Does Paul Craig Roberts like Genocide?

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog

Does Paul Craig Roberts like Genocide?

Or maybe he, like Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, grandson of Fritz von Scholz, SS lieutenant-general who supervised the slaughter of Jews in Poland and the Ukraine, thinks that genocide is a joke? Let’s explore…

A reader has asked me to comment on a recent post by Roberts titled “The Kremlin Has Missed the Opportunity to End the Provocations of Russia that Are Bringing the World to Nuclear War.” And so I took a look at it. At first, it made me angry, but only for a moment, because there is no possibility of actual harm from his scribbling: his unsolicited advice to “the Kremlin” will pass unnoticed and therefore unheeded. Rather, it made me sad. I used to think highly of Roberts, but now he is just another confused old man who, like our friend Brendan, has missed a perfectly good opportunity to hang it up and fade away. Mind you, I am trying to be kind and polite here.

Roberts saw it fit to write that “If Russia had hit Ukraine with a devastating conventional all-inclusive attack, the war would have ended before it started,” and, after some additional musings, that “the failure of Russia to impress the West with an overwhelming exercise of military force in Ukraine means another step has been taken toward nuclear armageddon.” And then he rambles along to “The Kremlin’s inability to be proactive and unwillingness to clear Washington’s fifth column out of Russia’s ruling circles will be the hallmarks of Russian defeat.”

Really? No, not really.

I should make no assumptions on what you or Roberts know or don’t know about the Ukraine or “the Kremlin,” so I will simply state the obvious.

There is no easily discernible difference between Russians and Ukrainians: same culture, language, religion and history. As a state, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic is a failed state; as a territory, it is part of Russia. Therefore, an all-out attack on the Ukraine would be essentially an attack on Russia itself. Apparently, Roberts feels that Russians should kill millions of other Russians in order to impress the West. That’s really cute, you know, in a genocidally maniacal sort of way, but completely impossible.

The complexity of the Russian Special Operation in the Ukraine had to do with disentangling the civilian population (which needed to be evacuated) and the regular Ukrainian military (which needed to be given a chance to surrender peacefully) from the Nazi battalions (which need to either be killed in battle or captured, convicted by a tribunal and shot). That is not something that can be done quickly.

There are other, less important but still very significant reasons to take it slow:

1. There is a rather large group of Ukrainians who wanted the Ukraine to be part of Europe, not part of Russia. These are now departing Ukrainian territory, mostly to Poland, and that, from the Russian point of view, is a wonderful thing because the Ukraine isn’t Europe, it is Russia, and those who believe it is Europe or want it to be Europe should be given a chance to go to the Europe of their dreams and stay there forever, helping Europe’s general dire demographic predicament and specific shortage of white people. For this reason, it has been important to keep the Ukraine’s western border open to exiting migrants, even though this allows weapons and mercenaries to filter in (for the Russians to blow up).

2. The Europeans’ willingness to absorb millions upon millions of Ukrainian migrants, whereas they balked at accepting anywhere near similar numbers of migrants from the Middle East or North Africa, exemplifies their essential racism. As it is, two-thirds of the world is either neutral or supports Russia in its effort to reclaim the Ukraine; as the message that the EU and NATO are essentially white supremacist organizations sinks in around the world, more and more countries will shift from neutral to supportive without Russia having to lift a finger to convince them. From this point of view, it is really helpful that a lot of the Ukrainians like to draw swastikas on monuments and shout Nazi slogans such as “Slava Ukraini” (of World War II Nazi collaborator vintage) and “Ukraina ponad use” (the Ukrainian version of “Ukraine über alles.”

3. Russia has a great and prosperous future as a wealthy, well-educated, civilized, vast and resource-rich country, but this future has nothing to do with Europe or the rest of the West, which are going to collapse. The fact that Russia has been rather tightly integrated with the West ever since Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg has complicated its transition away from the West and its turn eastward. Western sanctions, rampant Russophobia and the application of cancel culture to Russian culture has made this transition inevitable in the eyes of most Russians, but the process takes time. It would not be helpful if tensions with the West decreased prematurely or if anti-Russian sanctions were removed before they are made completely irrelevant. Also, the West’s unwillingness to buy Russian energy, metals, fertilizer and other essentials speeds up its collapse timeline and that, for Russia, is also a positive.

4. Immediately after Russia commenced its Special Operation in the Ukraine, much of Russia’s remaining fifth-columnists departed for other lands. They already had no impact on Russian politics, but they still exerted some amount of influence in culture and education, and their departure has been most welcome. Given the absolutely overwhelming public support for the Special Operation in Russia, those liberals who have spoken out against it have thereby excused themselves from Russian public life, making room for new talent and new blood. This is also a process that needs to run its course and should not be rushed.

5. The Special Operation has allowed Russia to demonstrate the overwhelming superiority of its armed forces vis-à-vis NATO. All of the weapons that the West has managed to infiltrate into the Ukraine are either being destroyed by rocket attacks or are accumulating in stockpiles after being abandoned by retreating or surrendering Ukrainian troops. None of the obsolete Stingers, Javelins or other military junk has made much of a difference at all. There is very little of any significance that the West can do to hurt Russia’s careful and measured progress in the Ukraine. Once more, time is on Russia’s side: it will take another few months for it to register in the West that all those billions spent on aid to the Ukraine have gone into a black hole with nothing to show for it.

6. Finally, there is what Russia has to do beyond taking care of the situation in the (former) Ukraine, and that is to dismantle NATO. This will require some sort of small demonstration project: take over some small, insignificant NATO member and watch all the other NATO members run away instead of going to war against Russia over it. The myth of NATO as a defensive (as opposed to an offensive) organization would be dispelled and NATO would be no more. The demonstration country could be Lithuania, for instance: Peter the Great purchased the Baltics from Sweden for 1000 pieces of silver at the Treaty of Nystad on September 10, 1721, so it’s Russian territory. Unlike the Ukraine, which is huge, Lithuania is tiny and the entire campaign would be over in about a week. But if Finland or Sweden would like to volunteer for the role of exemplary victim by attempting to join NATO, that would be fine too. Finland’s security is guaranteed by its commitment to neutrality, based on which Russia (USSR at the time) removed its military base from Finnish soil. If Finland moves to renege on that treaty, it would forfeit its security.

Roberts seems to believe that Russia’s refusal to destroy the Ukraine with overwhelming force makes nuclear war more likely because it “gives Washington control of the explanation.” Russia’s superior position with regard to any potential nuclear provocation is subject for another article, but I assure you that it has absolutely nothing to do with “Washington’s control of the explanation” because how the hell would Washington explain its desire to commit national suicide over the Ukraine? The thesis that “Russia’s failure to quickly destroy the Ukraine raises the likelihood of nuclear war” is… I am grasping for a word here… stupid.

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Steve Z.
Steve Z.
April 23, 2022 8:03 am

You were “a little hard on the Beaver last night”.
PCR has been a staunch supporter of Russia and probably meant Ukraine only as in the Zelensky crowd should be quickly dispatched? He has repeatedly criticized NATO for its shortsightedness and stupidity. He probably made that simplification of Russia vs Ukraine because of American “insouciance”.
He is an ally and you shouldn’t be so “.hard on the Beaver”….I understand the not so veiled message to NATO in your article.
Will the “dipshits” in the West get it? Probably not….

  Steve Z.
April 23, 2022 12:58 pm

He as just as ignorant of the US as PCR is ignorant of Russia.

April 23, 2022 2:10 pm

Perhaps you could elaborate?

April 23, 2022 8:32 am

A majority of Americans are addicted to television and too lazy to research the daily propaganda.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 23, 2022 9:29 am

The Russo-Ukraine war is actually fratricide, not genocide, and the Evil Fuckers with their poisonous toadies, couldn’t be more pleased to support its continued operation anywhere in the world but particularly in the breadbasket of the Eurasia landmass.

I wonder what intel Mr. Orlov has that bolsters his positive outlook for the Russian oplan?

  Aunt Acid
April 23, 2022 10:50 am

I do understand that Mr. Orlov believes Putin’s strategy for denazification required a slow campaign to entrap the hardcore enemy just as has been accomplished. The fact that the Ukrainian soldiers entrenched in Mariupol’s underground with civilians as shields, whether willing or not, could have been killed in massive airstrikes earlier in the conflict may have ended the conflict earlier, but the collateral damage would have been a lot greater.

I do believe there was a real attempt by Putin to avoid civilian deaths. He doesn’t want Ukraine as a state, but as a partner able to produce and survive as an ally.

NATO should just stop it already.

April 23, 2022 12:10 pm

Does putin’s “strategy for denazification” include disbanding his own military units made up of ‘former’ ‘nazis’ from banned political organizations within Russia? Will people ever learn that they have been conditioned with the word ‘Nazi’ or will they just keep unthinkingly responding to it?

He is welcome to Ukraine as far as I’m concerned, but let’s not pretend that he hasn’t done all the same things as the West has done.

Red River D
Red River D
April 23, 2022 12:26 pm

Putin has not done all the things the West has done. He has steadfastly insulated himself and Russia from a diabolical rot in the form of leftist insanity and cultural depravity.

Putin is an old-school, traditional statesman. He is exceedingly patient, level-headed, intelligent and reasonable. And by comparison with the pervasive spirit of lying which has seized Western nations, Putin is honest — he does what he says and says what he means.

  Red River D
April 23, 2022 3:47 pm

Well not exactly.
Putin is in:
1. Corona scam
2. Climate change scam ( disclosure: of course the climate is in a constant change. But the meaning differs).

Tom Cullen
Tom Cullen
April 23, 2022 7:20 pm

I Don’t get the downvotes here. Both of your statements are verifiable.

April 24, 2022 5:49 am

You need to pay a little closer attention.
Regarding your #2: read Putin’s Valdai speech from October 2021 at (official translation), identify the Easter Egg in it, get the broad hint, and have a good belly laugh at it.

I have identified a similar easter egg on the stalin/soviet union theme complex.
I am still unsure about Putin’s exact stance on Corona [& vaxxes], as it seems incoherent to me but I haven’t found an easter egg on that one, so far.

April 23, 2022 10:16 am

PCR, Orlov, and the Saker have all proven their colors these last few months, for anyone who wasn’t sure before. Now they’re fake fighting to keep each other in the limelight? Gay

“the Nazi battalions (which need to either be killed in battle or captured, convicted by a tribunal and shot).”
jesus christ boomers, give it a break

April 23, 2022 3:56 pm

Nice to read. PCR is obviously biased towards Russia for reasons unknown. There are no good guys nor bad guys in this game.

April 23, 2022 6:07 pm

The joo needed some way to revive the dying Nazi narrative.

Red River D
Red River D
April 23, 2022 10:42 am

Orlov’s perspective is tainted by an over-arching hatred for all Americans. He has surrendered the capacity to discriminate. His perspective has lost sophistication and his analysis is now rote and robotic. Hate, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s justifiable or not, always has that effect on analysis. Orlov is content to view intricate and complicated matters in substandard definition. And that is… I am grasping for a word here… stupid.

PCR sees more clearly and is a better man than Orlov.

April 23, 2022 10:43 am

I subscribed to ClubOrlov and after I posted a couple links I got myself prohibited from posting, so my subscription ends this month. I’m not sure exactly why the link to GL’s interview with Scott Ritter along with my inquiry as to whether he (Dmitry) had knowledge of his arrest/demise set him off but his last comment to me was to be a reader not a writer.

He doesn’t like feedback of the wrong sort. He’s a bit like Obama on the right to speak thing and while I was in “his” ballpark, I was paying in rubles.

Anything worth reading of his shows up on Saker or here, so I won’t miss much.

World War Zeke (Astoria)
World War Zeke (Astoria)
April 23, 2022 12:53 pm

ikr, big ideas, bad implementation. I almost bought into his Quidnon project.

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
  World War Zeke (Astoria)
April 23, 2022 2:50 pm

Yep, knowing quite a bit about boat design, I tried to offer some constructive criticism at the very beginning of that project. As did many other experienced people. Advice from the knowledgeable was totally unwelcome. Clearly he knew everything by virtue of his superior intellect. At one point he caught (and admitted as I recall) a major mistake in his displacement calculations. To float on the assumed water line, it would have had to be way heavier than he was assuming. At this point I knew he was just a dilettante.

I checked in on the project from time to time, hoping he would actually finish it. I figured it would become another abandoned hulk in short order. He did the right thing by abandoning the project.

April 23, 2022 3:38 pm

Dmitry won’t like this one either but I’m listening now, wondering exactly what the SBU is investigating regarding Gonzola and haven’t heard him mention Scott Ritter yet.

Anyone see Ritter today?

April 23, 2022 10:47 am

Seems that, especially early on, I read here and elsewhere this argument that “The west is demonizing Putin by saying he just wants to re-create the USSR by conquering former soviet republics like the Baltics, which isn’t true.”


April 24, 2022 5:56 am

I hast been proven true now, according to you?

Chud Bently
Chud Bently
April 23, 2022 11:03 am

His take on taking down NATO by invading a small country is quite interesting. I wonder if the Empire of Lies would send our army of woke trannies to actually combat the Bear.

  Chud Bently
April 23, 2022 4:00 pm

Interesting point. Maybe the article is sort of a drill without performing a military one? Faster, cheaper. Rather GRU than FSB style, by the way.

April 23, 2022 12:13 pm

Most of these ‘journos’ and ‘bloggers’ are self-important assholes that compete with each other for newsletter subs. Notice that all of them fall into the over 60 category and none of them are all that bright. Doing something for 40 years does not make you good at it. It means you have been competent enough not to be fired. In the case of these guys, you only need a few hundred subs will into pay $5 a month to support a late in life lifestyle that is probably collecting a pension at this point.

They are the equivalent of getting sports team advice from a sporting news journalist. I have never seen a sports journo ever offered a position to GM a team.

April 23, 2022 12:48 pm

Does Zelensky like genocide? Of course, so long as the victims are ethnic Russians in the Donbas region.

World War Zeke (Astoria)
World War Zeke (Astoria)
April 23, 2022 12:55 pm

Europe might be destroyed over an info war for the pronunciation of Kiev or Kyiv. Maybe also add Prague or Praha, Paris or Paree, London or Loondone, Neeew Yerk or Nughyuk.

Truly Towers of Babylon… or Baebulawn.

April 23, 2022 2:10 pm

This is some of the best analysis on events…

April 23, 2022 2:21 pm

Dimitry who??? Never heard of him.

April 23, 2022 3:11 pm

A very smart person. He is a mathematician and a linguist. Also good at NLP. I am Lithuanian and not fond of our government, EU, WEF etc to put it mildly. On another hand, this guy is in bed with Russian secret services or their agent. He promotes global warming, but that is beside the point. He claims that Baltics were purchased by tsar from Sweden. Well devil is in the details. The land to change hands included current Latvia and Estonia. Lithuania was part of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth and fought against both Russia and Sweden. Then again, if somebody (RU in this case) happens to buy something from a felon ( S now), does that make the deal legit?
Thanks to TBP for publishing him anyway, interesting read if you know how to. I know the way Russians think, and this guy is above average. May be dangerous to trust, but worth reading, with a lot of grains of salt

April 23, 2022 8:36 pm

NLP is fake and gay.

April 24, 2022 6:27 am

He promotes global warming

Maybe not the best negative argument to tag him with… how many other “smart” people believe in globull warming…

April 23, 2022 2:42 pm

How do you know he’s near the end of his life? He’s only 83.

Not only is he good, but PROFOUNDLY good. How do you know that?

Taught at Stanford, Georgetown … worked for Jack Kemp, then later for Orrin Hatch …. was on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, … all that chief economist stuff and Asst Sec Treasury under RR ….. wrote columns for Harper’s, NYT, and WSJ. An ultimate insider …. that’s very Swampy Territory!

OK, so what! I suppose he got religion, and saw the light. Good for him. Really. But, still … PROFOUNDLY good?? Why? Because he’s pretty much a Holocaust denier?

I doubt you will answer. No problem.

Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark
April 23, 2022 2:55 pm

Actually it is not stupid. If Russia does not end this war soon with a victory the North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations could well become involved in the conflict. Certainly many of their politicians, and military leaders, especially in the United States, and United Kingdom, want to enter the fray. If that occurs then the liklihood of nuclear War becomes probable.

  Matthew Clark
April 24, 2022 6:30 am

NATO is already heavily involved in this conflict.
More and more outside-the-box thinkers are starting to realize this is WW3 ongoing, probably since 2014/15.

Todd H.
Todd H.
April 23, 2022 10:06 pm

He starts off claiming that Olaf Scholz is the grandson of Fritz von Scholz, which as far as I can tell is just a paranoid Russian conspiracy theory. Russia has always been backwards and jealous of an advanced country like Germany.

  Todd H.
April 24, 2022 6:33 am

Even if it’s true, promoting “kinship liability” feels like discarding Christianity to me.

Todd H.
Todd H.
April 24, 2022 10:49 am

I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who just makes stuff up. Orlov has a chip on his shoulder about Europe.

  Todd H.
April 24, 2022 11:35 am

Me too, especially the “Russia has always been backwards and jealous of an advanced country like Germany” part.