“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow

As I have witnessed and lived through the last three dystopian years of mass hysteria, mass delusion, and mass mental illness, I find myself drawn to the same thinkers, social commentators, and musical artists over and over. The wisdom, wit, and clarity of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Roger Waters in describing a world gone mad makes me feel less alone in my observations about humanity, politicians, governments, bankers, billionaire funded NGOs, war mongering psychopaths, and entities intent on shredding the social fabric of this country and the world.

Their writings and lyrics perfectly capture the insanity, glorification of abnormality, psychological manipulation and torture of the masses, man’s inhumanity to man, and how powerful wealthy psychopaths use their wealth and power to control governments, the media, academia, corporations, the military, scientists, doctors, and religious institutions. The dystopian visions in Huxley and Orwell’s novels, and Waters’ lyrics have been far exceeded by the reality of what has transpired and continues to take place every day.

Huxley’s quote about mental illness and our profoundly abnormal society has always struck a chord with me and helped me realize, as an outcast who doesn’t believe what is spoon fed to us by the mass media propaganda outlets on behalf of their wealthy benefactors, I’m not the abnormal one. My refusal to adapt or adjust to a deviant society inhabited and controlled by the mental ill, while worshipping at the altar of abnormalcy, is a sign of my sanity in a sea of absurdity. I have to admit it is lonely always being on the opposite side of the approved narrative, believed by the masses. It would be so much easier to just go along with the crowd, but it is not how I’m wired. I question everything.

I never believe anything spewing out of a politician’s mouth. I believe all governments are evil and controlled by a wealthy powerful elite, who hide behind the mask of the Deep State to manipulate society to benefit themselves and their feckless cronies. I have this rare ability to think critically, rather than believe what I’m told by “experts”, think tanks, media talking heads, and “scientific studies” produced by easily bribed hack “experts”. I channel my inner George Carlin regarding everything I am told by the government or the propaganda media outlets.

Quote of George Carlin | QuoteSaga

Those pulling the strings and manipulating the minds of the masses as a means to control society and dictate what we are supposed to believe, who to hate, and who to venerate, are the true dictators of this dystopian nightmare engulfing the world. It is they who have purposely created this abnormal world where deviancy, degeneracy and depravity are applauded and promoted, while decency, traditional family values, community standards, and self-responsibility are scorned, ridiculed, and spat upon.

The masses are still oblivious to the machinations of their shadowy overlords, believing they are free because they are distracted and amused by their hand-held super-computer phones, have ready access to copious quantities of manufactured food-stuffs, can watch non-stop sports and entertainment via their dozens of boob tube subscription services, can self-medicate with Big Pharma pushed drugs to address any physical or psychological malady they are told they have, and are instructed by the State who to hate, who to glorify, who to obey, and who to believe. They have perfectly adjusted to a profoundly abnormal society, believing they are normal, when they are nothing more than mindless cogs in a machine run by totalitarian sociopaths. They have fulfilled Huxley’s prophecy by loving their servitude.

In the 1931 book Brave New World, Aldous Huxley describes an efficient totalitarian state as one where the rulers control the population without coercion, because the slaves love their own servitude. Stockholm

The reality of the situation for the masses is far worse than they realize, but even when they are told what is happening, they refuse to believe the truth. Their cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias have been ingrained in their psyches by those constituting the invisible government, who know how to manipulate their minds through psychological techniques and perpetual propaganda. Believing comforting lies from their leaders is preferable to recognizing unpleasant truths which would require them to think, speak out, take action, and risk being ostracized, punished, and alone.

Comforting Lies vs. Unpleasant Truths – Serendipity Greece – Personal Growth Holidays

In actuality their beloved “smart” phones are tracking them, listening to them, analyzing their habits, and providing their government overlords with a complete profile of who they are. The “food” they are instructed to buy is nothing more than a tasteless toxic chemical compound designed to make them sick, which the Big Pharma sickcare complex “treats” with their profit-making concoctions designed to keep you sick or make you sicker. The constant stream of propaganda and social indoctrination being expelled from your 80-inch plasma high-definition TV is designed to keep you sedated, dumb, distracted, and convinced the most ridiculous outrageous lies are actually the truth. They want us amusing ourselves to death.

Find Out Who's Tracking You Through Your Phone - YouTube

Neil Postman captured the gist of which dystopian vision of our future would dominate in his 1985 book comparing Orwell’s 1984 to Huxley’s Brave New World. The Huxley dystopia has been dominant, and remains dominant, but Orwell’s vision gained traction during the Covid mass hysteria plandemic. Instead of a boot stomping on your face forever, we appear to be faced with Dylan Mulvaney’s high-heeled pump stomping on our faces forever while he drinks a Bud Light and reads pornography to six-year-olds, being prepped for gender transition surgery.

Trans woman Dylan Mulvaney claps back at haters after walking in NYFW | — Australia's leading news site

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.

In 1984, Huxley added, “people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.” Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

Still Amusing Ourselves to Death

Endless amusement, infinite distractions created by master manipulators, the daily two minutes of hate against Trump, Putin, white males, heterosexuals, or whoever the orchestrators of chaos choose, perpetual propaganda spewed by the media mouthpieces of the Deep State, continuous war against Eastasia, Eurasia or whoever dares challenge the almighty American empire, and unceasing creation of debt by an entity owned and controlled by Wall Street, have left us no way out, with little hope, zero prospects of voting ourselves out of this decades in the making predicament, and a dystopian future of war, hyperinflation, and chaos on the foreseeable horizon.

When you step back and assess the current state of our world in a dispassionate manner you must conclude we are either being led by lunatics who actually believe their insane theories or they are true psychopaths intent on destroying the world. In either case our rendezvous with destiny is going to be bloody, chaotic, terrifying, and destructive, with a potentially catastrophic ending for our planet. Climate change and mentally ill gender and race hustlers are not real issues, but made up theories based on false narratives, rather than facts. Global military conflict provoked by a low IQ dementia ridden pedophile in order to hide his family’s traitorous financial dealings with foreign countries is the ultimate act of hubris and lunacy. But that is where we are.

Meet 'Creepy Joe' who sniffs hair, rubs noses and fondles your face

“Man is so intelligent that he feels impelled to invent theories to account for what happens in the world. Unfortunately, he is not quite intelligent enough, in most cases, to find correct explanations. So that when he acts on his theories, he behaves very often like a lunatic.”  Aldous Huxley

Huxley’s quote at the beginning of this article about maltreating others in the name of a “worthy” cause perfectly captured the covid crusade and the purposeful destruction of lives by the government, employers, doctors, media talking heads, scientists, social media tyrants, and all the other paid-off hacks who perpetrated the entire scamdemic. Covid was nothing more than an annual flu, with a scary name, a multi-billion-dollar marketing campaign, and propagandized to achieve maximum profits for Gates and his Big Pharma co-conspirators.

It was used to steal a presidential election and create a further schism between Americans, as the critical thinkers who refused to be injected with a potentially toxic spike protein inducing concoction were treated like unclean pariahs and subjected to being denied their Constitutional rights, fired from their jobs, censored on social media, and shunned by family and friends. The propagandists’ purpose was achieved.

Can Employers Have Separate Policies Based on Vaccination Status?

“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”Aldous Huxley

The cost of being unvaccinated is rising — will people be willing to pay the price? | AAMC

This fear induced hysteria, madness of the herd, or mass formation psychosis, as described by Mattias Desmet, has taken mental illness to a new level, with millions unlikely to ever regain their senses. This is where mass formation meets The Wall. The lockdowns and mandated denial of human interaction for the better part of two years, isolated billions of people across the globe, and has contributed greatly to the mental illness running rampant through our society, as young people pretend to be another gender, mutilate themselves, fear fresh air, fall into drug addiction, and are racked by depression.

Meanwhile, the virtue signaling jabbed army are dying suddenly or becoming disabled by the millions from the experimental gene altering therapy that never stopped anyone from contracting or spreading the virus. They thought they had built a wall of resistance from a non-lethal flu, but instead walled themselves into a prison of their own making, waiting, and wondering whether they might be the next “healthy” individual to die suddenly. I wonder how many people who have constructed their personal wall and isolated themselves from mankind are now sorry and seeking someone to connect with?

Many who called for the destruction of the livelihoods of the jab refusers, wished them dead, cheered when they were censored and silenced, and sought every opportunity to abuse them and take away their rights, are seeking reconciliation, tolerance, and letting bygones be bygones. Sorry you virtue signaling small minded intolerant sheep. The critical thinking refusers will not forgive or forget.

You built the wall between yourselves and us. When we see you still wearing masks alone in your cars, we laugh condescendingly at your mental illness. You can rot behind that wall you’ve built for all we care. There is now a war between the truly normal clear thinkers who know the truth and the abnormal masses who have willingly adapted themselves to the abnormality of a society built upon lies and false narratives.

The combination of Waters’ lyrics and Gilmour’s chords on their epic anthem of isolation – Hey You – creates a gloomy, powerful, sad song which descends into depression and perfectly captures the darkening mood of our current dystopian panorama. The abandonment and isolation created by those running this shitshow have created millions of depressed mentally unstable people crying “hey you” looking for someone to connect with. The song is centered on the isolation and pain of one person who made a choice to isolate himself from the world, while the current isolation and pain of millions of lost souls has been purposely created by psychotic billionaires attempting to inflict their totalitarian agenda upon mankind.

The desperation of the character in the song as he realizes there is no escape is now reflected in the reality of our world gone mad, where walls have been built between segments of society which prevents any unity in fighting against the oppression and technological enslavement which is being executed by the Great Reset billionaire puppet masters. They always did as they were told, so there is no one left to help them.

Are All Those Plexiglass Barriers in Restaurants Actually Keeping Anyone Safe From COVID-19? - Eater

Hey you, out there on the road

Always doing what you’re told

Can you help me?

Waters wrote this song in the late 1970s, when the country was still recovering from the Vietnam War tragedy, Nixon’s resignation was still a raw wound, the OPEC oil crisis was raging with long lines at gas pumps, inflation was surging due to disastrous Federal Reserve policies, the U.S. backed Shah of Iran had recently been overthrown, we were financially supporting Sadaam Hussein and Osama bin Laden against our foes, and a depressive malaise blanketed our country and the world. The song reflected all of that angst and pain being experienced by average people around the world.

Malaise Era Childhood Gas Lines Left Their Mark, Forever

In the movie version of The Wall, during this song is a montage of riot scenes, with angry people turning over cars and throwing Molotov cocktails at riot police. A hand claws at a window and maggots eat into Pink’s brain while a line of police officers hold back the mob of rioters. The scene ends with Pink against his wall, having given up trying to find a way out.

Despite the dark undertone of the song, Waters was actually exhorting people to fight, act in consort to battle the dark forces, come together as a community, and help each other overcome the abandonment, loneliness, isolation, and pain they were experiencing as individuals. His message of standing together or we will fall resonates strongly today, as the forces of good trying to keep the light aflame, battle against the forces of evil burying the light and attempting to destroy our society, culture, communities, economy, and the American dream.

Hey you, don’t help them to bury the light

Don’t give in without a fight

Hey you, don’t tell me there’s no hope at all

Together we stand, divided we fall


The collective insanity engulfing our world threatens our very existence, as megalomaniacal sociopaths attempt to abnormalize every aspect of our lives and build walls between us in order to make it easier for them to ensnare us in their techno-gulag,  where we receive our daily allotment of bug paste, living in our 15 minute city pod housing units, are monitored 24/7 and see our social credit score downgraded by thinking or saying anything contrary to the approved government narrative, owning nothing, told to act happy or else, whereas your overlords live in luxury while stomping on your face forever.

The decades of conditioning in government school indoctrination centers and propaganda pumped into the brains of the masses has created a colossal wall which has become too high for us to break free. Can enough refusers band together and break the mass formation mindset infecting the masses and scale the wall constructed by our government wardens? Seems like a long shot. The future looks bleak from my vantage point, but I refuse to let the worms eat into my brain and won’t give in without a fight. How about you?

Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better | by World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum | Medium

Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?

Open your heart, I’m coming home

But it was only fantasy

The wall was too high

As you can see

No matter how he tried

He could not break free

And the worms ate into his brain

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Notify of
April 16, 2023 4:30 pm

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” ― Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow

Are we also guilty of this? I believe some would say yes.

April 16, 2023 4:49 pm

Not I.

I don’t want to fight. I want to be left alone.

God help those who leave me no option but to fight.

It won’t be righteous indignation or pleasure at maltreating someone. It will be the complete absence of empathy or feeling. Humanity switched off, simple goal of ending all who won’t leave me be. No feelings at all.

April 16, 2023 6:46 pm

comment image

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
April 17, 2023 2:32 pm

comment image

  Saxons Wrath
April 19, 2023 7:41 pm

Every time I see this meme the fact it is true is like a stab in my heart.

Former tenderfoot 1st Class: Benjamin Martin
Former tenderfoot 1st Class: Benjamin Martin
April 17, 2023 6:17 am

“God help those who leave me no option but to fight.”

Same as everything. But a question of numbers, who makes the opening move, and highly absorbent Brown Pants?

April 17, 2023 6:33 am

Sounds like Irish Democracy…

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
April 19, 2023 7:16 am

It’s all been foreseen.
The beginning from the end.
Not predicted but foreseen.
That means it’s course cannot be changed.
We can and must resist but it will not be enough.
The coming NWO will come and can and will only be overthrown by direct intervention of God.
For it is written.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
April 17, 2023 11:14 am

So … unless I’ve completely missed your sarcasm, you’ve already given up, haven’t you? They’ve won … you’ve done exactly what’s been expected of you …

Ben Franklin was correct: “’We must all hang together (i.e., work together — be united), or most assuredly we will all hang separately.”

  Anthony Aaron
April 17, 2023 1:39 pm

Really? That is what you take from that?


Text via iphone, from the Bowels of...
Text via iphone, from the Bowels of...
  Anthony Aaron
April 17, 2023 3:31 pm

’We must all hang together (i.e., work together — be united), or most assuredly we will all hang separately.”

“*Ben Franklin was, without question, deeply involved in Freemasonry and in other secret societies.  Franklin belonged to secret groups in the three countries involved in the War of Independence: America, France and England.  He was master of the Masonic Lodge of Philadelphia, while over in France he was master of the Nine Sisters Lodge, from which sprang the French Revolution.  In England, he joined a rakish political group founded by Sir Francis Dashwood (member of Parliament, advisor to King George III) called the Monks of Medmenham Abbey, otherwise known as the Hellfire Club.  This 18th century group is described as follows: …”


The Hellfire Club, an 18th-Century Ritual Cult for the Famous and Powerful

Really hard ta find a SHIT TON more. IF ONLY a great man named algore were to be born?

Well. THEN something called…(unsure just WHAT it will be called)…Just You wait!


When Ben Franklin said “A Republic, if you can keep it” he was telegraphing that it was designed to fail and be exploited.

Had our founding document been written by Christians rather than Masonic Luciferians, our history would be unrecognizable to those living.

April 17, 2023 5:43 pm

Not so sure about that. The supposed rest of the quote was “and every man knows the law.” Why am I not so sure? Because the FFs knew history, and as such knew no system was prefect or beyond corruption without putting work into it, and those who work most can influence most.
Such is the laws of thermodynamics as applied to man made systems.
Do we work at it enough to keep it from being corrupt? No, though to be fair it was corrupted long before us. Do we know the law? Most even here do not, and that is something we could and should help, but won’t.
Those who work hardest has the best chance of the prize.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 17, 2023 6:07 pm

Work smarter. Not too hard considering the current global landscape of lunacy,

  Aunt Acid
April 17, 2023 7:10 pm

Long past handing out the prize.

rachel levine
rachel levine
April 18, 2023 7:10 am

“When Ben Franklin said” : ‘A Republic, if you can keep it’?

he was NOT talking to who You think he was.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  rachel levine
April 18, 2023 9:42 am

Admiral, iz that you?

  Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 10:09 am

“Admiral, iz that you?”

No Sir.

Amazed @ the additional content since my last stroll, ‘This’ Article.

Thought i was ready ta move on, checked email in the interim, saw your 9:43am (my end) reply.

Did You see the one asking for explanation of BR3G? Sorry if i got the wrong Acro, No idea so much ta read.

  Text via iphone, from the Bowels of...
April 20, 2023 10:50 pm

Deep in the Bowels of a hidden bunker…we have once again made contact with our leader…

mark levin ?
mark levin ?
April 21, 2023 6:17 am

Cursory look see.

“Mark Reed Levin is an American lawyer, author, and radio personality. He is the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Levin worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is the … See more”

Is he his brothers’s keeper like one of his brother’s, but deeper?

levin, levine, but to opine, might be a descendant of alex h.

And his mommy rachel?

  mark levin ?
April 22, 2023 7:21 pm

Yea, Screamin’ Mark Levin. YouTube of Levin introduction did not make it. Deep in the bowels of internet uncertainty in the hills of Arkansas, but Uncertain…

i forget
i forget
  Anthony Aaron
April 17, 2023 10:12 pm

The “founding” finaglers, of which Franklin was one, were preceded by finaglers, & succeeded by finaglers.

((And the iconography of the exceptionalist manifest destiny genesis story is just another “our big lie is better than your big lie.”

Red blood & ink spilling is so much easier-quicker than keeping the little white balls in the tall cotton greens – so mulligans for everybody!

But no mulligatawny for you!))

Of course, the presence of finagler-eggs is completely dependent-contingent upon the presence finaglable-chickens. Ever was it thus. Ever shall it be.

Peck-peck-peck goes the peck-it-‘til-it-bleeds out pecking order.

Order! (& Law!) Order in the pecking order court/esan honeytrap, Judge Rooster Epstein presiding.

Mass malice aforethought. Beneath thought. Suffused nervous systems, metasta-stitched together into steroidally supercharged congregations, a la Twain’s War Prayer.

“Age of Conquest.” Like its bygone.

“War of all against all.” Like Hobbesian finagling-philanthropy/philosophy-fathering put that hope of conquest back into Pandora’s Box.

The rat’s name is Hope.

(Well, there are two rats, so call the other one Faith.)

(If the economic hitmen are involved, throw in Charity, @interest of course, for a third.)

Hope & Faith that this reality isn’t reality.

So Chicken O’Brien’s (is that on the menu at Carrabas?) chicken-goons put the rats “back into” Winston’s own custom-fitted @conception Pandora facebox (which a newer Obrien renamed faceboox). Whereupon Winston’s inner rat-chicken passes the/his rat: Do it to Julia! Not me!

She who was the love of his life. His “previous” life.

That any wo/man can be broken points back, & forward, to the fallen brokenness that precedes & projects & makes manifest greater good (morning, Vietnam!) smashups: s/he runs, full-tilt, towards that bull(shit) which exists only to break (the China which in turn seeks to break the bone porcelain cuz some porcellian clubbers just know they’s more equal than other Black Forest hams) in the misbegotten hope-faith that hanging together with entropy-matadors will bind the separate brokenness of his/her little big-bang conception into a limited liability corporation-person.

((“You complete me.” ~ Jerry McGuire rote a manifesto … not a memo … d’oh!))

Homogenization kills the milk & colony collapse disorders the honey.

(“Diversity?” That’s pasteurization-pacification on a higher domestication flame.)

George Costanza cannot help himself, cannot do anything about being George Costanza, cannot not pass Costanzaness on.

And that’s NYC salsa in a jar & mRNA spam in a can. It ain’t The Right Stuff but the couch is, & the coaches are, overstuffed with it nonetheless.

There’s nothing to fix. No improvement to be made. No legacy that articulates back to better days, better people, better couches & couch-closing coaches stuffed right.

Lay of this land navigation comes down to the compass & map you got @C.

And if that was @C/ostanza, well, didn’t-choosers can’t be beggars begetting other “choices” but buggerers stock in trade is beggers & so the business of weakness is always booming cuz didn’t-choosers believe in, & are pandered to reinforce believing in, begetting better choices by begging. If buggerers build it, they will come.

Weakness is the strongest business there ever was.

How’s that for opposite, George?

Irony & perversity & homogenized-pasteurized milk – oh, my!

  i forget
April 18, 2023 7:17 am

In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act

Thank You.

April 17, 2023 9:52 am

The Leftard useful idiots that hate and destroy for fiat dollars…they are the absolute depths of stupidity and programed evil…a blight on humanity that needs to be either healed or excised.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
April 17, 2023 11:09 am

It was THE defining principle behind all of the gross misbehavior that people brought to each other … it was the tool that they utilized to divide and conquer US … Huxley’s nightmarish vision became reality … 

April 17, 2023 5:28 pm

Huxley created many straw men. Mostly doom porn.

Billy the kid
Billy the kid
April 20, 2023 5:56 am

” Mostly doom porn”? Idiot,look around you man, he underestimated the evil and stupidity if you asked me. The evil masked itself, and the stupidity. If they can do what they’ve done without a revolution in the last 120 years,they can do just about anything. I hope i am wrong.

April 16, 2023 4:31 pm

Norbert Wiener

April 16, 2023 4:49 pm

Cybernetics. Not sure I still have a copy after my run in with community standards. Community standards was how they came and repeatedly robbed us and tried to kill us. Be very careful when you start hearing that term thrown around, because it means that, as I can attest, they are about to screw you without benefit of real law. As such…

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” ― Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow

April 16, 2023 4:40 pm

The truth is often hard to recognize when everything around you is lies….

April 17, 2023 7:15 am

Yeah, even this Russian [Andrei Martyanov] must be all in on it: link

“For anybody who believed that the United States never landed on the moon please turn off this uh video and just go find you know some other things to do in your life. Because it is absolutely confirmed by both Russians and Chinese that they are, you can see that even their Landing sites namely of the Apollo 14 I believe uh or you will correct me if I’m um mistaken with the number, but no, and neither Buzz Aldrin nor Neal Armstrong ever admitted that it was all fake”

April 17, 2023 10:13 am

There are always liars trying to suppress the truth. Go do it somewhere else…..

April 17, 2023 10:33 am

Reading Alastair Crooke’s latest today, at this snippet

The Woke ‘project’ is an unlikely one – a strange neo-Marxist construct, in which an ‘oppressed class’ actually is composed of élite affirmative-action intellectuals (who lay claim to the mantle of being redeemed oppressors), whilst Americans, working in industry and in the low-paid service industry, are conversely denigrated as racist supremacist, anti-diversity, white oppressors.

I had to think of you and your fellow ‘moon-hoaxers’ – you are actually trying to put on the mantle of élite intellectuals, but in your case the affirmative-action is declaring everything outside of your knowledge/understanding to be fake.
What an improvement!   [from the current marxists in power, in the West]

April 18, 2023 12:31 am

So the you believe some nobody wannabe filmmaker, but not the most famous filmmaker in the world who admits to doing it…. You are a real fucking ignorant bafoon. Of course you would have to be to believe the government about anything….

April 18, 2023 3:40 am

Ohh, more famous people are always to be believed more!

Refute this guy please:

April 18, 2023 5:29 pm

So why would the most famous filmmaker in the world claim to have faked the moon landings, but been afraid to have this video come our until 15 yrs after his death?
That the landing was faked is not the issue, as they obviously were. That they would have sought out the best in the world to do it is hardly far fetched.
I guess the real issue is some people want to go on believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and of course American exceptionalism…. Those people are called suckers…..

April 18, 2023 6:54 pm

Because that ISN’T Kubrick, you utter retard

April 23, 2023 10:56 am

The fuck it isn’t retard. Fuck you.

April 19, 2023 2:59 am

You missed Gonzalo’s point entirely.

April 20, 2023 2:55 pm

dont take this controled oppo see aye ey asset seriously. if you watch some of his videos closely, you can see number “47” on the left side of his cap he is always wearing. they always tell you their affiliation.

April 23, 2023 10:55 am

So you think Gonzalo believes we went to the moon. You are a fool if you think he does.

April 17, 2023 11:28 am

I’m just going to leave this here. The testimony of Charlie Duke, Apollo 16. This guy is either the worst kind of lying sack of shit — or he isn’t. Just an aside, who put you in charge?

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 10:23 pm


Auntie still prefers Rammstein’s version, ja?

  Aunt Acid
April 19, 2023 11:43 am

This is good Aunti,


Owen Benjamin

April 19, 2023 12:00 pm

is 1 minute 46 seconds and explains the COCK LOVER in the REAR of NASA’s latest Free Mason MOCK!

Here is probably the most all-encompassing, detailed debunking of Free Mason controlled NASA and the MOON FAKE LANDINGS from A-to-Z, soup to nuts, from Fake/Bullshit Sea to Fake/Bullshit shining sea.

AMERICAN MOON (English Version)

If you want to support the author you can download the HD version from Vimeo-on-demand… – OR you can purchase the DVD at… – All DVDS by Massimo Mazzucco also available at

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April 20, 2023 9:44 am

Hmmm…’ARTEMIS II’ (Even the Name is a NASA MOCK).

So a Loo…Boo…Who? A White Woman, a Black Man, and a CONUNDRUM are getting ready to go back to the MOON for another massive NASA/CGI/Media HOAX!



Now…pay attention:

TLPTB (L=Luciferian) mocking us/U.S. says:


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NASA astronauts (bottom), Victor Glover (top), and Christina Hammock Koch (left), and CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen (right) were announced Monday as the crew of Artemis II.
(Hmmm NASA says ‘Victor Glove’ is on top! – (The black guy is a VICTOR? The white woman is a KOCK?)

I love these hilarious Free Masons…and they really worship their little g god.
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I know there are some of you out there… the few the proud the IRONIC SAGES who are smiling…who get this??? Who understand their MOCKs! Much like the NASA 666 maff for the globe…Meat Puppet Biden ‘biden’ their time…and so many others mocks…but this one is being led by a Loo – Boo – Who? A ‘WISEMAN’? That has more implications then just tongue in cheek…if the VICTOR is in the REAR with the KOCH.

I wonder who is really pitching or catching??? (So to speak).

Is this just another FREE MASON riddle in which a fanciful hoax is framed by a MOCKING PUN, a CONCEIT, a PUBLIC DEVICE, just another HOAX the ‘masses’ of gullible ‘asses’ will swallow CGI hook, line and main stream TV fakery.

The little g-demonic god’s love to use names and symbols to MOCK us/U.S. openly.


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In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Artemis (/ˈɑːrtɪmɪs/; Greek: Ἄρτεμις) the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth, care, and chastity. She was heavily identified with Selene, the personification of the Moon, and Hecate, another LUNAR DEITY, so was regarded as one of the most prominent LUNAR DEITIES in mythology, alongside the aforementioned two. She often roamed the forests of Greece, attended by her large entourage, mostly made up of nymphs, some mortals, and hunters. The goddess Diana is her Roman equivalent.

In Greek tradition, Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of APOLLO. In most accounts, the twins are the products of an extramarital liaison. For this, Zeus’ wife Hera forbade Leto from giving birth anywhere on land. Only the island of Delos gave refuge to Leto, allowing her to give birth to her children. Usually, Artemis is the twin to be born first, who then proceeds to assist Leto in the birth of the second child, APOLLO. Like her brother, she was a kourotrophic (child-nurturing) deity that is the patron and protector of young children, especially young girls, and women, and was believed to both bring disease upon women and children and relieve them of it. Artemis was worshipped as one of the primary goddesses of childbirth and midwifery along with Eileithyia and Hera. Much like Athena and Hestia, Artemis preferred to remain a maiden goddess and was sworn never to marry, so was one of the three Greek virgin GODDESSES, over whom the goddess of love and lust, Aphrodite, had no power whatsoever.

In myth and literature, Artemis is presented as a hunting goddess of the woods, surrounded by her followers, who are not to be crossed. In the myth of Actaeon, when the young hunter sees her bathing naked, he is transformed into a deer by the angered goddess and is then devoured by his own hunting dogs, which do not recognize their own master. In the story of Callisto, the girl is driven away from Artemis’ company after breaking her vow of virginity, having lain with and been impregnated by Zeus.

In the Epic tradition, Artemis halted the winds blowing the Greek ships during the Trojan War, stranding the Greek fleet in Aulis, after King Agamemnon, the leader of the expedition, shot and killed her sacred deer. Artemis demanded the sacrifice of Iphigenia, Agamemnon’s young daughter, as compensation for her slain deer. In most versions, when Iphigenia is led to the altar to be offered as a sacrifice, Artemis pities her and takes her away, leaving another deer in her place. In the war that followed, Artemis, along with her twin brother and mother, supported the Trojans against the Greeks, and challenged Hera into battle.

Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek DEITIES; her worship spread throughout ancient Greece, with her multiple temples, altars, shrines, and local veneration found everywhere in the ancient world. Her great temple burnt to the ground.

Artemis’ symbols included a bow and arrow, a quiver, and hunting knives, and the deer and the cypress were sacred to her. Diana, her Roman equivalent, was especially WORSHIPPED on the Aventine Hill in Rome, near Lake Nemi in the Alban Hills, and in Campania.

Artemis is presented as a GODDESS who delights in hunting and punishes harshly those who cross her. Artemis’ wrath is proverbial, and represents the hostility of wild nature to humans. Homer calls Artemis πότνια θηρῶν, “the mistress of animals”, a titled associated with representations in art going back as far as the Bronze Age, showing a woman between a pair of animals.


(1 minute and 46 second VID worth repeating, Owen Benjamin is a HOOT!

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Remember this hoax:

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Here is what the Free Masons say:

“Hoodwink (definition)… the secrecy, silence, and darkness in which the mysteries of our masonic art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.”

—Dr. Albert Mackey 33° Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

Here is what GOD says:

“Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.”

— Obadiah 4

April 20, 2023 10:51 am

This is just for any down voters! (Go drink a Bud Light!)

  Aunt Acid
April 19, 2023 11:53 am


April 18, 2023 6:44 pm

It’s very possible we didn’t land on the moon, but that’s clearly NOT
Stanley Kubrick, and you’re an utter retard for thinking that it is.

April 20, 2023 6:07 am

True, though alot of movies have them filming inside a studio the moon landings as a fuck you to the public. Kubrick didn’t have to admit it, look at his work though and you’ll understand he didnt have to outright.

They probably murdered him for “Eyes wide shut ” but “2001 a space odyssey” proved it could all be fake. Due to it looking better and more realistic than the bs set the Mooonlandings were done in with not even a star to see, tc. It was a Kubrick fuck you to the ESTABLISHMENT, like “look what I could’ve done for you if I was a piece of shit like you with not an ounce of honor, integrity, or courage,or moral decency .

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
April 17, 2023 1:26 pm

Of course he faked it, if the earth is flat, then clearly, so is the moon….

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
  Shotgun Trooper
April 20, 2023 6:17 am

Flat earth is not what Kubrick was saying. It is the perfect new bullshit discrediting tool for feds.

April 18, 2023 9:27 am

Give it up.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 10:24 pm

…already. Give it up already.

April 18, 2023 6:53 pm

That is clearly NOT Kubrick, and you’re a gullible rube for believing that it is.

April 23, 2023 11:00 am

You lie like a fucking democrat piece of shit. Ok shit for brains, prove it is not Kubrick.

April 16, 2023 4:52 pm

When I think of Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson , I can only think of where Christianity went wrong.

It will always fill void in me .

April 16, 2023 6:44 pm

Hi there fake christian,
Lets define real forgiveness for you.
Real forgiveness is:
Some lech rapes your daughter, serves 8 years of a 15 year sentence and paroled for good behavior. He is genuinely repentant for his sin and proves his good intent by doing something good for others -imbued with the spirit and seeking forgiveness (which by the way dumb-ass is nothing less than your christian god demands from you). You forgive the rapist as a testimony to belief in redemption but also in the requirement of real contrition.

Fake forgiveness and fake christianity is:
The scum who raped your daughter and scarred her permanently gets off because his cousin is the judge or sheriff or on a technicality. He tells your family as he skates out of court that he enjoyed raping her and would love to get the opportunity to do it again.
You get on your knees and suck Satan’s knob by letting him slide and reward his abuse of your daughter and worse still, you falsely call it “forgiveness” and help him get a job so he can get a road stake to rape again. Why? Because it allows you to worship yourself as ‘holier than thou’ for rewarding evil and to congratulate yourself for your moral degeneracy and cowardice.
You gave yourself a free pass to further torture your daughter and hurt the next person the scumbag rapes by falsely labeling yourself morally superior and thus justified in your reward and empowerment of evil and your abuse of rape victims.

Bronson knew what a worthless evil piece of Satan-enabling, goodness-betraying piece of fake christian sh*t you are, so it is no surprise that you disdain him for holding up a mirror to your ugliness.
Your good book does not say that “Good Christian” and “rewarding, enabling and promoting unrepentant evil’ are the same thing. You are a classic example of Huxley’s fake goodness tyrants who are self-entitled do harm others in society.

April 16, 2023 6:50 pm

Never forget what trash Hollyweird is, either, and what impotent, cartoonish revenge fantasies those films are. Probably engineered as safety valves to prevent true action to save our society from real monsters while looking at mere stories of villains and chivalry.

Cedartown Mark
Cedartown Mark
April 16, 2023 11:33 pm


Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Cedartown Mark
April 18, 2023 12:21 pm


But she probably shouldn’t.

April 16, 2023 7:02 pm

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 16, 2023 11:04 pm

Lex Talionis?

How about executing known – appodicticly guilty – and convicted of murder most disguting and heinous blood-thirsty criminals? For a start.

Billy the Kid.
Billy the Kid.
  Aunt Acid
April 19, 2023 1:29 am

You assume this trash, demcidal, genocidal government is worthy of deciding true justice. Still after all you witnessed in just the last 3 years ? Fuck given them the power to kill! I wouldn’t trust this government to execute a cockroaches. !

April 16, 2023 7:05 pm

Presume much?

April 17, 2023 8:10 am

I did not down vote you but I doubt you are a Christian.

April 17, 2023 9:45 am

…seems a little judgmental.

April 19, 2023 8:57 am

Of course it is. Nothing wrong with being judgmental.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 21, 2023 7:15 am

Christianity demands no less.

April 17, 2023 9:43 am

Look at all those down votes? The Bible says not to seek revenge against those who wrong you because God will…however, I view taking out the trash as a public service, a necessary duty…not revenge. I will ask for forgiveness.

April 17, 2023 10:41 pm

The Bible is not talking about capital crimes there; its talking about personal slights and non lethal issues. Read the context.

Will the Scot
Will the Scot
April 17, 2023 10:56 am

Now tell us how you really feel about it.

April 17, 2023 10:39 pm

Sorry, but you are full of crap. Maybe try reading the Bible and seeing what the God ordained penalties are for things like rape, murder, kidnapping etc. See also the duties of a Christian man as defender of family and nation . Your incorrect definition of ‘forgiveness’ has nothing to do with anything.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
April 20, 2023 12:55 pm

Right and wrong can be determined by observing the cycles of life.

April 16, 2023 4:54 pm

“I wonder how many people who have constructed their personal wall and isolated themselves from mankind are now sorry and seeking someone to connect with?”

Well, Jim, I wonder how many are not just sorry but also angry and verging on unbridled vengeance, “Twitching like a finger On the trigger of a gun.”

April 16, 2023 5:01 pm

If you start hearing the phrase community standards bantered around, you better get ready to be screwed, blued and tattooed. That was exactly what they said when they came out and repeatedly robbed and tried to destroy us because we didn’t buy into the American agenda 20 nightmare, somehow thinking our property was for living on, than just to mow the yard 3 times a week and flop at till it is time to retire and die with nothing, while making the PTB rich being a debt slave. Take your fucking commie community standards and shove it up your ass.

April 16, 2023 6:14 pm

I’m tired of hearing “our values”. The never elaborate as to what these are however.

April 16, 2023 6:30 pm

By being vague then they can come steal whatever bugs them or they want even if you are within the law having what you have or doing what you are doing. It is just a ploy to self issue themselves general warrants or writs of assistance without going to court to get a proper warrant, because the land owner being within the law the court would not side with what they want to do. It is called abuse of process.
It works the same way for micro aggressions, woke, etc., it is just a way to go after people that they don’t like because they are commies or are a threat to their agendas.

April 16, 2023 7:03 pm

“Some are saying…. ”
More media bullshit

April 16, 2023 5:07 pm

“I have to admit it is lonely always being on the opposite side of the approved narrative, believed by the masses.”

Will read more analytically (for me, anywho) later.

But many of Us share Your above quoted sentiment.

NOT gonna start a revolution because the numbers are all wrong, imho.

“Furthermore, and in conclusion”…or something like that…Don’t even care to participate.

It may come to me soon enough. One way. Or another. Pray it does not. NOT my call, ultimately.

Said it before, here. An epiphany of sorts, in my enfeebled mind. “The French were Cowards!”

? Coulda been that the people most likely to stop the occupation said ‘No’. For ANY number of reasons.

Most concerned ’bout the ‘neighborhood’, If/When push comes to sh…ove.

April 16, 2023 5:26 pm

At some point in the last three years when the works of Orwell and Huxley ceased being fiction, Carlin ceased being funny and people really thought about Pink Floyd’s lyrics the enjoyment and artistic merits of their works faded bringing into sharp focus the reality they long predicted. Though the hour is late and the price to fix the disaster we find ourselves in will be very high indeed it’s not too late. Profound fundamental change takes time but it will happen because it must happen and I believe it is happening.

April 17, 2023 8:13 am

I wish you were right.

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
April 17, 2023 3:21 pm

That is because Orwell, Huxley, Carlin, and Pink Floyd were all part of the corporate machine that prepared the ground for our dystopian present.

Predictive programming at its core is a tactic to reduce resistance by introducing concepts that seem far fetched and continuously reintroducing them to make these concepts appear more likely or at the very least acceptable.

Yes it’s been in preparation for that long .

The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation.

If you want to see profound fundamental change best write a book or a song about it.. needs to be a best seller number one that’s still talked about fifty years later.. helps if you own half of the corporate media.

  Mongo Thrapwortle
April 17, 2023 10:23 pm

Orwell contemplated naming his book, “The Last Man in Europe,” but his publisher, the Jew Warburg, insisted that wouldn’t be “commercial” enough.

Thank You
Thank You
April 18, 2023 7:48 am

” Orwell contemplated naming his book, “The Last Man in Europe,” but his publisher, the Jew Warburg, insisted that wouldn’t be “commercial” enough.”

‘1984’: A History of George Orwell’s Dystopian Masterpiece

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
April 25, 2023 10:44 am

Fixing it is no longer on offer. Surviving it (for those so inclined) is now the appropriate choice. For the rest of us, the option is to continue to live as you believe until circumstances cut that short.
For me, the most important determinant of behavior is to be true to myself in all ways. I don’t fear the Reaper.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 16, 2023 5:32 pm

The psyop has been terrible to watch. The damage to human bodies, psyches and souls immeasurable. The angst and poverty it produced unconscienable. Fuckers who did this are truly Evil and worship Satan.

B3RG* are responsible for this global living nightmare – GUILTY of war crimes against humanity.

Payback cannot come soon enough.

  Aunt Acid
April 17, 2023 11:08 pm

What is B3RG*

April 17, 2023 11:36 pm

Auntie- You have a eager to learn student . I really love it when people question , that is how the process of enlightenment begins Marti and Auntie is a great teacher of all things B3RG*.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 9:53 am

This forum is one of the few places to openly discuss the Enemy, and yes, question EVERYTHING.

Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien et mots gentils, BL.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 9:48 am

B3RG* are the Evil Fuckers ( known in polite society as TPTB) who rule the world, hate you, your children, your culture, nation and faith plus want you liquidated. They work for Satan.

Hope that clarifies things a bit for you, Marti.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Aunt Acid
April 18, 2023 12:28 pm

When I see 3…I see boobies.

Did it to myself, by making a joke about B3RG*

April 16, 2023 5:45 pm

It’s the World A against World B………..

World B can only win with God’s assistance.

World A is so distressingly evil I can hardly stand living next to it.

I know my belief is God will win.

What I can’t know, how much more damage will World A do first?

AND why does World B appear to have so few awake (not woke)?

April 16, 2023 5:50 pm

good article,as usual —
this article i am posting illustrates your point about the stupidity & evil in govt. —
recently declassified docs seem to indicate that at least 2 of the 9/11 hijackers were being run by the cia but they would not share the info with the fbi —

Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
April 16, 2023 8:42 pm

How about the former Iraqi Marine who was a suspect in Oklahoma City working at the ticket counter they passed through at Logan International that fine morning? On any other day that might seem strange.


i have never heard this b4 about the iraqi marine,interesting —

Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
April 17, 2023 10:25 am

He ran a body shop and was found with a Chevy pickup that was used by one of the John Does. Changed color etc. OKC was (is?) a Muzzie hotbed.


Pretty much every place close to an air Force or army base became a Muslim hotspot in the 1980s.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
April 16, 2023 5:52 pm

Thanks Jim! Your article personifies my perception of the current times.
A step in the right direction for lost young men and any adult male who has yet to become or understand what it means to be manly is offered in the Art of Manliness, below.

Semper Virilis: A Roadmap to Manhood in the 21st Century

  Steve Z.
April 16, 2023 6:52 pm

Women are going to have to join in and reclaim what the lies of feminism have stolen from them.

April 16, 2023 7:05 pm

They will need SERIOUS deprogramming

April 16, 2023 7:09 pm

We all do.

The Wall, meet The Brick Sky:

The Matrix Revealed: Official truth, androids, and reductive mind control

Power Outside The Matrix: The Writer’s relentless pursuit

April 16, 2023 6:12 pm

I remember my cousin from Tottenville playing the wall all the time,years later he assured me he never liked Pink Floyd lol.Makes me think of a quote from jiddu krishnamurti,”It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

April 16, 2023 6:26 pm


April 16, 2023 6:59 pm

My uncle is a shrink in a very affluent area in Massachusetts. He’s had the same patients for 20 years! They never get better just keep eating those scripts and complaining to him while he nods off.

April 16, 2023 7:12 pm

He’s a venal charlatan. The customers are pampered suckers.

April 16, 2023 8:34 pm

Oh absolutely

April 16, 2023 7:29 pm

Long article. Well written.

Not one mention of God or faith.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 17, 2023 11:41 am

Good article; bad comment.

I can give examples of where you’re wrong, but I won’t.

He decides who is worth saving and who’s not.

  Abigail Adams
April 17, 2023 3:00 pm

“He decides who is worth saving and who’s not.”

Admin is not talking about “saving” in terms of sin and salvation.

Admin is talking about God saving you/me/America from the Super Shit Storm that is coming to your neighborhood soon.

He is absolutely correct. You people who think if you pray hard enough that the land will be healed (2 Chronicles 7:14) are full of poop hopey-dopey hopium …….. and those who think God will Rapture them to heaven in the nick of time are, well, Delusional Beyond Repair.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 17, 2023 3:17 pm

It’s all perspective, Stucky. Read my comment on the Restrict Act page.

April 17, 2023 10:46 pm

Actually, II Chronicles 7:14 is necessary; repentance will bring about moral courage and God’s blessing. The rest will follow. It has before for our people…
‘rapture doctrine’ is non-Biblical.

  Abigail Adams
April 19, 2023 12:33 pm

I really tire of people speaking for God as though they ‘know’.

It is incredibly arrogant.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 21, 2023 7:18 am

…OR …you’re just incredibly out of favor with the Big Guy.

  The Central Scrutinizer
April 25, 2023 10:55 am

Non sequitur

I see you are of the lacking comprehension clan.

Arrogant but ignorant is no way to go through life Scrote.

April 17, 2023 12:01 pm

Your work never taxes me. In fact, I don’t find it in the least bit challenging.

As for God & faith, I have faith that God has already saved me.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
April 17, 2023 8:52 pm

It appears that the workshop is working and you are on the path of enlightenment.

April 24, 2023 10:02 pm

GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins

“The Stockdale Paradox is a concept, along with its companion concept CONFRONT THE BRUTAL FACTS, developed in the book Good to Great. Productive change begins when you CONFRONT THE BRUTAL FACTS. Every good-to-great company embraced what we came to call the “STOCKDALE PARADOX you must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be”.

Admin, I made my business Bones in my hired gumshoe career bringing the STOCKDALE PARADOX to my clients.

It was always my lead and usually the reason I was hired.

For any who don’t know the story and are interested.


September 9, 1965, was a life-changing day for James Stockdale. It was the day that his Douglas A-4 Skyhawk was shot out of the sky, forcing him to eject to save his own life.

The North Vietnamese captured the American admiral that day. But little did they know then that they would take in a very, very troublesome prisoner.

They detained Stockdale at the Hỏa Lò Prison, the infamous “Hanoi Hilton.” He soon established communications among the American prisoners of war, and a code of rules to organize the prisoners and boost their morale.

When the abuse of American POWs reached a climax in 1969, Stockdale was selected by his captors as a trophy for their propaganda. Knowing that he wouldn’t be paraded if he was disfigured, he cut his own scalp with a razor and then beat his own face with a wooden stool, foiling his captors’ plans.

After Stockdale found out that several POWs had been tortured to death, he slit his own wrists to show that he would rather die than capitulate to his captors. From that night on, the practice of torturing American POWs stopped in the facility.

Stockdale finally returned home to the United States in 1973 after seven-and-a-half years in prison. In 1976, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.

Once, Stockdale had invited Jim Collins, a management scholar, out to lunch. Collins asked Stockdale about how he persevered while in Vietnam.

“I never lost faith in the end of the story,” replied Stockdale. “I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade.”

Collins then asked about the kinds of people who didn’t make it out of the Hanoi Hilton.

“The optimists,” came the response. And then Stockdale explained.

“Oh, they were the ones who said, ‘We’re going to be out by Christmas.’ And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they’d say, ‘We’re going to be out by Easter.’ And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart.”

After a moment of silence, Stockdale finished his thought.

“This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

Collins would later codify this into his coaching regime as the “Stockdale paradox” to help business leaders who were facing challenges—which is sound reasoning. After all, if this thinking can help a soldier survive POW camp, there are very few things it can’t help with.

April 17, 2023 5:25 pm

That’s just shamefully ignorant and hateful, even if you are correct with the things you wrote above.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 17, 2023 5:37 pm

k31…he does not have eyes to see. He is blind. And I cannot make him see. Others will have to do that who are called for that sort of thing.

I have seen those with the same attitude look back in hindsight and say, “Holy shit, God was with me the whole damn time I was suffering.”

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  Abigail Adams
April 25, 2023 11:18 am

Watching you suffer. To see what you would do.
If this is an accurate description of God, then I’m not interested in His plan.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
April 17, 2023 8:08 pm

Just to join in the melee and maybe get my nose bloodied…

As someone who has studied comparative religions over 45 years, east/west/north/south I can give the benefit of a hard won conclusion: if you don’t conceive of God in a personal way, if you understand that our individual personhood is just a temporary adaptation to this particular level of matter, if you believe the reason paranormal knowledge isn’t accepted is because people simply can’t believe that the human has certain latent faculties that allow for perception on more rarefied vibratory frequencies of “matter”…if you know and live these principles, about 98% of what people have trouble swallowing about “religion” will resolve itself.

Not to put too fine a point on it but I conceive of “God” as One Law, from which all other laws physical, psychical, emotional, mental, spiritual etc flow, and must harmonize with. You can’t entreat God to break the One Law because God itself is the One Law. You may learn how to harmonize with it and life will go much more smoothly for you. Or you may fight the One Law and be dragged along, or learn how to harmonize yourself with the One Law for your own designs and now you have become a black magician.

Personhood–whether as human beings or our conception of God-is the problem. For Christians who can’t stomach this idea, did not Christ say “I knew you before the foundation of the Earth was laid”? We can’t have a wholesome universal outlook until the ersatz universality steeped in greed, corruption, perversion and violence is gotten past.

In the meantime, I don’t believe in pacifism. I believe each one has a calling to act in the world, but not be of the world.

“Know ye not, ye are gods?”

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Sirhan Wrap
April 18, 2023 1:00 pm

Energy makes everything.
God’s power animates all life.
Mass, is the actual literal power of “God” contained in “packets” of energy we typically call elements.

Everything is assembled from elements.

The life force of God is interconnected to all life forces, and it maintains life utilizing the elements for various life functions.

We, well actually, everything is….God.

We are God when we are behaving in harmony with nature.
We are Satan when we are not.

32 years journey to escape from a strong religious indoctrination.

“This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” 

I have glimpsed the complexity and beauty of Ezekiel’s wheel via study and integration of the electromagnetic theory of…everything.

Early on
Early on
April 18, 2023 8:24 am

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

lent much credence.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
April 18, 2023 12:38 pm

Re: admin/carlin

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

A prison, not of stone or mortar, but ideation.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
April 19, 2023 3:39 am

Sadly, I think George Carlin was correct with what I’ve witnessed so far. If God exist this is either a sand box trial mode, or they are indifferent.

  Billy the Kid
April 25, 2023 11:55 am

If I understand the basics of this god fellow,

He exists, is cause of all, all seeing, all knowing, all powerful….

So he causes suffering, sees suffering, knows there is suffering, could prevent the suffering, but does not.

So what use is god?

April 17, 2023 10:29 pm

Peter said many other things to warn them.
He begged them, save yourselves from these evil people.
Acts 2:40

April 17, 2023 10:44 pm

…and not one mention of (((who))) is pushing this, doing the works of ‘their father the devil’ as Jesus told us either…

April 16, 2023 8:07 pm

Weird. I just listened to this series on Brave New World while stacking fire wood today.

April 16, 2023 8:11 pm

Jay Dyer is pretty interesting.

April 16, 2023 8:29 pm

I have had about enough of Huxley, Orwell and this insane asylum they shove in our face. This is all purposely manufactured crap from trans BS to cartoon government puppets to media churning blather puke 24/7/365.

I don’t really give a shit about any of them, I can ignore the hell out of them, I can do something constructive and not give a single fuk about turnings. Be it war, economic collapse, rampaging black hordes, whatever. The oppressive fear puke is worse than any of it. I can fight an insurgent, I can put down an intruder but I can’t defeat the mental demon of fear porn short of saying…… ENOUGH. Enough already, enough. Bring it, bring something I can fight with my hands and my cunning.

We are witnessing the power of economic justice with the backlash against AB, let the corporations and the Zionist dogs feel the burn of their evaporating bottom line. Let these arrogant CEO’s cower in the executive offices wondering if they will be the victim. Sure, the government can bail them out or they can operate purely overseas but please, let’s don’t make it easy for them and their f’ing ESG all inclusiveness here in our backyard.

We WILL overcome and adapt NO MATTER WHAT, so FU corporate
America…… We ARE tribing up and we have had enough.

April 16, 2023 8:36 pm

Yes they are propaganda , too, just like The Fourth Turning.

April 16, 2023 9:31 pm

good points,bl —
don’t you guys ever forget that anheuser-busch is no longer american owned —
i’m still a trumper b/c i believe that he is still the best we have but he & his kids do sometimes make it hard —
trump,jr is saying not to boycott a/b b/c they have a history of supporting conservatives —
bs,run em out of biz —

April 16, 2023 9:48 pm

Tampa, you’re like the Chinaman who still has Chairman Mao’s portrait hanging proudly in his livingroom even though Mao killed off most of his family back in the day. But thanks for your support and the kind word. 🙂

Do you understand Heavy D never quit plugging the vax shots so more of America can “die suddenly”?? Does that register anywhere in your gray matter? Dead is dead Tampa, the ambulances roar up and down the roads here non-stop day, after day after day.

April 16, 2023 10:14 pm

uno,who do we have but trump?
you never throw out any legit substitutes —
dos,i believe that trump was conned & has too much false pride to admit it —

April 16, 2023 10:40 pm

I’ll throw this out Tred, let’s have a interim body of 10 groups of 10 people to clean house before we can have a legit election again. NONE of the 10 groups of ten can be connected to any parties, foreign governments, bloodline families or elites and must be non-joos. No dual citizens and must be LLR’s of their states with no prior connections to politicians or governments. We can worry about elections later after the Constitutional government is clean and back in order with NO NGO’s left in tact. These people must be as American as apple fukin’ pie and dedicated to restoring the republic.

Now, HOW MANY years past not being in office can you beat the “he was conned” horse to death and he’s STILL pushing those “beautiful shots”??

AS the Chinaman said, “All has to go”. Out with the commies Tampa, and no more littles hats in cabinet positions.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 16, 2023 11:27 pm

Solly Chahlee; Donard J Tlump owns Big Beautifur Vaxxines. Vaxxines and the China Virus. They’re his. Forever.

(Auntie personally loves how he single-handedly exposed the Deep State’s privat parts. But still – we are here becaue of him and his familial and crony advisors. Oh. Yeah. John B0lton. Isn’t that enough by itself?)

Let’s see the Repugnantcants actually run their best female politicians – Sarah Huckabee and Lauren Boebert. Saving America in a heroic, last-ditch, countdown to Armaggeddon, estrogen filled escapade of the ages as the United States is saved by a reformed and now allied with a majority of people who have had ENOUGH. (Nice fantasy coutesy of a couple of vodka tonics. Salud, comrades.)

April 17, 2023 5:29 am

Jesus Christ and Righteous Indignation. Refused to be cowed. Stand tall. Never back down and triumph in the glory of God. The end of this mass delusion was recorded thousands of years ago. Be patient , grasshopper. All will be revealed.

i forget
i forget
April 17, 2023 11:51 am

Preexistant usages aside, that phrase strong-associates with auto-erotic asphyxiation.

I hear “my patience has run out’ even more often than i hear “patience is a virtue.”

I think “patience” is mostly, if not wholly, a false virtue; signalling; fig leaf.

Stubborness, infinite & endless – now there’s a [re]V[eal][for vendetta] maybe – don’t suborn the perjury of “patience.”

April 17, 2023 8:49 am

You have no one, Red. You are on your own. Once you realize that, you can go on with your life as best as you can and start to deal with reality. No one at the top, no one running for President gives a shit about us. The run for the power. Pure and simple.
Mary Christine

April 17, 2023 2:00 pm

Sorry Tampa, there is no political solution to the predicament we’re in.

There is, however, a curative that involves a revival of morals and ethics.
More Gospel, less politics. This is the only way forward.

"More Gospel, less politics."
"More Gospel, less politics."
April 18, 2023 9:22 am

Spent some time in the belly of a Whale to convince Him, but He saved…

“So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.”

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  "More Gospel, less politics."
April 18, 2023 1:13 pm

The missing component of the Jonah story:

Jonah was renowned in the region as the Number One Sackcloth Salesman of the Year after securing the Ninevah contract.

I would really get a kick out of a Jonah today….taking on a city like San Francisco, NewNork, or Chicago.

Can you imagine how the message “Your city will be destroyed unless you repent.” would be received?

Bet he wouldn’t last five minutes in a brown town.

April 17, 2023 7:44 pm

something happened on the way to vaxx investigation land —
this is an article from 1/10/2017,just a few days b4 trump’s inauguration –robert kennedy is being interviewed about becoming chair of a committee investigating vaccines that trump was setting up —

April 17, 2023 8:00 pm

Obviously Big Pharma won the toss Tampa. RFK, Jr surely told Heavy D the shit shots were poison and Trump went right ahead at “WARP SPEED” with those “Beautiful Shots”.

Tred, why didn’t they listen to RFK, JR about the danger and ACTUALLY do an investigation??? Hhmm?

Seriously, anyone in five minutes with an electron microscope would have yelled, “Holy Shit”.

April 17, 2023 10:26 pm

“Seriously, anyone in five minutes with an electron microscope would have yelled, “Holy Shit”.”
lots of people were yelling that & they were being censured,fired,deplatformed,investigated,etc. while the “best” minds in the us govt were advising trump that they were quacks —
trump was rolled & a coup took place & imo he has too much false pride to admit it —
i also believe that he has a burning desire to get back into office to both finish the job that he started & also to exact serious payback —
if i read you correctly,you believe that trump was either in on it or he was too stupid to prevent it —
brass tacks time–
if the election were tomorrow & it was biden vs trump,would you vote 4 trump or would you rather concede the race to biden & his handlers?

April 17, 2023 10:34 pm

Tampa, you are making my head hurt…….geez. There is just no way to reason with a gung ho Trumpeteer. I’ve had better luck with cats .

Keep voting Tampa, that’s the ticket.

April 18, 2023 9:01 am

” I’ve had better luck with cats .”
possibly the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me —

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
April 20, 2023 6:35 am

You have yourself moron. Trump isn’t the savior, everysingle person not stupid enough to buy the bullshit and suicide by clot shot is. WAKE Up!

Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
April 17, 2023 10:34 am

I have two neighbors that work for the local Bud distributor. A year ago one guy told me they could not get Bud Light. There was a huge empty spot in the warehouse where there were usually trailer loads of the stuff.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 16, 2023 11:07 pm

Auntie agrees fully, BL.

Victory Is Ours. (but first we have got to get MAD)

  Aunt Acid
April 16, 2023 11:17 pm

Auntie- I left out, AND NO WALL KISSERS or BILLIONAIRES. The ugly truth is we have to stop acknowledging ZOG as our government before we can reinstate a real governing body.

April 17, 2023 9:02 am

Nice rant, Bea.

Jim said

When you step back and assess the current state of our world in a dispassionate manner you must conclude we are either being led by lunatics who actually believe their insane theories or they are true psychopaths intent on destroying the world.

That’s what I keep trying to decide. But I think the Capitol is infested with demonic entities who hate God’s creation and are trying to destroy it. But that’s God’s job so they will just create chaos. I don’t know if we are really at the End Times or not. I think our job is to try to bring as much good back into the world as possible regardless. Sometimes that might require a war. I don’t believe we just stand around and wait for Jesus to come back.

Mary Christine

April 17, 2023 9:48 am

Thanks Mary, We have the power to throw this filth out if we will just stop playing along with our occupiers. Tampa believes voting is the answer and bless his little pea-pickin’ heart, for Trump no less. The great beer uprising of 2023 is a clue folks, when the satanist shove anything in your face that you don’t like, roar back with a vengeance.

You are right Mary, satanist are occupying our government so will we roar back or simply keep playing the voting game with ZOG puppet (A) or puppet (B) and quibble about Huxley and Orwell told us this would suck?

April 16, 2023 8:33 pm

I’ve been reading through Jacques Elluls books. Went to order one and most on Amazon (cheapo copied – not printed- paperbacks) have gone up to around $40/book. Interesting.

Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
April 17, 2023 10:41 am

I read “The Technological Society” when I was 18. 50 years on I wonder if this current situation would blow his mind or would he say it’s just what he expected?

Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
Harrington Richardson-Eric Adams Is An Assclown
April 16, 2023 8:46 pm

I feel what you are saying.

April 16, 2023 9:42 pm

comment image

April 16, 2023 9:56 pm

And that was why only real money was the rule. It limited or restrained the beast to the finite. I’ve often said that real money was the restrainer talked about being lifted in the end times. Maybe the only one.

April 17, 2023 7:25 am

RIP …one the the best, but too good for Clown World Faggot controlled DC and the majority of fools who enable them.

“When you know you’re capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer. ”
― Harry Browne

April 17, 2023 11:16 pm

harry was a good guy –he could get very intense when he argued w/a person but he was always polite –
he believed that the govt needed to be ripped out all at once so that all vested interests would see that it was happening to all parts of the govt & that departments had to zero out their functions all at once so that there would be no residual to gradually be rebuilt —
one night after one of his speeches he & i argued about that b/c i was of the opinion that it needed to be done gradually —
we shook hands when we parted but i was not convinced but i sure as hell am now —
harry,rip —

April 18, 2023 7:21 am

great story… it appears, from where I sit, that all the good guys that want to fix government are gone, replaced by sleazy grifters and bullshit billionaires .

April 16, 2023 10:21 pm

Drums keep poundin’ rhythm to the brain…..

April 17, 2023 11:23 am

nkit- FIRST there has to be a brain that is functioning. Help snap these tranced people out of their slumber and then , and only then, can the drums of dissent begin to sound the fury of America.

April 20, 2023 11:13 pm


And men still keep on marching off to war
Electrically, they keep a baseball score

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
April 16, 2023 10:34 pm

Mother, did it need to be so high?

With each passing year I get more amazed by the insights of past artists and writers, some of whom you mention Jim. We can’t say we weren’t warned.

i forget
i forget
April 17, 2023 12:06 am

World’s been bizarro cubed a long time. Longer than I’ve been alive. A lot longer than I’ve been alive.

And the antidote to cubist bizarro world is the Opposite George. But George is center-empty. Chestless.

Or like Rhymin’ Simon’s “why am I soft in the middle?”

The show is about nuthin.

Sell the sizzle. Not the steak. Steak causes global warming-sizzling … & it sells.

So. The too high wall of “together we stand, divided we fall” in bizarrro world would (& does) mean what?

Together has always meant cohorts. Collectives. Gangs. “Personal” pronouns are we & us. Dehumanized pronouns are they & them. And I, me.

Individuals are to be baptized to wash away the sin/gularity of self – or drowned.

So metaphorically drowned or literally drowned. Pick your absolution or your ablution.

The togetherers have been trying to gather me @ the river, the beautiful the beautiful river, to baptize me or else drown me, my whole life.

That river’s a con•ceptic tank with a propeller swirling the slosh.

Went to a shoe store recently. The young womanchild salesperson’s name was Trinity. When I asked her if her name had anything to do with the movie character’s name she said it had everything to do with it, that her parents were & are crazy about The Matrix.

She also said she’s never seen the entire movie because it puts her to sleep. Seriously.

In the car on the way to the shoe store I thought conversationally-aloud about so-called “barefoot” shoes.

That evening, or the next day, I went to youtube to get a movie clip I was thinking about, & right at the top, before I entered any search terms, was a vid of a guy +/-‘ing barefoot shoes & (yeah, I watched it) towards the end recommending a particular brand.

Coincidence correlation/-/causation maybe. Or maybe the car’s microphones, or the cell phone’s microphones, rerouted my trip to LA via Omaha (Uneasy Rider)? Welcome my son … to the machine?

The lather-rinse-repeat washing machine. Even when it was done completely by hand, it was machinery-people doing it.

East India Company charter papers. Panama Papers. Pandora Papers. Constitutions & Declarations & Magic Mechanizing Words. Symbols are inert machines that animate papier-mâché people … towards bashing open those other piñatas for any goodies that might be inside.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  i forget
April 17, 2023 6:13 pm

Man am I glad to see you back.

I had feared the worst.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 17, 2023 7:46 pm

Arch- Maybe he finally read your email and THAT is what prompted his posts…..der.

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
April 17, 2023 10:10 pm

Thanks farmer. (And Abigail. And BabbleOn. And Auntacid. And?)

As for AP talkin’ to you (you talkin’ to me? ~ De Niro, the cabdriver (not De Niro the deerhunter)… I see that not so young anymore, like me too, Jodie Foster will be in the next True Detective installment … set in AK49, which still seems to have plenty of not your father’s stamped lower 47 {does WVA really count?} receivershipshapenesslessness) about sending me emails, does he have microphones, or keystroke loggers, bugging this place too? How’s he have an email addy on me? Uh-oh, conspiracy.

Along with the rest of the technical difficulties I described earlier, email went thataway. Gone. Ka-put. So those e-queries are server farm deadlettered. Maybe in “Free Soil” UT.

((“Old Abe” freed the slaves, freed the soil, freed the tariffs into Yankee coffers, did away with the Plantation subsystem of the American System only to word-magic judo “plantations” powered by slaves into “server farms” powered by what … Somas? Those are like, really happy & satisfied sambos, right?

Used to be 3 somatotypes. But then those “constitutional psychology” categories DSMetastasized. Now seems just 2. Those who make Soma & those who swallow/shoot/snort Soma.

But all involved is still just the one Somasturbation Sircle.

Otoh the serpent’s represented as finding it’s tail delicious for awhile now.

*I only knew the body typing stuff before. The rest of it sounds sorta physiognomy’ish eh?

* & the rest is refresh from Patrick Newman’s Cronyism: Liberty vs Power in America 1607-1849. Lots of good details about the bad & the ugly. But not an Eastwood character in sight – despite the author’s consistent thesis that there *were* but that, alas, power corrupts. That convenient shibboleth canard. People from whom the highest standards would be demanded, on pain of death & death-substitutes, in bizarro world are held to lower standards than countertop appliances are. We got a frother from Breville awhile back that could be a better president than Washington, let alone the current seatwarmer.))

comment image

April 17, 2023 3:55 am

Great article, Admin. Captures all that I’m thinking about the shitshow that is western society these days.

April 17, 2023 5:57 am

Love me some good dystopian doom porn in the early AM. Thanks JQ. Every word rings true. Reality is always, it seems, a harsh mistress. Funny how mankind creates so much self-inflicted misery, mostly by going along to get along, then cries out for God to save him from himself . My grandmother used to say, ‘ you made your bed , now you have to lie in it” God’ll be around soon to check on his wayward children. Count on it.

The Final Cut is the most underrated Pink Floyd album out there.

April 17, 2023 6:35 am

Great post Jim… Chip

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
April 17, 2023 6:59 am

Stunning exposé Jim, many thanks – you seem to work as hard as me! 🙂

A reader sent me this excellent video – almost an hour – but worth it IMHO which complements your work here:

April 17, 2023 7:14 am


April 17, 2023 7:25 am

Soooo, were Orwell and Huxley great fiction writers or true seers, prophets and a warning gift to mankind and no one took them seriously?

April 17, 2023 10:23 am

Orwell , Huxley and H.G. Wells , who wrote ” The New World Order ” in 1938 were all part of the club.

TO SERVE MAN …….. ” It’s a , cookbook !!! “

i forget
i forget
April 17, 2023 11:59 am

Chefs don’t use cookedbooks. Chiefs & chieflings do. Those are the two ingredients of the graham cracker-marshmallow s’mor-gas-bored repast.

April 22, 2023 12:05 am

I don’t know that Orwell was.

April 17, 2023 8:43 am

Another masterpiece of simple clarity. You have a gift of shining the light of sane truth in this sea of darkness and mass psychosis.

Your pieces are why I became a regular here.

April 17, 2023 2:19 pm

I’ve been reading Quinn for years. I like his perspective on things, but based on his comments, believe he’s very pessimistic about God’s involvement.

Jim, I think you should revisit your faith and have a bit more confidence in God. He does influence people and implements His Plan through human intermediaries, so take heart and keep up the good work.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
April 17, 2023 8:36 pm

It will be obvious which side “God” was on when the smoke clears. The culture/nation/people who most epitomized a conscious or unconscious entrainment with how the Universe works will be triumphant. How can it be otherwise?

Our worry about the outcome is wasted. I agree with those who say work to make your place in the scheme of things as secure as you can for yourself and those you are responsible for. Beyond that, wait for the Universal Verdict.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
April 18, 2023 8:12 am

No, the USA, and the West that follows, are not the good guys.

The Russia government says it’s a Christian nation.

FEDGOV says USA is not Christian nation.

April 17, 2023 9:47 am

The bottom line, your government fears you: “Your capacity to think and speak freely gives you more power than any government. So use that power. Have no fear. They may threaten and harass and legalize their abuse, but enemies of free speech make clear that they are the ones afraid.”

Elder Son
Elder Son
April 17, 2023 10:49 am

I read the article.

Then I came down to the comments… and read it again.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
April 17, 2023 10:57 am

“When you step back and assess the current state of our world in a dispassionate manner you must conclude we are either being led by lunatics who actually believe their insane theories or they are true psychopaths intent on destroying the world. In either case our rendezvous with destiny is going to be bloody, chaotic, terrifying, and destructive, with a potentially catastrophic ending for our planet.”
That’s the plan, continuous social upheaval and chaos, massive depopulation, human suffering, economic privation andtotal control are the goals of the psychopathic globalists the puppeteers pulling the strings and controlling the levers of power in the system. The insanity will continue until we reach depravity and decadence of Biblical or science fiction proportions.

Sane Meister
Sane Meister
April 17, 2023 10:58 am

Waters is authentic and articulate. However, he is woefully deluded and has strong opinions about Israel which anyone with the slightest ability to think critically would never succumb to. Two outta three ain’t bad though.

  Sane Meister
April 17, 2023 11:26 am

Look Meister, the (Z) in ZOG stands for Zionist and he misses the mark B-I-G-L-Y on that count. So, what we need are folks that are firing on all cylinders not shills.

April 17, 2023 12:04 pm

Thanks, Jim, for another stellar summary of our present tragic circumstances. I have come to interpret them simply as an historic collapse of a civilization that we are watching unfold in real time: a Fourth Turning on steroids.

The universe is constructed to thrive when goodness prevails, and to become chaotic when evil does. The coming battle will be big and bloody, but eventually good will win and the cycle will begin again. Holding fast to our personal integrity, whatever that requires, is the only way to keep insanity at bay.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
April 17, 2023 8:39 pm

The universe is constructed to thrive when goodness prevails, and to become chaotic when evil does.

Thank God for the illumined mind of some. One Law in action, per the above.

April 17, 2023 12:15 pm

Let’s go there…”Whatever you devise against the Lord, He will make a complete end of it” Nahum 1:9.

Forgiveness from us should be the least of their worries.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
April 17, 2023 6:29 pm

What is this forgiveness you speak of?

Victims owe Them nothing but righteous vengeance.

ursel doran
ursel doran
April 17, 2023 2:02 pm

Sir Admin, Further to;

Can We Do Anything About America’s Decline?

April 17, 2023 2:02 pm

another example of how screwed up we are becoming —
cali utilities are going to begin charging electric rates based upon income,not usage —

April 17, 2023 2:22 pm

Obviously a bad idea for many reasons.

But good for one reason, it may pinch the Hollyweird virtue-signalling SFB who promote much of this BS, at least a little.

I see a new trade market too. Pay a poor person for your electricity. Every low income home could be a low cost, slight markup, charging station for EVs.

But of course the rich often have ‘incomes’ of near zero. They live on expense accounts, trusts and don’t really need their ‘own’ money. If this would hurt the 0.1% in any way, it never even would have been proposed.

April 17, 2023 6:08 pm

Anon- Have you noticed how nice it is without Hollyweird loud mouth asshats CONSTANTLY telling us how we should think? Wonder where they have all gone?? Are they in their security bunkers, or floating on yachts in the bougie ports of the world?

WHO CARES !!!! All that matters is they’re gone. F’em……..

i forget
i forget
April 17, 2023 10:53 pm

from each according to his utility, to each according to his futilities ~ marx, whose utility is to do the metering of f/utilities

April 17, 2023 2:47 pm

“In either case our rendezvous with destiny is going to be bloody, chaotic, terrifying, and destructive, with a potentially catastrophic ending for our planet. “


I just love how you inject little bits of joy and optimism amidst all the gloomy stuff. Not kidding.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
April 20, 2023 1:08 pm

I have a rare strain of poliomyelitis that paralyzed my credulity.

April 17, 2023 4:29 pm

Clif retweeted….

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 17, 2023 6:16 pm

As always, spot on.

As I was reading this there were sveral TBP regulars in the kitchen with my sons having a lively discussion about where we are heading, very optimistic, lots of solid ideas and filled with the ind of enthusiasm we’ll need moving forward.

All I can do is to say thanks for making all of these connections with so many solid people possible. I hope we get to see you again this July 4th.

Bill jongbloed.
Bill jongbloed.
April 17, 2023 10:03 pm

> Dear Fellow Christian,
> As you must know we are now well into the end of days. how we got here bears looking into and once that is done using a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance word for word some extremely interesting conclusions will be made that actually explain why we are now entering the darkest days in human history. Those conclusions will reinforce your Christian beliefs as it will all finally make sense. remember the Bible states you must dot every I” and cross every “t” and few take the time to study to that degree. I did and what I have found was literally that Satan too had a son, but this son was and to this day a murderer. Bill Jongbloed


> > We must start at first Genesis on day number 6 to understand the
> > bloodline
> > of Satan and how it migrated into the flesh and became a species of man.
> > I
> > use the word species as just as Collie can make a puppie with a Sheppard
> > so
> > a black man and a white woman can also make healthy fully human babies. Mankind is really no different but we use the erroneous name race as it is more acceptable. We are all homosapians and all but one race have the name of God encoded into our DNA. That race has a different name encoded which, after you have read this you will know who they are and what is encoded in their DNA that makes them mostly atheist or Satanic. By the way the covid bio weapon called a vaccine did change people’s DNA as it erased the name YAHWEH from the DNA!

Ok in Gen 1 27 God
> > made
> > mankind in his image and his likeness male and female he created them.
> > Notice the words male and female indicating that this was before Adam and
> > Eve as Eve came from Adam via a seed not a rib. We have no idea how many
> > millions of years ago this was but it was long before Adam. Now legend
> > has
> > it that about 50,000 years ago a massive war took place in Heaven and
> > Satan
> > was cast down. To this day and especially in our present time Satan is in
> > control of earth. It appears he also took control of pre Adamic mankind
> > as
> > well which prompted God to have a second crack at creating mankind so
> > that
> > chapter 2 is NOT a replay of chapter one and this time God creates a man
> > whom he gives a soul to by breathing the breath of life into this mans
> > nostrils whom he named Adam. I have seldon in my 75 years ever run across
> > a
> > pastor who knew what the name Adam actually means. The nearest they get
> > is
> > red but that is not the true meaning. Adam technically means man who
> > shows
> > blood in the face, blushing man. Now this Adam man needed a wife so
> > God
> > puts Adam to sleep to harvest a seed, not a rib as commonly taught. He
> > then
> > creates Eve to be Adam’s helpmate and wife. Satan is not happy about this
> > so he takes the form of a tall handsome fellow and intercepts Eve while
> > she
> > is strolling in the garden of eaten. They meet and now is where churches
> > have a massive error. Eve is beguiled, which means seduced and when one
> > researches the Hebrew word for eat up pops a second meaning. It can also
> > mean “to lay” and so here is Eve, now carrying 2 baby boys, one from
> Adam and
> > one from Satan himself. Well the SATANIC baby pops out first and is named
> > Cain.
> > Now a common misconception is that “Cain” means man of our Lord but this
> > is
> > only half true as Cain actually means “man of A Lord but Satan too is a
> Lord and it actually means Lord Satan! Throughout the
> > old testament the rights of the first born are then passed to the second born
> > as
> > Cain was literally the son of Satan. Satan is called a snake, perhaps we was reptilian which is possible but he had taken the form of a man and seduced Eve and planted his seed. that why in the amazing book of John Jesus says in 1st John 2:19 “you went out from us but were not of us” meaning they had half Adamic DNA and half Satans DNA. Then Cain murders his half brother
> > Able and is now marked with his countenance via a huge nose and ordered to leave Eden. He then
> > travels
> > to the land of Nod and takes a wife. Hmmm if there was only Adam, Eve and
> > Cain how could that be? Well scratch the replay rubbish as mankind of an
> > earlier incarnation had been on earth for a long time. Now the Cainnanite
> > tribe is born and they seek power on behalf of their father Satan. If all of the offspring of Adam and
> > Eve
> > could be interbred then the Savior Jesus could not be born and that was
> > Satan’s goal. The next child mentioned is named Seth meaning “substitute”
> > and more Adamic children are born. Now we must fast forward to Noah and
> > the
> > flood as again all is not as taught in church. The Cainnanites had
> > interbred widely but Noah and his family were of pure Adamic blood. He
> > was
> > told by God to prepare an ark as his area, today, that region, called the
> Teram basin
> > was
> > to be flooded. Now keep in mind the devious hand that reigned supreme at
> > the Nicene Council as in folklore all over the world the giant flood is
> > spoken of so there were survivor’s worldwide. Yes a massive 40 day rain
> > plus the fountains of the deep ruptured by what is today called a
> > “crustal
> > shift”. a crustal shift would create mile high tsunamis worldwide but some in each region would survive. Also 2 of every animal on earth would not fit in a 500 foot long boat.. Anyway
> Adam’s Bloodline
> > remained intact and tribes of Adamic people were soon called Israelites.
> > Next comes two very significant events. Nebacanezzer takes most the
> > Israelites captive and moves them from Palestine into camps located in
> > the
> > Caucuses mountains. During this time the Cainnanites take over Jerusalem
> and forcibly
> > interbreed with the remnant of the tribe of Judah for about 70 years. Their
> > offspring were called jahudium meaning the bastard sons of Judah. Now understand that the word bastard back then did not refer to marriage but to interbreeding. we are all somewhat interbred and though in my youth I was a natural green eyed natural blonde. Until he passed away a few years back one of my dearest friends was am amazing black man named Hardy Allen who had blue eyes but otherwise looked clearly African.
> > Next comes two extremely pivotal events as Nebacanezzer releases the
> > Israelites from captivity in the Caucusus mountains and they head out across Russia, Europe,
> > Scandinavia and eventually America. Remember these people are of Adamic
> > blood but because they have all come from captivity in the Caucuses
> > mountains they are now called Caucasians. The origin of the term
> Caucasian is that the Caucus mountains are in western Asia so the term
> Caucasians signifies people who came from the western Asian Caucus
> mountains hence CAUCASIANS! By now the Cainnanites have
> > consolidated their power in Palestine and by 325 AD had complete control
> > of
> > assembling what we know as the Holy Bible. Remember the Cainnanites had
> > always sought power and they ruled with an iron fist. They had a book of
> > law that was by then called the Talmud and after their interbreeding with the
> > tribe of Judah they had started using the slang term for Jehudium which
> > was
> > the term Jewish. At the Nicene counsel, which they now controlled they
> > used
> > the term Jewish synomonously and in place of Judah and swapped the unbroken 5 sided
> > star of King David for a star made up of 3 batches of 6 lines. They had
> > successfully stolen the identity of the real Israelites but did leave a
> > hint as the Bible says the true Israelites know not their OWN identity!
> > WOW!!!
> > In actual fact the Nordic, Germanic and Angle Saxon people are the real
> > Israelites not the Jews. In actual fact each tribe can be traced to a particular country. For example in Finland the national anthem tells of their heritage to the tribe Izacar! Denmarks history traces to the tribe of Dan. Just as the illuminati tell what devious thing
> > they will do to us before the screw us back then they left the hint that will now expose them
> > by saying the real Israelites don’t realize who they are.
> > Now I must delve into the book of John in the 8th chapter verses 11 through 44. This book is commonly overlooked in all but Russian Orthodox churches as it blows the whistle on the real ethnicity of the Jewish people AND makes it VERY CLEAR Jesus was not Jewish but of pure Adamic blood. Now I must delve into Jesus Christ himself before getting into the
> > devious
> > acts in modern history that have been done by the Cainnanites, by then
> > called Jews. It is obvious Jesus was not Jewish nor were most the
> > Israelites although there was some interbreeding. Jesus was actually born
> > in a cave in 7BC as remember King Herod tried to kill all the 3 year old
> > baby boys and Herod died in 4BC. There were 4 conjunctures of Jupiter and
> > Saturn in 7BC and it has never happened since. Study indicates
> > conjunction
> > 3 was likely the star of Bethlehem. Now that would indicate that Jesus was actually born in 7BC. More on that shortly but when Jesus was more than likely a young
> > teen stepfather Joseph died and by Hebrew law his guardianship was passed
> > on to Joseph of Aramathia. He was a very interesting man and owned all
> > the
> > tin and lead mines in Cornwall, southern England, plus many in France as
> > well. He had an armada of ships to carry his goods to India and other
> > ports
> > worldwide. So young Jesus actually traveled the world with Joseph of
> > Aramathia for many years. Wherever he went he performed miracles which explains why in
> > the
> > Aussi outback and in American Indian legends Jesus is mentioned. When he
> > finally returned to Jerusalem he was not recognized as he left as a boy
> > and
> > returned at about 36 years of age. This is very important as in the Bible the number 40 is seen often while the number is never seen. Back in those days there were many calenders used and so long after Jesus was crucified Ceaser wanted to simplify things so he had a man named Dionecious design what eventually became known as the Gregarian calender and he apparently used the number 33AD to back the calender on. So that indicates, based upon the 4 conjunctures that Jesus finally returned from his world travels when he was about 36 years of age. The Bible
> > is full of the number 40 but not 33. Ok so at 40 the Jews murder him and
> > God turns the sky to black and a great earthquake shakes the land. Jesus
> > is then
> > wrapped in Joseph of Aramathias burial cloth and rises on the third day.
> > Do
> > a search for “The full scale exact replica of Jesus” you will find a
> > sculpture done using tomographic scanners of the shroud of Turin as it is called today that shows he was
> > a muscular Caucasian Adamic man 5′ 11″ tall, very tall for that time. Most of you know I was in
> > motor
> > racing all my life. Because of that I spent a lot of time in England. I
> > often stayed longer and would go study at the old libraries and churches
> in
> > Cornwall. Joseph of Aramathia is mentioned often and actually built
> > Glastonbury. He also brought the Holy Grail to England.
> > Yes the Holy Grail was brought to a land then called Brithish by Joseph
> > of
> > Aramathia and is a small olive wood bowl about 5 inches in diameter
> > called
> > the Nantios cup. Unfortunately somehow it was stolen from the royal
> > museum
> > some years back. Now back to the Cainnanites, literally the physical
> > descendents of Satan. They had become the Sagiscies and Pharacies long
> > before Jesus was born having sought power wherever they were. They also
> > wanted to persecute the Israelite people who secretly worshipped a
> > monotheistic God named Yahweh. The law was you could only whisper this
> > God’s name, God of the Israelites, once a year and only in a temple. The
> > Cainnanites knew these Israelites didn’t have “hooked on phonics” as languages gain words through time so they
> > came up with a word that loosely meant Lord and proclaimed that this was
> > the name of God and could be spoken freely. The name given was Adoney or
> > Adoni but it actually referred to Lord Baal! By this trick many
> > Israelites
> > were fooled, persecuted and killed as they now worshipped publically and were severely persecuted. In time a new name for the Israelite
> > God emerged by combining the vowel sounds of Adoni with the consonant
> > sounds of Yahweh. The name that emerged was Jehovah which was
> > incorporated
> > into the Bible at the Nicene Council. So the literal descendents of
> > Satan,
> > first called Cainnanites and later Yahudium and then finally Jews had
> > murdered the real Messiah, stolen the identity of the Israelites, changed
> > the star of King David to a 6 sided star made up of 3 batches of 6
> > lines(666)and controlled the editing of the Holy Bible. They were now
> > well
> > on their way to ultimate power over earth. Their book of law, called the
> > Talmud would become the basis of all totalitarian forms of government,
> > including communism, fascism and Islamic law to the end of days we are
> watching unfold today. By
> > highjacking the identity of the real Israelites the descendants of Satan,
> > now called Jews rose to power by then sitting at the heads of power
> > controlling all the emerging Christian churches.
> > Mankind is now enduring the final book, the book of the “revealing” the
> book
> > of
> > Revelation. Churches won’t touch this book or the 8th chapter of John as today Christian have become social
> > feel
> > good money making enterprises. During the mid 70ties I met some very
> > interesting people after becoming extremely disenchanted with the
> > original
> > Calvery Chapel. They were preaching a pre tribulation “rapture” stating
> > any
> > day now you would float out of your car and rise up to be with Jesus in
> > the clouds. Being a man of logic this bore looking into and in 1974 I had no
> > computer so i bought a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the King James
> > Bible. What I found was that the Greek word for taken in that
> > Thessalonian
> > verse actually meant “taken by force”. Hmm knowing that Satans Heaven was
> > earth’s atmosphere I had no desire to go to be with Satan in the clouds.
> > I then did research and made an appointment with Pastor
> > Chuck to explain to me how this rapture could possibly happen. He and a
> > man
> > named Roman came out to where I sat and had my notes, my Bible and
> concordance
> > and
> > said “we know more about the Bible than you so you should believe us”. My
> > reply was “show me where I am wrong”. They just walked away and Roman came
> > back
> > and said “get the F–K out of our church”. They had no idea what they had
> > started! My father, a man with extreme intellect had just retired from
> > aerospace and was in my office while I was gone. When I returned he took
> a look at me and
> > said I have never seen you so pissed off in my life. I told Pop what
> > happened.
> > He just smiled and said get me their license plates, I have not forgotten
> > how to be a spy. Time to explain a little about my Pop. He enlisted in
> > the
> > army in 1941 to gain his citizenship as he came through Ellis Island in
> > 1929. The army noted he spoke 6 languages and found he had an IQ over 160
> > so he was put into Counter Intel where his intellect was needed. He
> > served
> > with General Patton and also became a lifelong friend of the future President General
> > Eisenhower. What he found out after I gave him the license plates astounding and started my journey that created this essay. Pasted chucks real last name was a Jewish name meaning he was of Cainnanite blood which turned out was everywhere! More
> > to
> > come.
> > What Pop uncovered was that both the world council and national councils
> > of
> > Christian churches were headed by people of the Cainnanite Bloodline. he had gone from Normandy all the way to Hitlers private Eagles Nest during WW2. He
> > told me that Hitler was actually Jewish but he told me much more. He told me
> > that all the communist leaders dating back to Marx were Jewish and that
> > the
> > communist manifesto was an outline of the Talmud, the Jewish book of law
> > that is the literal instructional manual for the enslavement of humanity.
> > Most Jews are atheist and those that do worship do it at what is called a
> > “synagog’, syna meaning meaning a gathering and how meaning antichrist. He told me that up until around
> > 1960 Jews were listed as Asian but by then had enough power to become listed
> > as Caucasian like the real Israelites. So just as years ago the
> > Democrats swapped their true political color from red as in communist to
> > blue so the Cainnanites had finally integrated their satanic origins via
> > stealth into the real bloodline of Jesus to camouflage their real
> > heritage.
> > Over 1800 years later they have again worked their way into leading the fields of law,
> > medicine, media, education and politics. Look at the names connected to
> > the
> > “GREAT RESET” as they all have one thing in common, they are all Jewish.
> > They also control the secret societies and have set in motion the end
> > game
> > with their depopulation agenda, the poisoning of our food, water and even
> > the
> > control of weather and the poisoning of the skies via aerosol spraying of
> > radioactive isotopes plus grafene and spike proteins that turn beautiful
> > blue skies into gray skies of poison. Now I know why Jesus will have to
> > cut
> > history short or no flesh would be left alive. A lifeless earth has been
> > Satan’s goal since he first stepped foot in the garden of Eden. May
> > Yahweh
> > awaken you as you now know how the world got turned upside down. You now
> > know why the one dedicated country, a country that suffered for 70 years
> > under communism but has returned to its Christian roots is being attacked
> > from all sides. That country is Russia.
> Amen, Bill Jongbloed

> Dear Fellow Christian,
> As you must know we are now well into the end of days. how we got here bears looking into and once that is done using a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance word for word some extremely interesting conclusions will be made that actually explain why we are now entering the darkest days in human history. Those conclusions will reinforce your Christian beliefs as it will all finally make sense. remember the Bible states you must dot every I” and cross every “t” and few take the time to study to that degree. I did and what I have found was literally that Satan too had a son, but this son was and to this day a murderer. Bill Jongbloed


> > We must start at first Genesis on day number 6 to understand the
> > bloodline
> > of Satan and how it migrated into the flesh and became a species of man.
> > I
> > use the word species as just as Collie can make a puppie with a Sheppard
> > so
> > a black man and a white woman can also make healthy fully human babies. Mankind is really no different but we use the erroneous name race as it is more acceptable. We are all homosapians and all but one race have the name of God encoded into our DNA. That race has a different name encoded which, after you have read this you will know who they are and what is encoded in their DNA that makes them mostly atheist or Satanic. By the way the covid bio weapon called a vaccine did change people’s DNA as it erased the name YAHWEH from the DNA!

Ok in Gen 1 27 God
> > made
> > mankind in his image and his likeness male and female he created them.
> > Notice the words male and female indicating that this was before Adam and
> > Eve as Eve came from Adam via a seed not a rib. We have no idea how many
> > millions of years ago this was but it was long before Adam. Now legend
> > has
> > it that about 50,000 years ago a massive war took place in Heaven and
> > Satan
> > was cast down. To this day and especially in our present time Satan is in
> > control of earth. It appears he also took control of pre Adamic mankind
> > as
> > well which prompted God to have a second crack at creating mankind so
> > that
> > chapter 2 is NOT a replay of chapter one and this time God creates a man
> > whom he gives a soul to by breathing the breath of life into this mans
> > nostrils whom he named Adam. I have seldon in my 75 years ever run across
> > a
> > pastor who knew what the name Adam actually means. The nearest they get
> > is
> > red but that is not the true meaning. Adam technically means man who
> > shows
> > blood in the face, blushing man. Now this Adam man needed a wife so
> > God
> > puts Adam to sleep to harvest a seed, not a rib as commonly taught. He
> > then
> > creates Eve to be Adam’s helpmate and wife. Satan is not happy about this
> > so he takes the form of a tall handsome fellow and intercepts Eve while
> > she
> > is strolling in the garden of eaten. They meet and now is where churches
> > have a massive error. Eve is beguiled, which means seduced and when one
> > researches the Hebrew word for eat up pops a second meaning. It can also
> > mean “to lay” and so here is Eve, now carrying 2 baby boys, one from
> Adam and
> > one from Satan himself. Well the SATANIC baby pops out first and is named
> > Cain.
> > Now a common misconception is that “Cain” means man of our Lord but this
> > is
> > only half true as Cain actually means “man of A Lord but Satan too is a
> Lord and it actually means Lord Satan! Throughout the
> > old testament the rights of the first born are then passed to the second born
> > as
> > Cain was literally the son of Satan. Satan is called a snake, perhaps we was reptilian which is possible but he had taken the form of a man and seduced Eve and planted his seed. that why in the amazing book of John Jesus says in 1st John 2:19 “you went out from us but were not of us” meaning they had half Adamic DNA and half Satans DNA. Then Cain murders his half brother
> > Able and is now marked with his countenance via a huge nose and ordered to leave Eden. He then
> > travels
> > to the land of Nod and takes a wife. Hmmm if there was only Adam, Eve and
> > Cain how could that be? Well scratch the replay rubbish as mankind of an
> > earlier incarnation had been on earth for a long time. Now the Cainnanite
> > tribe is born and they seek power on behalf of their father Satan. If all of the offspring of Adam and
> > Eve
> > could be interbred then the Savior Jesus could not be born and that was
> > Satan’s goal. The next child mentioned is named Seth meaning “substitute”
> > and more Adamic children are born. Now we must fast forward to Noah and
> > the
> > flood as again all is not as taught in church. The Cainnanites had
> > interbred widely but Noah and his family were of pure Adamic blood. He
> > was
> > told by God to prepare an ark as his area, today, that region, called the
> Teram basin
> > was
> > to be flooded. Now keep in mind the devious hand that reigned supreme at
> > the Nicene Council as in folklore all over the world the giant flood is
> > spoken of so there were survivor’s worldwide. Yes a massive 40 day rain
> > plus the fountains of the deep ruptured by what is today called a
> > “crustal
> > shift”. a crustal shift would create mile high tsunamis worldwide but some in each region would survive. Also 2 of every animal on earth would not fit in a 500 foot long boat.. Anyway
> Adam’s Bloodline
> > remained intact and tribes of Adamic people were soon called Israelites.
> > Next comes two very significant events. Nebacanezzer takes most the
> > Israelites captive and moves them from Palestine into camps located in
> > the
> > Caucuses mountains. During this time the Cainnanites take over Jerusalem
> and forcibly
> > interbreed with the remnant of the tribe of Judah for about 70 years. Their
> > offspring were called jahudium meaning the bastard sons of Judah. Now understand that the word bastard back then did not refer to marriage but to interbreeding. we are all somewhat interbred and though in my youth I was a natural green eyed natural blonde. Until he passed away a few years back one of my dearest friends was am amazing black man named Hardy Allen who had blue eyes but otherwise looked clearly African.
> > Next comes two extremely pivotal events as Nebacanezzer releases the
> > Israelites from captivity in the Caucusus mountains and they head out across Russia, Europe,
> > Scandinavia and eventually America. Remember these people are of Adamic
> > blood but because they have all come from captivity in the Caucuses
> > mountains they are now called Caucasians. The origin of the term
> Caucasian is that the Caucus mountains are in western Asia so the term
> Caucasians signifies people who came from the western Asian Caucus
> mountains hence CAUCASIANS! By now the Cainnanites have
> > consolidated their power in Palestine and by 325 AD had complete control
> > of
> > assembling what we know as the Holy Bible. Remember the Cainnanites had
> > always sought power and they ruled with an iron fist. They had a book of
> > law that was by then called the Talmud and after their interbreeding with the
> > tribe of Judah they had started using the slang term for Jehudium which
> > was
> > the term Jewish. At the Nicene counsel, which they now controlled they
> > used
> > the term Jewish synomonously and in place of Judah and swapped the unbroken 5 sided
> > star of King David for a star made up of 3 batches of 6 lines. They had
> > successfully stolen the identity of the real Israelites but did leave a
> > hint as the Bible says the true Israelites know not their OWN identity!
> > WOW!!!
> > In actual fact the Nordic, Germanic and Angle Saxon people are the real
> > Israelites not the Jews. In actual fact each tribe can be traced to a particular country. For example in Finland the national anthem tells of their heritage to the tribe Izacar! Denmarks history traces to the tribe of Dan. Just as the illuminati tell what devious thing
> > they will do to us before the screw us back then they left the hint that will now expose them
> > by saying the real Israelites don’t realize who they are.
> > Now I must delve into the book of John in the 8th chapter verses 11 through 44. This book is commonly overlooked in all but Russian Orthodox churches as it blows the whistle on the real ethnicity of the Jewish people AND makes it VERY CLEAR Jesus was not Jewish but of pure Adamic blood. Now I must delve into Jesus Christ himself before getting into the
> > devious
> > acts in modern history that have been done by the Cainnanites, by then
> > called Jews. It is obvious Jesus was not Jewish nor were most the
> > Israelites although there was some interbreeding. Jesus was actually born
> > in a cave in 7BC as remember King Herod tried to kill all the 3 year old
> > baby boys and Herod died in 4BC. There were 4 conjunctures of Jupiter and
> > Saturn in 7BC and it has never happened since. Study indicates
> > conjunction
> > 3 was likely the star of Bethlehem. Now that would indicate that Jesus was actually born in 7BC. More on that shortly but when Jesus was more than likely a young
> > teen stepfather Joseph died and by Hebrew law his guardianship was passed
> > on to Joseph of Aramathia. He was a very interesting man and owned all
> > the
> > tin and lead mines in Cornwall, southern England, plus many in France as
> > well. He had an armada of ships to carry his goods to India and other
> > ports
> > worldwide. So young Jesus actually traveled the world with Joseph of
> > Aramathia for many years. Wherever he went he performed miracles which explains why in
> > the
> > Aussi outback and in American Indian legends Jesus is mentioned. When he
> > finally returned to Jerusalem he was not recognized as he left as a boy
> > and
> > returned at about 36 years of age. This is very important as in the Bible the number 40 is seen often while the number is never seen. Back in those days there were many calenders used and so long after Jesus was crucified Ceaser wanted to simplify things so he had a man named Dionecious design what eventually became known as the Gregarian calender and he apparently used the number 33AD to back the calender on. So that indicates, based upon the 4 conjunctures that Jesus finally returned from his world travels when he was about 36 years of age. The Bible
> > is full of the number 40 but not 33. Ok so at 40 the Jews murder him and
> > God turns the sky to black and a great earthquake shakes the land. Jesus
> > is then
> > wrapped in Joseph of Aramathias burial cloth and rises on the third day.
> > Do
> > a search for “The full scale exact replica of Jesus” you will find a
> > sculpture done using tomographic scanners of the shroud of Turin as it is called today that shows he was
> > a muscular Caucasian Adamic man 5′ 11″ tall, very tall for that time. Most of you know I was in
> > motor
> > racing all my life. Because of that I spent a lot of time in England. I
> > often stayed longer and would go study at the old libraries and churches
> in
> > Cornwall. Joseph of Aramathia is mentioned often and actually built
> > Glastonbury. He also brought the Holy Grail to England.
> > Yes the Holy Grail was brought to a land then called Brithish by Joseph
> > of
> > Aramathia and is a small olive wood bowl about 5 inches in diameter
> > called
> > the Nantios cup. Unfortunately somehow it was stolen from the royal
> > museum
> > some years back. Now back to the Cainnanites, literally the physical
> > descendents of Satan. They had become the Sagiscies and Pharacies long
> > before Jesus was born having sought power wherever they were. They also
> > wanted to persecute the Israelite people who secretly worshipped a
> > monotheistic God named Yahweh. The law was you could only whisper this
> > God’s name, God of the Israelites, once a year and only in a temple. The
> > Cainnanites knew these Israelites didn’t have “hooked on phonics” as languages gain words through time so they
> > came up with a word that loosely meant Lord and proclaimed that this was
> > the name of God and could be spoken freely. The name given was Adoney or
> > Adoni but it actually referred to Lord Baal! By this trick many
> > Israelites
> > were fooled, persecuted and killed as they now worshipped publically and were severely persecuted. In time a new name for the Israelite
> > God emerged by combining the vowel sounds of Adoni with the consonant
> > sounds of Yahweh. The name that emerged was Jehovah which was
> > incorporated
> > into the Bible at the Nicene Council. So the literal descendents of
> > Satan,
> > first called Cainnanites and later Yahudium and then finally Jews had
> > murdered the real Messiah, stolen the identity of the Israelites, changed
> > the star of King David to a 6 sided star made up of 3 batches of 6
> > lines(666)and controlled the editing of the Holy Bible. They were now
> > well
> > on their way to ultimate power over earth. Their book of law, called the
> > Talmud would become the basis of all totalitarian forms of government,
> > including communism, fascism and Islamic law to the end of days we are
> watching unfold today. By
> > highjacking the identity of the real Israelites the descendants of Satan,
> > now called Jews rose to power by then sitting at the heads of power
> > controlling all the emerging Christian churches.
> > Mankind is now enduring the final book, the book of the “revealing” the
> book
> > of
> > Revelation. Churches won’t touch this book or the 8th chapter of John as today Christian have become social
> > feel
> > good money making enterprises. During the mid 70ties I met some very
> > interesting people after becoming extremely disenchanted with the
> > original
> > Calvery Chapel. They were preaching a pre tribulation “rapture” stating
> > any
> > day now you would float out of your car and rise up to be with Jesus in
> > the clouds. Being a man of logic this bore looking into and in 1974 I had no
> > computer so i bought a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the King James
> > Bible. What I found was that the Greek word for taken in that
> > Thessalonian
> > verse actually meant “taken by force”. Hmm knowing that Satans Heaven was
> > earth’s atmosphere I had no desire to go to be with Satan in the clouds.
> > I then did research and made an appointment with Pastor
> > Chuck to explain to me how this rapture could possibly happen. He and a
> > man
> > named Roman came out to where I sat and had my notes, my Bible and
> concordance
> > and
> > said “we know more about the Bible than you so you should believe us”. My
> > reply was “show me where I am wrong”. They just walked away and Roman came
> > back
> > and said “get the F–K out of our church”. They had no idea what they had
> > started! My father, a man with extreme intellect had just retired from
> > aerospace and was in my office while I was gone. When I returned he took
> a look at me and
> > said I have never seen you so pissed off in my life. I told Pop what
> > happened.
> > He just smiled and said get me their license plates, I have not forgotten
> > how to be a spy. Time to explain a little about my Pop. He enlisted in
> > the
> > army in 1941 to gain his citizenship as he came through Ellis Island in
> > 1929. The army noted he spoke 6 languages and found he had an IQ over 160
> > so he was put into Counter Intel where his intellect was needed. He
> > served
> > with General Patton and also became a lifelong friend of the future President General
> > Eisenhower. What he found out after I gave him the license plates astounding and started my journey that created this essay. Pasted chucks real last name was a Jewish name meaning he was of Cainnanite blood which turned out was everywhere! More
> > to
> > come.
> > What Pop uncovered was that both the world council and national councils
> > of
> > Christian churches were headed by people of the Cainnanite Bloodline. he had gone from Normandy all the way to Hitlers private Eagles Nest during WW2. He
> > told me that Hitler was actually Jewish but he told me much more. He told me
> > that all the communist leaders dating back to Marx were Jewish and that
> > the
> > communist manifesto was an outline of the Talmud, the Jewish book of law
> > that is the literal instructional manual for the enslavement of humanity.
> > Most Jews are atheist and those that do worship do it at what is called a
> > “synagog’, syna meaning meaning a gathering and how meaning antichrist. He told me that up until around
> > 1960 Jews were listed as Asian but by then had enough power to become listed
> > as Caucasian like the real Israelites. So just as years ago the
> > Democrats swapped their true political color from red as in communist to
> > blue so the Cainnanites had finally integrated their satanic origins via
> > stealth into the real bloodline of Jesus to camouflage their real
> > heritage.
> > Over 1800 years later they have again worked their way into leading the fields of law,
> > medicine, media, education and politics. Look at the names connected to
> > the
> > “GREAT RESET” as they all have one thing in common, they are all Jewish.
> > They also control the secret societies and have set in motion the end
> > game
> > with their depopulation agenda, the poisoning of our food, water and even
> > the
> > control of weather and the poisoning of the skies via aerosol spraying of
> > radioactive isotopes plus grafene and spike proteins that turn beautiful
> > blue skies into gray skies of poison. Now I know why Jesus will have to
> > cut
> > history short or no flesh would be left alive. A lifeless earth has been
> > Satan’s goal since he first stepped foot in the garden of Eden. May
> > Yahweh
> > awaken you as you now know how the world got turned upside down. You now
> > know why the one dedicated country, a country that suffered for 70 years
> > under communism but has returned to its Christian roots is being attacked
> > from all sides. That country is Russia.
> Amen, Bill Jongbloed

  Bill jongbloed.
April 17, 2023 11:30 pm

i thought there was a spam filter in place here —

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
  Bill jongbloed.
April 18, 2023 1:02 am

I think you double clicked twice or so. Also, I think we’re gonna have to get you a hat.

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
April 17, 2023 10:04 pm

If the wall is too high to climb and there are no doorways to be found then finding a way under it would be the next logical step. IMO.

April 17, 2023 10:07 pm

Huxley wrote many truths and was indeed prophetic, but Huxley wrote for the Globalists. Many of his writings were shadowy blue prints toward nefarious ends, mainly toward world domination by a select few who sought and still seek world depopulation. This is part of why he is considered to be prophetic. The globalist are following his blue print. Research him.

April 17, 2023 10:18 pm

That’s right, Huxley wrote for the global PTB and Orwell was a company man that was given the script ahead of time. It’s easy to write about the future when you have seen the script.

April 20, 2023 12:02 pm

Correct. It’s no accident that nearly all boomers were forced to embed that predictive programming in their heads in school and others.

“Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford, Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite.4 Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover.

Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and the spiritual grandfather of the Aquarian Conspiracy. …. The “Open Conspiracy,” Wells wrote, “will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving . . . In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.”

…Wells called his conspiracy a “one-world brain” which would function as “a police of the mind.” Such books as the Open Conspiracy were for the priesthood itself. But Wells’s popular writings (Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and so forth), and those of his proteges Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm), were written as “mass appeal” organizing documents on behalf of one-world order. Only in the United States are these “science fiction classics” taught in grade school as attacks against fascism.

In 1937, Huxley was sent to the United States, where he remained throughout the period of World War II. Through a Los Angeles contact, Jacob Zeitlin, Huxley and pederast Christopher Isherwood were employed as script writers for MGM, Warner Brothers, and Walt Disney Studios.

Huxley founded a nest of Isis cults in southern California and in San Francisco, that consisted exclusively of several hundred deranged worshipers of Isis and other cult gods. Isherwood, during the California period, translated and propagated a number of ancient Zen Buddhist documents, inspiring Zen-mystical cults along the way.

In effect, Huxley and Isherwood (joined soon afterwards by Thomas Mann and his daughter Elisabeth Mann Borghese) laid the foundations during the late 1930s and the 1940s for the later LSD culture, by recruiting a core of “initiates” into the Isis cults that Huxley’s mentors, Bulwer-Lytton, Blavatsky, and Crowley, had constituted while stationed in India.

ze bugs
ze bugs
April 18, 2023 4:53 am

Americans have made their bed. They chose moral corruption over courage because it was easier.

April 18, 2023 7:00 am

“Finally, my brethern, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against sipritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6: 10-12

April 18, 2023 8:07 pm

Kinda looks to me like they had this grand plan to get the world in their hands, win game of thrones. Klaus et-al wove a web of bullshit to sell to the new serfs on how they’d be happier as slaves in a green utopia global business. He recruited key people in positions of power to his cause and they did bullshit that pissed you off trying to break you down.

I’ll refer to the scene in Network (1976), where Arthur Jensen lectures Howard Beale about how the world is a business…”for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.” Sounds like Klaus’ stakeholder capitalism.

It was all going so well for so long, then, shit, fucken Putin went and threw a wrench in the damn gears! Then Xi got all happy too! Then they started getting all happy with each other (sounds kinda gay!). Then the tide of countries started shifting to favor with Putin/Xi, even the damn Arabs! Well holy shit boys, we got us a situation!!

Looks to me like the plan went south on them. Only big ones not self-destructing their societies is Russia and China. They thought Russia would fall easily with just sanctions and the nato trained and equipped Ukies. Oops! The neocons running this shit show (who never win any wars) are about try a Hail Mary pass and start a real, direct war… and they don’t know what that REALLY looks like with a modern superpower(s). But they figure that’s the only thing that’ll cover for the financial fallout that’s coming as a result of the world turning its back on the west. Now intentional financial crash was likely anyway, but not with a competing alternative to what they’d offer! Oops!

In the End, Klaus loses. Unfortunately, in the meantime, he may make life hell for the west, and even capitulate some of the west – possibly Europe, but not likely the US, at least not permanently. Even though we have quite a pack of woke dipshits running around, we also have a bit too many people with guns and freedom and all that. The thing we have the most of is mindless consumer idiots, with no thought of freedom or dystopia. But in this, we have an even more powerful force. Shallow as it is, Americans like their shit, showing their shit off to others, and being amused by their shit. They love having their fancy houses in HOA neighborhoods and designer foods available everywhere, designer job. They can go in their designer cars anywhere they want with the overpriced designer dog hanging out the window. So you’re gonna rip all that away and push everyone into 15m cities, eating bugs?? People who formally had all that shit?? If Klaus thinks he can pull that off, he a dumbass of epic proportions!! I guess narcissism isn’t in the assumptions of things to mitigate!

Might actually work on Europeans… but if you love government that much.. This just illustrates how dumb this smart guy and his followers are. They think people all fit into one simple algorithm. Many do, but too many don’t. Not that Boobus-Americanus is all that smart, but Boobus lost all the wonderful shit – Boobus MAD! What’s that you say.. The covid 19 test showed they will!! Well, yes, temporarily, but will they again – permanently – not likely. As Celente said, when people lose everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose it! Boom!

I think your coming dystopia will be on borrowed time the moment it starts. As soon as the shock, fear, and confusion wears off, and the reality sets in a bit, the frustration and anger start moving in. They never tried the long term end of the experiment. Sad it has to start at all, buy hey, Boobus can’t be bothered with reality, football’s on…

i forget
i forget
April 19, 2023 1:42 pm

Or Killing Them Softly. The hitman’s monologue at the bar, characterizing America as a business, & that it has always been, so “pay me.”

True, as far as it goes.

But it goes so far because contrary how words & language & literacy & reading-is-fundamental-comprehension are packed into cranial cavities (caries?) by the “is it safe” villain from Marathon Man –(who is all about getting the children, for the children, as early in child’s life as possible, & then drill-drill-drilling them for 12 or 16 or 20 years)– words & language are not threaded & torqued like The Professor & the Madman truly-madly-deeply want & need them to be.

Words & language have no threads. Or torque settings. Words & language are axles, smooth, slippery-lubed, & wildly spinning. Axle shafts ‘ya makes a good cudgel-club-bludgeon, too – the best, in fact. (12-16-20 softening helps with that.)

And that’s how these characters can straight-face characterize overt criminality as “business.” That’s how theft & robbery & rapine can be alchemized from dross to “profit,” from sociopathy & psychopathy & cowardice “co-dependently” colluding in “revenue” & “payment” & “benefits” & “privileges” “collections.”

Putin & Xi, nor any other “leaders” riding along in their shiv-rolet (Chuck Berry) of “followers” are all the same people, spinning & lubing the same shaft, same as the more to the west “counterparts” are.

Forward & back, up & down.

comment image

Have a “nice” day, or life

nice (adj.)
late 13c., “foolish, ignorant, frivolous, senseless,” from Old French nice (12c.) “careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish,” from Latin nescius “ignorant, unaware,” literally “not-knowing,” from ne- “not” (from PIE root *ne- “not”) + stem of scire “to know” (see science). “The sense development has been extraordinary, even for an adj.” [Weekley] — from “timid, faint-hearted” (pre-1300); to “fussy, fastidious” (late 14c.); to “dainty, delicate” (c. 1400); to “precise, careful” (1500s, preserved in such terms as a nice distinction and nice and early); to “agreeable, delightful” (1769); to “kind, thoughtful” (1830).

April 19, 2023 6:36 am

SUE the Crown for Trillions. If Canada and the U.S. can, don’t see why the rest of us can’t. PAYBACK TIME: sue for damages and the rest of it the Crown has inflicted on MOST countries. Washington DC has no jurisdiction over the people of America whatsoever, nor over anyone else for that matter.

Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was illegally suspended in favour of a Vatican “Crown” corporation in 1871 – PRESS Core, August 21st, 2014

[snippet] As of 1871 the UNITED STATES isn’t a Country;
It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America,
the puppets of Roman Catholic Pope’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the People” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the People” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]

Both Canada and the U.S. can sue the Crown (defined by UK law as a corporation sole) for $trillions in damages and clear their entire national debts. Both Canada and the U.S. can sue the Crown because the Crown is a corporation that has abused its rights, powers and privileges and is engaging in unlawful acts or omissions as part of an ongoing criminal organization.

April 19, 2023 9:21 am

Clif High proposes that when the existing financial system collapses it will destroy the bad guys also. They depend on “free money” to do their damage to us. No more free money = no money to bribe or extort. There’s a silver lining to the cloud of economic destruction.

April 19, 2023 10:11 am

Yes, that is exactly right. I’ve said the same thing in the past also. We can hope power will evolve back to being limited to what is backed by real. Why I have said I almost feel giddy at the prospect, not that things won’t be epic I suspect. And there is always the chance they will pull off a wcbdc. Even then, much of people’s supposed imaginary wealth will I doubt survive, leastwise for those who aren’t truly the elite.

April 19, 2023 3:15 pm

I picture the entire world becoming like the worst parts of Africa and Mexico. Anarchy and areas controlled by armed cartels and warlords

April 19, 2023 3:31 pm

There certainly may be more areas (we already have that here in the US in parts I would suggest), but I also think there will be areas of relative stability. It all depends on resources, grit, outlook and talent.
For example, some places in Mexico where the citizens have taken the job of stability into their own armed hands.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
April 19, 2023 10:23 pm

“becoming like the worst parts of Africa and Mexico. Anarchy and areas controlled by armed cartels and warlords”

All that us enabled by a functioning western world. Where do the Africans and Mexicans get their guns and ammo from? They sure as he’ll don’t make it themselves.

Once the west is over, it’ll be local conflicts fighting locals

Sticks and stones will break thy bones!!!

April 19, 2023 10:14 am

Wishful thinking. What does he think CBDC / Fed Coin and such is for ?

Digits out of thin air. They would still control.
Change my mind

April 19, 2023 2:37 pm


Two complete opposites – Bo Polny and Clif High – are saying a great many of the same things.


Polny has specifically been saying the point you made for many years.