National Propaganda Radio strikes again

From Crimson Avenger at Defiant Thinking

I do my best to avoid the mainstream media – I find the bias so extreme and so blatant that I have a hard time listening to it. In my household, however, NPR is harder to avoid, as my wife is an avid listener. I usually find myself waking up to a snippet of their coverage, and their efforts to carry water for the establishment, while perhaps not as in-your-face as the commercial media, are completely transparent.

Such was the case yesterday morning, when I arose to a segment titled “Russians Devised Detailed Plan To Influence U.S. Voters, Reuters Says.” It featured one reporter interviewing another (a pet peeve of mine, done regularly on NPR). The second reporter, from Reuters, was on to talk about his “evidence” that a Russian think tank proposed a plan in 2016 to interfere in the U.S. election.

His evidence:

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USA 2017 vs. France 1789

From Crimson Avenger at Defiant Thinking

Most people are familiar with the story of the French Revolution: When the poor revolted against the unfairness and wealth inequality imposed by the aristocrats, they overthrew the monarchy and beheaded more than 40,000 people, mostly clergy and noblemen, as punishment for their crimes and injustices.

The days of using a guillotine may be behind us – but the anger that led to that revolution is similar to the growing anger at economic inequality in the US today, and could lead to the same kind of unrest.

In France, there were three classes: The First Estate, made up of clergy; The Second Estate, made up of the nobility; and the Third Estate, made up of everyone else. Even though the first two Estates were made up of just 3% of the population, they owned 35% of the land, paid almost no taxes, and held virtually all the political power in the country.

Where are we in America today?

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Protest songs

From Crimson Avenger at Defiant Thinking

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been listening to a lot of protest songs from the 60s and 70s – songs opposing the Vietnam War. They resonate as I watch Trump turn 180 degrees from the non-interventionist that he promised to be into someone dropping bombs (illegally) on a Syrian military base and threatening to start wars there and in North Korea.

Vietnam was a horrible war. We had no business going in, and the death toll was incredibly high. According to Britannica:

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While you were distracted by war…

From Crimson Avenger at Defiant Thinking

The threat of war certainly gets the attention of the American people, and within the last couple of weeks we’ve been presented with the idea of direct conflict with both Syria and North Korea along with some serious saber-rattling against Russia. As a result, public discourse has focused largely on this one topic to the exclusion of all else.

Of course, that’s a great thing for a political system experiencing epic failures across the board. So let’s think for a minute about what’s happening, and what the politicians don’t want us to think about, while they divert our attention:

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The Deep State wins again

by Crimson Avenger, posting at Defiant Thinking

Last night, Donald Trump let us all know that he lost in his attempt to “drain the swamp” (if that was ever actually his true intent). Instead, the swamp drained him. The Deep State proved that they continue to call the shots.

Trump repeatedly said that we should focus on ISIS, not Syria; that Syria was none of our business. The Russians were taking care of the situation in Syria. And, for a country $20 trillion in debt, it makes sense to let someone else solve problems in the Middle East sometimes.

And this week’s chemical weapon attack was so clearly a false flag. As Ron Paul notes, why in the world would Assad gas his own people when he’s winning? He’s taken back lots of territory; he has the support of the Russians (who would certainly abandon or censure him if he did this); and the US has recently been acknowledged that he’ll likely stay in power, and that we’re ok with that. So why would you possibly do something guaranteed to turn the world against you?

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