The new Hippocratic oath, “First I will do no harm to my wallet.”

One of the most important pillars of our society was the practice of medicine.  The positive reputation of medicine formed before WW2 and continued until obamacare.  It has succumbed to financial pressure and now is dependent on an immoral socialist government.  This medical/governmental complex has outlived its’ usefulness and needs to be replaced.

Loss of the credibility in the medical industry was created by the usual suspects in today’s world, which are the doctors’ wallet, government and drug companies in pursuit of money and power.  In 1900 there were few of the medical procedures we rely on today as normal actions by a doctor.

Until 100 years ago the doctors perched on a low financial rung in society.  They were somewhat like used car salesman and spent their time hustling for a buck selling their homemade chemical concoctions of questionable efficacy.  There was no regulation of drugs as we know today. In 1924 heroin was available from the Sears Catalog with two needles for $1.50.  Cocaine was also legal and cheap.  Today there are more questionable concoctions of harmful chemicals but the financial hustling by the medical crowd is still the same.

The AMA was restructured to actually have standards. Amazing concept but they obviously failed!  Morris Fishbein was President of the AMA for 25 years beginning in 1924, and MD that never saw a patient.  His origin was a stenographer-MD for the editor of the Journal of the AMA. It did not inhibit his personal growth in the organization.  He attacked holistic medicine, midwives and Native American medicine during his tenure.  This persecution was designed to support the chemical based medical industry we suffer thru today.

He used the AMA seal of approval to empower himself and his chemist buddies financially.  The circular use of the  “peer revue” system label was used in advertising new drugs in the AMA journal.  New “research” that was flawed in a similar manner created the system we use today.  It was possible to introduce a new drug to the market even if it was not found to be functional or safe!  That would never happen today would it?  Oops! I forgot about the Pfizer checkbook.  Quack was the term Fishbein used for holistic medicine and was used for the propaganda to drive the rival system from business.  Even cigarettes were declared healthy and recommended as a cure for lung cancer while being advertised in the Journal of the AMA.

Financial incentives have always been the major impetus of the medical industry. In 1938 the prescription drug system was passed into law by the Feds and it has been downhill ever since. The state medical boards were strengthened and the medical license was now required to write a prescription.  Control of the distribution and therefore the price of the drug was safely in the hands of a new commissioned salesforce, the doctors.  You must pay a doctor for a prescription visit, a pharmacist to count your pills and put them in a bottle and the drug company to make them instead of using a one step catalog.

The Medical Industrial complex and your death by prescription drugs for fun and profit is a new wrinkle to the old system.  It is much too expensive for a new doctor to hang out a shingle today.  Most local hospitals are dominated by a corporate hospital system.  The doctor is just an employee and is just as replaceable as the janitorial staff.  In the recent virus scam, word came down from the finance offices that all patients, employees and visitors were to be tested for the bug in hopes of finding more income.  The government incentives for admitting a patient with the flu were tens of thousands of dollars.  The commissions from the tests are quite satisfactory.

Today the doctors hide behind the letters MD that have been ensconced as a positive in our society for a couple of generations.  The obamacare scam has changed our system completely.  The old system of independent medicine has been centralized across the board. Even your family doctor is probably an employee of a hospital group and can be fired immediately for independent thought or actions.  Diagnostic procedures and treatments are listed on various forms produced by the system and no deviation is allowed.  This is to inhibit independent thought and analysis and keep the corporate system in control of the government subsidies for patients.  The next step of course is a complete socialization of the system as in Canada or the UK to eliminate “too much profit for capitalists from our taxes.” Then comes the “Liverpool Pathway” to death because you are too expensive to treat you selfish person you.

The other necessity grown out of the program is to provide a defense for the inevitable lawsuits brought on by the legal system.  It is estimated that 30% of tests and procedures are a proactive defense against lawsuits.  That number represents an incredible amount of wasted resources and a marvelous rice bowl for the lawyers. With the new diversity requirements for medical students, a large number of patients will expire for no apparent benefit to anyone but the politicians, so maybe the clipboard medical system is necessary. At least we know the answer for the question “what will they do for money?”

A check from Pfizer or GSK goes a long way towards shaping medical attitudes about scientific progress and your health treatments, so be quite careful about what you sign at the hospital admissions desk.

The Madame

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Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
February 22, 2023 7:18 pm

It is interesting to read into the wording of the various oaths, starting with Hippocrates. The years since WW2 have seen a complete re-writing of the oaths, to the point that many medical schools just write their own. We have taken away the doctor-patient relationship enshrined by Hippocrates and replaced it with hospital systems.

  Visayas Outpost
February 22, 2023 8:13 pm

An astute observation there Sir.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Visayas Outpost
February 23, 2023 9:36 am

I would say we have replaced it with an insurance system, as they are the ones calling the shots and paying the bills

  TN Patriot
February 24, 2023 6:30 pm

….and then getting reimbursements AND massive kickbacks from the government, that is, from our tax dollars.

Insurance companies never actually pay-out a dime. It all comes back to them. And then they also keep whatever they could weasel out of the patient.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
February 22, 2023 11:21 pm

“The Medical Industrial complex …”

and now as the Medikill Industrial complex the worship of the old gods is realized:

Baal and Moloch are jealous that Hathor has a pharmaceutical company.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
February 22, 2023 11:36 pm

The writer misses one key element in the downward spiral of medical care in America: the advent of “Managed Care” in the mid-1970s whereby ostensibly the insurance companies-but really the federal government-took over a large majority of decision making in everyday medical care and did so based on a flawed economic analysis that undermined physician initiative and eventually destroyed the entire system. Show me a doctor today who gives a shit.

  Doc Adams
February 23, 2023 7:43 am

I have one and I’m keeping him.
He’s NOT part of the system and he refuses to join…..idk how long he’s going to last…..!

ze bugs
ze bugs
February 23, 2023 12:33 am

Most doctors are bags of shit. The few who stand up for the patients get crushed. Their colleagues are sitting there in silence afraid of losing what they have. Pigs all of them.

Wildfire Watcher
Wildfire Watcher
February 23, 2023 1:41 am

Find a good veterinarian who knows primates.

February 23, 2023 7:45 am

Lets not forget allowing the drug companies to advertise,thereby CREATING a consumptive market!…..wasnt allowed before the Reagan era….
How many drugs do we need for psoriasis anyway???…just treatment,no cure!…..

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 23, 2023 9:38 am

I’m old enough to remember when tobacco companies could advertise and pharma could not.

February 23, 2023 7:48 am

Oh,and dont forget all these diseases that are SO horrible and debilitating…… may NOT KNOW you have it?????WHA…….??
They think your an IDIOT!!
Occasionally we prove them right!!!

February 23, 2023 10:38 am

It all began with the 1910 Flexner report, and the organized destruction of the existing homeopathic medical marketplace of care that existed in the country. It was replaced in the end by government-controlled, government-protected, petroleum-derived, drug based medicine. Governments control who can practice medicine, who can perform what procedures, who can advertise what services, how many medical schools can exist, how many doctors they can graduate, what they must teach, how many internships and residencies are available, what drugs are legal, what can be called medicine, and a list of other destructive restrictions that is a mile long.

February 24, 2023 6:33 pm

Well done!!