Russia And The End Of The Dollar

Guest Post from John Wilder

“I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure you can inflate construction costs and launder money through it.” – Ozark

I wonder if everyone can figure out why China built their own Internet now?

Biden has miscalculated.  Again.  As he has his entire life.  He has moved from one miscalculation in his life to the next.  So, it’s not surprising that perhaps the greatest failure in the history of the United States has shown up on his watch.  Let’s go, Brandon, indeed.

To be fair, it’s not entirely Brandon’s fault.  The United States economy, as I’ve gone to great pains to show over my posts, has been hollowed out over the years.  We have gone from one that manufactures things and exports goods to one that mainly manufactures movies (we’re very good at that) and consulting and intellectual property and Starbucks™.

The thing that we’ve been best at is printing and then exporting dollars.  For decades now, we have been exporting dollars that we printed and then importing stuff like fidget spinners and PEZ®.  It was a great deal for us.  People used those dollars and we got stuff, but it was essentially a global tax on the rest of the world.

That ability to tax, however, only works as long as people believe that the dollar is worth something, and that the holder of that economic power won’t bend the rules.  Just like the bank runs up in Canada started when Trudeau broke the promise that the banks won’t steal people’s money, so the same principle applies to international affairs.

What could go wrong, stealing cash from random people?

When Russia attacked Ukraine, Biden declared sanctions.  Sure that’s a fine idea when dealing with a tiny random country, but Russia isn’t tiny.  And Russia isn’t any random country.

See, one silver lining!

Russia is of huge importance to world commerce.  Russia exports the stuff that makes modern economies go:

  • Food
  • Steel
  • Fertilizer
  • Titanium
  • Nickel
  • Oil
  • Refined Fuels
  • Natural Gas
  • Coal
  • Gold

In almost every commodity listed above, Russia is in the top five exporting nations.  In several commodities, it is the world’s largest exporter.  Check out the graphs on energy and wheat when the market gets disrupted:

What does Russia import?

  • Telephones
  • Car Parts
  • Computers
  • Medicine

Russia also exports nearly double what it imports.  If there is a country that is nearly self-sufficient in this world, it’s Russia.  There is an economic concept called “autarky” – or a nationwide independence from imports.  Looking at the list of companies that are leaving Russia, well, could it be that Russia is better off without them?

Yes, Pornhub® and OnlyFans™ are on the list.  I wonder what the effects will be?  21-year-old girls will have to find jobs that involve wearing clothes?

Russia isn’t independent.  But it’s close enough.  Most things that it is missing can be bought from either India or China.  No iPhones®?  China has a bunch of other kinds of phones.  And all those businesses that left?  It’s not like the Russians don’t know how to make hamburger and buns, so McPutins™ could open up tomorrow, though I’d skip the polonium sauce.

Russians are talking about nationalizing all of the assets of companies that have abandoned them.  Why wouldn’t a country do that?  Well, other countries could seize the overseas Russian assets.

Oops.  Too late.  So what’s stopping the Russians?

What is the threat from the West?  That Russian audiences won’t have Netflix®?  The things that Russia has been denied are, frankly, not very scary.  They won’t get to see the next Marvel© movie?  Oh, yeah, they also went after Russia’s money and tried to cut it off from the dollar-based economic system and . . . entertainment.

The Babylon Bee has the real impact figured out.

What happens when that bluff is called, when Russia and China decide that they don’t need dollars?  What happens when Russia will sell natural gas to Europe only in yuan?  Or for gold?  Or that they won’t trade their commodities for anything at all?

The tent collapses, and by that tent I mean the dollar.

I actually think that Joe’s head is so far up . . . well, I’ll be kind and guess that he has Alzheimer’s rather than being this stupid.  Oddly, this is viewed as an ideological opportunity by the Leftist henchxirs in Washington.  They hate fossil fuels to the point of not caring about the relative plight of the American consumer.  Don’t believe me?  Listen to them:

Why would we want to solve problems?

Let them eat electric cars?

And Joe’s responsible for the invasion, too.

Leaked pictures from Joe’s energy briefing.

The goal.  No matter what it costs.

There are even well-meaning Lefties starting to write articles to cope with the failure:

But here’s a sign:  Joe tried to get meetings with the Saudis and the very friendly folks over at the United Arab Emirates.  They wouldn’t return his calls.  Imagine:  a foreign leader refusing to even talk with the President* of the United States.  It’s almost like he’s a fraud?

I wonder if he’s going to drunk-text the Emir tonight?

One person sums it up . . . .

Beyond that, the price of wheat is getting ready to go even higher.  Together, Russia and Ukraine produce over 25% of the wheat exported in the world.  A quarter.  Ukraine’s planting season has been slightly impacted by current events, and Russian exports might be diverted to feed Ukraine.

The United States is certainly self-sufficient in wheat, but the prices of wheat are like oil:  they’re tied to the international price.  What happens when a loaf of bread is six dollars?  Nothing good.  But if there are price controls?  Bread will be priced at two dollars.  There just won’t be any in stores.

Domestic inflation is bad enough, but what happens when the Saudis start taking gold for oil from the Chinese?  Or start paying for Russian wheat with the gold they got from the Chinese?  The dollar, once indispensable, is done as the international currency.

The message is loud and clear – the end of the dollar is near.  Why is gold up over $2,000?  My question is why is gold only up to $2,000?  I fully expect that, should Russia succeed, 90% of the dollar’s purchasing power will be gone in the next 14 months.

That will lead to massive changes in our economy, political unrest, and, potentially, the dissolution of the United States as we know it.

Thanks, Joe!  Where is ¡Jeb! when we need him?

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 10, 2022 7:59 pm

“Biden has miscalculated. Again. As he has his entire life. He has moved from one miscalculation in his life to the next.”

Biden never made a calculation in his life that went beyond his 10%.

March 10, 2022 8:02 pm

Maybe the goal of this energy game, on a national level, is to be the last nation with any oil left.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
March 10, 2022 9:29 pm

I had that same thought 45 years ago, but do not think that way today. It may be how it works out, but I can assure you their goal is to end the use of fossil fuels.

  TN Patriot
March 10, 2022 11:09 pm

Except for the military. The last military with any oil left wins. What do you think?

March 11, 2022 10:16 am

Any fundamental re-organization of society – which a total energy revolution would entail – gives a golden opportunity for totalitarians.
The thought has occurred to me too. A silver lining in conservation: Incredibly, despite their best efforts, something is conserved.
Unfortunately, they won’t inherit the earth.

March 10, 2022 8:12 pm

When every decision goes against the interests of the American people, it’s not incompetence, for even flipping a coin would give 50% good decisions. This is calculated destruction of our economy and way of life. Just one more step to creating that New World Order…

March 10, 2022 9:00 pm

Exactly. And Biden is not even in charge much less responsible. Smarter richer people than him are calling the shots.
Biden is only allowed out of his room for speeches.

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March 11, 2022 7:02 am

When the DNC was here in Charlotte in 2012, the joke was that Biden’s hotel room was the only one that locked from the outside…

March 10, 2022 9:17 pm

The ones that had Biden signs in their yards back in 2020 are the ones to capture, cook and eat.

March 10, 2022 11:02 pm

Oh they will be targeted you can count on that….

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
March 10, 2022 10:29 pm

“Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya.”

—to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008

Chud Bently
Chud Bently
March 10, 2022 10:47 pm

The sooner this Empire collapses the better. It will be painful, but only the can we rebuild. Klaus and all his WEF crowd should be strung up from the street lights.

Putin is no savior, but I appreciate that he resists the globohomo western degeneracy. I absolutely detest what this country has become post WW2. Once the petrodollar collapses we return to a multipolar world where individual cultures can thrive apart from neoliberal Satanist interference.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 11, 2022 12:28 am

Cold good for you? The Wim Hofers in Minneapolis would agree. They’ve kept a hole in the ice all winter long. They climb down a step ladder and stand there up to their neck for up to ten minutes. They claim it boosts the metabolism for the rest of the day. I may try it while there’s still ice. They say you start at two minutes and work your way up. It takes two weeks for your testicles to descend – so there’s that.
comment image?w=412&h=600&format=auto%2Ccompress&cs=tinysrgb&auto=compress&crop=faces&dpr=2.625

  Iska Waran
March 11, 2022 12:57 am

Can I just watch the paint dry instead?

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Iska Waran
March 11, 2022 6:53 am

I am sure it is wonderful as long as your heart doesn’t stop.

March 11, 2022 5:13 am

Great article.

March 11, 2022 10:13 am

They haven’t come to Canada begging. Usually they come for the male prostitute in office here, but they don’t want our oil.

March 11, 2022 10:37 am

they saving it for the last