunacy is exhausting. Soon enough, even the crazed governments of Euroland and Australia will suddenly drop their lockdowns and vaccination tyrannies as reality presses on the bubbles they occupy. In the face of the Omicron fade-out, they’ll turn 180-degrees and try to pretend that the episode of madness never happened. I doubt they will get away with it. Many politicians in these lands will be bum-rushed from office at the first opportunity.

Even our earnestly malicious Dr. Fauci is back-pedaling furiously, perhaps hearing the bloodhounds of justice yapping out in the gloaming. This week, he finally admitted that half the hospital cases of Covid were actually some other illnesses with the label “Covid” slapped on — in effect, to bribe corrupt hospital managers with big wads of federal subsidy money for using the killer drug remdesivir and intubating hapless Covid victims. Sounds like a racket, a little bit, but then the word racket defines the totality of Dr. Fauci’s career. The decisions he made about banning early treatment of Covid and suppressing information about cheap and effective drugs — in the service of preserving the emergency use authorization and the concomitant liability shield for his deadly “vaccines” — arguably led to the deaths of several hundred thousand people. If he doesn’t live to see prosecution, bear in mind that he had plenty of deputies and associates throughout the public health agencies carrying out that policy who deserve to spend some time in courtrooms.

Meanwhile, the prudent will save their energy to get through the rigors ahead and make plans for a changed economic landscape that will require all the classical virtues they can muster for creating a life worth living.

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January 7, 2022 10:27 am

Nah, it ain’t over, SCOTUS will rule that Joe’s mandates are legal and this shit show of tyranny will be increased to max power. They are all in, no turning back for these assholes. They want war and total control.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 7, 2022 11:04 am

Can we start a pool of which black robed lawyers will side with the 3 liberals to uphold the mandates as Constitutional (but unable to point to anything in the written document supporting their stance).

I say Roberts for sure, 90% chance he brings along ACB and 70% chance Kavanaugh joins them to give it a super majority. Roberts hates 5-4 decisions and will do all he can to put together 6 votes for the side he wants to win.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  TN Patriot
January 7, 2022 12:26 pm

Surprisingly, Roberts sounded very solid today. Kavanaugh only spoke a little and he seemed to (rightly) question OSHA’s authority. He (eventually) voted against the CDC and their eviction moratorium in Alabama Ass’n of Realtors v Dept of Health. If he’s consistent, he’ll vote against OSHA/Biden. Who knows if he’ll be consistent. Barrett sounded bad. Real bad. She is going to fuck us over, I’m 100% sure. Ann Coulter was right about her. Barrett is dumb.

BTW, that Solicitor General – Prelogar – is fucking scary smart. I sure wish she were on our side instead of the side of evil working to bring about a China-like social credit system.

So it’ll all come down to Kavanaugh, it seems. If 2 out of 3 of Trump’s SCOTUS picks vote to uphold these mandates, it will be the final nail in the coffin of his 2024 candidacy.

  Iska Waran
January 7, 2022 1:43 pm

When I saw how happy Chris Christie was when Trump announced ACB, I knew then that her appointment was a big mistake.

Red River D
Red River D
January 7, 2022 3:16 pm

Krispee Kristie is fat.

In case you didn’t know.

Taras 77
Taras 77
  Red River D
January 7, 2022 10:47 pm

There is always a possibility-look how much pompass has lost~100 pounds!

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
  TN Patriot
January 7, 2022 12:59 pm

Spot on, both.

Anyone who watched the Obamacare decision process knew then that SCOTUS is just another captured, lost cause, not to mention A Scalia waking up dead a couple of years later, never to be spoken of again.

Although the Justice system, at least the trial by jury part, seem to be functioning somewhat acceptably lately, the higher you go up the food chain, the worse it smells.

“They” may be able to control the large population centers but the rest of us will be able to “live local”.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Just Thinking
January 7, 2022 1:10 pm
AK John
AK John
  TN Patriot
January 7, 2022 3:29 pm

People do not understand how important this is. If the mandates pass, we are in total tyranny, and anything may happen.

  TN Patriot
January 7, 2022 3:46 pm

Roberts and Amy…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 7, 2022 10:35 am

How are you going to be part of that where you live? What role can you imagine yourself in? What are you good at? What do you dream of being good at? Can you assemble a social network for yourself? Do you have any ability to look after the public interest? Can you speak coherently? Do you mean what you say? Are you grounded morally in right-and-wrong? Can others depend on you to keep your word? These are the questions that will matter going forward

That is the crux of it.

Those who cling to this fantasy of globalism and equity or whatever catchphrase they’re selling this week have none of that.


We literally have a monopoly and barely recognize that fact.

January 7, 2022 10:44 am

Now is the time that we will all figure out what we’re made of. I predict much suffering as realignment proceeds. The ‘red pilling’ of America is underway!

January 7, 2022 12:13 pm

I have heard it called the Great Awakening – no matter what they call it – I am filled with hope that people en masse break out of their slumber letting others do the thinking for them and look up [a little homage to the Don’t Look Up movie on Netflix]

January 7, 2022 2:28 pm

I loved the movie and think some of the accidental parallels are priceless.

Loved the Bronterac!

January 7, 2022 11:09 am

Anyone who has had their life fall apart through the divorce, job loss, illness, etc., know it takes a while to get it back together. Like years. The Democrats and their allies saw in Covid a chance to grab the power to re-make the country to their liking, and through a combination of terror tactics and bribes, managed to interrupt millions of lives in the process. In doing so, they destroyed small business, damaged supplied chains, distorted the financial sector, ignited inflation, unleashed a crime wave in the cities, and inflicted mental and physical suffering on millions of people, which in some cases exceeded the damage done by Covid itself. With the epidemic of the unvaccinated meme falling apart–personally, I know more people today than last year who have gotten Covid, and all of them vaccinated–their narrative has completely lost credibility, as witnessed by Fauci’s admission. I expect that in the next few months, they will declare “victory”, and start saying it is time to get back to normal. But this is not a “Transformer” movie, and the parts of people’s lives, and the many personal and financials relationships of which they are constituted, will not magically reassemble themselves. Supply lines have to clear out, business relationships reestablished, workers hired and trained, personal finances put in order, and faith in public schools and other government institutions restored. The “New Normal” is going to grim for a while. When the populace realizes that they have been left holding an enormous, stinking bag, the fury will be palpable. The not so dumb of the perpetrators are already hitting the exits, knowing what is coming. I hear Argentina is nice.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 7, 2022 12:45 pm

Omicron may have arrived just in time to ramp up the panic (“the cases! the cases!”) and just a little too late to show that the vaccinated are now MORE likely to get infected and that New Covid (omicron) is mostly just having a cold. I say this in relation to SCOTUS and the mandates. Breyer brought up “750 thousand cases yesterday!” in the SCOTUS hearing this morning. That guy is such a fag.

The mandates are a way bigger danger than Covid. Mandate today, passport tomorrow – as day follows night.

One problem that the anti-mandate side has today in the Court is that it would be unseemly to dispute that Covid is an emergency. Deaths in 2020 were up 17% over 2019. 10% of those total deaths in 2020 were from Covid. Is that an emergency? I don’t know. Not to me – although I’m not a girl. 1/4 of 1% of the population has purportedly died from Covid – and most of them were already getting junk mail from the Cremation Society. For that we’re supposed to throw out the separation of powers and let an executive agency mandate a vaccine of questionable benefit (especially to those with natural immunity)? John Roberts made a good point: If it’s a such an emergency, then congress itself should be amenable to legislating a vaccine mandate. OSHA shouldn’t need to find a “work around” based on its 52 year old enabling legislation.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 7, 2022 11:52 pm

I agree about “liberal Democrat” divorce unjustly cutting men off financially and paternally at the knees. I hope Useless Idiots do wake up that CV-19 Shots are purposely poison and genocide, but restoring faith in the Medical, Corporate, Journalistic, Educational and Political fields will take a very long time if ever. If three men in Georgia can get life for defending themselves when a man they were following suddenly turned and physically attacked one of them and tried to take his gun away from him, and got Shot, then we should prosecute the thousands of people responsible for the murders of millions of Americans by The Poison Genocide Shot, just as the Jews Hunted Down Nazi Criminals. Three thousand were murdered at Pearl Harbor, three thousand were murdered in NYC, but millions will have been murdered by The Shot.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 7, 2022 12:23 pm

Kunstler’s almost sounding optimistic this morning and I can understand the sense of hope one feels discovering that Rachel Maddow is fading away. But TPTB are not letting go of the authoritarian powers they’ve acquired over the past two years. They are going to continue whacking us over the head with mandates until us non-believers are finally invited to get on the rail cars.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Trapped in Portlandia
January 7, 2022 1:08 pm

They have another wave of something up their sleeves. All this was not for naught.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  grace country pastor
January 8, 2022 12:03 am

The Secret NWO UN Plan includes a Dollar Crash/hyperinflation, food tyranny, ZOG instigated riots and Martial Law, mass arrests of “Domestic Terrorist” and FEMA Prisons, a planned UN “Peacekeeping” invasion, FedCoin and the Mark of the Beast Slavery, etc.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  rhs jr
January 8, 2022 3:59 pm

All that and more, I’m sure…

  rhs jr
January 9, 2022 8:24 pm

Thank you for the “Mark of the Beast” recognition.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 7, 2022 5:25 pm

There is no shortage of Bolsheviks waiting in the wings to kick the remnant of Christendom in the teeth.

January 7, 2022 1:26 pm

In the midst of all this madness, here’s an update I promised some of you I would make:

The little starving, malnourished cat I took in is thriving now. I had her fixed, and not hardly a day after she was running around, going inside and out — but never for too long. She sticks close to the house. She’s got a good gig and doesn’t want to blow it.

I already had a male cat (another rescue — what can I say, sometimes it’s what your soul tells you to do), who’s just about the best cat ever, so I hoped that she and he would eventually start getting along; and it hasn’t been easy, as those of you with children can attest: it’s a chemistry project.

So I’ve had to give them equal time when it comes to affection, but I still let them know they are loved, and a member of the family, and it’s been so heartwarming to watch Luna (or Ms. Sissy Girl, as she prefers) especially open up and show how proud she is to have us. The power of love and family transcends species; its bonds are stronger than steel.

Now Junior and Sissy are playing like cats do (which means, of course, you’d swear they were killing each other) and all is well… unless you like sleeping: I woke up, sweating, at 4:30 this morning, as I had the equivalent of a heat blanket on me, it felt like. Leaning over, I have Junior at the edge of the bed snoozing, and at my side a little girl who was purring so hard it was like having a lawn mower there.

I petted Junior, then Sissy, who loved it so much she put her head on my chest and touched noses with me. Then started clawing the shit out of me.

But that’s cats: they’re so knead-y.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
January 7, 2022 1:52 pm

Our cats are not allowed in the bedrooms. Of course, they don’t listen. One of them always sleeps on the kids’ bed. The children say that the cats are one of the main things that give them happiness, so I let her. She is due with a litter of kittens in February, which will be fun, as always.

  Svarga Loka
January 7, 2022 6:46 pm

Cool,cat stories are nice in these weird times but nature still works!

  Svarga Loka
January 9, 2022 8:33 pm

Enjoy the fun.

January 9, 2022 8:29 pm

I’m not a cat guy, but good on you for saving a creature that can’t fend for itself.
My wife is very sad as her favorite cat will have to be put down this week.
A sad wife is hard on a man.
Enjoy your pets, they relieve a lot of stress, even if they take the form of cats.

January 7, 2022 3:23 pm

I love his World Made By Hand book series.
Never heard of him before I read them.

January 7, 2022 5:31 pm

He’s a New Urbanist that wants rebuild America on the Bolshevik image of villages, bicycles and sandals. See Agenda 21 map. He also voted for Obama twice. The Bolshevik is acclimating you to deprivation . You’ll own nothing and be happy.

January 7, 2022 7:25 pm


January 7, 2022 5:10 pm

The madness has its roots in the worship of evil, power, usury, being kicked out of 109 countries and the Spanish Inquisition. Toquemada did nothing wrong.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 8, 2022 12:15 am

The Catholics murdered millions of Christians (Protestants) and that was wrong. Seems small potatoes compared to what the UN NWO has planned (5 billion murders).

  rhs jr
January 8, 2022 7:08 am

Why don’t you tell how ignorant you really are idiot?

  rhs jr
January 8, 2022 7:13 am

The Protestants built the Beast System. Did you thing it came on it’s own .

Get some history, tool of usury or I should say fool of usury.


January 9, 2022 8:38 pm

I’m sorry but I did not get the point of your link.

January 7, 2022 5:28 pm

There will be no end to the totalitarian shitshow.

TPTB can’t admit failure so the only thing they can do is double and triple down. Even after they drop the covid narrative, they now know that all they have to do is say ‘BOO!’ and the majority will give up whatever they are told to sacrifice, simply for the reassuring lies that it will make them safe.

The population is a massive majority of idiots, incapable of reason or independent thought, unable to accept that they have been manipulated and lied to. So they have to accept that everything that has happened was ‘right’ or accept that they were ‘wrong’, which they cannot do. This is why stupid sheep remain stupid.

This was a war for freedom and the masses surrendered without a fight. Now they will rat out any dissenters for another piece of government cheese.

Fuck I hate this pathetic species. May the kill shots leave the compliant pricks crippled, suffering and miserable until they die.

January 9, 2022 8:40 pm

I pray they learn a lesson and seek revenge.

January 8, 2022 6:30 am

Vaccines that cause more harm than good , billions being made for the owners of the political process and a mandate to force the great unwashed masses to be systematically killed and injured with no recourse .
This is a government parasitic tyrannical class wet dream !
From the badge wearing armed just doing my job enforcers to the blood sucking qualified immunity groups through out government the potential power grab is irresistible to this collection of scum and villainy assembled in the District of Corruption !
Do not expect any possible end to this lunacy . On the contrary the BIG THEY will push this shit show off on the STATE & LOCAL PARASITIC CLASS to enforce 💩
Watch for red flag warrants to increase quietly !

January 9, 2022 7:57 pm

Great read Jim, as usual