China is too structurally weak for world domination

Consideration of the calorie problem is always the strategic imperative. Food is the basis for economic policy in primitive countries because political stability arises from food security. The Chinese obviously import a significant portion of their food from abroad. The US and the UK are the worlds’ largest food exporters and there is not possible to eliminate this Chinese structural difficulty.  Their attempts to buy farmland across the world are a testament to this reality.  We have recently seen the bird flu, swine flu and a wheat fungus further attacking their food stability.  The Chinese agriculture minister said in March of 2022 that this could be the worst winter wheat crop ever.  He was correct.  The Chinese President began a campaign to “clean your plate” in restaurants to help address the problem of food waste in the middle class with a catchy that political phrase. We have no word on its’ level of success.

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The Last Source for a Street Mob

Socialist children in college or on the street have no choice other than to be narcissists because no one else will listen to their drivel.  The person or group that exposes their inadequacies is the focus of scorn and hatred in perpetuity.  “You are just a hater” is a sample of the intellectual response of the left when confronted by their errors or their hypocrisy.  These children are the last foot soldiers available to the leftist New World Order crowd. Otherwise both would fall back into oblivion.

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Criminal Transportation Should Begin Anew

Many of the problems we encounter today have been addressed by our predecessors.  History frequently provides answers but our ruling class has a vested interest in continuing the error ridden policies that are abhorrent to normal people.  Here is a small idea to alleviate three problem areas we face today.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Great Britain was being overrun with a new criminal class that was migrating into the cities.  Famines were sweeping the land and the city offered hope for unneeded farm laborers.  Theft was the only way for these people to support themselves. The laws were rather barbaric to our eyes including hanging for theft.  Prisons were full and derelict ships were used to house the leftovers.

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Government is Plundering our Money and Freedom

What you want to believe is the ultimate question involving society. Long term or short term safety is as always the dilemma before us. Is the relative safety of the herd the most important decision point in your life? Giving up your personal responsibilities to a group or individual is the ultimate delusion while being the basis of government.  What are your responsibilities? They used to be your family and yourself. Now it appears transsexual transvestites have been shoved to the top of our priorities as a nation as cover for the great money laundry of Ukraine.

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Our country has been gutted by criminals and do gooders, it is time to move on

In the late 1960’s there was a new auto company in town. It was called Datsun. In Japan they were known as Nissan but they were afraid to use their real name here because they felt that their car importation plan might fail because of quality issues. In those days the label “Made in Japan” was laughed at all over the US. The quality was horrendous on every item. But Nissan went ahead and signed up car dealers and plunged into the market for inexpensive transportation. As their quality improved so did their reputation. Thus began the gutting of the US auto industry that has continued until todays’ carcasses of GM and Ford rot in the sun.

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Deep State incompetence and the destruction of civilization

In 2007 under Bush the younger, Congress passed the Renewable Fuels Standard that was designed to save the world. It has only resulted in the further impoverishment and starvation for the working classes across the globe.

The grain prices actually doubled overnight in reaction to this boondoggle. The real winners were of course the multi-national agriculture companies that own most of our land.  Another big winner was good ‘ole Al Gore and the Chicago Climate Exchange.  He was actually printing currency and major international companies still support it.  A Climate Credit was a paper representation of a tree being planted in the Amazon!  Big Al and his partners set up a market in Chicago trading credits and did well for a couple of years until he was laughed off the street.  Several large corporations fell into line giving it a short but amusing lifespan in the US but its’ continued use in Europe still drains our pocketbooks through their subsidiaries worldwide.

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The 19th Amendment and the Pharmaceutical Nanny State

The 19th Amendment was preceded by a long history of female activism before its’ passage in 1913.  It released changes of gigantic proportions in our political and social systems that are destabilizing our lives today.  Half of the population became eligible to vote and influence the direction of the country.  The 19th combined with the new trendy socialist parties began their march that has led us to the precipice.  The connection to the Pharma companies began in the 1950’s and has grown astronomically.  Together they have changed the course of our country for the worse.  Allied with the excuse of maternal societal concern is a bridge to political and personal dominance that created the nanny state.

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Will we pick ourselves up from the edge or continue over the waterfall and into history?

There is an easy to understand circle of power underlying our political system.  It starts with the bankers that have ruled since the 1913 Federal Reserve creation.  Their base desires rest upon greed and insecurity.  They rule through their paid minions in Congress and the White House and we have seen another example of their competence last week. Using donations and payoffs of various types has cemented their thrones. The politicians scramble for recognition as a higher visibility creates higher commissions and opportunities from their betters on Wall Street.

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Slavery, Taxes and Illusions of Freedom

We are continually pummeled with race hustlers and manipulators in our society attempting to sow dissent and discord among us while extorting money for their own benefit. One of the biggest problems we face is an incredible lack of knowledge about today’s society and our history. Many people are so intellectually inept or oblivious that some peroxided tart in a short skirt is their source for “news” and related facts.

A current subject is that of reparations for the “horrible crime of slavery” that ended 160 years ago. Many people are not even aware that slavery exists today in many muzlim countries because the tart is never given that information on her script for today’s recital. The numbers suggested for reparations vary but trillions would be required to meet the proclamations made by the media lackeys.

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Kids Surviving in an Economically Hollowed Out Country

The children and parents that provide the political support for the Deep State and socialists are only capable of superficial thought with a heavy dollop of estrogen on top. They will soon pay the price for their hysteria. The current multi-color flags being flown are just the latest iteration of a long process of socialist control that now has their goal in sight after a 70 year march through the entrails of the country.  Joe McCarthy was correct in his analysis and was the initial recipient of a media propaganda blitz and treatment by the virtuous socialists and the same program was resurrected for Donald Trump.

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The new Hippocratic oath, “First I will do no harm to my wallet.”

One of the most important pillars of our society was the practice of medicine.  The positive reputation of medicine formed before WW2 and continued until obamacare.  It has succumbed to financial pressure and now is dependent on an immoral socialist government.  This medical/governmental complex has outlived its’ usefulness and needs to be replaced.

Loss of the credibility in the medical industry was created by the usual suspects in today’s world, which are the doctors’ wallet, government and drug companies in pursuit of money and power.  In 1900 there were few of the medical procedures we rely on today as normal actions by a doctor.

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What are our options for resistance to our dissolution as a society?

I did not say as a “free people” as that ship sailed under Franky Roosevelt and has been sinking since.  We have recently had the revelation that our votes were irrelevant shoved into our nether regions. Where does this leave us?

The first thing we need to remember is that the foot soldier group for the WEF banking complex that currently rules is quite small. The constant interviews and video of marches provides an illusion of great numbers of citizens.  This is not the case.  The large media is paid or owned by a group that wants publicity for their program and can easily afford it.  The audience numbers for the infotainment programs of CNN, MSNBC, CBS etcetera are quite small when compared to our population.  They are lucky to get 1 million viewers for there shows.  The numbers work out to less than 2% of the population.

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Perhaps limited suffrage is not a bad idea after all

America does not exist as was designed in the 18th Century or even as remembered 50 years ago by the boomers.  We have been living in a comfortable shell allowing us to ignore what is going on outside of our orbit and are now paying a huge price for that self satisfied delusion.  The excuse of it being a gradual devolution is probably true in many respects but that does not preclude action now.  The generations reared by the boomers have no remembrance of the “good old days” unless you have spent time educating them. Even then, reading about the past does not have the significance of living it.  That is why the socialists have won.  Socialism always sounds SOOOO good to the simple people even after 130 years of failure. It has now been voted into action.

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Another failure of Government Exposed

Thermodynamics, Thermidorian Reactions, or Lobster Thermidor?

I recently asked a current PhD candidate in the Environmental Science Department if she could differentiate among the three items referenced above which created a quite sad discussion.  I would have laughed 10 years ago but today is quite different. Physics, history and culinary arts are things of mystery for her.  The degree she chose did not even require any hard science courses!  This child was brought up in a financially comfortable WASP background with access to a myriad of educational and entertaining subject matter. Obviously these advantages were as water off of a ducks’ back.  Our educational system is beyond redemption.

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Dereliction of duty

This is an article rinsed off from 2016, some of the names were brought up to date but the criminality remains the same two presidents and three congresses later.  It is not a call for optimism.

One might be called naive if one expected the political class to be dependable.  They obviously are not.  They are afraid to tell the truth for three main reasons.  One is that we do not want to hear the truth and the next is that their paymasters want return on their investment in each politician.  Lastly, the politician needs to make a good deal of money in case he wears thin and is thrown out.

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A spotlight on our government malfeasance and incompetence is frightening

The past few years have created a pair of conflicting emotions regarding our republic and the people who govern us. We have seen the true lack of morality in our rulers and the criminal activities of the ruling class. I had assumed that eight years of Chauncey Gardener as president had pulled us to the depth of our nightmare. Sadly I was wrong. We have now reached the lowest common denominator of society with the real life Joe Bribe’em replacing little barry as lead in the movie “Being There”.

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