My TinFoil Hat is Shining

Seeing the articles on population control usually make me smile.  The idea is that scarce resources would not be used as quickly if there were fewer people on the planet.  This has been a theme since the clown Paul Erlich started with the population bomb concept 50 years ago. Then came the global cooling, hole in the ozone layer and most recently global warming. Paraphrasing Dr. Thomas Sowell  on being a college professor stating there is no other profession that does not have a penalty for being wrong.

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Gold is the second best currency

Our own national experience with hyper-inflation is largely forgotten but it bears remembrance with our current financial situation looming down the road. Fiat currency is a disaster waiting to happen.

In 1860 the wealthiest people in the world lived in the South.  Cotton was at all time highs and the coastal rice plantations of South Carolina and Georgia were shipping their product to China. We were financially stable with a gold standard and our agriculture production.

The reason we never hear about this is of course slavery.    The college seminaries of New England that espouse their moral superiority can trace their endowments directly to the finances of the slave trade, all the while trying to ignore their own involvement.

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Hollowing out our Society with Drugs

Another step in the examining of the deterioration of our society is our drinking water. That sounds quite odd but it is an example of a function that government should undertake, but considering the lack of profit potential for politicians will never happen. The subject has a very unfortunate amount of data to be assimilated before the problem can be addressed. It can be distilled down to the quote “drugs are us.”

We have wondered many times and made countless jokes about the lack of masculinity in the young men in todays’ society. They scream and point loudly but run when there is a self-induced or natural hysteria to be addressed. They are easily converted to transgender type homosexual paraders under the label of soy boys.

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Fortunately, we are being ruled by “the best and the brightest”!

Enough laughter, let’s move along. The country has reached the end of the process of governmental development and we are stuck at a dead end with authoritarianism the only logical ending.  We suffer through illegal search and seizure, free speech restrictions and star chamber trials just to name a few.

Government had its’ beginnings one dawn on the African Savannah as the sun rose through the mist.  A groggy hunter awoke from a fitful nights sleep the result of guarding his kill from the previous day.  Another hunter approached and they commiserated about the problem.  Finally a man appeared and suggested he would guard the kills for a piece of meat. Thus began the  governmental protection racket and its’ grasp for money and power.

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The USA is on the edge of bankruptcy which might not be a bad thing

All because Woodrow Wilson, the Puritan could not keep his zipper up.  Were his nights of passion worth the destruction of our country? The lawyer Samuel Untermeyer was able to use blackmail to heavily influence Wilson and thereby the course of US and world history on behalf of Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg, the Wall Street bankers. They had lent money to Britain for World War One.  By buying British war bonds for their own banks and the Federal Reserve putting the future of the US financial system at stake.  Our boys were sent forth to rescue our financial class.

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Is the New World Order on the Precipice?

The New World Order nobility may be receiving more roadblocks for their plans than they had anticipated. The entire scam is based on the ignorance and complacence of the great mass of people in the western based economies. Control of the West is essential for world domination. We are the source of wealth and innovation which makes it imperative. The new platform has begun to get rickety with energy problems, war and civil strife bubbling to the surface.

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What Level of Tyranny Will You Accept?

The concept of democracy revolves around self reliance. How much responsibility will you give away or allow to be taken before you resist?  The ruling class feels that you will not react to this loss and that independence is an abomination unless they get their cut.  This leaves a tiny minority to resist in the ultimate continual struggle, your freedom versus their greed. Their greed has quite a successful history and the overall theory behind it is quite simple.

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Madame Defarge Gazette

There is a picture of the Clintons, Bush the younger and the obama together all smiles that is the perfect symbol of our difficulties and decline.  The devolution of our society resulting from ill gotten wealth has led to depravity and simple puppetry that is our government in a nutshell.  The perversity and criminality grew from money grubbing, to money grubbing and perversity, to money grubbing, perversity and tyranny and intellectual simplicity.

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